Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4508: dangerous breath

Dangerous atmosphere


Immediately, the seven lurking Qingming wolves rushed out.

"Demon Black Widow! Can you still deal with our eight brothers?" One of the Qingming Nether Wolf shouted coldly.

The Demon Black Widow said, "Your eight brothers are not enough for my eight feet to step on."

"What a crazy black widow." Xiao Han also sighed when he heard the words.

"You go to deal with the sawtooth demon pig, let's stop this black widow." One of the blue and dark wolf said.

Immediately, the four Qingming wolves went to slaughter the sawtooth demon pig, and the remaining four Qingming wolves went to deal with the black widow that day.

The demon black widow spewed out a black gas, and the black gas spread, with a very strong corrosive power. After everything was contaminated with the black gas, it would be instantly corroded into pus.

The four blue and dark wolves also know the power of the black qi of the demon black widow, and immediately released their profound energy to resist the black qi. .

The Demon Black Widow surrounded herself with black energy, and the four Qingming Netherwolves did not dare to approach at all, and could only wait for an opportunity on the periphery.

The Demon Black Widow also knew that she couldn't be in love, and the Qingming Nether Wolf was just delaying time. When the other four Qingming Nether Wolf had killed the sawtooth demon pig and took it away, it would have been in vain.

"Demon Poison Net!" The Demon Black Widow roared, and then spewed out a large net towards one of the Qingming Nether Wolf.

The big net is filled with terrifying toxins. Once caught in the net, those toxins will penetrate into the body from the pores, and at that time, there will be no doubt of death.

The Qingming Nether Wolf opened his mouth and spewed out a powerful light of profound energy, and the light of profound energy hit the poison net, and the poison net was pierced with a large hole.

Qingming Nether Wolf's body quickly dodged, avoiding the attack of this poisonous net.

Immediately, the black widow of the demons rushed towards the Qingming Nether Wolf, her eight feet exuding a terrifying black cold light, and then passed through the hole towards the Qingming Nether Wolf.

The Qingming Nether Wolf is still dodging, this day the demon black widow is indeed a bit difficult for them to deal with, and they can only dodge to delay the time.


At this time, there was the voice of the Qingming Nether Wolf, and the four Qingming Nether Wolf here immediately retreated after hearing the sound.

That day, the Demon Black Widow saw the Qingming Nether Wolf retreat. Knowing that the sawtooth demon pig must have been beheaded, it immediately chased after it.

"The demon black widow is really powerful, even the four blue-natured wolves can't deal with it." Xiao Han sighed.

As Xiao Han said that, he moved quickly on the tree, following the four blue-natured wolves, which were very fast. Although the black widow had eight legs that day, she wanted to chase after her. Shang Qingming Nether Wolf is still struggling a bit.

After chasing for a distance, the demon black widow gave up, but it found Xiao Han in the tree, and was shocked.

"Human!" The voice of the Demon Black Widow was full of anger.

Immediately after, the black widow of the demon spewed out a spider silk and walked towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han felt a crisis, and his body flashed quickly, avoiding the spider silk full of toxins, and then another spider silk came, and Xiao Han dodged again.

"This day, the demon black widow actually stared at me." Xiao Han frowned.

"To deal with the cobweb of the demon black widow, I have to rely on my flame to restrain his cobweb." The red flame salamander said.

"Then you will deal with this demon black widow, and I will go after that Qingming Nether Wolf." Xiao Han said.

"Okay." The red flame salamander nodded.

Xiao Han immediately ran towards the Qingming Nether Wolf, while the Scarlet Flame Lizard spewed flames, burning the cobwebs of the Demon Black Widow.

"As a monster, why do you want to help humans?" said the demon black widow.

"What does it have to do with you, if you do it again, there will only be a dead end," said the red flame fire lizard.

"Monster traitor, I'm going to kill you." The demon black widow shouted, spewing out a cobweb, and shrouded the red flame fire lizard.


The red flame fire lizard immediately spewed out a flame. That flame was not an ordinary flame. It was a sacred flame.

The spider web was burnt clean, and the red flame salamander said: "My flame is designed to restrain your spider web, and my flame is holy fire, you can't stop it at all."

The demon black widow jumped suddenly and came towards the red flame salamander, and the red flame salamander spewed out a flame again.

The demon black widow felt the power of the flame, and immediately retreated quickly, daring not to approach.

"If you don't want to die, don't bother." After the Red Flame Fire Lizard finished speaking, he turned around and left without fighting.

Although the Demon Black Widow was angry, she did not dare to pursue her. She had no certainty of winning against the Red Flame Fire Lizard.

Xiao Han's side, chasing up, the eight Qingming wolves are eating the serrated demon pig, even if the serrated demon pig is eaten without even bones, it will not be enough for the eight Qingming wolves to fill it up. abdomen.

Xiao Han took advantage of the fact that the eight Qingming wolves were eating, so he seized the opportunity to burst out with profound energy, and then played hand tricks, which enveloped the eight blue and dark wolves.

"Five Elements Thousand Machine Formation!"

Xiao Han shouted loudly, and the Five Elements Thousand Machine Formation unfolded, covering all the eight Qingming Netherwolves.

Xiao Han also wanted to test how powerful his Five Elements Thousand Machine Array was, so he used these eight blue-headed wolves to try it out.

The eight-headed Qingming Nether Wolf fell into the Five Elements Thousand Machines formation, and immediately panicked, roaring continuously, trying to rush out of the formation.

In the Five Elements Thousand Machine Formation, the Five Elements Elements continued to attack in turn, and the profound energy of the eight-headed Azure Nether Wolf burst out to resist.


You Qingming Nether Wolf screamed, and his body was burned into coke by the fire element.

The eight Qingming Netherwolves screamed one after another, and within a short while, they were all beheaded.

When the red flame salamander dared to come, Xiao Han was already collecting the demon core.

"So fast?" Crimson Flame Fire Lizard asked.

Xiao Han said: "I tried the power of the Five Elements Thousand Machines Formation and killed them together."

"They are lucky enough to have a full meal before they die," said the Scarlet Flame Lizard.

Xiao Han rolled his eyes and said, "Don't be hypocritical, there is a roasted Qingming Nether Wolf, do you want to eat it?"

"Forget it, the Qingming Nether Wolf is cold, and eating it is not only useless for me, but harmful." The red flame fire lizard shook his head.

"How was the situation of the black widow that day?" Xiao Han asked.

"I was frightened by my flames and didn't dare to catch up," said the red flame salamander.

"That day, the black widow was very shy." Xiao Han smiled.

After collecting the demon cores of the eight-headed Qingming Nether Wolf, Xiao Han was about to leave, but at this time, Xiao Han suddenly felt a dangerous aura.

Xiao Han turned his head and looked behind him, but there was nothing behind him, and nothing unusual was found, which made Xiao Han a little puzzled.

"Could it be that I sensed wrong just now?" Xiao Han frowned.

"What's the matter?" The Red Flame Fire Lizard asked.

Xiao Han shook his head, but he kept thinking in his heart.

The feeling just now is definitely not wrong, but it is still not clear what is going on, so we can only be more careful.

Xiao Han continued to look for monsters. In the following time, Xiao Han also gained a lot and saw several monsters that he needed to kill.

Moreover, most of them were monsters around the third rank in the past, and everything went relatively smoothly.

"Take a rest first." After Xiao Han beheaded a monster, he cut a piece of meat and roasted it.

The red flame salamander lay beside Xiao Han and watched Xiao Han's barbecue, and it also ate a little later.

Just when Xiao Han's barbecue was about to be cooked, Xiao Han felt another killing intent. When this killing intent appeared, Xiao Han's heart froze, followed by a sword light that killed him.

This sword light was very powerful. Xiao Han quickly dodged and avoided the sword. A terrifying sword mark appeared in the place where he rested just now, like a ravine.

Xiao Han looked in the direction of the sword light, and saw a figure flashing, Xiao Han chased after him without hesitation.

The red flame salamander also followed, turning into a small lizard and lying on Xiao Han's shoulder.

Xiao Han launched Feng Lingbu and went all out to catch up, but the figure was far away from Xiao Han, and he retreated first. Even if Xiao Han pursued with all his strength, it would be difficult to catch up.

"Stop chasing, it's not right." At this time, the red flame fire lizard suddenly shouted anxiously.

Xiao Han stopped and said, "What's going on?"

"I feel a strong monster aura is nearby, you are definitely not an opponent, let's retreat." The red flame fire lizard said nervously.


Just after the red flame fire lizard's voice fell, he heard a heavy voice, and then the ground shook, and Xiao Han felt his body shaking.

Xiao Han's eyes suddenly narrowed, "It's the Earth Demon Dragon!"

"Damn it, why is there an Earth Demon Dragon here?" The Red Flame Fire Lizard was shocked, "Run away."

Xiao Han didn't hesitate, turned around and ran.

Although this Earth Demon Dragon is called a dragon, it is also a type of lizard, just a different kind of lizard, closer to a dragon.

Moreover, the size of this earth demon dragon is extremely huge, its whole body is dark, and it exudes a powerful breath. Although this is not an emperor-level, it is also a more terrifying existence in the king-level.

Xiao Han didn't dare to fight against such a monster at this time. Even if there was a demon tower, he probably wouldn't be able to suppress this earth demon.

After seeing Xiao Han, the Earth Demon Dragon also chased after him with a roar. The ground trembled as he ran, leaving huge footprints.

"That guy probably wants to lure you over and kill you with the help of the Earth Demon Dragon's hand," said the Red Flame Fire Lizard.

Xiao Han said: "I guess it won't be so simple. Although this Earth Demon Dragon is powerful, it may not be able to kill me."

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