Siren Song

34 Paradise

Chang knew that an apology wouldn't come any where close enough to making up for all the time she had been away but there wasn't anything else she knew to say. Her mom had merely patted her back and told her that it was ok. Chang lay in bed thinking about the unusual circumstances surrounding her.

'Ugh I shouldn't have taken a nap earlier, stupid brain wont turn off now!' She tried to count sheep in her sleep, the sheep soon became lambs though, then babies and she thought about her mom's words and Jians devilish ways! 'Ahhhhhh my brain has been infected by them!' She smashed a pillow over her face trying to block out the thoughts and images flooding her mind.

She felt the pillow get removed from her face after a minute and saw Jian looking quizzically at her. Chang scrunched up her eyes trying to avoid his gaze as if he would read her thoughts and act on them. 'Shit I thought he was asleep, just ignore me, please go back to sleep demon beast-man!'

She felt his arms wrap around her waist and pull her into his embrace, with her back to him.

"Just go to sleep." his sexy voice said gravelly in her ear, his breathing disturbing the hairs around her neck.

'How can I?!?' Chang thought incredulously, she could feel his hard body pressed up against her surrounding her in heat. She lay there stiffly in his embrace for the longest time before sleep eventually took her against her will.

Chang awoke alone in the bed to muted light shining in through the hotel curtains. She arose and opened the window to see a bright, grey foggy morning, thick with the smell of salt and moisture. She took a deep whiff of the smell of home, it was fresh and it invigorated her. With a bright mood she hustled into the bathroom to shower and change out of the pygamas and into the clothes, all of which Jian had gotten for her. He seemed to have planned everything out thoroughly as he had a bag of toiletries that she used for her as well as clothes.

Humming a little tune she strode right into the shower and came face to face with a very surprised Jian who stood on the other side of the doorway.


His bronzed skin glistened with water rivulets and droplets. It looked like he had just gotten out of the shower and was still reaching for the towel.

"Are you prepared to take responsibility if you keep staring at me like that."

His smouldering voice brought Chang out of her reverie. 'Oh my God, I was staring at him so lecherously. How embarrassing!' Chang immediately turned around slapping her hands on her eyes. This was only her second time in her life at having seen him naked, she just wasn't used to such a sight...At all!! Especially so early in the morning.

She kept her hands over her eyes, back turned waiting for him to cover himself and leave. She heard him sigh from behind her and the sound of the towel being pulled off of the rack.

As Jian walked by her with a small towel wrapped around his hips he bent down and kissed the side of her cheek where her hand didn't cover and whispered in her ear.

"Good morning."

Maybe it was the way he whispered it or everything else but those two words sounded exceptionally filthy to her. She lifted her face all flustered and pushed him put of the bathroom and quickly closed the door.

Chang's heart raced as she leaned back against the door. 'That man will be the death of me!' she complained internally.

She hopped in the shower and surreptitiously cleaned herself, trying to avoid looking at the marks fading on her. The shower felt amazing and she would have loved to luxuriate in it for a while longer, but she wanted to find out what the surprise was. She got out after brushing her teeth and cleaning herself and dressed.

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