Sister's training method is not scientific

Chapter 212 Yun Jin’s proposal

Tianjian Peak.

Ji Wusi Qingyun Liuli sat in a row. Behind the three of them, Cang Li, Shen Yanye and Qi Yu stood respectively.

Yun Jin sat in the row opposite with a troubled expression.

"Xiao Jin, have you thought about it?" Lin Ya asked cautiously.

He prayed silently in his heart.

This little aunt, don't say anything else because he doesn't want to leave.

Yun Jin sighed: "Three seniors, you are all leaders in your respective fields, and I respect you very much. But now there is a problem."

"Say." Ji Wusi said quickly.

Yun Jin rested her chin on her hand: "Kunlun Sword Sect, Xuan Dan Sect, Beast Control Sect, no matter which sect you join, you can only specialize in one in the future, right?"

As soon as these words came out.

Ji Wusi Qingyun and Liuli reached a rare consensus, and the three of them nodded at the same time.

Liuli said: "Girl, I know that your talent is amazing, but before you become an immortal, your lifespan is limited. There once was a peerless genius who was talented in multiple fields at the same time, so he claimed to be extremely smart. He was far better than ordinary people, so he practiced in many fields together. The result? No matter which path, it became more and more difficult as he went to the back. How could he reach a high place when he was so distracted? Later, when he realized that something was wrong, When he wanted to specialize in one subject, it was already too late. His lifespan was up. In the end, this peerless genius died during the Tribulation Period and did not even reach the Mahayana stage. If he had specialized in one subject, it would have been very difficult. I hope to become a Mahayana and even become an immortal."

"Yes." Qingyun also nodded: "Actually, everything in the world has its own path. No matter which path you take, you can reach the avenue. But the reason why there are only four holy places is because our small world now has its own way. Only the Way of Swordsmanship, the Way of Alchemy, the Way of Controlling Beasts, and the Way of Supernatural Powers have a complete cultivation system. The experience accumulated by countless predecessors is enough for you to practice all the way to the fairy world. Although there are many other ways, they do not have the four major You can practice a systematic cultivation method like the Holy Land as a minor, but you can never specialize in it. And even if you are a minor, you must not spend too long on it."

"If you are interested in other fields, you can wait until you reach the fairy world and then study it slowly. After all, the human world has a limit to your lifespan, and time cannot be wasted." Ji Wusi also said.

For the first time, three people reached a consensus on the same thing.

Yun Jin blinked and raised her eyebrows: "The way to magical powers?"

Ji Wusi snorted coldly: "This way is the most boring, you don't need to pay attention to it."

Qingyun glanced at him, smiled, and said: "This is the way of Qingxiao Pavilion. Disciples of Qingxiao Pavilion can cultivate various magical powers through secret methods. Doesn't your skill also have the magical power of thunder in water? Just However, you have no way to continue to strengthen this magical power. If you have the assistance of Qingxiao Pavilion's secret method, the power of this water thunder can be at least ten times greater. The various magical powers in Qingxiao Pavilion's library are as vast as the sea of ​​smoke. As long as you are willing, you can even cultivate a dozen or even dozens of magical powers. If you match them well, various magical powers can also have the effect of increasing each other, which is very mysterious."

Is it the way to magical powers...

Yun Jin narrowed his eyes.

Among the four holy places, she only hated Qingxiao Pavilion.

Not just because of Zao Wou-Ki.

It’s even more because it’s in the book.

The three holy places were all destroyed because of that demon king.

Only the Qingxiao Pavilion, following the rise of the demon king, went from being tied to the four holy places to being the only one by the end of the story.

And Lin Xiao, the head of Qingxiao Pavilion.

He first accepted the genius disciple Ye Danxia, ​​and then he accepted the Demon Lord as his disciple after the Demon Lord turned into a human form.

When Ye Danxia and Demon Lord had not yet developed in the early stage, it was thanks to the protection of this leader Lin!

"Ignore this bullshit supernatural power. Xiaojin, after we have said so much, you should know that you can't have your cake and eat it too." Ji Wusi said: "You'd better tell the other two people as soon as possible to let them give up as soon as possible. "

As soon as these words came out, Qingyun and Liuli were not happy.

Liuli snorted coldly: "Xiao Jin, are you embarrassed to reject the other two people? It's okay, just say it boldly."

Qingyun glared at the two of them: "You two, what are you talking about? Yun Jin refined the seventh-grade Heaven-Building Pill during his golden elixir stage! What a terrifying alchemy talent this is? Follow me to practice, and in the future Mahayana stage will be Guaranteed, immortality is possible! Don’t destroy the peerless alchemy genius because of your own selfish motives!”

Ji Wusi frowned: "Is my swordsmanship worse than that of alchemy? With Yunjin's swordsmanship talent, will his achievements in the future be inferior to those in the Mahayana period?"

"I'll tell you the truth. When Yun Jin awakened her talent as a beast master, there were thousands of phantoms of divine beasts behind her! She was most likely the one who could awaken the sleeping divine beasts!" Liuli's eyes were slightly cold: "Don't even think about it. Compete with my beast mastering sect!"

The three people looked at each other badly, and they were about to start fighting again.

Cang Li took advantage of the opportunity and said: "Xiao Jin, there is a cause and effect between you and me, do you know?"

Yun Jin nodded quickly: "Senior Cang, thank you for the ring."

Cang Li is not very good at smiling, but at this time, he still tried his best to show a smile: "You forged the Tai'a Sword very well. From what I see in your mind, you should continue to give the Tai'a Sword a star?"

Yun Jin responded.

The curvature of Cang Li's mouth became wider, and he said: "Then do you know that the best blacksmith is also in the Kunlun Sword Sect. Whether it is practicing swordsmanship or forging the Tai'a Sword, the Kunlun Sword Sect is the best. A good choice. The most important thing is that your ancestors saved me at the beginning, and I made a promise to them to take care of the descendants of the Yun family. Now this cause and effect has fallen on you. When you come to Kunlun Sword Sect, you can practice The Great Dao corresponds to this cause and effect. Xiaojin, this is what God has destined."

Cang Li, who was paralyzed, suddenly played the emotional card.

Ji Wusi was happy and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, this is fate destined by God."

Several others were unhappy.

"The Cangli dog thief can only play the emotional card?

"It's just such a small amount of cause and effect, and you can explain it! I'm responsible for all the huge cause and effect."

Cang Li immediately became the target of public criticism.

Ji Wusi patted the table: "You guys, if you can't fight, you'll attack me personally."

"Why can't we fight? Yun Jin clearly hasn't said anything yet!"

"Yes, it depends on Yun Jin's own thoughts."

Everyone looked at Yun Jin again.

Yun Jin coughed slightly, blinked her eyes, and said directly: "That's it. Are you seniors worried that I don't have enough energy? But I think my talent is not bad. How about this, each of you can teach me something If I can learn all the secrets within the specified time, it will prove that I can take care of both, how about it?"

Several people were stunned for a moment.

Yun Jin added: "And in the process of practice, you can also see where I am more talented, right?"

The eyes of the three people changed slightly.

They get it.

This not only tests Yun Jin's learning ability, but also considers their teaching ability.

Yun Jin has not yet joined the Holy Land, so she cannot teach her the secret books of the Holy Land. However, over the years, they have created many secret books of their own or obtained them from outside. It would be simple to just pick one and teach it to Yun Jin. !

The three of them looked at each other and saw a strong fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

They all have the same idea.

Taking this opportunity, I could completely compare the other two people!

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