Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4516: A game, teachers meet

Chapter 4516 A game, the divisions meet

"It's still junior brother, you are promising. Now you have entered the Jiuzhongtian Academy, and there are experts in the heaven-shattering realm. The future is limitless. With junior brother here, Xiaoyaomen will have no worries in the future. I am really ashamed. ." Yunyang said with emotion.

"Yeah, we have been practicing for so many years, and our strength has improved slowly. I don't know if we will be able to stand out from the blue in the future, as long as we don't humiliate the teacher." Gu Jian sighed.

Xiao Han said: "The two brothers should not belittle themselves. The brothers are young and promising. If they can achieve the realm of the emperor, they will definitely be able to achieve the holy way in the future.

"The fact that the two of you can achieve the status of emperors in the Eastern Sect at a young age is enough to show that the two have extraordinary talents and will definitely be able to make a difference in the future." Kou Tianlei said with a smile.

"Senior has won the prize." Yunyang clasped his fists.

"Now the Xiaomeng Shengzong ruins have appeared, and there are many inheritances of the holy way. If you can get some of them, maybe you will be able to achieve the holy way in the future." Kou Tianlei said.

"I hope so." Gu Jian said.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Yun Yang and Gu Jian returned to the inn where they stayed, and Xiao Han and Barbarian also separated from Kou Tianlei and others.

Xiao Han also did not expect that this time he was in a good mood to see two brothers he had never seen before in Xiaomeng City, and the teachers of Xiaoyaomen would also come. He thought that Tianyangzi would come. In this way, teachers and disciples can meet.

In addition to the people who I want to see, there are also some people who I don't want to see, and some guys who used to have grievances in Kyushu in the Northern Territory also appeared.

However, now Xiao Han is not afraid of those holy sects in the Eastern Region and Kyushu. In the Northern Region, who would dare to do something to the disciples of Jiuzhongtian Academy?

Even if you want to do it, you have to consider it carefully. Once the matter is exposed, the entire Holy Sect will suffer.

Xiaomeng City, an inn.

At night, Fu Jiuxiao sat cross-legged in the room to practice. At this time, there was a sudden noise from the window, Fu Jiuxiao suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly there was one more person in the room.

The man was wearing a cloak, calmly poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it on his own.

Fu Jiuxiao saw this person suddenly appear, and he was so calm.

"You don't need to know who I am, I'm here to give you a great blessing." The man in the cloak took a sip of tea and put down the glass gently.

Fu Jiuxiao squinted his eyes and asked in doubt, "What do you mean by that?"

"Do you hate Xiao Han to the core? You have a feud with him to kill your son. This feud is not shared by the sky. Don't you want to take revenge?" said the man in the cloak.

Fu Jiuxiao said: "I naturally want to take revenge, but I heard that Xiao Han is already the direct disciple of Zhan Wushuang, the master of the battle palace of Jiuzhongtian Academy. If I kill him, not only will my life be lost, but the entire Jiuhuangya will be destroyed. disaster."

The man in the cloak said: "Xiao Han's current status is indeed very special, and most people would not dare to attack him, but as long as you want revenge, there will be a way."

Fu Jiuxiao listened to the man in the cloak and asked with some doubts, "Who are you? What kind of grudge does Xiao Han have with you?"

"Xiao Han will die. As for why, you don't need to know. I just ask you, do you want revenge?" The man in the cloak said solemnly.

"Why not!" Fu Jiuxiao clenched his fist and said.

"Since you want to, then give you a chance to kill him. If you kill him, you will not only avenge your son, but I will also give you a good fortune to achieve the Holy Way." The man in the cloak said.

Facing the double temptation, Fu Jiuxiao naturally refused, and he said without hesitation: "Please make it clear."

The man in the cloak said: "Although Xiao Han is a disciple of Zhan Wushuang in Jiuzhongtian Academy, killing him on the bright side will indeed lead to Zhan Wushuang's revenge, but if this matter is done without leakage, there is no way to find out, you know. There will also be various dangers in the Xiaomeng Shengzong Ruins."

When Fu Jiuxiao heard the words, he seemed to have comprehended, and said, "Your Excellency, do you mean to start secretly and cause an accident?"

"You can also kill people with a knife. In short, there are many ways, it depends on how determined you are for revenge." The man in the cloak said.

"Why don't you do it yourself? With your means, it would be easy to kill Xiao Han, right?" Fu Jiuxiao said.

The man in the cloak said: "It's really easy for me to kill him, but if I can do it myself, do I need to give you the opportunity? When Xiao Han dies, you will get a copy of the Holy Way."

"What if I didn't kill Xiao Han?" Fu Jiuxiao said.

The man in the cloak sneered and said, "If you didn't kill Xiao Han, you would naturally have to bear the consequences. You can do it yourself."

After the man in the cloak finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared again.

Fu Jiuxiao watched the man in the cloak disappear, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and he was a little hesitant and tangled in his heart. He succeeded.

If it fails, once it is exposed, the Nine Emperor Cliffs will also be destroyed.

"Even if you don't do anything to Xiao Han, when Xuanyi Academy becomes stronger in the future, Jiuhuangya will be completely destroyed. The result is the same..." Fu Jiuxiao took a deep breath, then clenched his fists, he already had an idea in his heart .

Today, the Xiaomeng Shengzong ruins have not yet come into existence. Many people have gathered in Xiaomeng City one after another. The entire Xiaomeng City is indeed a mixture of dragons and snakes, and everyone has it.

However, in Xiaomeng City, Xiao Han was not too worried that he would be attacked, unless the other party came with the heart of mortal death.

Xiao Han has nothing to do and Savage is also walking around, drinking and drinking with the two senior brothers, chatting with Kou Tianlei and others, talking about Tianxuanguan's free mind method and so on.

In the blink of an eye, three or four days passed. On this day, Yun Yang and Gu Jian came to Xiao Han and informed Xiaoyaomen that they had arrived at Xiaomeng City.

"Which teacher is that?" Xiao Han asked.

"It's the sect master Tian Yaozi and the two uncles Tianhengzi and Tianshuzi, and also brought the Seventh Holy Son of Xiaoyao and your seventh brother Mu Feng, as well as some outstanding disciples from various peaks." Yunyang said.

"Master, didn't the old man come?" Xiao Han asked.

Yun Yang said, "Master didn't come here in order to restrain Ning Hao."

Xiao Han nodded and said, "Then go see the sect master and them."

Yun Yang, Gu Jian, Xiao Han, and Barbarian immediately left the inn and headed towards the city gate.

When they arrived at the city gate, they saw that Tian Yaozi and others had already entered the city. The four of them immediately greeted them, bowed and saluted, "The disciple has seen the door master, the two uncles."

"Yunyang, Gujian, Xiao Han, Savage, you are all here." Tianyaozi laughed.

"We have already learned that the sect master arrived at Xiaomeng City, so we rushed over to greet him." Gu Jian said with a smile.

"Okay." Tian Yaozi laughed and said, "You haven't seen your senior Yunyang Gujian soon."

"I have seen two senior brothers." Tianyaozi, Tianhengzi, and Tianshuzi were followed by a group of disciples from Xiaoyaomen.

"Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Junior Junior Brother." Mu Feng walked out of the crowd and said with a smile.

"Seventh Senior Brother." Xiao Han smiled.

"Little Junior Brother, your strength has surpassed mine. As a Senior Brother, I am really ashamed." Mu Feng said with emotion.

"If Senior Seven had been able to cultivate seriously, he would have left me far away." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"It's still so good at talking." Mu Feng said with a smile.

Xiao Han looked at the other disciples of Xiaoyao Sect, Yun Xiaoyao, the most powerful among the seven saints of Xiaoyao, is already at the first level of Qi King Realm, and the rest are also at the peak of Qi Wu Realm, and almost have to reach Qi King Realm. Yes, the training speed is also very good.

"Senior Sister Qingfeng, long time no see." Xiao Han smiled at Luan Qingfeng.

Luan Qingfeng was also a little surprised when she saw Xiao Han taking the initiative to make good fortune with him. At the beginning, Xiao Han's realm was below her, but now Xiao Han has become a disciple of Jiuzhongtian Academy.

This gap is simply a sky and an underground.

"Junior Brother Xiao Han, long time no see." Luan Qingfeng didn't know how to respond to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han said: "I haven't seen you for many years, but senior sister is still undiminished."

"Junior brother is joking." Luan Qingfeng said with a smile.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "Senior sister, don't be humble."

Luan Qingfeng was a little overwhelmed by Xiao Han's praise.

The rest of the Seven Holy Sons of Xiaoyao watched this scene, and those who didn't know thought that there was something between Xiao Han and Luan Qingfeng.

"Junior Brother Xiao Han, is Junior Sister Su Qiu here?" At this time, Zhou Yang in the crowd asked.

When Xiao Han saw Zhou Yang, he smiled and said, "Su Qiu is cultivating at Jiuzhongtian Academy, so he didn't come this time."

"Junior Sister Su Qiu also entered Jiuzhongtian Academy?" Zhou Yang asked in surprise.

"Not only Su Qiu, but Jun Mochou, Situ and my friends have all entered Jiuzhongtian Academy." Xiao Han said.

When these young warriors heard the words, they were all envious. It was their dream to enter a high-level warrior cultivation place like Jiuzhongtian Academy.

"The talents of all the brothers are also good. In the future, you can also try to apply for the Jiuzhongtian Academy." Xiao Han saw the thoughts of these people and said.

Yun Xiaoyao said, "Can we also apply for the exam?"

Xiao Han said: "Both Qi Wujing and Qi Wangjing can apply for the exam. Once you become a registered student, you can become an official disciple after passing the exam a year later."

"Is the assessment difficult?" Luan Qingfeng asked.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "The assessment of the Jiuzhongtian Academy is mainly to test willpower and endurance, which is closely related to the exercises practiced by the Jiuzhongtian Academy, so if the willpower and endurance can pass the test, then you can try to practice the "Spirit Transformation Art". , One year of practice, if you can run the "Shen Transformation Technique" for one week, even if you pass it, you will become an official student."

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