Siren Song

32 Belated Reunion II

"Of course mother."

"You are a good man, I'm relieved to know my little Xiao Xie will be taken care of well." Li Hua's hand paused for a moment in its motions. "Have you told her yet?"

"I have not yet. I only just managed to catch her the other day."

"Where was she all this time?"


"Hah, she didn't go very far from home. My silly girl, so close yet so far away." One of the tears rolled down her cheeks, and Li Hua swiftly brushed it away with one of her long, slender fingers. "I am glad that I got to see her, before...Thank you Jian. Now that you've fulfilled one of this old lady's heartfelt wishes, now how about the other?"

Jian chuckled hearing Li Hua's request. "You should be talking to your daughter about that. Are you ready to take me up on my offer now, mother?"

"Mm, yes. There's things I still need to see and do, like play with some grandbabies!"


In a beautiful dream world Chang sat on a grassy knoll, beside a small crystal clear stream as it burbles happily along. The sunshine warmed her back brightening her spirits. She was around 7 years old again, wearing what had been her favorite white sundress, making flower jewelry. The breeze would rustle her hair comfortingly every now and, even though she was alone in the wide field of her dream; she didn't feel lonely. Soon an enticing smell wafted into her nose, causing her to salivate and her tummy to rumble. She pressed her little hand to her tummy to quiet it. A familiar voice that she had not heard in a long while rang out in her dream.

"Chhaaang! Where are you sweetie? time for luuuunch!"

She heard her dad's deep sonorous voice calling for her on the other side of a hill behind her.


She rushed to the sound and smell desperately. "Daddy!!" The closer she got, the further and further his voice sounded until she couldn't hear it anymore. Running as fast as her little legs could carry her, she tried to catch the vanishing voice. She tripped and stumbled, as her face hit the soft grass, Chang awoke with a start to her face on the hospital sheets. Slowly she gathered herself, recollecting where she was. The dream had been so vivid it was disorienting.

"Good you're awake, dinner is here." She heard Jian's voice from beside her, he was setting up a lap tray for Li Hua to eat in bed. The delicious smell was coming from a bag sitting on the chair next to her.

"Hi baby." She heard the voice in front of her and looked up to see her mother beaming at her. She looked like nothing so much as like an Angel, her crystal eyes shining and dancing. With she smiled , Chang could see why her father had given up everything to be with her.

"Hi Mom, I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I'm late."

"You're here now Xiao Xie, that's all that matters." Her mother patted her on her hands reassuringly. Chang smiled down at their hands.

'Wait how do I explain Jian?!' Just as Chang was brooding on how to broach the topic her mother spoke again.

"Xiao Xie, how come you never told your mom about your wonderful husband? Such a good man, and so caring, he's been taking care of me this past year while you were away."

Chang was surprised hearing that he had been taking care of her mother this past year. Her heart felt like it was squeezed soft by the thought.

"You caught yourself a keeper Xiao Xie, now hurry up and give me some cute babies to play with!"

Chang choked on her own spit hearing her mother's demand and started coughing madly. Jian came over and patted her back until she thankfully gasped in air. "Are you alright?" He whispered in her ear. Chang could feel herself turning bright red at his close proximity, especially right after her mother's words.

"Yes, fine, fine!" She tried to hurriedly wave him away to mask her embarrassment.

Li Hua and Liang Jian Amal shared a knowing, conspiratorial look over her head.

Liang Jian Amal set up a small folding table for the two of them and started pulling out the dishes. She recognized them all as her favorites from a small restaurant near her Mom's house. Her family had used to eat there whenever they went out to celebrate something. The last time had been her graduation ceremony, right before her dad had passed.

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