Siren Song

6 Nothing a few drinks can't fix II

Andre came over with a short glass of rum and coke, with a small straw in it, as well as a glass of water. He looked over at Chang and gave her a wink and a smile as he placed the glasses on the table. He had thick black hair that was slicked back showing off his twinkling black eyes. He had a long lean muscular build as if he ran fairly often. His tight black jeans stopped right at his hips showing off the top of the "v" below his abs.

At the sight of the half naked hunk of man-meat in front of her she blushed and shyly turned her face away. Even though he wasn't even half as handsome, or as muscled, or had even half the charm as Him, she still felt nervous from the amount of exposed flesh and her appearance. She knew she looked a mess and was horrified about her appearance, showing up like this. If she could have dug a hole in the floor and buried herself, she would do so immediately!

Justin grabbed a napkin off of the table and dipped part of it in the glass of water, he straightened Chang up and started to clean her face. "So, what's got you looking like you just came out of a horror film?" He looked at her with just the corner of his eyes as he paused his ministering, "Hmm?"

Chang immediately pulled the glass towards her and took a long chug through the straw as he paused. "He showed up on my way here.." She looked down at the table as she said this.

Justin was shocked by her words. "You mean that guy you talk about sometimes, the one you always get all cryptic with me about. What was it you told me 'the guy you want the most, but want to never find you the most.' 'Your dream man'That one?"

She blushed at him recounting what she had haltingly told him about Jian while drunk. She never spoke of him otherwise, which had led to an increasing curiosity in Justin, as her roommate and best friend. When they would get drunk at their little apartment he would "casually" bring up the topic fairly often. AT this point and time he knew pretty much everything about the guy except his name and what Jian and Chang's relationship is.

He frowned looking at how nasty the cloth was and turned it over wetting it, and proceeded to clean the rest of her face, he beckoned for her to continue. "Sooo what happened? Your dream man shows up and you come out looking like a garbage pail kid? Details girl! Details!"

She took a deep breath and continued, " I ran when I saw him, and when he came after me i hid in a dumpster bin."

" OK, drink that up girl, go in the bathroom, fix your hair. Your face looks good, you had enough eyeliner to sink a ship, so you got a nice smoky eye look now! Ill see about finding some clothes for you, those definitely will not work! Let's move past this funk and get you ready to meet the boss-man! Don't you worry girl, you be yourself, he'll love you! Just be with him like you are with me, that little spunky trouble maker that you are!"

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