Sister's training method is not scientific

Chapter 206 Do you want to die? fulfill you

Li Heng's eyes were not focused at all. He took out a black bowl with some confusion, and then said: "This is the magic weapon I got from the evil people. I used the secret method to extract the evil energy inside, and then used the secret method to temporarily seal it in In Lin Ya's body, he faked the phenomenon that he practiced evil techniques."

Li Heng, who was controlled by Master Liuli, honestly said everything without any room for resistance.

Uncle Li actually said it!

Zhao Wuji's expression changed.

He struggled to break away, and suddenly found that he could move. He subconsciously shouted: "Uncle Li! Wake up."

Liuli had already removed the spell. When Zhao Wuji shouted, Li Heng was still dazed at first, but in the next moment, his whole body trembled and he suddenly woke up!

Memories from before flooded into his mind, and he suddenly realized what he had said!

Li Heng's expression changed drastically, and cold sweat dripped down his head.

"Li Heng, what else do you have to say now?" Shen Yanye said and glanced at Qingyun proudly.

Do you see it?

Wherever there is a chance for you to show off, my master will solve it easily!

In terms of numerous methods, who can compare with their beast master.

Yun Jin must have admired them greatly.

Qingyun's face looked a little ugly, but he just snorted coldly. Just wait, his good disciple will definitely not be fooled by these superficial things. Only alchemy is the real way!

"I..." Li Heng wiped his sweat and gritted his teeth and said, "I was framed! I was controlled just now and I don't even know what I said!"

Li Heng looked at Liuli with a look of sorrow and anger: "Senior, I don't know why you want to frame me like this?"

Master Liuli looked indifferent and was too lazy to talk to Li Heng.

Shen Yanye couldn't help but speak on behalf of his master: "Li Heng! The Questioning Beast has already given a positive answer. What are you still quibbling about now?"

Li Heng immediately said: "What kind of sophistry is this? The Questioning Beast is your spiritual beast. Can the spiritual beast disobey its master's orders? You must have let it frame me!"

This Li Heng is really unwilling to see the Yellow River. Shen Yanye narrowed his eyes: "Oh? Then you actually have an evil magic weapon in your hand, so what do you mean?"

Li Heng said without hesitation: "As the leader of the Demon Breaking Alliance, I have confiscated several evil magic weapons. Is there any problem?"

Shen Yanye sneered: "Why don't we test Lin Ya again to see if he has the evil aura from before in his body!"

Li Heng's secret technique only made Lin Ya exude an evil aura during the test.

By this time, there were no traces left.

Li Heng turned his eyes and said, "You can re-test. There may have been an accident when I was doing the test, which resulted in a misjudgment. If Lin Ya is proven innocent, then I will let him go."

He said it lightly, as if it didn't matter whether he had wronged Lin Ya or almost killed Lin Ya. All he had to say was to let him go, and everything would be revealed!

Seeing that something was wrong, Zhao Wuji hurriedly said: "Yes, it's just a small mistake. It doesn't need to be so on-line."

Cang Li turned his head and suddenly glanced at Zhao Wuji coldly.

He didn't take any action, and there wasn't even any spiritual energy fluctuations on his body.

With just that glance, Zhao Wuji suddenly felt a stab of pain and fell to his knees involuntarily.

Looking at this angle, it looks like he is kneeling down towards Lin Ya.

"You, the leader, are quite good here." Cang Li said calmly.

How ironic this sounds.

Zhao Wuji wanted to defend himself.

But the stinging pain came in waves, and his waist bent lower and lower. In the end, he was in a posture of prostrating himself on the ground.

Li Heng's expression changed slightly: "Brother Cangli, the father of Sect Master Zhao is my senior brother, Zhao Ling of Qingxiao Pavilion. If you attack him for no reason, does it represent you or Kunlun?" Sword Sect? Or, do you, Kunlun Sword Sect, want to start a direct war against Qingxiao Pavilion?"

Li Heng suddenly started to go online.

Cang Li said coldly: "You used your authority to frame others wantonly, and he colluded with you to frame people from your own sect. You two are indeed the same species. Let the Tianxing Sect handle the affairs of the Tianxing Sect themselves. As for you... ...Li Heng, I want to take you back to the Demon Breaking Alliance for investigation!"

Li Heng's expression changed slightly.

Go to the Demon Breaking Alliance? There are a lot of big guys there, and they all have the means to check him out!

If this was really investigated, wouldn't all the things he did be revealed!

"Brother Cangli!" Li Heng said immediately: "You stepped forward today and said these words. Are you really doing it for fairness and justice, or are you just trying to save Lin Ya?"

"I can see that you and Lin Ya know each other. So, just because you are old acquaintances, are you going to get into trouble and put me to death?"

Li Heng looked sad and angry: "I am no match for Brother Cangli. If you want to take me away, I have no choice! However, I, the people of Qingxiao Pavilion, cannot be bullied like this! Take me to be judged by you. This is Questioning me is also a huge shame, so I might as well die here now!"

Li Heng suddenly pulled out a small sword and pointed it directly at his Dantian: "When I die, everyone in Qingxiao Pavilion will definitely avenge me!"

Cang Li's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

This Li Heng is so shameless.

He obviously didn't dare to accept the investigation, so he made this appearance!

But if he is really allowed to die, he will die without any evidence!

Just when the scene was at a stalemate.

In an instant.

A sword light fell from the sky.

This sword light, mighty and silvery, fell from the sky like a waterfall.

What's going on?

Li Heng's eyes changed slightly, and he was about to say something.

The sword light had already fallen on him.

In an instant.

His whole body was submerged in the sword light.

The body was instantly shattered into powder.

The next moment, Li Heng's Nascent Soul emerged from the powder in a daze.

This Yuanying subconsciously wanted to escape.

The sword light condensed into a net, binding it tightly.

"Do you want to die? Then I can only help you." A voice sounded from the horizon, getting closer and closer.

Qingyun's expression suddenly changed.

not good!

It's Ji Wusi!

That bastard actually came in person!

Moreover, he hid until the end and then appeared in such a showy way!

He did it on purpose, absolutely on purpose!

Liuli's expression also changed drastically.

Ji Wusi!

Ji Wusi, who didn't care much about anything except killing demons, actually came here in person.

He also wants to grab Yun Jin?

Yun Jin looked at the horizon curiously, wondering who it was this time.

next moment.

Qingyun and Liuli came to Yunjin while Ji Wusi was still showing off.

Yun Jin: "????"

She hasn't reacted yet.

A spiritual beast suddenly picked her up.

Before she could sit firmly, Qingyun shouted: "Liu Li, don't even think about it!"

A white thread appeared in his hand, instantly pulling Yun Jin back.

"Qingyun! This is my disciple of Liuli, you can't take it away!" Liuli shouted sharply, with light shining in his eyes.

Mystic magic, activate!

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