Sister's training method is not scientific

Chapter 134 Raise your status

Yun Jin's expression was a little complicated, and she couldn't help but said: "Elder brother, it doesn't have to be like this."

Yue Zhao smiled: "Little junior sister, I'm afraid you don't know. You are now a unique existence within the sect. The master has controlled the Tianxing Sect for so long, and you are the only one who can confront the master head-on and still... You have taken advantage of some people. Behind your back, people like Ming Lao Jian Lao who are not concerned with worldly affairs are willing to stand up for you. Senior Ling is even more for you. Even senior Bai Yu has invited you out. Not only that, you also use yourself Your talent has created miracles again and again, and you are different to everyone in Tianxing Sect. Do you understand?"

Yun Jin was stunned for a moment. Is she different?

Yue Zhao said warmly: "Everyone believes that you can create more miracles. You will also become a beacon and a light in the miracles again and again."

Become this Tianxing Sect, the true faith.

Now, as long as Yun Jin continues to create miracles and continues to become stronger, then the day she surpasses Zhao Wuji will be the day she becomes the uncrowned king of the Tianxing Sect.

Yue Zhao didn't mind pushing behind the scenes. In fact, he has already started to do this. He asked people to spread the news. Now the news has spread among his disciples. As long as Yun Jin takes action, Zhao Wuji's monopoly on seeds can be broken.

"Senior Brother, are you exaggerating?" Yun Jin was a little embarrassed.

"It's not an exaggeration at all." Yue Zhao smiled: "Little junior sister, I'm afraid you don't know what the Tianxing Sect was like before you came."

At that time, the Tianxing Sect was lifeless, and everything was under the control of Zhao Wuji.

Everyone wants to resist, but they can't find a way to resist, so they can only endure it day by day.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a pool of stagnant water.

The current Tianxing Sect has been completely revitalized due to the addition of Yun Jin.

Some people began to want to resist, some began to secretly plan, some had wandering thoughts, and some were tossing and turning.

All these changes were brought about by Yunjin.

His junior sister has done so much, she deserves to stand on the altar.

Yun Jin felt a little embarrassed, but not too embarrassed.

After all, she is indeed quite good.

Yun Jin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, she was indeed the best.

"Elder brother, how do you plan to handle this kind of thing?" Yun Jin asked.

In this matter, we must not only help the peaks resolve the matter, but also further solidify Yunjin's character of creating miracles.

on the other hand. She cannot be discovered by Baicao Pavilion, she is Yun Jin.

Her identity will definitely be exposed later, but not now.

It is also difficult to operate it properly.

"This matter is not difficult." Yue Zhao said slowly: "I have made arrangements. As soon as you come out of seclusion, the seeds will be sent to Tianjian Peak. At that time, you will be responsible for distributing them to the peaks. Don't you want to follow Yang Does Hui learn the art of weapon refining? This kind of thing can also be used as a bargaining chip."

Yun Jin nodded knowingly and asked, "Elder brother, what did you tell Baicao Pavilion?"

Yue Zhao raised his eyebrows: "I only said that I have a grudge against Zhao Wuji, and I can't see him covering the sky with one hand." He also hinted that he wanted to support Tianjian Peak to deal with Zhao Wuji. Pavilion Master Chen is also a smart man, so he naturally understood. .”

Yun Jin also laughed when he heard this.

Yue Zhao's rhetoric seems a bit too direct, and may even expose his identity.

But it's not.

First of all, in Chen Changrong's eyes, they must be the kind of super sect, or even disciples of the Holy Land. Yue Zhao said he had a grudge against Zhao Wuji, how would he think about it?

He would never think that Yue Zhao would be a young disciple of the Tianxing Sect. How could a disciple be worthy of having a grudge against the master?

He would think higher, wasn't Zhao Wuji's father from Qingxiao Pavilion? Chen Changrong probably thought that the hatred mentioned by the senior brother was related to the Qingxiao Pavilion man.

In this way, the senior brother indirectly raised the status of the two of them to a higher level. Those who can have enmity with the people of Qingxiao Pavilion can only be people from the Four Holy Lands. In Chen Changrong's eyes, they are 100% from the Holy Land and have not escaped.

After a little investigation, he will find that Tianjian Peak has been suppressed by Zhao Wuji for many years, but recently, it has been reversed.

Has Tianjianfeng become more powerful?


It was most likely that Ren Woxing and his junior sister were secretly supporting Tianjian Peak.

Even Yun Jin's various arrogant behaviors were ordered by the two of them, with the purpose of making Zhao Wuji unhappy.

Yue Zhao didn't say this explicitly, but after Chen Changrong's investigation, he naturally made up his mind like this.

Next, in order to continue to cooperate with Ren Woxing, he would only help cover it up and prevent others from thinking about the alchemy genius through Tianjian Peak.

Yue Zhao looked at Yun Jin's thoughtful expression and smiled slightly.

It took him two lifetimes to understand these worldly things.

But this little junior sister like him seems to understand this naturally.

Even though she seems to behave very eccentrically on weekdays, people she wants to make friends with all like her very much.

She has always made a clear distinction between enemies and friends.

This is probably considered a talent.

"So." Yue Zhao said with a smile: "In order to prevent outsiders from doubting the relationship between Baicao Pavilion and Tianjian Peak, Baicao Pavilion sent seeds this time in a commercial cooperation model. That is, Baicao Pavilion sells seeds at low prices. After the spiritual plants mature, each peak needs to sell him a batch at a low price. But this agreement is relatively fair, and each peak readily agrees. We at Tianjian Peak are in the middle, just as a middleman. In business, naturally No one will doubt it."

Yun Jin nodded: "Then let's do it."

Yue Zhao said: "Then I will arrange the delivery from Baicao Pavilion now."

Yue Zhao turned around and went to contact Chen Changrong.

It only takes a few hours.

The seeds from Baicao Pavilion arrived, along with several business agreements.

Yun Jin took a look and found that it was indeed very fair.

"Little junior sister, next, shall I accompany you for a walk around the peaks?" Yue Zhao said.

"Okay." Yun Jin perked up and responded.

In fact, whether in her previous life or this life, she has never visited all ten peaks of Tianxing Sect.

This time, we can take a good look at what is going on in these ten peaks.

According to distance.

The first stop is Mingyue Peak.

Mingyue Peak is a neighbor of Tianjian Peak, and the peak leader Fang Mingyue is also more partial to Tianjian Peak. She has even spoken to them openly several times.

If you want to win allies, Fang Mingyue is the first choice.

But this is something for another day. Before there is absolute strength, any alliance will be illusory.

Today, Yun Jin came to the door just to discuss this kind of business.

Mingyue Peak, Lingtian.

All the spiritual plants in the spiritual field have been collected, and now only some stock seeds are planted sporadically, which is not a good idea at all.

Fang Mingyue looked at it and felt a little headache.

She indeed took the opportunity to take back the spiritual field, but Zhao Wuji's methods were too cruel.

Seeds are the basis of all spiritual plants. He directly cut off their way to buy seeds. Even if they train planters in the future, what's the use?

"Peak Master, Yue Zhao and Yun Jin of Tianjian Peak would like to see you." A disciple came in to report.

Hey guys, my son has pneumonia... he has been running to the hospital all day, and I think he will have to run for a few more days. I will try my best to update next time, but the time may not be fixed. Why.

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