Filled with rage the Bull charged with all its might

"Its do or die "

As the bull closed he knew if he didn't have those 2 resistances he would be absolutely frozen up , now it just felt like he was muddled and could at least think clearly,

As the bull blind by rage anticipated the goring it raised its immense horns and the end of this cat of mouse game was just about to end.

He skidded to the side with all his might getting a mouth full of dirt and closing his eyes, as he jumped a massive thunk of the bull hitting the tree echoed like an unearthly shriek throught the forest as he looked up all the birds scattered scared out of there nooks.

he mused, just like Tom and jerry,Tom all ready

"Thank you system "

[Your Welcome ]

Sighing a sigh of relief which felt absurdly satisfying he raised his body up , covered with dirt but this time he felt different than the last time its not indignation but pride and hot and warm feeling of satisfaction pervaded his body

"Now is this fucking lug dead " he thought with great interest as he needed to hold back that pride until he confirmed this bastards death

He picked up a stick, a very long one and started to prod the body of the bull like some sort of kid at the zoo trying to get a reaction but he didn't want a reaction, he wanted it dead.

"No reaction good enough for me "

He fell backwards without a single hesitation breathing heavily and plopped his ass down on the floor and a very long sigh come out of his lungs

[Congrats on killing [K*n* o* *h* *o**es*] ,due to disproportionate levels of power skill creation token is awarded, due to you did not kill it no other awards are awardable]

"Fucking stingy aren't you system, thought I was starting to like you, what is these skill tokens and why cannot read the hole name"

[Skill tokens allow for the purchase of , suffixes, categories such as the one allowing for the creation of stress & fear resistance or active skills such as cowards sprint, Certain information you have not yet discovered for yourself so I cannot answer that even if i have the information]

"Ok then, Why was i able to get cowards sprint "

[That skill was developed through your own life and action of being a "coward"but you could not unlock it so the system took the liberty and unlocked it using the remaining energy after creating fear and stress resistance, Fear & Stress resistance was created due to you unlocked the psychological category & suffix of resistance ]

"I don't fully understand but.Ok, I guess? , Can i get a new skill then "

[Yes, I recommend climbing so that you could scale these trees to be able to get both saftey and the ability to find your way out ]

"System, Does fear resistance help with vertigo if not i have no chance of scaling any of these trees and two, did you bring me here system?

[As phobias cause fear the fear resistance will cause a reduced effect to a manageable degree, for your second question i do not have the information to answer that and if i did you have not discovered it have you ]

"Well then go ahead ad purchase the skill"

[Climbing Skill Purchased, Host i hope you do not need the explanation what this does ]

"Are you going to be snarky constantly anyway, out of the frying pan into the fire ."

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