Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4471: Ei Takegami

"Martial power, it's not that I didn't give you a chance, you don't cherish it too much. If that's the case, then your five clan meeting this time will end here."

Xiao Han was serious.

"Are you joking?"

The young man beside Martial God sneered.

"who are you?

The Martial God Force told you to come and kill you, are you really here? "

Xiao Han smiled.

"Wu Family Wu Shenying."

The young man said proudly.

"We are all busy, so don't talk nonsense, Wu Shenying, right?

Come on, let's get rid of you first. "

Xiao Han said.

Wu Shenying smiled contemptuously, and then the force erupted, a full 24,000 lines of force rushed out, and the momentum was very powerful.

"I know you have 20,000 martial powers, but you are far from me."

Wu Shenying said proudly.

Xiao Han's force burst out and said: "Twenty-four thousand is indeed a great deal, but it can't stop me from eliminating you."

"I'm not ashamed to say it, let's see how I clean up you 1

Wu Shenying's profound energy exploded frantically, and a long spear in his hand stabbed towards Xiao Han.

In the face of people who are much stronger than himself, Xiao Han generally does not use close combat, but directly attacks with martial skills, using the method of consuming profound energy to drain the opponent's profound energy.

Xiao Han's third form of Xuan Youji broke out, and now with Xiao Han's strength, he has been able to transform into one hundred and twenty-eight blades.

All the blades exploded out, then spun up, and slaughtered towards Wu Shenying.

Wu Shenying's eyes changed slightly, and the one hundred and twenty-eight blades rotated, turning into a huge vortex, strangling everything.

Wu Shenying didn't dare to be careless, the profound energy on the long wall burst out frantically, still a spear stabbed, and collided with the Xuan Youji.

boom! The fierce confrontation between the two forces, the one hundred and twenty-eight blades were all smashed, and the attack of Wu Shenying was also resisted.

Behind Xiao Han, profound energy surged, and a real dragon roared out, rushing towards Wu Shenying with majestic power.

"Xuanyan Finger 1

Wu Shenying's right hand pointed out that the profound energy condensed frantically, and a terrifying force burst out, colliding with the real dragon energy.

Bang! The True Dragon Qi collided with the light of the Xuanyan Finger, the True Dragon Qi roared, and the two forces continued to compete, and the True Dragon Qi was suppressed.

"Hexagonal Helix Wave 1

Xiao Han shouted loudly, and the violent power whistled, swirling and impacting the past.

boom! The six spiral waves rushed out and shattered Wu Shenying's finger. Wu Shenying was holding a long spear, and his profound energy exploded. The spear pierced, and the profound energy rushed up.

Bang! A pure force charged towards the surroundings, both of which burst out completely, Xiao Han's body took a few steps backwards.

Wu Shenying's face also became solemn. Xiao Han was not as easy to deal with as he imagined. After these few tricks, Wu Shenying did not completely suppress Xiao Han.

"Skybreak 1

Xiao Han picked up the Xuanyou halberd, and the majestic profound energy exploded frantically, turning into a terrifying light that swept out.

Wu Shenying's profound energy exploded, and the long spear in his hand condensed a strong profound energy.

A ray of light burst out and collided with Xiao Han's Sky Crack. The two forces staggered and bombarded. After all, Wu Shenying's profound energy took the upper hand and shattered the Sky Crack.

"Asura Martial God Hand."

Xiao Han shot again, profound energy surged, Shura came out, fighting intent was strong, and a terrifying big hand slapped out.

Wu Shenying was startled again. At this time, Xiao Han still had such a powerful means.

Wu Shenying once again condensed profound energy to break Xiao Han's attack, and then the profound energy exploded out completely, condensed together, and shouted: "Blood Rain Sky Killing Technique 1

Wu Shenying's spear waved, and in that instant, the blood-colored light shrouded in an instant, and a terrifying killing intent surged, shrouding Xiao Han inside.

"God Bell Shield 1

Xiao Han was shrouded in the phantom of the **** of creation, and there was blood rain in the **** light. This blood rain is very corrosive and can corrode everything.

In the place covered by the blood rain, it has been constantly corroded. Xiao Han is under the protection of the divine bell shield, and the blood rain cannot threaten Xiao Han.

Wu Shenying saw that his blood rain could not cause damage to Xiao Han, his face changed, and he continued to use profound energy to strengthen the power of the blood rain.

Xiao Han's profound energy also poured into the bell shield, the light of the bell shield shone, and the two forces were stalemate.

Xiao Han was wearing the divine bell shield, and then the profound energy surged, and the Xuan Youji slashed down fiercely.

Xiao Han counterattacked, Wu Shenying saw this, and immediately resisted with a long spear, the **** rainy day killing technique would be self-defeating.

boom! Although Wu Shenying blocked Xiao Han's attack, his profound energy consumption was also enormous.

The Martial God Power on the side saw that Xiao Han and Wu Shenying had fought for so long and still hadn't been defeated, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Although your tactics are good, your profound energy is still not as good as mine, and you will still lose."

Wu Shenying said coldly.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Your profound energy consumption is not small. Even if I lose, it will be easy for my brothers to defeat you."

"What's more, how do you know that I will definitely lose?"

When Wu Shenying heard this, his face changed suddenly. At this time, he realized that Xiao Han had already planned to do this.

"Then beat you first."

Martial God Ying hummed.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "What did you use to defeat me?"

As he said that, the silver rays of light from Xiao Han's whole body erupted, and the profound energy and the outer chain experience merged together, and rushed towards Wu Shenying.

Wu Shenying was surprised, Xiao Han was still a foreign martial artist?

At this time, Wu Shenying was only able to start a close fight with Xiao Han. Wu Shenying could completely remember the strong force of Xuan Qi to suppress Xiao Han, but after Xiao Han used the power of external refining, Wu Shenying found that he could not at all. Xiao Han will be suppressed.

At this time, Xiao Han's martial spirit burst out, turning into a soul sword and slashing at Wu Shenying.

Wu Shenying was shocked, how come there is still a spirit attack?

Moreover, he felt that the martial spirit attack was not weak, and his martial spirit was already trembling and threatened.

Wu Shenying's force burst out wildly, trying to resist Xiao Han's Wuhun attack, but Wu Shenying's remaining profound energy was no longer able to resist Xiao Han's Wuhun attack.

The soul sword with the flame of the martial soul tore apart the profound energy and moved towards the center of Wu Shenying's eyebrows.

Wu Shenying's face changed greatly, just watching the soul sword about to enter his eyebrows, his martial spirit trembled, he quickly said: "I admit defeat" Hearing Wu Shenying admit defeat, Wu Shenli's face changed, secretly said that it was over. .

After Wu Shenying conceded defeat, he was taken away by a force.

At the moment Wu Shenying left, twenty-three kings appeared, and Xiao Han took them away.

Everyone in the Wu family was extremely unwilling, and the twenty-three kings that they finally got were taken away.

Xiao Han looked at Wu Shenli with a smile and said, "How are you feeling now?"

Wu Shenli's face was extremely gloomy, and he never thought it would end like this.

"I will give you all the king's energy, and you will let me leave."

Wu Shenli said.

Xiao Han smiled and shook his head: "You really want to give me Wang Qi, but you don't have to leave, just eliminate it."

Wu Shenli clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't deceive people too much.

"I didn't want to bully you, you brought it on yourself, who can you blame?"

Xiao Han said.

Wu Shenli took a deep breath. He regretted it now. If he knew this, he shouldn't have paid Xiao Han's attention.

"Okay, count you ruthless 1

Martial God gritted his teeth.

"I admit defeat" Wu Shenli almost said these three words from the gap between his teeth.

After these three words appeared, Wu Shenli's body was taken away by a force, and only twenty Wang Qi floated in the air.

"Fuck you all too."

Xiao Han put away 20 royal qi and said to the rest of the Wu family.

On the Wu family side, who else can fight Xiao Han, can only admit that they are unlucky, and they all admit defeat.

The two teams of the Wu family were eliminated at once. I don't know what the Wu family would think about Egypt.

"Haha, now we are developed."

Meliande laughed.

Xiao Han said: "This cave is not bad, we will practice here for a while and then talk about it."

Now that they have obtained 119 King Qi, Xiao Han has given everyone the experience of three King Qi. With the current situation, in ten days, they can only refine three King Qi.

Savage is protecting the law at the entrance of the cave, and the rest are working hard to improve their strength.

In a flash, another ten days have passed, and Xiao Han and several people have almost refined three kings of energy, and one king of energy can almost enhance a thousand martial powers.

When the three Dao Wang Qi came down, they all increased their martial power by 3,000 Dao Dao.

Xiao Han has only increased his martial power by 2,000, but his realm is constantly approaching the seventh level of Qiwu realm, and he still wants to gain some advantages in realm.

Three days later, Xiao Han and the others came to a wilderness where many teams had gathered. There were scattered trees in the wilderness. These trees were not tall, only about 20 feet tall. Air is attached.

But in the wilderness, in addition to those trees, there were also monsters of incomparably huge bodies. These monsters were so powerful that they had already torn apart several people.

Now the people from the five major families have already arrived here. In addition to Xiao Han and a few people, there are two other teams in the Xiao family.

This team was led by Xiao Fengdai, and the other team was led by Xiao Shitao. Overall, they were relatively strong.

In addition, the teams of other clans are not weak, and they are all powerful existences in the clan.

Xiao Han walked towards Xiao Fengdai, Xiao Fengdai saw Xiao Han and several people, his face was expressionless, and this was just a glance.

Xiao Han didn't care, and said lightly, "Are those monsters difficult to deal with?"

"The number is not only large, but also very strong, have you seen those corpses?

Qiwujing Jiuzhongtian was trampled to pieces. "

Xiao Fengdai said lightly.

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