Sister's training method is not scientific

Chapter 95 Getting more and more crazy

Yue Lin just didn't know how to judge. Hearing what Ye Danxia said, he seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and hurriedly asked: "Yun Jin, what do you say about this matter? Gu Jinghong is inherently dangerous. If you use him to do whatever you want, Of course the clan will not spare you."

"Clan rules?" Yun Jindu laughed: "The evidence for Ye Danxia's matter is solid. The hall master dare not talk about the sect rules. When he came to me, he kept talking about the sect rules. I am afraid that this sect rule has long been a joke."

Yue Lin was a little annoyed: "No matter what, you must explain these two things clearly."

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "What's the explanation for this? Are those five senior brothers here? Let them come out and confront them face to face."

Yue Lin hurriedly said something to his left and right sides.

Soon, the Law Enforcement Hall disciples brought the five disciples up.

These five people were also complaining in their hearts.

The five of them, some were under the headmaster's sect, and some were from other peaks, but their positions must have been on the headmaster's side, otherwise Ruan Jun wouldn't have been able to find them at that time.

But the problem is.

Yun Jin will definitely retaliate, so they don't dare to offend him!

"Come on, tell me, what did Gu Jinghong ask you to do when he came to you?"

Yun Jin asked.

Gu Jinghong raised his eyes and glanced at the five people coolly.

The five people trembled subconsciously.

One of them said cautiously: "Just... let us practice the sword technique a hundred times."

"Didn't he do anything else?" Ye Danxia couldn't help but ask, "Such as doing some personal harm to you."

This is too suggestive.

Just as the five disciples were hesitating, they saw Yun Jin playing with a picture stone.

The five people suddenly felt shocked.

Is it possible that there were image stones at that time?

They don’t want to be played on a loop!

A few people could only say honestly: "No, just to urge us to practice swordsmanship."

"That might be just a cover-up. His real purpose is to take revenge on you! Otherwise, could it be that he really came to watch the sword practice?" Ye Danxia couldn't help but say.

"When did urging you to practice swordsmanship become revenge?" Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "I just thought that the swordsmanship of several senior brothers was quite interesting, and I wanted to watch it a few more times, so I asked Gu Jinghong to record it for me. Bring it back. What’s wrong with that?”

Gu Jinghong raised his eyes and glanced at Yun Jin. She didn't let herself record it, nor did she watch it separately.

But he quickly lowered his head and didn't say a word.

" are forcing others! Besides, how could someone have such a hobby? If you like swordsmanship, why don't you practice it yourself several times! Don't you already memorize their swordsmanship?" Ye Danxia bit her tongue. tooth.

She didn't know what kind of end she would end up with.

But no matter what, she wants to bring Yun Jin down with her!

"Oh." Yun Jin said casually: "You have no talent for swordsmanship, how do you know the training method of a swordsman genius like me? I can become stronger just by looking at it, can't I? Besides, these five senior brothers and I hit it off, last time After receiving the gifts from them, I also want to help them improve."

Five people:"……"

What a gift!

It's the compensation you forced to go, okay?

But they still nodded repeatedly, hoping that this link related to them could be over soon.

"After I watched carefully, the five of you all have some areas to improve. I have written them down. You can go back and see for yourself." Yun Jin casually threw five jade slips out.

The five people took it over with some confusion.

They glanced at the contents of the jade slip subconsciously, and a hint of joy suddenly filled their eyes.

Here... there are actually some pointers, and they are all aimed at the weaknesses of their swordsmanship. If they can practice according to them, they will make great progress!

"You five haven't practiced a hundred times today, have you? When it's over, I'll ask Gu Jinghong to continue looking for you. It's still a hundred times, do you understand?" Yun Jin said lightly.

"Yes." The five people agreed happily.

As soon as they finished responding, they suddenly felt something was wrong, and couldn't help but glance at the high platform with some anxiety.

Zhao Wuji sat there with an unpredictable expression, unable to tell whether he was happy or angry.

These disciples couldn't help but feel anxious.

This...can't blame them. If Gu Jinghong insists on forcing them, they can't refuse, right?

"Master Yue, do you have any questions?" Yun Jin looked at Yue Lin.

Yue Lin was a little reluctant and could only wave a few people to retreat.

"What about Lingtian! What about Lingtian? Do you want to instruct Gu Jinghong to steal rare elixirs? It's just that there are always other people around, so he didn't find the chance!" Ye Danxia asked through gritted teeth.

Yun Jin sneered and said immediately: "Master Yue, you heard it! She slandered me again in front of so many people! You have to make the decision for me. Gu Jinghong is still a disciple of the headmaster, when will he go Are you going to be thought of as a thief if you take a stroll around the spiritual field?"

Gu Jinghong showed an aggrieved look at the right time: "I have never touched any of the elixirs. Junior Sister Ye said that I stole it, does she have evidence?"

Yue Lin: "..."

Ye Danxia kept asking them to provide evidence before, but now, Gu Jinghong kept asking for evidence. ’

"What's there to see in Lingtian?" Ye Danxia was almost crazy: "Do you dare to say that you didn't instigate this? Do you dare to say that you didn't have another purpose?"

Yun Jin looked at Ye Danxia condescendingly and smiled: "It is true that I ordered Gu Jinghong to go to Lingtian, and I also have another purpose."

A trace of ecstasy flashed in Ye Danxia's eyes, and she shouted: "Everyone heard it! She admitted it! She admitted it herself!"

Yun Jin said calmly: "I asked Gu Jinghong to go to Lingtian because I wanted to learn some knowledge about planting."

Gu Jinghong: "???"

Aren't you going to chat with Lingzhi?


Whatever the master says, it is whatever it is.

Gu Jinghong also nodded in agreement: "That's indeed what the master said."

"Why do you want to learn about planting?" Yue Lin asked, "You are a swordsman, so there is no use in learning this!"

Yun Jin suddenly felt aggrieved: "Prejudice! Hall Master Yue, you are so prejudiced! Although I am a sword cultivator, can't I have a heart that loves spiritual plants? Can't I want to learn the knowledge of planting?"

Yue Lin: "..."

Yun Jin continued to mutter: "Everyone knows that we don't have a single planter in Tianjian Peak, and a large area of ​​spiritual fields is deserted there. I thought not to waste such a good spiritual field, and wanted to learn some knowledge about planting. Is there a problem?"

Thinking of the current situation of Tianjian Peak, everyone showed a tacit expression.

The spiritual field at Tianjian Peak is deserted, which is indeed a pity, but there is nothing that can be done about it.

One is that there is indeed no one in Tianjian Peak, and the other is that the planters are actually monopolized by the headmaster. If the spiritual fields in other peaks were to be reclaimed, Zhao Wuji would have to send people to help. For this reason, other peaks had to hand over most of their spiritual plants to Zhao Wuji.

Considering the relationship between Tianjian Peak and the headmaster, it is strange that the headmaster is willing to send people there.

Yun Jin probably had no choice but to think about stealing from his master.

Yue Lin was also a little helpless. In this case, it would be impossible to convict Yun Jin. After all, she did not do anything.

Yue Lin opened his mouth and was about to speak.

Yun Jin suddenly spoke again: "Everyone happens to be here today! I have to report something with my real name today! I want to report the leader Zhao Wuji! I report him for monopolizing the technology of planters, and report him for making huge profits! The entire sect's wealth is gathered here In the hands of one person, I want to ask everyone, is this Tianxing Sect everyone’s Tianxing Sect, or is it his alone’s Tianxing Sect!”

After Yun Jin finished speaking, the whole place became eerily silent.

Everyone looked at Yun Jin with some horror.

This Yunjin...

It's getting crazier!

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