The last chapter was a bit of a cluster fuck i admit an idea flung into my head very late time and i with a bit too much zeal ending up making a chapter and releasing it without much thought to the quality nor the actually ability to understand its confusing nature,so i apologize as this is my first proper try at story writing and my ability to turn ideas into a well-implemented element flopped .

Anyway ,here another chapter ,enjoy


Caleb dreamed he tossed and turned in his straw bed gathering a cold sweat and face contorted, he opened his eyes but not to a scene of light piercing into the church but a empty void,

He was sprawled on the floor ,he slowly raised himself up.

It was a sea ,but it had no tides, no ripples, it was a confusing thing , Caleb looked around, there was no feeling of wind it was just empty, it was a void ,a completely flat sea and he stood on it .

Apprehensive to the realisation he stepped back slowly and he did not find a stop , from far and wide A ominous eerie light covered the area with its din

Looking around he was confused

"System can you hear me "


"I guess not "

Caleb looked around and walked forward in this endless expanse, each step producing ripples which disturbed the calm.

Caleb looked up and saw blackness, a void of anything, a black sky without blemish but with slight hovering orbs which pulsated above his reach.

Caleb looked at the murky waters and watched how each step produced a ripple, how it echoed out into the incomprehensible distance

looking down deeper into the murky waters, there were small baubles of light inside it glowing with an almost golden light which was consumed by the darkness but covered in a chain as if locked up in the depths, and as he focused baubles he saw fragments of images he wanted to get closer

Caleb lowered himself down pushing his face to the murky translucent depths, he saw orbs clearer, but there was more than one now, so many like a glittering sea of them in the murky depths some giving there faint light at incomprehensible depths consumed by the waters but each and everyone had a chain covering them.

He instinctively reached for one unconusoly but the water blocked him like a barrier to his intrusion like a protective film, he pushed further against the barrier, he could not pierce it.


Caleb with a missive thud smashed his head against the watery barrier

He felt pain ,this was no normal dream but he pushed on ,he needed answers

Caleb smashed his hands against the barrier and all that came from it was small rippling


Standing up in frustration he looked up in exasperation, he saw grey orbs of light gently pulsating giving off light, he reached out for one and brung it closer, it had images of his life on earth , but something felt off about these orbs, something missing and eerie

Caleb thought this whole events where eerie and sinister ,smashing the orb it glittered into the sky

Caleb renewed with a sense of purpose he pushed against the barrier his hands plinking off the barrier,as they pushed and pushed they became eviscerated, without care for his own body he pushed his face against the barrier and pushed till it beganturning bloody as the pressure tore his skin,


Screaming to the very heavens he heaved and pushed with all he had ,pain shot through him but he felt now he was floating but a pressure pushed him against his path ,he was being returned to the surface of the water ,Caleb pulled the watery depths but as much effort he put in the depths pushed back with equal ferocity,warring against the tides and pressure ever increasing he approached the orb, it looked chained,sealed away ,but he pushed forward towards the orb without hesitation or care for how the pressure was slowly breaking him and pressuring his lungs to give up the little air he had left

With a desperate reach he accepted the depthsand gave in as he reached towards one of the buables , he crushed it underneath his hand and with a quick jolt of a almost electric sensation which went from his arm and went towards his head when the electric caressed hismind it was like a lock being cracked openhe remembered a name



a shockwave boomed out shaking the very depths, this pulse of kinetic fury pushed Caleb down into the depths as he fruitlessly stretched out to reach the bauble one more but it escaped his grasp , he rushed passed baubles with glancing he saw so many, as he brushed his ravagedhand across many they would not unlock as if sealed in these depths as he tried to crack them a force refused him like an unworthy street urchin .

he was pushed into the endless depths deeper and deeper with no sign of escaping, he looked at his arm which he broke the bauble with, it was ravaged and tattered the very flesh flayed off and the murky black depths bloomed with a red mist he would scream but no one would hear him , he saw his breath bubble away ,he had no line of escape he endlessly fell down with no escape.

His eyes started to close slowly, each bubble escaping out of him and as the last reached the top he could only thing of the cold depths

'so cold ,so very cold'

Water started fill his lungs as it gushed in he felt disgusted, he felt feeble and weak ,it felt like he was going to die

Once everything faded away and mind cleared he felt the weight of the water move off him like his shoulders were freed but as he did Caleb started to cough up water profusely regurgitated water all over .

"Lad ,wake up or you get another morning bath"

Caleb stared at the old lady who threateningly held a water bucket with a smile,

He awoke from that nightmare.

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