Skill-Creation System

Chapter 26 - Departure

It was early in the morning and Alex was preparing to leave. He put rations and spare clothes in his inventory.

Alex stood up and walked out of his house. When he was far enough, he looked back at his house where he had made many memories. He walked away to the gates of the Town. He bought a horse and hoped on. He took one last look at the village and was surprised to see what was behind him.

The people he knew were all waving at him. They shouldn't have known as he didn't tell anyone. He scanned the crowd and found the person he had thought of.

Yui! She was the only person he had told that he was going to leave today. Alex was touched as he knew she probably spent the entire night notifying the people within the village about his departure.

He smiled and waved back.

"Thank you everyone! Goodbye!" Alex said as he used magic to bring his voice to the ears of the crowd.

Everyone smiled except for one person. Shen Fei. He was gritting his teeth as he looked at Alex with hatred. When he left the village for the first time, he didn't have this many people say goodbye to him. He then calmed down and smirked.

'Well now that he is gone, I can take Yui for myself. Hehehe'

He rode his horse into the distance and sighed. He breathed the fresh air and remembered the map he bought.

"Well, Let's go! First stop, SampelBurg!"

Alex rode his horse passing through many mountains and viewing the beautiful scenery.


Back at the village, the crowd started to disperse.

Shen Fei walked up to Yui and grabbed her arm.

"Yui, now that Alex is gone, why don't you hang out with me?"

"Go hang out with yourself." Yui freed her arm from his grasp and walked a meter away from Shen Fei.

A crowd gathered around them to see the commotion.

When Shen Fei heard her, his face contorted and his eyes went red into frenzy.

"You are mine! Come with me now!"

Yui was frightened at Shen Fei's expression. He looked crazy. The crowd all gulped as they took a step back. They also felt his cultivation, Qi Condensation Grade-1!

When Shen Fei got closer to her, Yui took out the Gentle Ice Sword and unsheathed it. The surrounding temperature decreased.

The rapier radiated a chilling aura. This surprised Shen Fei, but it did not stop him. If he took Yui, he would also acquire the sword.

Seeing Shen Fei still approaching, Yui closed her eyes.

'Alex! Please help me!"

Yui prayed that Alex would help her but she knew it wouldn't happen since he already left the village.

Like if responding to Yui's emotions, the rapier's aura grew and a gentle indifferent female voice could be heard

[Why have you woken me up?]

Yui, who heard this, opened her eyes and looked at the sword. She remembered Alex's words.

'Not only is it a Tier-4 Sword, it also has a dormant spirit within it.'

"Are you the weapon's spirit?" Yui asked to confirm her suspicion.

[You could say that. My name is Mia. I was created by Master Alex to help you protect yourself.]

"Wow!" Yui's eyes lit up when she heard the sword spirit talk to her. She grasped the sword's hilt tightly.

[Who's this dude? Fricking Creep. Beat him Up. Here, let me help you.]

After saying that, the ice came up under Shen Fei's legs, freezing them in place.

When this happened, Shen Fei could no longer move. He got pissed and scared of the power Yui was wielding.

"Release Me, you B****!"

[Now go show him your power and beat him up until he's so scared of you, that he won't even come close to you again.]

Yui felt that this spirit was a bit violent but she went with it as she also hated Shen Fei. She came up to him and slapped him. He kicked him at his abdomen and threw a bunch of punches at his face.

*Pah* *Pah* *Crack*

"That feels nice" Yui said as she walked away from the black and blue Shen Fei.

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