Sister's training method is not scientific

Chapter 36 Can you really be right?

Yun Jin walked over involuntarily.

There are all kinds of herbs on the counter, and the prices vary depending on the type and year.

Seeing Yun Jin's young age, the pharmacist at the counter couldn't help but show a hint of impatience in his expression: "Little sister, if you want to see the herbs, ask an adult from your family. Don't stand in the middle and hinder my business."

Although no other guests were seen at this moment, Yun Jin still stepped aside after hearing this.

Yun Jin had a well-behaved look on her face: "Sister, I know I'm wrong. Can I just stand here and take a look? When I saw these herbs, I felt so fond and kind. Sister, do you know all these herbs? Hello. Amazing."

Pharmacist: "..."

What did she just say?

Such a well-behaved girl, she was so cruel to others that she was not allowed to get up in the middle of the night to repent after returning home.

The pharmacist softened his expression and said warmly: "As a pharmacist, the basic skill is to recognize medicine. I am now a fifth-level pharmacist. Next year, I can take the exam for the alchemist license."

There was a look of longing on the pharmacist's face: "If you can become an alchemist, even if you are only a first-level alchemist, you will reach the sky in one step."

"Oh?" Yun Jin asked quickly: "To become an alchemist, do you have to be a pharmacist first?"

The woman smiled: "Most of them are. However, if you can refine a first-grade elixir of ordinary quality, you can directly become an alchemist. Those practitioners who come from big families, they are born They have access to the best resources. In order to refine a furnace of first-grade elixirs, they have been training since childhood. Even if they fail a hundred times, they will be automatically promoted after succeeding once. However, ordinary people like us , firstly, there are no resources, and secondly, there is no guidance from elders. If we want to become an alchemist, we can only start as a pharmacist and then accept the assessment step by step. It took me five years to be promoted from a first-level pharmacist to a fifth-level pharmacist. The talent is pretty good. But the last step, the advancement from pharmacist to alchemist, is the most difficult."

The woman said and sighed.

In this world of cultivating immortals, it is an easy mode for the children of big families.

For ordinary people like them, it is really extremely difficult.

"I see." Yun Jin asked again: "Where is the alchemist's assessment conducted?"

The pharmacist smiled: "To the east of Fang City, there is a branch of the Dan Pavilion, where the assessment can be conducted. The Dan Pavilion is the union of all alchemists, and behind it is the Xuan Dan Sect, one of the four holy places. If He is an alchemist with amazing talent, and there is still a chance that he will be directly recruited by the Xuan Alchemy Sect."

The woman's face was full of yearning.

Yun Jin also nodded repeatedly.

That’s it, let’s go to the assessment!

She wanted to refine the Heaven-Building Pill within three months, and the identity of this alchemist must be verified.

Even if you run out of simplifications, you still have to do it.

After upgrading the alchemy master level and learning the Qinglian sword technique, Yun Jin suddenly felt that she couldn't help but spend the one hundred and fifty-seven times of simplification!

You still have to find opportunities to show your holiness in front of others.

The pharmacist saw Yun Jin rolling his eyes with a weird look, and couldn't help but smile: "Little sister, do you also want to become an alchemist? Dreams are good, but we have to do it step by step. If we start working hard now If so, in ten years, maybe you can become a pharmacist like my sister, and maybe one day you can become an alchemist."

Yun Jin nodded: "Sister, that's it."

Yun Jin looked very well-behaved, and the pharmacist couldn't help but smile as he listened.

"I think I am a genius." Yun Jin said with a serious face: "I think I should be able to become an alchemist directly."

Pharmacist: "???"

"Emotional value +30!"

Yun Jin blinked: "When I become an alchemist, I will definitely not forget your advice today, sister. When the time comes, I will take you flying."

The pharmacist didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a moment, so he could only say: "Okay, okay, then I will wait for that day."

Yun Jin still wants to talk.

Suddenly, someone picked up her collar, Yue Zhao's face turned dark: "Yun Jin! Why are you running around!"

Yun Jin was not convinced: "I didn't run around, I was looking at the medicinal materials. Senior brother, when buying elixirs, it is better to buy medicinal herbs to refine the elixirs. There is a lot of price difference, and I also want to save some money."

The corner of Yue Zhao's lips twitched: "Who doesn't know that it saves money to refine the elixir yourself! But you have to have someone willing to help you!"

In the entire Tianxing Sect, there is only one alchemist of level five or above, the peak master of Shendan Peak, Huo Lie! Apart from him, there are only ten fingers of alchemy masters in the entire Tianxing Sect.

If it were Zhao Wuji who spoke, these alchemists would naturally be eager to deliver the elixirs to their doorsteps, but they, Tianjian Peak?

How could any alchemist pay attention to them!

"Why do we need their help?" Yun Jin said confidently: "We will train an alchemist ourselves."

Yue Zhao knocked her: "If you don't have this inheritance, how can you cultivate it?"

On the mainland, the top alchemy techniques are monopolized by the Xuan Dan Sect, and the rest are passed down from generation to generation.

If others want to learn, they can only join them.

If you don't have amazing talent, they won't accept it.

For ordinary people, becoming an alchemist is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

"I'm such a genius, I think I can give it a try." Yun Jin said confidently.

"Pfft." The pharmacist next to him couldn't help but chuckle.

Yue Zhao was embarrassed for a while, and he held Yun Jin tightly, trying to drag her away: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

"What are you laughing at?" Yun Jin hugged the pillar and refused to leave: "I believe I must be talented in this area."

Yue Zhao's face turned darker.

He shouldn't have brought Yun Jin out.

Talk about it.

Why did he think this little junior sister was soft and cute when they met for the first time?

Why on earth does he have this illusion!

The pharmacist woman chuckled lightly and said: "Little sister, it's good to have ideals. But you have to do it step by step. To become an alchemist, the foundation is to identify medicines. This identification of medicines is not just about simply recognizing them, even if They are the same medicinal herb, but due to the influence of external factors such as the growth environment and planting techniques, the medicinal power contained in them is different. The compulsory course for pharmacists is to learn to be compatible with medicinal herbs and sense the unique properties of medicinal herbs. For example, the biling grass in front of you , this Bi Ling grass is the main material for refining Bi Ling Dan, you might as well try to sense it and see how powerful the Bi Ling grass is in front of you, and whether it has other properties."

The woman wanted to tell Yun Jin that it was already very difficult to become a pharmacist.

Not to mention becoming an alchemist.

"Okay." Yun Jin responded: "Senior Brother, please let go of me and let me try."

Yue Zhao gritted his teeth and let go for the time being.

"It doesn't matter. Children are like this. They think everything in the world is simple. Once she tries it for herself, she will understand the difficulty." The woman said with a smile.

Yue Zhao's expression relaxed, and he was about to nod and say something.

Then Yun Jin's crisp voice was heard.

"Biling grass. Year: fifty years. The medicinal power is still 80%. The place where this green grass grows is too humid, and the medicinal properties are somewhat cold. Before use, it is best to perform some neutralization treatment first."

"This kid actually made it up to be like that." Yue Zhao was smiling, but when he turned around, he saw a ghostly expression on the woman's face.

Yue Zhao: "???"

Don't scare him!

This expression!

Could Yun Jin really be right?

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