Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4514: Xiaomeng Shengzong

Chapter 4514 Xiaomeng Shengzong

The ancient Shengzong site is located in the northwest direction of the Northern Territory, which is just a little closer to the Demon Territory, on the edge of Yunzhou.

Xiao Han and Barbarian rushed over in the aircraft. They were both cautious along the way. The talisman was prepared. If there was an emergency that could not be resolved by themselves, they would immediately use the talisman.

Two days later, the two had already arrived in a city called Xiaomeng City near the ancient Shengzong site.

The appearance of the ancient holy sect ruins naturally attracted many warriors to come, from the saint realm to the Qi martial realm, all wanting to find some good fortune in the ancient holy sect ruins.

Therefore, the city of Xiaomeng is now mixed with dragons and snakes, and everyone has it. For Xiao Han and Savage, it is full of crisis.

Xiao Han and Barbarian heard some information about this ancient sect in Xiaomeng City.

This ancient sect is named Xiaomeng Sect, so this city used to be the main city under the jurisdiction of Xiaomeng Sect. At the beginning, because of the existence of this sect, it was also brilliant for a while. Although it is not as good as it was in the past, it is still prosperous.

The Xiaomeng Sect had a powerful Sacred King at the beginning. At the beginning, he dominated the Sacred Sects in Kyushu in the Northern Territory, overwhelming all Sacred Sects and became the leader of Sacred Sects in Kyushu.

Later, for some unknown reason, such a powerful holy sect was destroyed overnight and completely disappeared.

This shocked the entire Northern Territory at the beginning, and all the forces in the Kyushu Region of the Northern Territory came to investigate, but there was still no clue, as if the world had evaporated.

Many years after this, the Xiaomeng Shengzong site appeared once, but soon disappeared. That time it appeared like a flash in the pan, but some truth came to the surface.

It seems that the holy king of Xiaomeng Shengzong beheaded a saint in the Heavenly Soul Hall, and that saint was the son of a heaven-shattering powerhouse in the Heavenly Soul Hall, thus causing a big disaster.

The Heaven-shattering Realm powerhouse in the Heavenly Soul Hall completely destroyed the Xiaomeng Sect in one night, and the Sacred King was beheaded!

After so many years, I didn't expect Xiaomeng Shengzong to appear again, and this time it appeared a lot longer than the last time. It seems that it will be a real world. Once you enter it, you will be able to know more truth.

Xiao Han and Barbarian found an inn to stay, and they also waited for the complete appearance of the Xiaomeng Shengzong ruins.

"Fu Jiuxiao, I didn't expect you to come here to join in the fun."

On the street of Xiaomeng City, two groups of people met, and it was none other than Kou Tianlei and other teachers and students of Xuanyi Academy.

Opposite Kou Tianlei is Fu Jiuxiao and the emperors and disciples of the entire Nine Emperor Cliffs.

Since Kou Tianlei became a semi-sage, Jiuhuangya was suppressed by Xuanyi Academy. Fu Jiuxiao felt extremely aggrieved. Naturally, he wanted to find some opportunities for sanctification in this Xiaomeng Shengzong ruins, so that he could break through to a saint in one fell swoop. Realm, turn over to suppress Xuanyi Academy.

Fu Jiuxiao said: "You Xuanyi Academy can come, why can't we come? If this time I find an opportunity to be sanctified, it will be the day I turn over from Jiuhuangya."

"Your luck in Fu Jiuxiao has been exhausted. If you want to be holy, there is no hope. It's just a waste of time." Kou Tianlei said.

Fu Jiuxiao sneered and said, "Then let's wait and see."

Fu Jiuxiao snorted and left quickly with the people from Jiuhuangya.

"This time, it is absolutely impossible for Fu Jiuxiao to succeed. Otherwise, once a saint appears in Jiuhuangya, our Xuanyi Academy will be completely suppressed by Jiuhuangya," Qin Yang said.

Kou Tianlei said: "I said, Fu Jiuxiao's luck has been exhausted, and he will only be half-sacred in this life, he will not succeed."

"Dean." At this moment, Xiao Han and Barbarian appeared, bowed and saluted.

When Kou Tianlei saw Xiao Han and Savage, he was in a good mood and said with a smile, "You are here too?"

"Such a good opportunity to experience, naturally, I have to come and see it. If you are lucky, you can get some good fortune back." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"However, you have to be careful. The people from Jiuhuangya are here. Be careful when Fu Jiuxiao shoots you." Kou Tianlei said.

Savage said: "We are now the disciples of Jiuzhongtian Academy. Our teachers are all experts in the Heaven-shattering Realm. He, Fu Jiuxiao, doesn't have the ability to dare to attack us."

"I don't dare on the surface, I'm afraid of cheating in the dark. There is no evidence at that time. If you kill you, Jiuzhongtian Academy will not be able to trace it. It is better to be careful." Kou Tianlei said.

"We understand." Xiao Han nodded.

"Let's go, it's rare to meet today, let's go have a drink together." Kou Tianlei said.

"Very good." Xiao Han smiled.

"The news of Xiaomeng Shengzong's existence has spread throughout the Northern Territory. Many emperors, semi-sages, and saints from the Northern Territory will come here, all for the inheritance of the Holy King, and the competition will be very fierce."

The group sat in the restaurant. Kou Tianlei sat at a table with Xiao Han and Barbarian. Kou Tianlei took a sip of wine and said with emotion.

"The dean is also here for the opportunity to become a saint." Xiao Han said with a smile.

Kou Tianlei said: "Of course, Jiuhuangya Fu Jiuxiao is here, we naturally have to come. If Fu Jiuxiao succeeds, Xuanyi Academy will definitely be uncomfortable in the future."

Xiao Han said: "Even if Fu Jiuxiao of Jiuhuangya becomes a saint, and they dare to do anything outrageous to Xuanyi Academy, I don't mind making Jiuhuangya disappear completely."

Kou Tianlei had no doubts when he heard the words, because in Xiao Han's current identity, with a little power, he could destroy a force like Jiuhuangya.

"Only when you are strong can your waist become hard. Can you help once and continue to help? We will be embarrassed too." Kou Tianlei said with a smile.

"As long as Jiuhuangya doesn't mess around, I won't pay attention to him." Xiao Han said.

Kou Tianlei nodded and said, "Okay, let's not talk about that, today we are just catching up."

While Xiao Han and Kou Tianlei were drinking, a figure appeared at the entrance of the inn. He couldn't see his appearance with a cloak on. After entering, he sat in a corner and asked for some wine and vegetables, and drank it for himself.

After a while, a man with a powerful aura appeared at the door of the restaurant. This person's realm has reached the level of an emperor, and it is definitely not low.

"Gu Jian! Do you think you can escape?" the man shouted at the man sitting in the corner wearing a cloak.

"Zhao Ling, you are really haunted, am I really afraid of you?" the man in the cloak sitting in the corner said coldly.

"Gu Jian?" Xiao Han frowned slightly when he heard the man at the door.

"You dare to speak arrogantly when you are in the fifth heaven of the Qi Emperor Realm. If you are not afraid, why are you covering up? I really feel sorry for my junior sister, how can she like you such a waste!" Zhao Ling said, Step by step, he approached the man in the cloak.

"Zhao Ling, are you jealous? You've liked Fengxu for a long time, haven't you? It's a pity that you can't get her heart at all. The two of us are truly in love. Even if you kill me, Fengxu is impossible. I like you because you are a complete villain." Gu Jian, the man in the cloak, sneered.

Zhao Ling's face became more and more ugly, the emperor's aura became stronger and stronger, and the aura of the Qi Emperor Realm Seventh Layer broke out, which could make the entire restaurant collapse.

"Your Excellency, there are still so many people drinking here. If you want to fight, can you go outside?" someone said.

"Who are you? Dare to take care of the Sect of Jianxu." Zhao Ling snorted coldly.

The man heard that it was the Sacred Sect of Jianxu, his face changed slightly, and he said again: "I am the Sacred Sect of Tianyun, Zhang Ziji."

"Even the Heavenly Cloud Sect can't control my Sword Market Sect." Zhao Ling snorted coldly.

"Is the Sword Market Sacred Sect great? If you dare to spoil Lao Tzu's drinking mood, no matter what Sacred Sect you are, Lao Tzu will kill you first." At this time, an old man shouted coldly, exuding a stronger aura.

Zhao Lingling was affected by the old man's breath, and his face changed. If the old man really made a move, Zhao Ling would definitely not be an opponent.

"Gu Jian, do you dare to go out and fight me?" Zhao Ling didn't dare to fight here, and turned around and walked out of the inn.

The people in the inn all looked at Gu Jian, Gu Jian stood up, there will be a battle today, if Zhao Ling's arrogance is not suppressed, it will be endless in the future.

Gu Jian walked out of the restaurant, and at this moment, Xiao Han also stood up and walked outside the building.

"Are you going to watch the fun?" Kou Tianlei asked.

Xiao Han said: "I'll take a look, that seems to be someone I know."

Hearing this, Kou Tianlei also stood up and followed Xiao Han to the outside of the restaurant.

Gu Jian took off his cloak and said, "Zhao Ling, if you want to fight, I will accompany you. You are two levels higher than me. If I win, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Are you joking? You won? You don't have a chance." Zhao Ling mocked.

"Then give it a try." Gu Jian's body trembled, and an extremely simple sword rushed out of his body, and the sword intent surged throughout his body.

As the emperor of Jianxu Shengzong, Zhao Ling naturally also cultivated swordsmanship. The sword intent all over his body erupted instantly, which was also very terrifying.

"Both of them have good swordsmanship, and they deserve to be the ones who entered the emperor's way with swordsmanship," Kou Tianlei said.

Just when the two were about to start, a figure appeared, came to Gu Jian, and said, "Junior Brother, I will fight for you."

"Senior brother, why are you here?" Gu Jian asked in surprise.

The visitor said: "Don't say so much, first step on this guy under your feet."

"Who are you?" Zhao Ling asked coldly.

"Yunyang!" said the visitor.

"Since you are brothers, you don't have to waste time, let's go together." Zhao Ling said very arrogantly.

Although Yunyang's strength is stronger than Gujian, it is only the sixth heaven of Qi Emperor, so Zhao Ling is naturally not afraid.

Xiao Han was even more shocked when he heard Yun Yang's self-reported name.

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