Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4446: Xiao Fenghua

Chapter 4446 Xiao Fenghua

"You challenge me?" Xiao Fenghua said calmly.

"Yes." Qiu Lanqing was also very calm.

Xiao Fenghua said: "You admire your courage, but this is definitely the stupidest choice."

"Maybe, but you're not me, how do you know if my choice is stupid?" Qiu Lanqing said lightly.

"Since you chose me, then I respect your choice, and I will also make you understand your stupidity." Xiao Fenghua looked at Qiu Lanqing with pride in his eyes.

Xiao Fenghua stood on the ring, and the force of his body erupted, a total of 26,000 forces.

At the peak of Qiwu Realm Ninth Layer, 26,000 martial arts are indeed very scary. According to a realm of 1,000 martial arts, it is already more than 16,000.

"I will give you my strongest blow, I hope you can live." Xiao Fenghua said.

Xiao Fenghua didn't say much. When he got into the ring, force erupted, and his profound energy began to condense.

The profound energy in the 26,000 martial powers was as thick as the ocean, and the profound energy surged up, incomparably majestic.

Qiu Lanqing didn't do anything, because he had to wait for Xiao Fenghua to shoot before he could shoot, so as to prevent Xiao Fenghua from admitting defeat at that time, he would not be able to seriously injure Xiao Fenghua.

Seeing that Xiao Fenghua's profound energy was constantly condensing, and all the profound energy that had been mixed violently gathered together, Xiao Fenghua stared at Qiu Lanqing, seeing that Qiu Lanqing was indifferent, and was very puzzled.

Is this guy here to die?

But no matter what, Qiu Lanqing would not be merciful, even if he killed Qiu Lanqing, so what, as the most powerful genius in the family, he would only criticize at most, and would not be punished too heavily.

And Qiu Lanqing, in the end, is just an outsider, and if he dies, he will die, no big deal.

"Ninth Wind Wing Slash!"

Behind Xiao Fenghua, the profound energy condensed countless wind wings, and those wind wings were dense and endless, exuding a very terrifying aura.

Countless wind wings quickly slashed towards Qiu Lanqing. As the name suggests, this nine-fold wind-wing slash has nine layers, and the nine layers are continuously superimposed, and the power will increase exponentially.

After seeing Xiao Fenghua's shot, Qiu Lanqing's face became solemn, and he took a deep breath. The blood of the holy beast surged in his body, and the majestic power began to pour into Xuan Youji.


Qiu Lanqing sprayed a mouthful of blood with the power of a holy beast on Xuanyouji. At this moment, all the holy patterns of Xuanyouji were lit up, instantly shining brightly.

The whole Xuanyouji erupted with terrifying holy power, and Qiu Lanqing's holy beast bloodline power also erupted here, otherwise, it would still be difficult for him to motivate Xuanyouji.

"The third form of Xuanyouji!"

Qiu Lanqing roared, Xuan Youji immediately changed, nine hundred and ninety-nine blades emerged, and then spun frantically.

Qiu Lanqing pushed the power of the bloodline of the holy beast to the extreme, and the whole aura became very terrifying, as if a saint had descended, making people feel terrified.

"What?" Xiao Fengdai suddenly had a bad feeling.

When the people outside saw Qiu Lanqing's aura rising to such a terrifying level, they were all horrified.

"No wonder you dare to challenge Xiao Fenghua. It turns out that there is such a means hidden. This should be a power that does not belong to you." A strong man exclaimed.

Xiao Hetian's expression changed when he saw Qiu Lanqing's aura. At this time, Qiu Lanqing's aura was far higher than Xiao Fenghua's, and Xiao Fenghua would lose this battle.

He looked at Xiao Heqiong, and when he saw the smile at the corner of Xiao Heqiong's mouth, he understood that all of this was planned by you, no wonder Ganmai looked confident.

"He Qiong, it seems that your main veins have made a lot of efforts for this." Xiao Hetian said.

Xiao Heqiong said: "This is Tianchen's disciple and Xiao Han's brother. This is also an accidental discovery of his strength, which is an unexpected gain."

"Tianchen, what's the origin of this little guy?" Xiao Hetian asked.

Xiao Tianchen pointed at the Xuanhun mirror and said, "Patriarch, please take a look."

In the Profound Soul Mirror, behind Qiu Lanqing, a gigantic Tengu phantom had already emerged. This Tengu phantom was full of holy might, raising Qiu Lanqing's aura to the extreme.

"Monster Beast Tengu!" Xiao Hetian's expression changed slightly.

"Can the Tengu Clan transform into a human form? Could it be that there is a sky-breaking powerhouse in the Tengu Clan?" Xiao Heyan asked in surprise.

Xiao Tianchen said: "I don't know about this, but since it can be transformed into a human form, it is definitely not an ordinary Tengu clan."

When Xiao Tianchen said this, he was also telling others not to hit Qiu Lanqing's idea, so as not to cause trouble.

The Tiangu family is in the demon domain, and it is also an important family in the demon domain. Qiu Lanqing's identity is special. If he messes up, it will anger the demon domain. Even if the Xiao family is one of the nine ancient families, it will be Unable to bear the anger from the demon realm.

The demon domain is very powerful. Many of the demon races have sky-shattering powerhouses, and there are demon gods in the demon domain. That is an existence that defies the sky.

As soon as the demon **** came out, the Xiao family absolutely couldn't stop it.

Hearing Xiao Tianchen's words, many people in the Xiao family were even more astonished.

Xiao Han has such brothers by his side, which is not easy.

Xiao Hetian's face became ugly, this battle was already an arrow from the string, and he couldn't stop it at all. Even if Xiao Fenghua conceded defeat now, it was too late.

Once confronted, Xiao Fenghua will definitely be unable to stop. The purpose of Ganmai must be to make Xiao Fenghua lose his combat effectiveness. In this way, Ganmai will have the greatest chance of winning.

"Hidden so deeply." Xiao Hetian clenched his fists tightly.

On the ring, Xiao Fenghua felt Qiu Lanqing's breath, and his face became more and more solemn. At this time, Qiu Lanqing's breath had surpassed his.

Now he finally understands that Qiu Lanqing's challenge to himself is not random, but has a purpose.

The power of the Xuanyou Halberd Sacred Artifact exploded. Although it could not all explode, it was enough to deal with Xiao Fenghua.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine blades of Xuanyouji spun frantically, becoming huge and strangling like crazy. Xiao Fenghua's wind wings were constantly shattered under the strangulation of Xuanyouji.

Xiao Fenghua's wind wings are superimposed one by one to enhance the power of the wind wings, but in the face of Xuan Youji's strangulation, even if the wind wings are stacked against you, they cannot resist the strangulation of Xuan Youji.


The wind wings were smashed apart, Xiao Fenghua's eyes shrank, watching the nine hundred and ninety-nine blades attack quickly, Xiao Fenghua roared, the whole body's profound energy exploded completely, and at the same time sacrificed a cauldron .

Under the infusion of profound energy, the cauldron glowed brightly, trying to resist the attack of Xuan Youji.


The cauldron was shaken and kept retreating, but Xiao Fenghua was still going all out to support it.


Qiu Lanqing roared, all the power burst out, and the power of Xuan Youji increased sharply again!


At that moment, the two of them were instantly shrouded in that terrifying light, and the terrifying force hit, and the entire arena shook, making people tremble in their hearts.

"Qiuqiu..." Xiao Han clenched his fists, hating himself for being useless.

"Big brother..." Xiao Fengdai's face turned pale, and she sweated for Xiao Fenghua.


It was another terrifying force impact, Xiao Fenghua's cauldron flew out, and then the bodies of both of them flew backwards.

Qiu Lanqing used the Xuanyou halberd as a support, and after landing, he slid back and supported his body. His face was extremely pale, and there was no trace of blood.

After Xiao Fenghua's body fell to the ground, he was also standing, his face was also bloodless, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The two looked at each other, and everyone held their breath. Which of the two will fall first?

"It's really tenacious." Qiu Lanqing said with a miserable smile.


Xiao Fenghua spit out a mouthful of blood, unable to hold it any longer, and fell to the sky.

Xiao Yanyu was very excited when he saw Xiao Fenghua collapsed. Such a strong opponent was finally resolved.

After Xiao Yanyu fell, Qiu Lanqing couldn't hold it any longer, but he still won.

"Qiuqiu..." Xiao Han immediately rushed up and supported Qiu Lanqing.

"Big brother..." Xiao Fengdai and Xiao Fengzheng came to the ring and hugged Xiao Fenghua.

Xiao Fenghua had already fainted, and this time the clan meeting was over.

Seeing Xiao Fenghua being so seriously injured, Xiao Fengdai stared at Xiao Han and the others with a very gloomy expression, and said, "I will definitely make you pay the price."

Ganmai ignored her at all, because it was her turn next.

"How is it?" Xiao Han asked.

Qiu Lanqing smiled and said, "It's alright. Strengthening your body is still useful. This guy is really hard to deal with. It's much harder to deal with than Xiao Yanwu.

Before Qiu Lanqing's voice could fall, he fainted.

Xiao Han immediately picked up Qiu Lanqing and came under the ring.

Xiao Han took out the black crystal profound liquid and poured it directly into Qiu Lanqing's mouth.

"He has medicinal pills on him." Situ Mu said.

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, looked at Situ Mu, and Situ Mu said, "I have it too."

Xiao Han immediately found an elixir from Qiu Lanqing's space ring, which was a healing elixir with strong medicinal effects.

Xiao Han gave Qiu Lanqing the pill to take, and felt a little relieved.

"Who gave the medicine pill?" Xiao Han asked in a low voice.

"Pulse master." Situ Mu said.

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and his mood suddenly became complicated. The pulse master hoped that Qiu Lanqing and Situ Mu would be able to settle the world. He also knew that such a shot would cause more damage, and it was human nature to give them such a powerful healing medicine .

"My eldest brother is seriously injured, please send him out for treatment," Xiao Fengdai said.

Soon, a teleportation force sent Xiao Fenghua out.

Xiao Fenghua was teleported to Xiao Hetian, Xiao Hetian took out a pill and gave it to Xiao Fenghua, and then said, "Send him to rest."

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