[Permission Granted ]

[Current Skills ,Minor Pain resistance ]

[Pychological Category unlocked, Suffix resistance unlocked ]

[Emergency System control, Permission to use all current system power to help ]

"What do you think the answer is ,YES" Shaking with fear as the bull was tearing his way through to its helpless meal

[Minor Stress Resistance Created]

He felt a cold wave flow through his head down to his very toes and legs, this made his hairs and goddam the headache hurt like hell, but his shaking was steadying but he knew full well he couldnt function or even get away.

[Minor Fear Resistance Created]

Another wave came from his head down which further steadied his shaking body, he felt like the storm was calmed but not that much but the pain was like a buck to the head . Now he could move.

A loud bang echoed as a tree was felled and the very present and painfully obvious cause of that faced him down.

"System giving me a fucking chill pill will not help me here !"

[System recognizes this and is putting parts in place, Skill Unlocked, Cowards sprint, due to previous practicein earlier life against what in your memories as bullies and "farther"]

"Wait you can read my memories, Also the fuck, allow a man to die with some dignity in his heart, i don't want to die and be joked about by some condescending voice in my head "

[Apologes but you better start running ]

With a crack his leg which he was trying to pry broke the wood which held it

He mused how now his skill at running away has now come in handy.

After felling one tree and making its presence pretty fucking clear dangerous a clear opening for the next charge the bull arched to charge again.

He stood up and bolted away like no fucking tomorrow

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