Skill-Creation System

Chapter 18 - Festival (2)

Descending from the sky on a cloud, Alex and Yui caught the eye of the many people present. Many girls looked at Yui with Envy while many boys looked at Alex with hatred.

The cloud landed and Alex jumped off, holding Yui by the waist. The magic cloud dispersed and beautiful white particles dispersed in the air.

A bunch of parents clapped their hands at this magnificent sight. The Old Man who was who was silent the entire time, appeared right before Alex and Yui. He scanned both of them with his spiritual sense and found the necklace on Yui. He came forward and inspected it. Holding it in his hands, he felt the qi in the air gathering towards it.

Everyone here is at least a martialist or a Qi Condensation realm, so they were capable of sensing qi. Astonished, they looked closer and saw many complex formations on it. This was a masterpiece. It was beautiful and practical. They also recognized the defensive formation on it.

The Old Man stared at Yui and asked "Where did you get this from?"

Many people also wanted to know, so they perked up.

When Yui was asked this, her face reddened and she pointed at Alex. "Alex gave it to me"

Like if they were in sync, the people all turned their heads towards Alex at the same time. If people could communicate by stares, the stares would be saying 'Where did you get it so I can buy one!'

Alex scratched his head awkwardly and answered with an embarrassed look. "Well, I made it for her. It took a lot of energy to make. I bought the necklace at the price of a tier-1 spiritual stone and spent 12 hours inscribing the formations."

Everybody who heard this nearly spat blood. They closed their eyes and calmed themselves down, but everytime they thought about it, their veins buffed out in frustration.

'This kid has no common sense.'

'You call 12 hours of work a lot of energy?'

'Do you know how much time is needed to make a qi gathering formation and an Earth-Rralm Defensive formation? Then let us tell you...14 days!!!'

'You said 1 Tier-1 Spiritual Stone? The could make a family of 3 live a satisfactory life!'

'And Wipe that stupid embarrassed look on your face, that is a masterpiece you created not some toy that could be made on a whim.'

The faces of the formation masters around darkened. They just wanted to find a hole and jump in. If a 10-year old kid was better than they were, what were they then?

After a while, everyone calmed down. They were about to start the festival, but they were interrupted by the sound of a carriage getting louder as it was getting closer. Everybody turned their heads again to the gate of the festival.

A majestic carriage parked itself in front of the gate. The townspeople wondered who it was as the village they were in didn't have any people who could afford carriages. Only wealthy merchants who passed through the town had them.

The door opened and people saw Shen Fei walking out. They took a peek and left towards their tables. Shen Fei, who was expecting people to become excited when seeing the person within the carriage, had a grim face instantly as he realized that all of the people left.

He quickly looked around and saw Alex and Yui sitting at a table speaking to each other. Shen Fei was frustrated and confused on how they got here before him.

He looked around and found a guard beside the gate.

"Hey friend, do you know when those two got here?" Shen Fei asked the guard and pointed at Alex and Yui, while passing a gold coin to the him.

The guard accepted the coin and answered with a slight tone of admiration " Oh those two, they flew in on a cloud. It was like a God and a Goddess descended upon Centorih! They arrived a couple minutes before you. We found out that the kid next to the girl had gifted her a necklace that was both beautiful and practical. A Qi gathering Formation and a Earth-Realm Defensive Formation are carved onto it. It took him 12 hour which also makes him a genius in formations."

Shen Fei listened attentively and was immediately filled with envy and hatred for Alex. Although the three have been childhood friends, Shen Fei developed a lot of feelings for Yui. But She had never played that much attention to him, and she always clung onto Alex. He started hating Alex more and more as time passed. His hatred exploded yesterday, when he was sent home for almost killing Yui and Alex. Just when he thought that he could get Yui because he got accepted in the SampelBurg's Institute of Cultivation, Alex had gotten in his way. Now, Alex had also foiled his plans of attracting attention.

Shen Fei calmed himself to not create a scene in public. He went to the table Alex and Yui were sitting at with a forced smile.

"Hey." Shen Fei greeted them. Alex and Yui who saw him nodded and waved their hands at him. They then went back to the conversation they were having.

Shen Fei got pissed ,but he still kept a fake smile while his his lips twitched a little. He looked around and started speaking with others.

"What, Really? You actually got accepted in the SampelBurg's Institute of Cultivation!?"

One of his friends cried out. Many people heard this and surrounded Shen Fei. Answering many questions that were asked, he had gotten a lot of attention. He glanced at Yui, but she was still speaking to Alex as if he was not there. When he saw that he was being ignored by the girl he loved, his face darkened.

He immediately looked at Alex with hatred and tried to embarrass him. " Hey Alex, did you get into any institutions or academies?"

"No." Alex replied with a calm face.

"Aren't you a genius, how can they not accept you?" Shen Fei frowned not expecting such an answer.

Alex closed his eyes while thinking, when he opened his eyes, he looked at the expecting eyes of the crowd "Hmmm, now that I think about it...I guess I never applied to any."

At that moment, the crowd's jaws dropped. They didn't know whether they should have laughed or cried.

'You didn't even think about it!?'

Shen Fei sensed an opportunity to humiliate Alex.

"So I guess our town's genius isn't as great as we thought. But I, on the other hand, have been accepted in the best institute in our our region."

Many people understood Shen Fei's intention when he said that and sighed. They looked at Alex waiting to see an embarrassed expression.

But contrary to their expectations, Alex still had a calm face, no, he was smiling?

Alex, of course, knew Shen Fei's Intention. He looked at Yui and returned his gaze to Shen Fei and said "Well, I have been training these past few years to go find my parents, I was also thinking about joining an institution or an academy, but if most the people are like you and use their status as students to oppress others, then I'd rather not join."

"Hahahahaha" The crowd laughed and nodded their head in agreement. They were a small village compared to others, so they were often bullied by people from the institutions and academies.

Shen Fei realized this mistake and his face flushed red in embarrassment.

Alex then continued to talk to Yui.

The old man chucked when he saw this, it reminded himself of when he was young.

Suddenly, the leader and his council got up the stage. The leader was dressed in a golden cultivator robe as he spoke into the voice enhancer. The voice enhancer was made of a Sound Enhancing Formation.

"Ahem! Ladies and Gentlemens, I ask you to please return to your seats as the festival will start soon."

The crowd around the table Alex was sitting at dispersed back to their seats.

After a while, the person in front of the 'mic' started speaking again.

"Hello! My name is Sun Huo and I, first of all, want to thank you for coming here tonight to celebrate the founding of this village. We have planned many activities tonight such as a little tournament for our young to test their abilities against each other and a buffet where there will be good food and drinks from the best restaurants in this village...."

Leader Sun Huo continued his speech for half an hour. When it was done, everyone started eating at the buffet as they were hungry from the long day.

Alex and Yui ate together and laughed. This took about 2 hours. When they finished, Alex stretched out his hand to Yui and asked her for a dance. She was quite surprised as she had never expected Alex to take initiative. After recovering from her initial shock, she chuckled and took Alex's hand.

Alex pulled her to her feet and they started dancing to the music that the musicians were playing. As he had 'The Art of Dance' Skill, he followed the music's rhythm.

The people watching were mesmerized by the duo dancing. Because of Alex's skill, he had reached perfection in the art of dance. After a while, many couples joined in and suddenly the whole dance floor was filled with people dancing.

After 15 minutes, Sun Huo got on the stage again and said "Now that everyone has had their full and had fun, we will go to the next event. The tournament. I will remind all the youngsters participating that this is not to hurt the other party but rather get pointers from each other. I ask all people between the age of 8 and 16 to please come up the stage!"

When they were asked to come up, 32 people stood up and headed towards the stage. That included Alex, Yui and Shen Fei.

Shen Fei had an evil smirk on his face as this was the best time to get revenge on Alex.

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