Skill-Creation System

Chapter 20 - Making a Large Scale Formation

Alex woke up and felt something heavy on his chest. He looked down and saw Yui hugging him. He slowly tried to lift her arms off of him.

By the slight pressure on her arms, Yui woke up. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked around. She felt the thing she was hugging was comfortable, so she tightened her hug.


Alex, who felt this, grunted as quietly as he could.

Yui, who has a martialist cultivation base, had heightened senses. She immediately heard Alex's grunt and looked up. The window shone light into the room, so she adjusted her eyes to the light.

When she could clearly see again, she saw Alex's handsome face.

Silence. Their was complete silence. Yui and Alex just stared at each other.


Yui's mind went blank. Her face turned scarlet as she blushed. She then tried to remember what happened the night before.

An image of Alex placing her on the bed appeared. She held Alex back and threw him onto the bed. Alex was the victim in this situation but she didn't want to admit to it. So she blamed it on him.

"Kyaaa! G-get o-out!!!" Yui yelled as she stuttered. She took a pillow and threw it at him.

"Hey wait! Let me explain!" Alex panicked as he dodged the the pillow. He covered Yui's mouth to make her stop yelling.

Yui blushed even more at the situation and kicked Alex's h.i.p.s. His back then landed on the bed and she jumped on his belly.


"Yui are you ok----" Old Man Han barged into the room worried but his eyes widened at the situation in front of him.

'Why is Yui on top of him?'

'Are they already at that stage in their relationship!?'

The old man tilted his hair sideways as he was thinking.

Both Alex and Yui knew what the old man was thinking and blushed. They both denied it as quickly as they could.

After a couple minutes, they fixed the misunderstanding and Alex started to leave. He opened the window and looked into his house. Alex turned around around to say goodbye and waved his hands. He then teleported away, back to his house.


When Alex left, Yui snapped out of her daze and wanted to see Alex off but he was already gone. The old man looked at her with a weird smile and laughed.

Back to Alex, he was changing into a pair of sweatshirt and sweatpants. And like any good old system, it had an inventory function, so he stored the cultivator robe in there. Alex then walked out of his house.

He ran for an hour and did other physical exercises. Many women who passed him blushed as saw his godly body as he took his shirt off. His muscles were condensed and he had a handsome face. Most of them also knew that he had many spiritual stones. He was basically perfect as he was a cultivator, was good looking and could provide money a lot of money.

Alex felt the gazes of the people and waved at them with a warm smile. At that moment, every girl who was looking at him blushed and hid their faces. The guys in the vicinity saw this and sighed with a look of jealousy.

After returning home, Alex took a shower and changed into casual clothes. After making himself food and eating it, he took of to the Council Building. He wanted to meet the leaders of the village to discuss something. As a genius of the village, he had more power than normal citizens.

After waiting an hour or so, he was invited into the council room. He greeted the leaders with a slight bow. They told him to sit in one of the empty chairs and began speaking.

"Alex, we heard that you have something to discuss with us."

Alex nodded and answered politely "Yes, I was thinking of making a large scale formation for the village."

The council was visibly shocked as they didn't expect something like this. Sun Huo, the leader of the village, spoke up after recovering from his daze. "Alex, my boy, a formation that covers the entire village will cost about 50 Tier-1 Spiritual Stones which is 5000 gold coins! Why would you do this for us?"

Alex chuckled a bit and answered with a sincere expression on his face. "This village is my home, the community is my second family. Yesterday, I was reminded about how this village is always oppressed by Institutes and Academies, so I wanted to do this protect everyone from situations like those. I would be devastated if something bad happened to the village. As for the money, no amount of money can mend the guilt that would be etched on soul for being unable to help if the such situations ever happens in the future."

Sun Huo and the council were touched by Alex's speech. They sighed and accepted the construction of the large scale formation.

Alex then went on to explain his plan of building an Earth-Realm Defensive Formation. Sun Huo called all formation Masters in town to gather. Those who participated in the construction would be rewarded 10 gold each. All of them agreed.

Alex led the group. Using the Council Building as the center, he walked 2km in front of it. He and the other formation masters created a circle out of the blood. The blood belonged to about 10 Earth Realm beast ,that Alex had preserved from his hunts, around the village. she had also made weird symbols which all formation masters use to create formations.

All formation master except Alex had left as they were exhausted. Alex, who was boosted by his levels, was as physically strong as someone with about an Earth-Realm Grade 4 cultivation base. The only reason he would lose was the difference of the amount of qi within their bodies. Also that their qi would gain an element at the Earth Realm.

Alex worked continuously for 15 hours. He wore 2 bracelets and a necklace with qi gathering arrays on them. The amount of qi he used was replenished in an instant.

The Formations he had set up were about 90% completed. He then placed an fire, water, earth, wind and lightning elemental stones at 5 different places. He created qi channels connecting them together, forming a star shape.

Alex went back to the council Building and made went in the courtyard in the middle of it. He created a big qi gathering formation covering the entire yard. After concealing it, Alex created a pedestal to activate the arrays. He found his qi channels and connected them to the qi gathering formation. By then, half of the workers had showed up. They were waiting for the rest. Alex then took out 5 beautifully carved tokens. He connected each of them individually to the formation.

He set it up so that without at least 3 tokens activated, the formation would not function.

When that was done, Alex walked out of the building. He saw Sun Huo and his council. Thinking about it, he asked them to follow him. He walked outside with them. Outside of the building, Alex was greeted by the formation masters. He nodded and told them a very good piece of news.

"Thank you all for coming again!.. I have finished the formation a couple minutes ago. Follow me!" Alex gave them a thumbs up and walked back in.

The jaws of everybody there dropped to the ground. Was he kidding? No, he wasn't that type of guy. Did he really finish it?

Many questions appeared within their minds as they followed him in daze. The people who were most shocked by these events were Sun Huo and his council members. They also followed Alex while their minds. was in frenzy.

Once they arrived in the Council Building's Couryard, a pedestal immediately caught their eyes. They took a closer look and found qi channels connected to it. Alex, seeing that everyone was here, started speaking.

"I guess that many of you have seen the qi channels already, yeah? Well, under your feets is a big qi gathering formation that would gather all qi from the stratosphere within a 5km radius."

Everyone gasped at this reveal. That was a massive amount of qi that could make make anyone who cultivated with it grow leaps and bounds. They wanted to cultivate with it but they were disappointed when they heard Alex add another statement.

"Oh yeah, the formation would explode if used for any other purpose except powering the formations that includes cultivating."

Alex knew what they would be thinking so he had added this function to the formation to prevent others from being greedy and using the formation themselves.He took out the tokens and explained their use.

"These 5 tokens are the key to activating the formations. As long as three are used, the array will activate. Here, give them out to the most trustworthy council members and keep one for yourself." Alex gave it to Sun Huo to distribute. He then asked them to activate it.


A massive amount of qi gathered at the qi gathering formation and flowed through the qi channels. After 10 seconds, a transparent barrier surrounded the entire village. Every cultivator including the old man and Yui saw this. They looked at the the barrier and were shocked to see that it was an Earth-Realm defensive Formation.

Back to where Alex was, the formation masters were speechless.

'Genius! He actually did it!'

'And under 24 hours!'

The formation Masters didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Was someone pulling a prank on them? Suddenly, one of them noticed something and spoke up.

"Wait, there is more than one formation."

Alex laughed with calm expression as he explained.

"Yes, you are right. Accompanying the Defensive formation are small additions such as an Elemental Retaliation Formation, an Illusion Formation that could trick Qi Condensation Realm cultivators and a Fatigue Inducing Formation."

Everybody's jaw dropped once again as their eyebrows twitched.

'You call that small additions? Those additions are almost on par with the Earth-Realm Defensive Formation. If it were any other person saying that, we would beat them to death.'

'Also, How can you work so fast? We would have needed to spend 2 months to replicate [email protected]#$%@#$"

After they all finished cursing in their minds. They were paid 10 gold coins each and left after sayin their goodbyes. Alex also returned home as he was totally exhausted from the amount of work he did. He climbed up the highest building and teleported to his house when it came into view.

He walked in to the house lazily and jumped onto his bed. Feeling the comfortable feeling of the pillow, he fell asleep.

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