Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4481: When the truth comes out, there will always be a reward, but the expulsion of the Xiao

Chapter 4481 When the truth comes out, there will be a reward, and the expulsion of the Xiao family will not return

Xiao Han followed all the powerhouses in the family to the main hall of the main vein. The powerhouses took their seats, and Xiao Han stood in the center of the hall.

Xiao Heqiong said, "Xiao Han, release the Qi Dan."

When Xiao Han heard the words, he nodded. Except for a few people, the rest were a little puzzled. What do you do with releasing Qi Dan?

Xiao Tianhao's face became ugly. He knew that Xiao Heqiong had already known the situation of Xiao Han's Chaos Pill.

And he had a bad feeling today.

Xiao Han's Qi Dan rushed out and immediately lit up the entire hall, with twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine martial forces surrounding the Chaos Dan.

Xiao Han's Qi Pill was released, and the strong people present who didn't know about it before saw Xiao Han's Qi Pill, and they were all surprised. This was not any Qi Pill they had ever seen.

"The light is like the sun, this is... Chaos Pill..." Xiao Hetian said in shock.

"Chaos Pill..." As soon as Xiao Hetian's words came out, everyone present took a deep breath.

"It's really Chaos Pill, you can't go wrong..." Xiao Heyan said with great certainty.

Xiao Heshan also nodded, very sure.

"He actually has a Chaos Pill..." This is too unbelievable for many people.

They thought that Xiao Han was a cultivator of the Three Vessels, but he was just extremely talented and lucky, but they never imagined that Xiao Han had such potential.

They all know what Chaos Pill means, which means that it is very likely to become those legendary existences in the future, stepping through the Nine Heavens and ascending to the unknown God Realm.

"Xiao Han, you put away the Chaos Pill." Xiao Heqiong also settled down.

After Xiao Han put away the Chaos Pill, Xiao Hetian said: "Since you have the Chaos Pill, why didn't you say it earlier? If there is a clan member with the Chaos Pill potential in my Xiao family, I am afraid even the ancestors will not be able to sit still. ."

"Master of the pulse, Xiao Han didn't say it, but it was for his own safety. The Chaos Pill was too closely related, and now it was exposed as a last resort." Xiao Tianchen said.

Many people also nodded, which is indeed justified. Chaos Dan is too related. If it is known, it may lead to disaster.

"What do you mean when you say that you have to expose it now?" Xiao Heyan grabbed the meaning of Xiao Tianchen's words and asked.

Xiao Tianchen said: "At this time, there is a big reason for wanting the child's life with the Wu family and the Chu family at the Five Clan Conference."

"How?" Xiao Hetian said.

Xiao Han said: "Master, I have the news of Chaos Pill, apart from my father and my brothers who were born and died, there are only some people in the Eastern Region."

"After I beheaded Martial God Feng, I searched for his Martial Spirit consciousness, and learned that Martial God Feng wanted to kill me because of the instructions of the head of the Martial Clan."

When the powerhouses heard Xiao Han's words, they were all shocked. It turned out to be the instigation of the head of the Wu family, Wu Zun?

"I, Xiao Han, is just a Qi Martial Realm. In the eyes of the head of the Wu clan, he is like an ant. He may not even know me, so why should he specifically ask Wu Shen Feng to kill me? And this matter seems to be in addition to the Wu clan. Except for the title of Chang and Wushen, no one else in the Wu family knows about it."

Xiao Han continued: "This is intriguing. It can make the head of the Wu family pay so much attention. I don't think there will be other reasons other than knowing that I have the Chaos Pill."

"The Chu family wants to kill me, which is also the reason. Since the Wu family and the Chu family know that I have the Chaos Pill, then the Gu family and the Kong family must also know about it."

"But the crux of the problem is, who told the news to the four major families? It's definitely impossible for my father, and it's absolutely impossible for my brothers and friends. How can the Eastern Region have the ability to reach out to the Central Region? ."

"In the end, I figured out that there are people who know that I have Chaos Pill. This person is in Zhongyu, in the Xiao family, and has a big holiday with me!"

When Xiao Han said this, his tone increased a little.

Others were a little surprised when they heard this. Does anyone in the Xiao family know about it and had a holiday with Xiao Han?

Many people immediately thought of Xiao Tianhao, and their eyes couldn't help looking at Xiao Tianhao.

Xiao Tianhao's face changed slightly, and he secretly thought that something was wrong, but he quickly calmed down. There was no evidence, it was slander, and Xiao Han didn't say who it was.

Xiao Heqiong asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"The Hui patriarch is Xiao Jun." Xiao Han said: "Xiao Jun once went to the Eastern Region for my father's inheritance of the holy way. He wanted to arrest me and threaten my father. He knew that I had Chaos Pill."

"Although Xiao Jun knows that you have Chaos Pill, it doesn't mean that he told the news to the four major families, right?" Xiao Heshan said.

Xiao Jun is a person from the Earth Vessel, and Xiao Heshan naturally does not want this matter to be done by the Earth Vessel, so he would be extremely embarrassed.

Xiao Tianchen walked out and said, "For this matter, I went to investigate it myself, please take a look."

Xiao Tianchen took out the mysterious soul mirror, and the mysterious soul mirror recorded what Xiao Jun said in the cave.

Everyone looked at the picture in the Xuanhun Mirror, and when they heard Xiao Jun's words, they were all shocked, and their eyes all fell on Xiao Tianhao.

When Xiao Tianhao heard Xiao Jun say his name, his whole body trembled, and he walked out quickly, defending: "Patriarch, Xiao Jun is just a bunch of nonsense, and it has nothing to do with me at this time."

"It has nothing to do with you? Anyone who walks by will leave a mark." Xiao Tianchen snorted coldly: "My son was forced to leave the Eastern Region because of Xiao Jun, and went to the Northern Region to experience. After returning to the Eastern Region, he encountered Dongyu Hao again. The assassination of Tianzong was specifically investigated for this time, and the Sect Master of Clear Tianzong has clearly told me that Xiao Jun arranged it.”

"After that, I secretly investigated Xiao Jun and found that Xiao Jun was very close to you. My son was ambushed once, and it was planned by you and Xiao Jun, because you also knew that my son had Chaos Pill, and at that time Xiao Jun was ambushed. The grievance between Han and Xiao Mian has already appeared, you are afraid that Xiao Han will be disadvantaged when he grows up, so you want to kill him and then hurry up."

"Am I right?" Xiao Tianchen asked.

"No! This is just your guess. If you want to add a crime, why don't you say anything, what evidence do you have?" Xiao Tianhao still vehemently denied it, never admit it, there is no evidence, why should he admit it?

Xiao Tianchen said with a smile: "Xiao Jun's words are one of the evidences, and the second one, dare to let the patriarch search for your martial soul? You can see what you have done! Martial soul memory cannot be deceived."

Xiao Tianhao's expression changed, and then he shouted, "This is a huge insult to me!"

"If you search for your martial soul, it proves that you haven't done it, and I, Xiao Tianchen, are willing to die and apologize!" Xiao Tianchen also gave up.

Xiao Tianhao's face became more and more ugly, Xiao Tianchen said so, even if he proves that he is innocent, Xiao Tianchen is willing to die and apologize, then he is not considered insulted.

If he is still unwilling, it means that there is really a ghost in his heart.

"Xiao Tianhao, if you are innocent, the master of this vein will naturally seek justice for you." Xiao Heshan said solemnly.

"The Pulse Master..." Xiao Tianhao was startled, at this time it was already difficult to ride a tiger.

"Xiao Tianhao... The clean is clear, the dirty is clean. If you have a clear conscience, why should you be afraid?" At this moment, a figure appeared in the hall out of thin air.

When everyone saw this figure, they were all shocked, and they quickly stood up and bowed to salute.

"I have seen my ancestors..."

Xiao Tianhao shocked Xiao Zhanshen when he saw this. His face instantly turned pale, and he knew that it was difficult for him to escape today.

"If you can't trust others, then the old man will come in person." Xiao Zhanshen said.

Xiao Tianhao was completely paralyzed to the ground, completely in despair. Even if he erased his memory and used Xiao Zhanshen's means, he would definitely find out.

Seeing Xiao Tianhao's state at this time, everyone understood that it was Xiao Tianhao who did it.

"Xiao Tianhao, what else do you have to say now?" Xiao Heqiong said coldly.

"The ancestors are kind." Xiao Tianhao knelt down and pleaded quickly.

Xiao Zhan said: "Disclosing such important information to the other four clans is the crime of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the clan, and the crime should be punished!"

Xiao Tianhao trembled all over, extremely desperate, and begged: "I was also confused for a while, and I definitely didn't mean to cooperate with the enemy and sell the clan, the ancestors are kind."

With a wave of Xiao Zhanshen's hand, a majestic force bombarded Xiao Tianhao's body. Xiao Tianhao was shocked and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his breath was declining.

"For the sake of your past merits, I will spare your life, but the death penalty can be forgiven, and the sin of life cannot escape. I will destroy your holy way and reduce you to the emperor. From now on, you will not be able to enter the holy way! From today onwards, you All direct lineages and collateral lineages in Xiao Tianhao’s lineage were expelled from the Xiao family, and their names were completely removed from the genealogy.”

Xiao Zhanshen said: "Xiao Jun's lineage is also expelled from the Xiao family, and he is no longer a member of the Xiao family."

When everyone present heard Xiao Zhanshen's handling, they all took a breath, Xiao Tianhao's lineage was completely unlucky to follow Xiao Tianhao.

Clearing from the family tree is not as simple as driving out the Xiao family.

"Come here, take Xiao Tianhao down and order all the clansmen related to Xiao Tianhao and Xiao Jun to leave the Xiao family." Xiao Heqiong said.

Immediately outside the door, several clansmen came and took Xiao Tianhao away.

Xiao Zhanshen looked at Xiao Heshan and said solemnly: "Xiao Heshan, this incident happened in your terrestrial vein, and you also have an unshirkable responsibility!"

Xiao Heshan immediately knelt down and said, "Heshan is willing to be punished."

Xiao Zhan said: "If the Xiao family and the Wu family go to war, the leylines will be the vanguard."

"Yes." Xiao Heshan said respectfully.

If the leyline is the vanguard, it means that the people of the leyline will have to collide with the people of the Wu family first. Needless to say, there will be no less casualties.

This is also a punishment for the leylines.

Xiao Zhanshen looked at Xiao Han and said, "Originally, I thought you were extremely talented and good fortune, but I didn't expect you to be so hidden. Even I didn't see it. The hiddenness is really deep."

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