Siren Song

74 Let's Talk

Jian reached over and wiped the spot on her cheek with a cloth.

'Well..that was real.. real embarrassing..'

Chang stopped watching him and instead concentrated on eating her fill. She had so many questions she wanted to ask, she didnt know which one to start with. After they had finished he invited her to take a nighttime stroll with him through the gardens.

Except for the few words she had said right after waking up she did not say a word. Liang Jian Amal was confused by her reticence, he thought she would be as bubbly as before, and excitedly tell him everything that had happened while he was away.

'What happened earlier today to make her like this?'

Like a silent shadow she walked beside him through the moonlit gardens. The night sky was like a dark purple velvet above their heads strewn with thousands of diamonds.

"Have you had fun exploring over the last few days?"

She nodded her head to his question. He watched her expression that she was trying to make a blank canvas, devoid of emotions.

"Have you been practicing riding while I've been away?"

"Nn." At least that time he got a single syllable answer as well as a nod. Liang Jian Amal reached out to one of the blooming fragrant moonflowers and plucked one and tucked it into her hair near her ear. She looked up at him and he thought he saw a trace of sadness swimming in her large beautiful eyes. He couldn't bear that and pulled her into his arms, inhaling her

"I'm sorry I was gone so long. Everyday was torture without you."

'Yeah I highly doubt it was torturous to be surrounded by hot women.' Chang was shocked by her own venomous thought while in his arms. She wanted to enjoy the fact that he was back, but was still unhappy about the photos she had seen. She pushed herself out of his arms and took a few steps back.

"I-I'm kind of tired from earlier still, I did a lot of exploring today. I'm gonna go back to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow." She awkwardly explained and headed back inside and to Amira's chambers.

Liang Jian Amal stood with empty arms for a moment before striding angrily to his Jid's wing of the palace on the second story.

"Jid, something appears to have happened to my bride while I was away, would you happen to know of this."

"Hafid, it appears your father and your uncles are finally making their move. I fear Lahat may not be as peaceful a place anymore, nor a safe haven for much longer." Hakim Al-hassan wore a wearied expression as he said this and appeared to have aged since he had been gone. The younger man reached and grabbed onto the older man's forearm which lay on the table.

"I will not let your dream collapse Jid."

Hakim Al-hassan gave Liang Jian Amal a firm nod in confirmation of his oath.

"Aiyah! What are you doing trading words with an old man in the middle of the night after just having returned from being away. You should be with your lovely young bride."

Liang Jian Amal frowned thinking of how she had avoided him earlier.

"At the moment, my beloved seems to want more time away."

"That is her fear talking."

"Fear? What happened Jid?!" Liang Jian Amal slammed a fist on the table. Who would dare to?

"Talk to her yourself, outsiders shouldn't me overly meddlesome with a young couple. You two need to figure it out between yourselves." Hakim Al-hassan gave his advice with his eyes closed as he sipped the thick liquid.

Liang Jian Amal straighted his jacket as he stood.

"Then I shall take my leave for the night, Jid." He started to walk away before turning. "Thank you." Liang Jian Amal sincerely thanked him, he knew the risk that was being taken.

Hakim Al-hassan stared after his grandson as he left. 'He is becoming a very respectable and reliable man. You would be proud my daughter.'


After Chang left, she headed for the bathroom. She hadn't bathed all day, and could catch distinctive whiffs of horse and sweat on her. As she ran the water she pulled the tunic up and over her head, but winced from the pain in the middle of her spine. Once the cloth was off, she gingerly reached her fingers to her back to feel scabbing on her back. It must have been fairly bruised as well as it hurt just touching upon the landscape of scabbing on her back.

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