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"...I obviously failed in the most fundamental place, but I am still a winner in your eyes, the Fourth Mizukage?"

After hearing Kaguya Rei's evaluation of himself, Senju Hashirama, who had come back to his senses, couldn't help showing a somewhat flattered expression, "Even when I was lying in bed and looking back on my life, I only thought that I He is just an ordinary person with merits and demerits..."

"Because success is the experience that dominates your life, you will be particularly impressed by those things that failed due to various external realities."

Kaguya Rei shrugged and said calmly:

"Even if you went against your original intention and didn't do everything you could do as a human god to the best of your ability, you at least calmed down the endless chaos of the Warring States Period and established a system that was respected by the entire ninja. The Ninja Village system that is widely accepted by the world and is still in use today... Even if one day in the future, Konoha declines and is conquered by other Ninja Villages, the people of that Ninja Village will still remember your identity as the founder of the Ninja Village Era. .”

"The founder of an era that is neither perfect nor sound?" Senju Hashirama shook his head with a wry smile, "This is really...an embarrassing comment whether you accept it or not."

"That's good... At least you only realized the many immaturities and imperfections of the Ninja Village system after you died. No matter how upset and regretful you are, you no longer need to think hard about how to solve those problems. The problem has surfaced.”

Kaguya sighed and complained in a melancholy and envious tone:

"Unlike me, when I'm alive, I not only have to find ways to clean up the mess left by you and Uchiha Madara, but I also have to find ways to carry out the reforms I want to make step by step... Damn it, why can't I be like Uchiha? Just like Madara, why don’t you choose a path that doesn’t require so much effort and effort, and only requires you to be able to fight well enough to reach the end?”

"You seem to be in a hurry, the Fourth Mizukage..."

Senju Hashirama narrowed his eyes and looked thoughtfully at Kaguya Rei who had finished complaining, "Although your last sentence was more of a joke, but combined with your previous speech, I have a vague feeling It feels like you are very eager to handle everything in the ninja world by yourself in your own era... Why?"

Senju Hashirama's tone was not sharp, but rather concerned as if he was concerned about the outstanding successors in the family. Kaguya Rei was startled for a moment, and then replied with a slight fluctuation in his eyes and hesitation:

"Responsibility and pride...is this answer enough?"

"That's not what you really think."

Senju Hashirama shook his head and said seriously:

"Similar to Madara, who else is proud of me? I can certainly see this; a strong sense of responsibility? From the conversation just now, I can also feel it... But with my own strength, I am living in the world of my own. The determination to solve all visible problems at the time is not something that sprouts from these two characters."

"Strange, really strange... Are you so worried that your thoughts may be distorted, alienated, or even distorted in the process of passing them on to your successors? But you are so young, if you start cultivating yourself early As for our successors, the probability of this kind of thing happening should be reduced to the point where it almost never happens, right?"

Kaguya Rei did not answer, but took a deep look at Senju Hashirama who was making sincere suggestions to him, and then slowly shook his head.

In the process of continuous inheritance, may your own thoughts gradually become distorted, alienated, or even distorted? inevitable!

As long as they are carefully selected, those successors who have been trained by their side since childhood can fully accept their own ideological system? dream!

The core of his thoughts comes from another world, which has a history, culture and biological evolution that are completely different from the ninja world. The development direction of civilization is completely separated due to the presence or absence of chakra, a supernatural power system. Even if he comes After arriving in the ninja world, he transformed and adjusted his thoughts to a certain extent in order to adapt to the historical process of this world. Its true core cannot be reproduced in this world.

Even if I had taken the chosen successors with me and taught them through words and deeds since I was a child, it would still be impossible to create exactly the same social and cultural atmosphere as when I learned those ideas in my previous life. Without these necessary atmosphere and history as a foundation, then His successors will always be able to learn from him those things that were forced to characterize the ninja world.

And this kind of behavior of only learning half of something is often more dangerous than learning nothing at all.

Therefore, from the very beginning when he decided to completely change the social structure of the ninja world, Kaguya Rei was mentally prepared to lead all major changes in the ninja world by himself and become an absolute dictator.

What's more, in addition to possible internal problems, the ninja world is also facing threats from the Otsutsuki people who are coming here one after another. When facing this kind of enemy with little room for communication, Kaguya Rei is still more willing to Believe in yourself, not in the protagonists whose destiny lines have been greatly tampered with by you, and God knows whether they can still grow to the strength they deserve.

However, these words obviously cannot be made public.

So Kaguya Rei naturally thought of a convincing enough reason that could be used to explain this topic.

He shifted his gaze slightly, looked at Jiraiya who was thinking about something, and then said in a deep voice:

"Human growth is achieved by constantly surpassing the immature self in the past, but not every growth can bring positive improvement... I am not sure whether I will be the best in ten or twenty years. Like you, the first Hokage, you have fallen from an idealist to a narrow-minded person who puts Kirigakure first. How could you think of leaving ideas and changes that can easily deteriorate in the process to the later generations? Where is his successor?"

"But isn't it just by passing on their will and ideas to the next generation that humans have stumbled all the way to where they are today?"

Senju Hashirama is opposed to this point of view, "If you don't believe that successors can do better, it is tantamount to denying the meaning of human existence and continuation, and alienating yourself into a god separated from humans... This kind of arrogance and Arrogance will inevitably lead to degradation.”

"But we are already the closest people to God."

Kaguya Rei shook her head and said calmly:

"After reaching our position, no matter how small mistakes we make, they will be infinitely magnified by the power of time, especially when it comes to selecting and training successors. What is suitable for one moment may not be suitable for the whole life. , and once we make a mistake in our choice and allow the wrong successors to master the power of the gods, no one will be able to overthrow them and the power they represent."

"What are you talking about, as if you have seen such a future with your own eyes?" Senju Hashirama carefully looked at Kaguya Rei's young face, which looked no more than twenty years old, and asked incomprehensibly: "How can I understand this?" With your age and background, you shouldn't have this kind of experience..."

"I have definitely seen that kind of future."

Kaguya Rei took a deep breath, squinted at Jiraiya who was staring at him and felt uncomfortable, and said slowly:

"Together with that guy over there, I saw another future in the world without me."

Today's state is really stretched. I stayed up late yesterday and felt like I fainted...

See if you can recover a little by going to bed early for a day

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