Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4491: Enter Jiuzhongtian Academy

Chapter 4491 Enter Jiuzhongtian Academy

"The dean has entered the semi-holy realm?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

Kou Tianlei nodded and said, "The aptitude is still a little dull. It took many years to barely reach the semi-holy realm by borrowing the fragments of the holy way and the holy bones."

Xiao Han said with a smile: "The dean is too modest. Even if many people have these assistances, they may not be able to break through to the semi-holy realm in a few years."

"Yeah, Dean, now Xuanyi Academy has you and Dean Zhong in charge, and the Nine Emperor Cliffs are stabilized." Savage said with a smile.

Kou Tianlei said with a smile: "Nine Emperor Cliffs has been going downhill since you were here, and now it is no longer able to compete with Xuanyi Academy. In Dongzhou, apart from Zidong Shengzong, we are Xuanyi Academy."

"As the saying goes, many acts of injustice will lead to suicide. If Jiuhuangya is not righteous, it will not last for a long time. Decay is also a natural thing." Xiao Han said.

Kou Tianlei said, "Have you already gone to Jiuzhongtian?"

Xiao Han said: "This time I came back to Jiuzhongtian Academy."

"You guys haven't been there all the time?" Kou Tianlei was a little surprised. When most people were admitted, they couldn't wait to go to Jiuzhongtian Academy. The two of them were good, and they weren't in a hurry at all.

"We just came over from Central China." Savage said.

"Have you gone to the Central Territory to practice?" Kou Tianlei said.

Xiao Han said: "The student's family is in Zhongyu, and they have practiced in the family for a period of time."

When Kou Tianlei heard the words, he was a little puzzled. Xiao Han said that he was from the Eastern Territory, but now the family is in the Central Territory again. What is the situation?

Seeing Kou Tianlei's somewhat puzzled look, he said savagely, "Xiao Han is a member of the Xiao family in the Central Region. This time, going to the Central Region is also regarded as recognizing the ancestors."

"The Xiao family in the Central Region? The Xiao family, one of the nine ancient families in the Potian Continent?" Kou Tianlei said in shock.

Xiao Han said: "Exactly."

Kou Tianlei took a deep breath and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a family background. No wonder you are not in a hurry to go to Jiuzhongtian Academy."

Xiao Han said with a smile: "Although the Xiao family is powerful, it is not as good as Jiuzhongtian Academy. That is the top existence in the Heaven-breaking Continent."

Kou Tianlei smiled and said, "I'll be here for a drink with me today, and I'll call Qin Yang over later."

"If you can accompany the dean to drink, then you will be very willing." Xiao Han said with a smile.

Xiao Han and Barbarian lived in the academy for a few days, and they were waiting for the others to meet together.

A few days later, they said goodbye to Xuanyi Academy, and then the eight of them went to Jiuzhongtian Academy together.

Xiao Han also learned from Kou Tianlei that the Jiuzhongtian Academy will start recruiting students in two months. At that time, Mei Liangde, Qiu Lanqing and others can also sign up.

About ten days later, Xiao Han and eight people had come to the jurisdiction of Jiuzhongtian Academy and saw the huge Jiuzhongtian Academy.

This is much larger than the size of the Xiao family. Although there are not many people in Jiuzhongtian Academy, it is after all the top power in the entire continent. The size and style are naturally not comparable to the Xiao family.

"What an ancient academy." Savage said.

"The Jiuzhongtian Academy has been established for so long, and it is naturally ancient. This is called the foundation." Xiao Han said with a smile: "We will not enter the Jiuzhongtian Academy first, and we will go in when we are recruiting."

"I think you should go ahead and get acquainted with each other. When the time comes, we will take care of you." Meliande said.

"I'm afraid of a woolen thread. If the time comes, whoever doesn't agree with us, why don't we just lay down for them?" Qiu Lanqing said.

"That's right, just step on your feet if you don't agree, and you will naturally feel comfortable." Xiao Han said with a smile.

Immediately, Xiao Han and several others settled in Tianxue City within the jurisdiction of Jiuzhongtian College. Tianxue City was close to Jiuzhongtian College, so they could find out a lot of news about Jiuzhongtian College here.

And countless warriors in the entire continent also know that Jiuzhongtian Academy will recruit students, so in this more than a month, there will be many warriors who dare to participate in the recruitment.

There are four cities around the Jiuzhongtian Academy, and the Jiuzhongtian Academy is in the middle, and those martial artists who participate in the recruitment will live in the four cities.

The Jiuzhongtian Academy is aimed at recruiting students from the entire Sky-breaking Continent. Every year, thousands of warriors come, and many of them are children of big families.

Those who dare to participate in the recruitment must be regarded as geniuses, and ordinary warriors also have self-knowledge and dare not come to participate.

So, this is a showdown between geniuses.

As time went by, Xiao Han and the others found that there were many young warriors in Tianxue City, and their strengths were not bad. These people were high-profile, some low-key, and some knew each other, but also each other. Greetings, complimenting each other.

Xiao Han and the others were also relatively low-key, and quietly watched those people touting each other and bragging about each other.

On this day, a powerhouse with an extremely powerful aura came to Tianxue City, and then said: "All the warriors who participated in the recruitment of Jiuzhongtian Academy, listen carefully. The recruitment of Jiuzhongtian Academy will be held in three days."

"Only after passing the primary qualification test can you be eligible to participate in the recruitment. This recruitment will directly recruit the best talent and best performing warriors. A small number of warriors will become registered students, and the rest will be eliminated."

After the martial artist finished speaking, his body flashed, and he disappeared over Tianxue City.

"The recruitment is finally about to start, and this time there are still places for direct admissions, which must be grasped."

"I don't count on direct admission. I just hope that I won't be eliminated, and I will become a registered student first." On the street, many martial artists were discussing each other.

"Since there is a quota for direct admission, you must seize it and strive for direct admission. Don't be a registered student anymore. It is a waste of time." Xiao Han said.

"The admission requirements must be very high, how can it be so easy, and there are so many talents, it is very difficult to stand out." Meliande said.

"So unconfident?" Xiao Han said.

Meliande said: "It is to know yourself correctly."

"No matter what, I'm going all out." Xiao Han said.

Three days later, many young warriors in Tianxue City rushed to Jiuzhongtian Academy one after another, and the warriors from the four cities gathered at the foot of Jiuzhongtian Academy.

At the foot of this mountain, there is a door, which is the primary assessment, but only those who can enter this door can enter the Jiuzhongtian to participate in the formal assessment.

"Let's go to Jiuzhongtian first, and then go back to see your assessment." Xiao Han said.

"Okay." Qiu Lanqing nodded.

"Come on." Savage laughed.

Xiao Han and Barbarian held the disciple token of Jiuzhongtian Academy and showed it to the Jiuzhongtian students at the foot of the mountain.

"Why haven't I seen the two of you?" After the student of Jiuzhongtian Academy glanced at the token, he was sure that it was the disciple token of Jiuzhongtian Academy, but he didn't even know there were such two people.

The Jiuzhongtian Academy has very few personnel. Even if many people may not have dealt with each other, they must have met.

"We were selected at the Northern Region Kyushu event a few years ago." Xiao Han said.

"I was selected a few years ago, and now I'm here to report?" The disciple frowned, and was even more dissatisfied. Usually, he had to report within three months.

"At the beginning, Yan Sheng said that the two of us can enter Jiuzhongtian Academy at any time." Xiao Han said.

"Xiao Han, Savage?" At this moment, a familiar figure appeared, and he was surprised after seeing Xiao Han and Savage.

"Jiang Jianjiu!" Xiao Han and Barbarian were also surprised when they saw the visitor.

This person is Jianzhou, Jiang Jianjiu.

When I was in the Kyushu Conference, I became a registered student, and now I have become an official student.

"Senior Brother Jiang, do you know each other?" The student showed great respect when he saw Jiang Jianjiu appear.

"I know, they attended the Kyushu Conference that year with me and were selected as disciples of the Jiuzhongtian Academy together. They were directly admitted as disciples, not registered students." Jiang Jianjiu said.

The student was shocked and looked at Xiao Han and Savage in astonishment. They were directly selected as official disciples. How powerful and talented was that?

In his opinion, Jiang Jianjiu is already very good, and now he is a very famous student in Jiuzhongtian Academy, but he was only a named disciple at the beginning.

"If you call him senior brother, it means that you came to Jiuzhongtian Academy later than us. In this case, you have to call us senior brother too." Xiao Han said.

The student heard the words, and then clasped his fists and said, "I offended a lot just now, brother, don't blame me."

"You are doing your due diligence, how can I blame you." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Senior brother, please." The student said.

Xiao Han smiled, then walked over and said, "Jiang Jianjiu, we were not familiar with this place just now, can you introduce us to it if you have time."

Jiang Jianjiu said: "Okay."

Jiang Jianjiu took Xiao Han and Barbarian up the mountain. Along the way, Jiang Jianjiu asked curiously, "You guys have only come to report now, where have you been all these years?"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "I went to practice outside for a few years."

"At the beginning of the Kyushu Conference, all those who were selected have become official disciples. Later, a few people became registered disciples, but they were all eliminated." Jiang Jianjiu said.

Xiao Han said: "Is the practice of Jiuzhongtian Academy as terrible as the rumors say?"

"It is indeed as difficult as the rumors say, but as long as you can persevere and survive, you will have a great harvest." Jiang Jianjiu said.

"Take us to find Yansheng." Xiao Han said.

Jiang Jianjiu nodded, and then took Xiao Han and Barbarian quickly into Jiuzhongtian Academy.

Feeling the ancient atmosphere of Jiuzhongtian Academy at close range, Xiao Han is also looking forward to the cultivation journey here.

After a while, they stopped outside an attic, and Jiang Jianjiu said, "This is where the Rock Sanctuary lives. You can go directly to him, I won't accompany you."

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