Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4426: clan will start

The Xiao family meeting, this is the most important day of the Xiao family, and it is also the day when the Xiao family elects the Xiao family leader. Which line has won the first place in the clan meeting, and the line owner of which line is the new patriarch.

Becoming a patriarch is something that every vein master is very much looking forward to, and is constantly working hard.

This is the rule set by the ancestors. The reason why the achievements of the juniors determine the selection of the patriarch is to pay attention to the training of the juniors. Only when the juniors are constantly strong can the Xiao family be able to prosper.

The prosperity of any family must be propped up by the descendants in their growth, and the decline of a family also stems from the fact that the descendants are not strong enough.

It is impossible for a family to always rely on the support of a few strong people. Only when the younger generation surpasses them will this guy be stronger.

The Xiao family can become one of the nine ancient clans, the inheritance is very ancient, and it is not easy to inherit it to the present.

In the ancient years, there were more than nine major families, but in the course of time, many ancient families gradually declined, and finally only these nine major families remained.

On top of a mountain peak in the Xiao family, there is a huge square here. The four directions in the south, south, and northwest of the square correspond to the four veins of heaven and earth, and each vein has a flag erected.

At this time, all the disciples of the Xiao family who participated in the clan meeting and the powerhouses of every lineage gathered here.

Xiao Hetian, the current patriarch of the Xiao family, the owner of Tianmai, sat in the area of ​​Tianmai, glanced at everyone, and said: "Today is my Xiao family meeting, it is a major event for the Xiao family, and it is also a time to test the abilities of the younger generation. The younger generation can go all out 1

"The rules of the clan are very clear. The entire clan will be completed in the witness of all of us who are above the saint level! I must emphasize one more point here. In the clan, you can use any The means, because as long as you can use it, it is your ability, but there is one thing, it is not allowed to kill each other."

"You can make the opponent lose their combat effectiveness, but you are not allowed to abolish or kill the opponent. If the above situation occurs, not only will you be disqualified from the clan association, but you will also be severely punished."

"However, when the two sides are at war, sometimes there will inevitably be some special circumstances. We will also judge according to the situation at the time, and there will be a fair treatment. Therefore, this does not affect your all-out efforts. If you feel that you are not invincible, you can By admitting defeat, you can also save yourself from serious trauma.”

"You are the hope of my Xiao family in the future, the pillars of the future, so protecting yourself is the most important thing.

That's all I have to say. "

Xiao Hetian continued: "The location of the clan meeting this time was personally arranged by the ancestors, so it is very fair. The first round will be contested by small teams. Each vein will have a small team enter a space and complete the competition. A mission, that is, with four teams in each space, only two will be able to advance to the next round, and the remaining two will be eliminated."

"After entering the small space, you will get your task, and the team that completes the task will be directly sent to the second round of space by the space to wait for the second round to start."

Xiao Hetian waved his hand, and forty-nine profound soul mirrors appeared in the void, each of which was very large, and could see the situation in every space through this profound soul mirror.

"We can see all your actions in the space, but after you enter inside, the mysterious soul mirror outside will not be able to contact your mysterious soul mirror, so you don't need to worry about someone cheating."

"Which space you enter is random, and the teams you face are also randomly assigned, so maybe you meet the strongest team or the weakest, it all depends on luck."

"Now each of you will be issued a token, and this token has the number of each of your teams, which are specially made so that when you enter the space to teleport, the people of a team will be teleported together. "

While Xiao Hetian was speaking, the people from the four veins successively got the tokens.

"Everyone got the token, and then started space teleportation."

Xiao Hetian said, his fingers were printed, and then he shot a light towards the void, ripples appeared in the void, and a space teleportation array appeared.

"Starting from Tianmai, enter the space teleportation array in sequence."

Xiao Hetian said.

Then, all the people who participated in the clan meeting on the Tianmai side flew towards the space teleportation formation.

After the people from Tianmai entered, those who had not yet entered could see from the profound soul mirror that the forty-nine teams of Tianmai had appeared in every small space.

Afterwards, it was the people of the leyline. After the leyline entered the teleportation array, it soon appeared in the small space, but it was not in the same place as the small team of the Tianmai, and was scattered.


Xiao Heqiong said.

Everyone in the main vein moved when they heard the sound, and rushed towards the space teleportation array.

After entering the space teleportation array, Xiao Han's team fell into a space.

Xiao Han is the twenty-ninth group. The lowest level in this team is also the fourth level of Qiwu, and the highest is the sixth level of Qiwu, but the rest of them are very clear that the strongest here is Xiao Han .

Moreover, Xiao Han was also arranged by Xiao Tianchen as the captain. At this point, the other seventeen people knew that Xiao Han might not be high in the wheel realm, but in terms of strength, none of them dared to say that they could surpass Xiao Han.

Therefore, no one has any opinion, but he still does not recognize Xiao Han's identity in his heart.

"Everyone, since I am the captain, then I want to explain one thing, the next action is to obey the command, if anyone does not obey the arrangement, then the elders of the main line can see clearly, if it affects the performance of the main line, you I can't even eat and walk around."

As soon as Xiao Han came up, he put the ugly words in front and said, "Although we don't know who our opponent is, I will definitely take everyone to the next round."

Everyone present also understands this truth, all the elders are watching, who doesn't want to behave well?

If anyone drags back, it is clear, and if they don't want to be punished, they have to work hard.

After the people from the leylines entered the small space, a scroll appeared in front of each team, and Xiao Han reached out and grabbed the scroll in his hand.

Xiao Han opened the scroll, and a picture was drawn on the scroll. This is the map of this space. There are two rays of light flashing on it. This is the target point they are going to.

The task situation is also written on the scroll: according to the map route, choose a target arbitrarily. Before reaching the target, you will undergo several tests. After each test is completed, you will get a key. After you have gathered four keys, you will reach the target. Click to open the portal to the next space.

After Xiao Han looked at the task, he looked at the map again to determine their current location, and then said: "The rest of the mountains must be in the other three directions, and now there are several situations that will arise."

"First, the target point we chose was only chosen by us, and the other three teams chose another target point. Second, the other target point was only chosen by one person. The target point we chose was selected by three teams at the same time. Third, That is, for each goal point, there are two teams to choose, which is more even."

Xiao Han said: "And another problem is that the route covered by each target point has only four keys in total, or each route has four keys, so we must act fast and try our best to Got all four keys."

After hearing Xiao Han's analysis, everyone felt that it made sense, and could not help but glance at Xiao Han.

"Then let's act now."

A young man from the sixth level of Qi Wujing in this team said.

This person's name is Xiao Meng, and the person is the same as his name. He is a fierce person. This is also an assistant specially arranged by Xiao Tianchen to Xiao Han.

"We just choose this one target, but we can choose any one of the two targets that are about the same distance."

Xiao Han said.

"it is good."

The rest have no opinion.

"Then let's act. I don't know what the next test will be, but no matter what the test is, we are a group and we follow orders in all actions."

Xiao Han reminded again.

The rest of the people present also nodded.

Xiao Han followed the route and set off towards the goal with this team.

Outside of the space, all the emperors of the Xiao family and above, including the strong emperors, were watching the situation of this clan meeting through the mysterious soul mirror.

Each Profound Soul Mirror is divided into four small screens, and you can see the situation of the four teams in each space.

Now every team is taking action, and they are all rushing for time, because not only Xiao Han has analyzed these situations, but many other teams have also analyzed these possible situations. Therefore, they all want to get the four keys as soon as possible.

If there are four keys for each route, it will be faster to get the keys so that the mission can be completed first.

And if there are only four keys in total, then they are likely to meet, and once they meet, there will inevitably be a fight.

At present, at the beginning of the first round, no one wants to have a conflict. If the team you meet is stronger than you, and the opponent will destroy you as soon as they come up, it will be sad.

After Xiao Heqiong saw the distribution of each team, and then thought of Xiao Tianchen's distribution, basically the four-lineage team distribution ideas were similar.

According to the current situation, as long as his performance is relatively stable, he should not be the last.

"It seems that the distribution of each space is similar, and the powerful teams have not met together. Is this a deliberate arrangement by the ancestors?"

Xiao Tianchen carefully looked at the situation of the forty-nine small spaces, and guessed while touching his chin.

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