Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4452: Strategies for the preparation of the Five Nations Conference

Chapter 4452 Preparation strategy for the five clan conference

"After the clan meeting is the five clan meeting, do you want to participate?" Xiao Tianchen called Xiao Han to his yard, and the two sat at the door of the room where Xiao Fengling was placed.

Xiao Han leaned against the door frame and said, "Of course you have to participate, and you can progress faster if you compete with masters."

"Do you think I'm useless?" Xiao Tianchen looked at Xiao Han solemnly.

Xiao Han glanced at Xiao Tianchen, then smiled lightly, and said: "Everyone will have times when they are very useless, there is nothing to be ashamed of, the useless is because the strength is not enough, and when the strength is enough, it will not be useless. "

"That said, I'm still very useless." Xiao Tianchen smiled bitterly.

Xiao Han didn't say that he was not cowardly, which means that in Xiao Han's heart, he was still very cowardly, and it also meant a little blame.

"Then you have to work hard, make yourself not useless, and let your woman become your woman in an upright manner." Xiao Han stood up and looked at Xiao Fengling's spiritual position.

After speaking, Xiao Han left.

Xiao Tianchen looked at Xiao Fengling's spiritual position, smiled, and said: "Our son is more promising than us, I am really useless, and he is right, you are my woman, let you enter the ancestral hall, the one who worked hard It shouldn't be him, it should be me."

Xiao Han didn't go far, just stood in a corner. He heard Xiao Tianchen's words, his body shook slightly, and then the corner of his mouth raised, and he left.

It is not too far from the Five Clan Conference, less than a year, and only nine months.

Nine months is very fast for a martial artist, so if Xiao Han and the others want to participate in the five clan conference and perform well enough in the five clan conference, they must go all out to practice.

Among the five clans in the Central Territory, there are not a few geniuses in the Xiao family who have more than 20,000 force. Xiao Han has no chance of winning a battle with these people.

Not to mention those geniuses who faced the other four clans in the five clan conference, those people will definitely not be worse than Xiao Fenghua, maybe evenly matched, maybe even stronger.

Therefore, in order to face those people calmly in the five clan conference, Xiao Han's realm must be at least elevated to the seventh level of Qiwu realm, and the number of martial arts should reach more than 26,000.

Because, in these nine months, Xiao Fenghua, Xiao Fengdai and others will also do their best to improve their strength, and they will never be careless about the honor or disgrace of the family.

In nine months, even if Xiao Fenghua and others have reached the peak of the Qi Martial Realm, they can still accumulate a lot of force, and it should be possible to reach more than 29,000.

After this five clan conference, these people will break through to the Qi King Realm, so they will all draw a successful end to this realm before breaking through.

And Xiao Han and the others now have no need to improve in battle, their battle experience is absolutely enough in the five clan conference.

At present, the most important thing is to improve the realm and accumulate force.

The profound liquid rewarded by Xiao Heqiong is a part of the cultivation resources, but it is definitely not enough, and more cultivation resources are needed.

Xiao Tianchen is also applying for other cultivation resources for them. Now that Xiao Heqiong has become the patriarch, all resource allocation is priority to the main line, so it is easier for people in the main line to obtain resources.

What's more, the talents of Xiao Han and others are very good, and Xiao Heqiong is also considered to be paying more attention. This will be the dark horse in the five clan conference, so Xiao Heqiong has also approved the resources that Xiao Tianchen applied for.

Xiao Tianchen has allocated all the resources, and has a large number of mysterious liquid crystals to practice, then the realm is improved, and the accumulation of force is naturally very fast.

Xiao Heqiong became the patriarch for the first time, and he happened to meet the five clan conference. Naturally, he wanted to show his results at the five clan conference to prove that he was still very qualified as the patriarch.

Therefore, after Xiao Heqiong became the patriarch, he immediately convened a large-scale meeting of the Xiao family's four-lineage saints and above to discuss how to deal with the five-clan meeting.

The entire meeting was finally decided. If you want to achieve good results at the Five Races Conference, you must improve the strength of the younger generation.

Around this center, they also came up with some strategies, such as opening the Profound Pond again, and letting the young clansmen of the four veins enter the selection pool to seize the cultivation resources. If it is more powerful, it would be better to be baptized.

At the same time, in order to better enhance the combat effectiveness, a challenge will be held every three months.

The Challenger Tournament allows any lineage to choose one of the other three lines as an opponent, and send young clansmen to fight in the arena, so that they can improve each other in this way.

At the same time, there is also the Lun Dao Society, where you can express some of your own thoughts, or point out the shortcomings of the other party. If the other party is not satisfied, you can fight and use actions to explain everything.

Cultivation is to improve the state, and communication is to brainstorm ideas, and finally achieve the purpose of battle.

After these strategies are formulated, the distribution of cultivation resources will be tripled compared to the past.

The victory or defeat of the Five Clan Conference is related to the honor and interests of the Xiao family. Therefore, we must not be careless and go all out.

The Four Meridians also agreed with these policies, so they all began to be implemented. The Xuanchi opened three months later, and the Four Meridians entered in turn.

After Xiao Han and the others possessed a large number of cultivation resources, they all sank their hearts and began to attack the realm to accumulate force.

A month later, Xiao Han broke through to the fifth level of Qi and Martial Realm, and the number of martial arts surged from 10,000 to 14,000 in an instant, an increase of 4,000.

Half a month later, the rest of the people also successively broke through to the fifth level of Qi Wujing, and Qiu Lanqing also broke through to the sixth layer of Qiwujing in the next half month.

Everyone's force has exceeded 12,000. If they break through to the sixth level of Qi Wujing, it may reach more than 16,000.

In the third month, the first challenge of the four veins began. This time, the main veins were more conservative, challenging the Kun veins, while the heaven veins naturally matched the earth veins.

The three-monthly challenge competition is for all the young clan members who are going to participate in the clan meeting, and Xiao Han and others also have to put aside their cultivation to participate.

This time, the home field of the challenge is in the main vein. Xiao Heyan, the master of the kun vein, brought the strong and young people of the kun vein to the main vein to participate in the challenge.

At the time of the clan meeting, the main vein and the Kun vein did not collide directly, so this is also the reason why the main vein chose the Kun vein.

On a mountain peak in Ganmai, there are three arenas, and everyone in Ganmai and Kunmai sits on one side.

The necessary realm to be eligible to participate in the five clan conference is to reach the fourth level of Qi Wujing, so the three arenas are divided into the fourth layer of Qiwujing, the fifth layer of Qiwujing, the sixth layer of Qiwujing, the seventh layer of Qiwujing, and the third layer of Qiwujing. Eighth Heaven and Nine Heavens.

A difference of one or two realms is basically not a big problem. This is also a test of the fighting will of these juniors. Even if you encounter an opponent of a higher realm, you must go all out. Even if you lose, it is a good exercise. .

"In this challenge, you can challenge freely according to groups. Even if you lose, as long as you can still fight, you can continue to challenge others. The purpose of the challenge is to improve your combat experience."

Xiao Heqiong said: "I hope you will be in the best state for this exchange, because after the challenge, there will be an exchange discussion meeting. Only when your shortcomings are exposed in the battle will you be pointed out at the Taoism meeting. If you make mistakes, you can correct them, which will be of great help in the future.”

"Then the challenge begins now."

"Patriarch, we want to go to the third group." Xiao Han said.

Everyone present was not surprised when they heard the words. Everyone had seen Xiao Han's strength, and it was understandable to go to the third group.

"Okay." Xiao Heqiong nodded.

The eight Xiao Han people all came to the third group. The third group of Kunmai people watched Xiao Han join the eight people, and they were all very interested to ask Xiao Han about their strength.

"Let's start." Xiao Heqiong said.

"Ganmai is the home court, so the advantage of playing first is given to Kunmai, Xiao Shiyan, you can send people out." Xiao Yanyu said.

"We didn't meet in the clan meeting. This time, it can be considered to make up for it. Let's see how much you have improved in the past three months. Who will be the first to fight in Kunmai?" Xiao Shiyan said.

"I'll do it." A young man stepped onto the ring, this person's name was Xiao Shifei, and he was in the eighth-level realm of Qi and Martial Realm.

After Xiao Shifei came up, he glanced in front of the Ganmai and these people, and then looked at Mei Liangde and said, "Although you only have the fifth level of Qi Wujing, I really want to know how strong you are."

"Challenge me?" Meliande smiled.


"I suggest you challenge others." Meliande said.

"You do not dare?"

"Forget it, if that's the case, then I'll satisfy you." Mei Liangde came to the ring.

Xiao Shifei's force erupted, reaching the eighth level of Qi Wujing, with a force of 9,700.

"Only 9,700?" Mei Liangde touched his nose, and the force erupted, 12,000.

"What?" Xiao Shifei was completely stunned.

Qi Wujing fifth-layer heaven, 12,000 to force?

"Do you still want to fight now? I told you to change someone." Meliande said.

"Xiao Shifei, you come down first, Xiao Shilei, you go." Xiao Shiyan said.

Xiao Shifei went on honestly, and with so much force, he couldn't win at all.

Xiao Shilei entered the ring. This was the peak of the eighth heaven of Qi Wujing. The force broke out. There were 11,700 forces, which was relatively close to Mei Liangde.

"I will meet you." Xiao Shilei said.

"Come on then." Mei Liangde swung his hammers and smashed them hard towards Xiao Shilei.

Xiao Shilei held a large yuemen, and he also slashed towards Mei Liangde, condensing his profound energy.

Both of them mainly focus on melee combat. Only in close combat is a person's combat ability to be tested. The use of martial arts is only used when close combat cannot gain an advantage.

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