Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4428: second key

Chapter 4428 The second key

Although Xiao Meng and others were also caught in the formation, this was also the best way to protect Xiao Meng and the others.

At this time, Xiao Han's body had quietly approached the leader of the Earth Demon Rat with the help of Earth Immortal Technique.

He had to kill the leader of the Earth Demon Rat with one blow. Once the Earth Demon Rat leader escaped and ran away, it would be even more difficult to find the Earth Demon Rat leader.

The Demon Rat leader roared, and the Demon Rat stopped attacking. The Demon Rat leader seemed to have found something.

At this moment, Xiao Han's figure suddenly rushed out, holding the Xuanyou halberd, the third form of the Xuanyou halberd changed, there were ninety-nine blades, and the ninety-nine blades instantly strangled the leader of the Earth Demon Rat. past.

Xiao Han was too close to the leader of the Earth Demon Mouse, and the attack was so sudden and straightforward that the Earth Demon Mouse felt a killing intent when he was cold, and was shocked.

It was immediately ready to escape, but before it could escape, Xiao Han's ninety-nine blades had already killed him.


Under the strangulation of ninety-nine blades, the body of the Earth Demon Rat was torn to pieces.

The rest of the Earth Demon Rats were shocked when they saw this scene, and made a "squeak" sound, very panicked.

Their leaders were all beheaded, and they were naturally terrified.

After the leader of the Earth Demon Rat was beheaded, a ray of light rushed out of the Earth Demon Rat leader's body, and Xiao Han grabbed the ray of light.

This light is the key to the first test.


The rest of the Earth Demon Rats all fled in a panic.

Xiao Han removed the Illusory Formation, and Xiao Meng and the others were a little surprised when they saw that the Earth Demon Rats had all escaped.

"We have already got the first key." Xiao Han said with a smile.

Xiao Meng and the others were puzzled when they saw the shining key in Xiao Han's hand. Xiao Han disappeared for a while, and now he appeared and got the key. What's going on?

"Just now you didn't come out just to grab the key?" Xiao Meng asked.

Xiao Han said: "I expected that there must be an Earth Demon Rat leader among them, and the key must be on the Earth Demon Rat leader, so I have been waiting for the opportunity, and finally I finally got to the Earth Demon Rat leader. When he appeared, he killed the leader of the Earth Demon Mouse in one fell swoop and got the key."

"So that's the case, it seems that our injuries are not in vain." Xiao Meng said with a smile.

Xiao Han said: "It's really not in vain. If you didn't kill a few Earth Demon Rats later, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to lead out the Earth Demon Rat leader."

"This time is also a test for us. In the face of danger, we will be able to do great things in the future. We are indeed inferior to you in this respect." One of them said shamefully.

Xiao Han said: "Not everyone is very good at the beginning. Excellent people must be tempered. This clan is an opportunity to hone. I believe that everyone will grow together."

The rest of the people were encouraged and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, we're going to find the second key now, we have to hurry up." Xiao Han said.

At this time, everyone's enthusiasm was very high, and their attitude towards Xiao Han was also different.

Before, they had to listen to Xiao Han's arrangement because they were afraid that they would be punished for reckoning in the autumn. Now, after this time, they found that Xiao Han was indeed different. He was calm and determined when things went wrong, which has convinced them.

Xiao Tianchen has been paying attention to the situation of Xiao Han's eight people, especially Xiao Han's situation. He also nodded with satisfaction when he saw Xiao Han's dealing with the Earth Demon Mouse and getting the first key.

Especially when he saw Xiao Han's team members' eyes looking at Xiao Han were different, which made Xiao Tianchen know that Xiao Han had already dealt with these people.

"Sure enough, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves." Xiao Tianchen said with relief.

The tests in each small space are not the same. I have to say that this Xiao family ancestor really cares about the clan. No one can see him on weekdays, but he can have such careful arrangements. Incredible.

Xiao Han's team continued to travel with all their strength, and soon a huge lake appeared in front of them. If they wanted to continue to move forward, they had to cross this lake.

Xiao Han said: "If I guessed correctly, the second key should be here."

"You are thinking that there will be tricks in the lake?" Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Han said: "I'm not sure yet, but we can't be careless. We should be careful when we cross the lake, pay attention to the movement of the lake, and prevent any sneak attacks under the lake."

Everyone nodded, Xiao Han took the lead and leaped across the lake.

He is not far from the surface of the water, but not too close. He came here to test whether there is a crisis underwater. Second, if there is a crisis, he also has enough time to respond.

At the beginning, nothing happened, but when Xiao Han and the others reached the middle of the lake, water columns suddenly rushed out.

These water columns were aimed at Xiao Han and others, and everyone was attacked by this water column.

"Be careful!"

Xiao Han immediately reminded.

The rest of the people evaded quickly, but at this time, another eighteen water columns rushed out and rushed towards Xiao Han and others.

Xiao Han and the others evaded again, and then they all stood in the air.

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Xiao Meng said.

There was no movement on the lake, but no one took it lightly.

Instead, the quiet lake surface gave people a feeling of depression, and they couldn't figure out what was going to happen next.

Bang! Bang!

At this time, several places on the lake surface exploded, and with the splashing water, dark tentacles rushed out.

There were eight tentacles in total, and Xiao Han and the others rushed over.

Xiao Han held the Xuan Youji and immediately stabbed at the tentacles, but at this moment, the tentacles seemed to open a **** mouth and spewed out a foul-smelling black liquid.

Seeing this, Xiao Han immediately retreated quickly. At the same time, the second form of Xuan Youji changed, and the tip of the halberd rushed out, reaching the **** mouth with its tentacles open.

The remaining seven tentacles also spewed a black, stinky liquid. Those who were attacked quickly dodged, some did not dodge completely, and their clothes were stained with black liquid.

For a while, the clothes began to corrode.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this. Once the black, stinky liquid got on their bodies, wouldn't it be over?


At this moment, Xiao Han's halberd tip pierced the tentacle, the tentacle trembled with pain, and then quickly retracted.

The other seven tentacles were also retracted, and a second after the eight tentacles were retracted, a huge figure rushed out from under the lake.

This is a huge black octopus. All eight tentacles of the octopus rushed towards Xiao Han alone. The force of Xiao Han burst out, and the third form of Xuan Youji changed.

Ninety-nine blades spun rapidly, strangling toward the eight tentacles.

The eight tentacles had thick profound energy condensed, and then the eight tentacles were intertwined and stabbed at Xiao Han.


The ninety-nine blades collided with the eight tentacles. In a fierce confrontation, Xiao Han's ninety-nine blades did not smash the tentacles of the octopus in a short period of time.

"Let's go together." At this time, Xiao Meng shouted loudly.

Everyone burst out with force, then surrounded the octopus, and everyone bombarded the octopus.

However, this octopus looked full of flesh, but its defense was terrifying. Even the attacks of Xiao Meng and the others were unable to break through the octopus's body.

"This guy is not an octopus, he is a bastard, he is so tough." Xiao Meng cursed.

Xiao Han's ninety-nine blade strangulation failed, and the attack of the octopus' eight tentacles didn't work either, so he switched to another attack.

The eight tentacles were continuously pulled out, and the speed was very fast.

It may be that this octopus dislikes Xiao Meng and others as annoying, so let's solve them for the time being.

Xiao Han's 10,000 martial powers all erupted, and the thick profound energy continued to condense on the Xuanyou halberd, and he stabbed him with the Xuanyou halberd.

The octopus may have felt the horror of Xiao Han's blow, and immediately focused on Xiao Han's body. The eight tentacles flickered and stabbed towards Xiao Han from eight directions.

"God bell shield!"

On Xiao Han's body, a phantom of the divine bell appeared, covering him.

The eight tentacles of the octopus bombarded the protective cover of the bell, and the sound of the bell was deafening, but it was unable to break the protective cover of the bell.

Xiao Han's Xuan Youji stabbed over, and the profound energy on the octopus's head quickly condensed, and the light flashed, trying to resist Xiao Han's blow.


Xiao Han shouted, Xuan Youji stabbed down fiercely, and the light revealed by the octopus became more and more dazzling.


A pure force rushed out, and then I saw that Xuan Youji had stabbed into the head of the octopus.

"The third form!"

Xiao Han shouted, the third form of Xuan Youji changed directly in the octopus's head, and the ninety-nine blade strangled, drilling a big hole in the octopus's head.

The black, stinky liquid flowed out from the octopus's head and dripped onto the surface of the lake. The lake water seemed to be boiling.


The octopus's head exploded, Xiao Han's body retreated backwards, and the black liquid was sprayed on the bell shield, which did not cause much damage to the bell shield.

After the octopus head exploded, a flashing key rushed out.

Xiao Han took advantage of the situation and grabbed it in his hand, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and said, "The second one is in hand."

Xiao Meng and others came to Xiao Han's side, and they were also extremely happy. Xiao Han saw that they were all hit by the octopus and asked, "Are you all okay?"

"It's okay." Xiao Meng said with a smile.

"Since it's okay, then continue to set off." Xiao Han did not grumble.

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