Siren Song

47 Let's Do Somethin Fun

"You're not supposed to wrap that around your waist like that, though it does look on you." He reached out and untied the simple knot she made in the front, and removed the sash and set it on the bed. He patted on the bed to have her sit there, which she did obediantly. "First let's do something about your hair, if it gets any more tangled you may never be able to get it undone, especially with what I have planned for today."

He grabbed a wide comb from the bed that he had brought from his mother's chamber with the clothes. He patiently detangle her long curly hair, then separated into three parts. He dexterously braided her long hair and tied the end with a small leather thong. He took the deep gold hijab1 and placed it on her head tucking one of the ends over the opposite shoulder.

"This is how you wear this. We only really need this when traveling through the city. One of the customs of the area, it will help keep unwanted eyes off of you." He explained as he adjusted it on her head. "There, did you get enough to eat earlier?"

Chang nodded her head eagerly ready, to explore, her curiosity firing her up.

"Then let's head out."


Chang looked up at the massive animal with u uncertainty in her eyes.

"I dont know if I can do this."

"You can, dont be afraid, you'll love it."

Liang JianAmal took her hand and and made her stroke the side of the neck of the cream cream colored Paso Fino1 mare in front of her. The mare knickered lightly and bobbed her head agreeably. He had chosen the most docile and even tempered amongst the horses that would be easier for a first time rider. The saddle too was designed for the comfort of an inexperienced rider.

"Now put your left foot in the stirrup", he pointed as he coached her. "Now swing your right leg up and over to the other side of the horse." As she did he kept his hands on her waist, helping to stabilize her. She nervously gripped the pommel of the saddle in front of her, stiff as a board. "Relax, just let your hips roll with the movement, and keep your head straight."

"I feel like I'm going to fall this doesn't feel right, I want down."

The stallion stood tall and proud his black tail held high showing off his spirited demeanor. He was familiar with the sire of the stallion he now rode, who had been wild and reckless horse, it seemed the two year-old colt may be even more highspirited. He had even been named 'Zawbiae' the whirlwind or tornado. Once mounted on his stallion he took the bridle of Changs horse, he looked at her and asked if she was ready. She nodded and he led them out of the paddock and down off the plateau the palace sat on and into Muzdahir, the Capitol city and where the majority of the populace lived.

The smells of cooking, food, fish, animals and spices, as well as the sound hit them long before they completed the twenty minute ride down.


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