Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4467: special task

Chapter 4467 Special tasks

Chu family.

"Patriarch, are you looking for me?" Chu Haoyue came to a study and respectfully saluted the middle-aged man in the study.

The middle-aged man in this study is the patriarch of the Chu family, Chu Dongnan.

Chu Dongnan looked at Chu Haoyue and said, "I asked you to come here to give you a task, and it is a task that must be completed."

Chu Haoyue was a little surprised. The five clan meeting was about to start. What task would Chu Dongnan assign to him?

"I want you to kill this person at all costs." Chu Dongnan took out a document and kept it in front of Chu Haoyue.

Chu Haoyue picked up the document and glanced at it, with a look of doubt on her face, how could it be this person?

"Is there a problem?" Chu Dongnan asked.

"Why him?" Chu Haoyue asked.

Chu Dongnan said: "You will understand after you kill him. You must kill him before the five clan conference ends. Only success is allowed, not failure."

"Yes." Chu Haoyue nodded and said no more.

Chu Haoyue left the study with the materials, but her heart was still full of doubts, but since it was possible to make Chu Dongnan care so much, it must be unusual.

ancient home.

Gu Liuyun stood in a palace, bowed and saluted, and said, "Liuyun has seen the patriarch."

"Liuyun, in addition to winning the first place at the Five Clan Conference this time, you have another very important task that must be completed." Gu Weiyong, the head of the ancient clan, said with a serious expression.

"Please instruct the patriarch." Gu Liuyun said.

"I want you to kill him at all costs." Gu Weiyong handed a document to Gu Liuyun.

Gu Liuyun glanced at him, then looked at Gu Weiyong with curious eyes, and said, "Patriarch, this person is indeed a bit extraordinary, but why should the patriarch care about such a person?"

Gu Weiyong said: "You don't have to know why, you have to kill him, and you will understand when you kill him."

When Gu Liuyun heard the words, he didn't ask any more questions, and saluted, "Yes, Patriarch."

the Kongs.

On the first day of the Kong family, Kong Zhisheng was cultivating on the top of a mountain. Suddenly, a light appeared in front of him. It was a piece of paper with a portrait on it and an introduction.

"Zhisheng, during the five clan meeting, kill him at all costs." A voice full of majesty appeared in Kong Zhisheng's mind.

Kong Zhisheng knew whose voice it was, and immediately said, "Yes, the patriarch."

There was no more sound from there. Kong Zhisheng looked at the information in his hand and was very puzzled, but since there is such a task, it must be completed.

For him, beheading a person with less than 10,000 force is definitely an easy task.

Wu family.

"Shen Feng, you have one more task for this five clan meeting." An avatar of Wu Zun, the head of the Wu clan, appeared in front of Wu Shenfeng.

When Wu Shenfeng saw Wu Zun's avatar coming to him in person, he immediately said respectfully, "I have seen the patriarch."

"To kill this person, even if you don't get the first place in the Five Clan Conference, you must complete this task." Wu Zun said solemnly.

Wu Shenfeng looked at the information and was very puzzled, but he didn't ask any further questions, he just said, "Yes, Patriarch, I promise to complete the mission."

Wu Zun nodded, and then the avatar disappeared.

Xiao family, dry veins.

In the square in front of the main hall of Ganmai, all the strong men above the Xiao family sage appeared, and all the people who participated in the five clan convention were already standing on the square.

According to the regulations of the Five Clan General Assembly, the total number of people in each family participating in the Five Clan General Assembly shall not exceed 300 people.

The Xiao family sent 270 people this time, and they were also carefully selected elites.

There are no more people, but the essence.

Among them, fifty people came out of the endless land, and the fighting power of these fifty people is absolutely formidable.

As the patriarch, Xiao Heqiong was full of majesty and said, "This time the five clan meeting, two elders, Xiao Heyun and Xiao Heyun, will lead everyone to the five clan meeting. I hope you can return triumphantly and win honor for my Xiao family."

Xiao Heqiong didn't have much to say, Xiao Heyun and Xiao Heyun just urged two warships to leave with all the clansmen who participated in the five clan meeting.

The venue for the Five Clan Conference is no longer on the site of the five major families, but on the site of the Potian Temple, which is the venue provided by the Potian Temple after all.

Although it seemed that it was finally divided up by the five major families, there was a huge area in the southeast direction of the end, which did not belong to any family, but only belonged to the Temple of Heaven.

The Temple of Heaven is located in the City of Heaven, and the scale is extremely huge. Around the City of Heaven, it is the jurisdiction of the Temple of Heaven. Within this jurisdiction, it is forbidden for any power to set foot on it without permission.

Now that the Five Clan Conference is open, it is tacitly accepted that the five major families enter the jurisdiction of the Potian Temple.

For the five major clan conferences, each of the five major clans established an independent hall in the place where the conference was held, so that all clansmen could rest.

The Xiao family's warship came to the jurisdiction of the Potian Temple. Not long after that, in a mountain range, there was a valley within this mountain range, and there was no huge palace in the valley.

The Xiao family's warship landed in one of the palaces, and the main entrance of the palace was engraved with the words "Xiao Clan".

After all the clansmen disembarked from the battleship, they were arranged to rest in the palace.

"There are still two days until the Five Clan Conference, so don't go out these two days." Xiao Heyun urged.

Everyone responded, and then each looked for their own room. Everyone's room was fixed and had a name.

"This place is really not bad." Meliande said with a smile, looking at the resplendent palace.

"Fatty, we're not here to have fun, we're here to fight." Qiu Lanqing said.

Mei Liangde said: "If you fight, you have to rest well before you can fight with energy."

"Fat man is right, everyone should rest well, eat, drink, don't be polite, keep in good shape." Xiao Han said with a smile.

On the first floor of the palace, there is a place for dining, and then the second and third floors are resting areas.

After Xiao Han and the others found their room, they rested in the room for half a day. When it was time for dinner, Meliande knocked on the door one by one and invited him to eat.

The meals here are also fixed, there are good dishes, but there is no wine, only tea.

"This food is good." Meliande ate, looking like he had been hungry for many days.

"Fatty, eat like this, you eat one table, seven of us eat one table, okay?" Jun Mochou said.

Meliande said: "There's no atmosphere at all. It's better to come to a table."

"I want to eat with the animals." Xia Mu said.

Mei Liangde said dissatisfiedly: "Fairy Xiamu, you can't make personal attacks."

"Then you can't influence our meal." Xia Mu said.

"Pay attention to your image." Xiao Han said.

Because Xiao Heyun had already told him not to leave the palace, so after everyone finished eating, they went back to their rooms to entertain themselves.

After that, the other four major families also came here one after another, and they all lived in their own palaces.

Before the five clan meeting began, each clan did not come out to stroll, but rested in their own palaces.

Two days later, the day of the five clan meeting came.

On this day, a messenger came to Potian Temple, and this messenger was the one who opened the space world.

The people of the five clans all walked out of the palace. The people of the five clans looked at each other. Many people knew each other. Although they had never fought, they all knew the strength of each other.

Chu Haoyue's eyes swept across the Xiao family's side, and then saw his target, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Not only Chu Haoyue, Kong Zhisheng, Gu Liuyun, and Martial God Feng were all staring at the Xiao family, looking for their goals.

"I have seen the messenger." The saints of the five clans were very polite when they saw the messenger of the Potian Temple.

The messenger is also in the realm of saints, and may not be as good as these saints of the five clans, but they are the powerhouses of the Temple of Heaven, so it is natural to give face.

"Today, I was instructed to come to open the world of Xuanlong." The messenger said, and then held a scepter, and the scepter was thrown into the air, shining with blazing light.

Immediately, a huge vortex appeared in the void, forming a teleportation array.

"Enter the teleportation array according to the results of the last five clan conference." The messenger said.

The Chu family was first in the last five clan conference, so the Chu family entered the Xuanlong world first, followed by the Wu family, then the Xiao family, the fourth place was the Kong family, and the fifth was the Gu family.

Enter the Xuanlong world in this order.

"Go on, remember, life-saving is the most important thing, don't die inside." Xiao Heyun said.

"Yes." Xiao Fenghua and others nodded, and then all rushed to the teleportation formation.

After entering the teleportation array, the light flashed, and everyone appeared in another world.

The Chu family and Wu family who came in before should have been teleported to other places, which also prevented everyone from killing each other as soon as they met.

Xiao Fenghua said: "We will be divided into four large teams according to each line, and then each line will be subdivided according to the situation. As for how many teams are divided, it is up to you."

After Xiao Fenghua finished speaking, he was clearly divided into four teams.

On the trunk side, Xiao Yanyu said, "I, Xiao Yanwu, and Xiao Yanqing each lead a team, and then Xiao Han, the eight of you, plus a few others, will become a team."

"It's just a group of eight of us, we don't need anyone else." Xiao Han said.

Xiao Yanyu didn't say anything, and said, "Well, let's divide it like this."

The Ganmai side quickly divided the team. There are 270 people in the Xiao family. There are 63 people on the Ganmai side. The team consisted of about eighteen people.

"Then let's go. If you encounter a strong enemy, you can't save your life first." Xiao Yanyu urged.

"Okay." Everyone nodded, and then dispersed with the team.

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