Sister's training method is not scientific

Chapter 139 No one can change it

I just learned about the situation here.

Chen Changrong personally sent a middle-aged man out.

With a smile on his face: "Master Qi, I have already told you everything I know. I really don't know her specific identity. If I knew, could I still hide it from you, Master Qi?"

Qi Yu looked at Chen Changrong meaningfully: "You don't know anything about it, but Baicao Pavilion has been selling perfect quality pills."

This proves that Chen Changrong is still in contact with that peerless genius, but he is unwilling to disclose it.

Yiqi Sect is a well-known and authentic sect. Qi Yu came this time with the intention of recruiting disciples rather than making enemies. Therefore, although he knew that Chen Changrong was lying, he could only understand it with emotion and reason. You can't really do it forcefully.

Chen Changrong suddenly showed an awkward smile: "Master Qi, I only have some business contacts with her. As for more, I really don't know."

Qi Yu said: "Okay, I won't force you to do anything. I just want you to give me a message and tell her that as long as she is willing to come to Yiqi Sect, she will be my direct disciple. I am willing to teach her everything I have. Pavilion Master Chen, if this matter is completed, I will personally give you a seventh-grade elixir."

Is it just a seventh-grade elixir?

At this time, Chen Changrong was shocked.

This is a big deal!

It made him a little excited.

Qi Yu deliberately said this in front of others, and then said: "I will come here today, and I will come to find you tomorrow."

Qi Yu left calmly.

Chen Changrong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It is really unheard of for a second-grade alchemist to cause such a turmoil.

Chen Changrong couldn't help but think of what Qi Yu said to him.

"After more than a hundred tests, I used her recipe and barely succeeded once. I found that in order for this streamlined recipe to be successful, it must be 100% perfectly integrated with all the ingredients. Then even the slightest loss is useless. As a seventh-level alchemist, I still need to try so many times before I can barely succeed once, and I have not been able to succeed a second time. But what about her? With such a simple elixir, she actually It can 100% refine elixirs of perfect quality. Pavilion Master Chen, do you know what this means?"

"This means! Although she is only a second-grade alchemist, her control over the power of medicine has even surpassed that of a seventh-grade alchemist like me! If such a talent can teach her systematically, she will become a seventh-grade alchemist in the future. , it’s almost 100%, if there are some more opportunities, it may not be impossible to become a ninth-grade alchemist!”

"If you help me connect the dots, it's possible to witness the rise of an alchemy genius. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of her talent?"

Although Chen Changrong still controlled himself, he did not reveal how to contact Yue Zhao.

But when he thought of these words, he couldn't help but marvel.

The minimum guarantee is that he is a seventh-grade alchemist.

There is also the possibility of becoming a ninth-grade alchemist in the future!

That day.

Ren Woxing took a little girl into Baicao Pavilion, and from then on, the wheel of fate began to turn.

"Pavilion Master Chen, is it our turn?" Ming Heng couldn't help but say.

Chen Changrong could only smile bitterly: "Yes, yes. Please come this way."

Another long conversation. These people come here almost every day. They know that Chen Changrong will not say anything, but they still come to him over and over again. There were more people who came before, but most of the forces chose to give up after knowing that there was no hope of recruiting the alchemy genius, or they used their own methods to search for him privately.

At the moment, these are all things that I think are still possible.

Chen Changrong had no choice but to wait patiently.

After the interviews ended one by one, Chen Changrong finally saw Zhao Wuji and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Is this a new face?

"Please come this way." Chen Changrong invited people in anyway.

inside the room.

Chen Changrong was about to ask.

Zhao Wuji removed his disguise and looked at him coldly: "Chen Changrong, you are really brave."

Chen Changrong saw it and understood instantly. He said with a smile: "It's Sect Master Zhao who is here. Why didn't you tell him in advance? I can make some preparations in advance."

"You dare not listen to my orders, but now you are just showing off." Zhao Wuji sneered. He didn't want to find that peerless genius, nor was he afraid of offending Chen Changrong. With the pressure from the integration stage, he rushed over in an instant. Chen Changrong pressed down.

Chen Changrong's face was still smiling at first, but the next moment, his expression couldn't help but change.

Zhao Wuji made up his mind to teach Chen Changrong a lesson. This time, he did not give ten percent of his efforts, but only seven or eight points.


The coercion he exuded disappeared in the next moment.

Zhao Wuji's expression changed slightly.

Chen Changrong stopped laughing. He looked at Zhao Wuji calmly: "Sect Master Zhao. I don't need to obey your orders in Baicao Pavilion. Of those people just now, none of them are of high status. Guess why they are so honest?" Is there really a queue at the door?"

Zhao Wuji's expression suddenly changed.

He stood up immediately: "I won't argue with you about the seeds. Remember, there won't be a next time."

Zhao Wuji turned around and left immediately.

Chen Changrong smiled: "Then I won't give it away."

When Zhao Wuji left, a slender old man walked out of the shadows.

"Thank you so much, senior." Chen Changrong said respectfully.

The old man shook his head, "The Chief Pavilion Master sent me here to ensure your safety and ensure that the transaction continues."

He glanced at Chen Changrong and asked, "Do you think it is possible for that alchemy genius to be used by us?"

Chen Changrong gave a bitter smile and said: "Senior, most of them are already disciples of super sects or even holy lands, and now they have only traveled here. I have also told Qi Yu and the others these words, but they have been holding on to the precautions Fantasy, you have to get to the bottom of it. But based on my interactions with the two, I feel that there is a 90% chance that the two are of noble birth."

"So, my suggestion is: don't explore the identities of the two people, but try to hide them for them. If the identities of the two people are really exposed, I'm afraid they will leave the Blue Country and travel elsewhere. Our business, I can’t do it anymore.”

Chen Changrong whispered: "The profit from this perfect quality pill is quite good."

The old man was a little regretful, but he still nodded: "This matter is naturally your decision. However, we at Baicao Pavilion should not interfere too deeply in the enmity between these two people and Zhao Wuji. That's all for Zhao Wuji, but Behind him..."

The old man pointed to the sky.

Chen Changrong understood: "I understand. I'm afraid those two don't want us to interfere too deeply. They would rather support Tianjian Peak and slowly fight Zhao Wuji. Maybe this is also a kind of experience for them."

"Just understand. On the surface, this seems to be a fight between Tianjian Peak and Zhao Wuji, but there are people behind them. In the end, it is very likely that it is an overt and covert fight between the two holy places. Although we in Baicao Pavilion also have some forces, But in front of the Holy Land, you are still an ant after all." The old man sighed.

Chen Changrong also sighed.

This is the world.

Except for the four holy places.

Who is not an ant?

The people there are truly the proud ones!

Mortals like them can only look up.

Zhao Wuji originally wanted to go to Chen Changrong to question him, but when he came back, he was only full of anger.

He gritted his teeth.

There were only two months left, and he only had to wait two more months.

Two months later, that damn Yunjin and that damn Tianjian Peak will be buried together.

This was said by him, Zhao Wuji!

No one can change it!

Babies, I’m so tired. There’s only one update today. I’ll supply everyone with the third update tomorrow

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