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Chang had to have picked one of the worst dumpsters to throw herself into. It seemed to be an Asian restaurant's dumpster, and while luckily it was half full so she didn't hurt herself in her haste. While also being remorsefully half full of rotting food and other refuse. Chang's nose wrinkled at the overpowering smell and clamped one hand over her mouth to keep hold of her stomach. She planned to hide there for a few minutes, just to be safe, but the various smells and sensations were too much for her stomach too handle. Just as she reached the top of the pile she heard someones heavy footsteps racing down the alleyway then "Chang!"

She stiffened immediately at the sound of the man's voice. She tried to stifle any noises she might make as the sound of his approach, the plastic was not helping her at all though.

'FML' she thought, putting a palm to her forehead. 'Guess its not time to get out yet.'

She hunkered back down on her little garbage throne, prepared to wait more, her nerves overpowering her queasy stomach. All of a sudden though the lid lifted and she was assailed with a fresh bag of garbage, splitting and dripping with who knows what. She mustered in her a determination she never knew she had to not immediately spring out of her hiding place.

After a few minutes, or what felt like an eternity. She heard someone knock on the side of the dumpster.

"Hey girlie you can come out now, that guy is long gone now."

At the sound of an older mans voice, Chang slowly peeked her head out of her hiding place, like a groundhog in spring. She turned her head and saw the older man looking to be in his fifties, leaning against the alley wall as he smoked a cigarette next to a metal screen door. He wore a small smirk at her state of appearance as she climbed to the top and jumped to the ground. Little bits of food matter hit the ground as she did, with an "oomph."

He snickered a little as he said "Hey girlie, why were you hiding from that man. He was pretty handsome." He took a long drag then continued. What would make you want stay hidden after i dropped all that garbage on you."

"You-!"Her cheeks puffed out and her face reddened.

'I cant believe that guy threw that garbage on top of me on purpose! Why would someone do that? What an a**!!'

"Hey wanna clean yourself up a bit in our kitchen, in repayment for today's entertainment?"

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