Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4450: Failed

Chapter 4450 The wish is in vain

Xiao Zhanshen's words echoed in the minds of everyone in the Xiao family, and they were deafening!

Xiao Heyan was trembling, but War God Xiao usually does not appear, even in the last clan meeting, but this time he did.

Not only did they appear, but they also said so many things. After all these years, they have never heard Warshen Xiao say so much to them.

This is enough to prove that Xiao Zhanshen's mood at this time must be extremely angry.

"Ancestor, I was wrong..." Xiao Heyan knelt down and said tremblingly.

"Ancestor, we were wrong." Xiao Hetian also knelt down.

Wrong, definitely not one person, one person can't make Xiao Zhanshen angry.

After Xiao Hetian knelt down, all the powerhouses of the Xiao family knelt down.

Xiao Zhan said: "I hope this is the last time I say this. You can decide what to do next."

After Xiao Zhanshen finished speaking, his eyes stayed on Xiao Han's body for a while, and then disappeared.

Xiao Warshen disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiao Hetian and others also had beads of sweat on their foreheads, one can imagine their mood at that time.

The God of War Xiao is the **** of the Xiao family, the spiritual pillar of the Xiao family, and no one dares to disobey the God of War Xiao.

Everyone stood up, Xiao Heqiong said: "Today, what our ancestors said, I hope everyone will bear in mind, we Xiao family juniors are all we want to cultivate, not whoever has good talent, and no talent. It's okay, it doesn't matter."

"This time the clan meeting is over, but the five clan meeting is imminent. That is the real battle. I hope that all branches will pay attention to it."

"Okay, these juniors are also tired, let's leave today."

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

Xiao Heqiong became the patriarch. Although many people were a little uncomfortable, especially on the Tianmai side, they had to accept the facts and get used to it as soon as possible.

Each vein left one after another, and the main vein returned to the area of ​​the main vein under the leadership of Xiao Heqiong.

Xiao Heqiong brought eight saints and at the same time handed over all the eight who entered the final round to the main hall of the main vein.

"This time your performances are all very good. You can achieve such a victory when the situation is not very optimistic. This not only tests your ability, but also your wisdom and unity."

Xiao Heqiong was very satisfied and said, "This time you not only used your wisdom, but also very united. In order to achieve the same goal, let go of your grievances, which makes me very happy."

"Xiao Yanyu, after Xuanchi, not only are you not decadent, but you are reborn. It seems that Situ Mu's sword split you open, you have to thank others." Xiao Heqiong joked.

Xiao Yanyu stood up and clasped his fists at Situ Mu: "What the patriarch said is very true, Miss Situ, without your sword, maybe I wouldn't have so many insights, and I would definitely be confined to my own world, thank you."

Situ Mu glanced at Xiao Yanyu, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Xiao Yanyu didn't feel embarrassed either, Situ Mu seemed to do this to everyone, except Xiao Han and a few people around him.

Xiao Heqiong said with a smile, "Although Situ Mu didn't make a move this time, it was a great achievement for Xiao Yanyu to grow up."

"In addition, this time it is Xiao Han who is most important to praise. Xiao Han's thinking in the second round was very correct. He eliminated Xiao Fengjue and Xiao Fenghao successively, paving the way for the victory in the third round."

"Furthermore, Xiao Han's performance in this clan meeting is also very outstanding. The elders of the entire Xiao family are admiring you, giving us a long face."

"The patriarch has won the award, and this is also Xiao Han's responsibility." Xiao Han said calmly.

Xiao Heqiong nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Qiu Lanqing defeated Xiao Fenghua this time, giving Tianmai a heavy blow.

"I said that the person who performed the best this time can make a request that I can do. This time I personally think that Xiao Han's overall performance is excellent. Do you have any different opinions?"

The eight saints present are also very clear about the situation of this clan meeting, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Xiao Han performed the best overall.

The eight saints all nodded, even Xiao Heyun did not jump out to refute.

"Xiao Han, what do you want?" Xiao Heqiong said.

Xiao Han stood up, then glanced at Xiao Tianchen, he was a little excited, but also a little uneasy, because he didn't know whether he would succeed or not.

"I only have one request, I hope the patriarch can agree." Xiao Han said very solemnly.

Xiao Heqiong said, "You say it."

Xiao Han said: "I hope the patriarch can agree to take my mother Xiao Fengling's spiritual position as if it were in the ancestral hall, and recognize my mother's identity."

Hearing Xiao Han's words, the expressions of Xiao Heqiong and the other seven saints present changed.

Seeing the faces of Xiao Heqiong and the others, Xiao Han suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Xiao Tianchen saw that he could act, but he sank slightly, this matter is afraid to be difficult.

Xiao Heqiong said, "Xiao Han, change your request."

"Why?" Xiao Han didn't understand, "Why is it so difficult to make my mother's spiritual position look like an ancestral hall, it's just adding a spiritual seat."

Xiao He Yun said: "This is not just an addition of a spiritual seat, everyone who enters the ancestral hall must be someone the Xiao family's matchmaker is marrying, your mother and your father are married outside, and they have not been recognized by the Xiao family. This is an iron-clad rule, a rule. Can't be broken."

"My mother is also the wife my father Mingmi is marrying, not a concubine or someone else! What's more, rules are dead and people are alive, so my mother doesn't seem to be at fault, right? If she is wrong and damages the interests of the Xiao family, I will There's nothing to say, but what's wrong with her?" Xiao Han argued with reason.

Xiao Heqiong said: "Xiao Han, it's easy to talk about everything else except this matter. In this way, the matter of your mother's spiritual status in the ancestral hall will be changed to put you in the family tree."

"My mother has not been recognized by the Xiao family, what qualifications do I have to be included in the family tree?" Xiao Han smiled, and there was a sense of sarcasm in this smile.

"This has nothing to do with your mother." Xiao Heqiong said.

Xiao Han said: "When did my mother enter the ancestral hall, I will join the genealogy again! In addition, I want to know, how can my mother enter the genealogy?"

Xiao Heqiong said: "Unless, you are strong enough to control the will of the Xiao family."

It is impossible for many people present to have a strong will to control the Xiao family.

How powerful is the Xiao family, if you want to control the will of the Xiao family, you must be able to defeat their ancestors, War God Xiao, or be able to make War God Xiao fear, and change the rules for this.

However, this is extremely difficult for anyone.

Although Xiao Han's talent is very strong, he may not be able to become a Heaven-shattering powerhouse in the future, let alone surpass Xiao Zhanshen, that is an insurmountable peak.

"I understand." Xiao Han said firmly.

"You really don't belong to the family tree?" Xiao Heqiong asked again.

Xiao Han categorically refused: "In the Xiao family, only the parents are in the genealogy, then people will be like the genealogy, right? What qualifications do I have to be included in the genealogy?"

"If that's the case, then I don't force it. I can't meet your conditions. You can change it." Xiao Heqiong said.

Xiao Han said: "I don't have any more requirements."

Xiao Heqiong sighed, and then said to Xiao Yanyu, "You have done a lot of credit. You can ask for anything you want."

Xiao Yanyu said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

"Then wait until you think about it." Xiao Heqiong nodded, looked at Qiu Lanqing again, and said, "How about you?"

"We need to improve our strength as soon as possible, can the patriarch have a solution?" Qiu Lanqing said.

Xiao Heqiong said: "That is the need for cultivation resources, I will give you a can of Black Crystal Profound Liquid."

"Thank you." Qiu Lanqing said.

Don't let this have something in vain.

"The rest also have merit and rewards. I will order someone to distribute them to you. Well, you are all tired, so go and rest." Xiao Heqiong said.

Xiao Han and the others all left the main hall.

Xiao Heqiong looked at Xiao Tianchen and said, "Tianchen, Xiao Han is really stubborn."

Xiao Tianchen said: "Follow me."

Xiao Heqiong was no longer entangled in this matter, and said, "Now we have won the first place in the clan, and I have become the clan leader, and it is time for us to fight."

"You have heard the words of our ancestor today. Do you feel ashamed? Next, the first major event we have to face is the five clan conference. Although our main line won the first place in the clan clan, we must not be proud. You have to calm down and prepare for the Five Clan Conference."

"This matter will be handed over to you. You should supervise it well. You can report it if you need training resources, and you will approve it if you can."

"Yes." Everyone responded.

After Xiao Han and the others left the main hall, they returned directly to their residence.

Mei Liangde, Su Qiu, Jun Mochou, and Xia Mu were also waiting for them, and when they saw Xiao Han returning, they all gathered around.

They saw that Xiao Han's face was not good, and they ignored them, and went back to their room to lock themselves up.

Seeing this situation, Mei Liangde asked, "What's the situation? It didn't work?"

Qiu Lanqing said, "The patriarch did not answer Xiao Han's request."

"Why? Is this asking too much?" Meliande didn't understand.

Qiu Lanqing said: "It's the Xiao family's rules, the rules cannot be broken, what **** rules are really bullying people."

"Has the eldest brother entered the family tree?" Su Qiu asked.

Savage said: "I was going to enter it for him, but he rejected it. I don't think this genealogy is easy to enter."

"So, we've been working so hard for nothing?" Meliande said in frustration.

Everyone sighed.

"He feels very uncomfortable." Situ Mu said, and walked towards the yard where Xiao Han lived.

Xia Mu and Su Qiu looked at each other and prepared to go over, but they held back. At this time, it would be good to have Situ Mu alone. They went to add to the blockage.

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