Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 103 The Praying Corpse (2-in-1)

Bangkok, four o'clock in the morning.

In a five-star hotel.

The hotel that was supposed to be very lively was now extremely quiet. A very conspicuous sign stating that it was temporarily closed was hung outside the main entrance of the hotel, which caused a lot of discussion among the local residents who saw it.

This is the peak tourist season, when the hotel is most profitable. The turnover in these months can even account for more than half of the entire hotel's annual revenue. In theory, no matter what the situation, the hotel owner cannot choose to close down. .

The running elevator stopped on the twelfth floor of the hotel. After the elevator door opened, a man wearing the uniform of the Executive Department of Kassel College walked out expressionlessly, followed by several people wearing black windbreakers on both sides behind him. Men and women in trench coats.

Unlike the silence that seemed outside, the entire floor was now as lively as a boiling pot of water, with footsteps, voices, and the rustling of pagers all coming together. Looking around, most of the people walking in the corridors are police officers wearing local uniforms.

The bright incandescent lights in the corridor were dazzlingly bright, illuminating the entire corridor, but all the police officers who saw the scene still felt a chill on their backs.

As soon as the people from the enforcement department walked out of the elevator door, their eye-catching and exaggerated costumes attracted the attention of one of the police officers. He walked straight to the elevator entrance and blocked their way:

"I'm very sorry, this place has been blocked by the police station, and no one else is allowed to enter."

The leader did not speak, but just stared at him expressionlessly. The police officer shivered for no reason when he met those calm eyes, and involuntarily put down the police badge he raised.

"You're right. No idlers are allowed to enter. I'll give you five minutes to leave. This place has been taken over by us. Contact your superior and ask him to talk to me."

The man in black on the right side of the leader stepped forward and gave the order very skillfully.

That familiar posture made the police officer a little unsure about the identities of the people who came out of the elevator. But at least he had been in the police station for a long time, and he had learned the skills of observing words and shirk responsibility. He understood deeply that it was not his responsibility. He must not touch even half of the job he took on, so he just hesitated for a moment before picking up the pager on his chest to report.

"Uh, Captain, there are a few people here who claim to have taken over the scene and want to see you."

In less than half a minute, an old police officer with gray hair hurriedly walked up the corridor. The police badge hanging on his chest showed that he was the person with the highest official position at the scene.

He carefully looked at the group of people in the execution department and frowned at the exaggerated windbreakers they were wearing.

"Who are you? I have not received any relevant orders. If you want to take over here, please present the relevant documents."

Hearing what his captain said, the previous police officer immediately became frightened and cooperated to put on a majestic look.

Ring ring ring!

Before the people in the enforcement department spoke, the old police officer's cell phone rang first. The old police officer seemed a little unhappy when he heard the ringtone of his cell phone. He did not look at the screen of his cell phone, but reached out to hang up the phone directly.

"I advise you to pick it up."

As if he had read through his thoughts, the team leader who had been silent until now suddenly spoke. The deep voice was like a sharp knife that made the hairs on the old police officer's back stand up.

Although it was not clear why the other party was so confident, the veteran police officer who also came up from the bottom had a very good command of the ability to observe words and emotions. After a moment of silence, he still took out his mobile phone from his arms.

Just after glancing at the contact displayed on the phone screen, the old police officer's expression changed. He raised his head and glanced at the still silent black windbreaker, walked to the side silently, turned on the answer button and put the phone to his ear.

"Are you stupid*... obey their orders, immediately take people out and seal off the scene."

Even though they were several meters away, they could still hear the furious curses coming from the other side on the phone. After finally waiting for the people over there to finish cursing, the old police officer came back wiping his sweat.

"three minutes."

The leader in black trench coat suddenly spoke again, leaving the old police officer unable to react for a moment.

"You have wasted some time. You still have three minutes to clear your manpower. People from our department will soon be stationed at the scene to take over."

"Okay, no problem. We protected the scene very well and there is absolutely no evidence destroyed at all. You can rest assured on this."

The old police officer wiped his sweat and picked up the pager, and ordered all the police officers on the floor to evacuate the scene, while a group of people from Kassel College passed by him and walked deeper into the corridor without saying a word.

The first time they received the instructions from their chief, many police officers looked confused. Many of them were only halfway through the on-site sampling work, and seemed a little overwhelmed when they were suddenly called to a stop. They were called to emergency tasks in the middle of the night. He woke up and rushed to the scene, but before the work was completed, he ordered to retreat again?

When the old police officer's violent roar sounded again, the police officers who had been stunned on the spot seemed to have woken up from a dream, and they all rushed to the safe passage with their depressed and aggrieved faces packing up their tools and eating.

Next to the old police chief, the police officer who first stopped the Cassel College group saw this scene and couldn't help but ask in a low voice:

"Boss, who are these people? I've never seen them before. Why did they suddenly come over to take care of a murder in a hotel?"

"The director called me just now and scolded me. According to what he meant, someone higher up should be putting pressure on him. So don't ask so many questions. Our task is to cooperate with their behavior. This is passed down from above. Death order."

The old police officer sternly shouted back at the police officer, but still tried to control his volume even when reprimanding him.

All the police officers, on-site sample takers, autopsy forensics and other personnel in the corridor evacuated from the hotel's safe passage without stopping. The old police officer wiped his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief after the last police officer left. He looked deep into the corridor. The cordon was ready to leave.

At this moment, the sound of neat footsteps suddenly sounded in the safe passage. The old police officer was stunned for a moment, wondering if the bunch of bastards in the station didn't understand the order or something, why did they suddenly run back again?

He angrily prepared to open the door and reprimand the subordinates inside, but before he could reach the door, the door to the safe passage was pushed open violently, and a large group of black windbreakers poured into the floor. Everyone was dressed in the same terrifying way, with chests Wearing the medal of the Half-Dead World Tree, his face was stern and his whole body exuded a chilling aura.

The old police officer had only seen this kind of aura on some mercenaries before, but even those murderous guys were as harmless as babies compared to this group of guys.

There were about twenty or thirty people in black trench coats who came here this time. After entering the floor, they began to cordon off the scene without stopping. New cordons were opened continuously. The flashes of cameras dazzled people's eyes. There were also people carrying ultraviolet lamps and some other equipment. The unknown equipment carefully scanned every inch of the corridor, seeming to be looking for traces of something.

It is obvious that these people are well-trained. Even in silence, they can quickly complete the division of labor with just one look at each other. Even if the corridor is overcrowded again, there is no sense of noise at all like the police officers just now, and they can only hear. The sound of footsteps and clothes rubbing against each other, and only occasionally could one hear discussions in hushed tones.

The old police officer who had not yet left had to admit that the overall quality of the people from the relevant departments sent by the above was more than one level higher than the police officers just now. At least he did not see in this group the same people as his subordinates. People who yawn or fish at the scene.

The work attitude of all the people was outrageous, with focused and stern expressions on their faces, as if they were not taking over a murder case that occurred in a five-star hotel, but a nuclear bomb that was about to be detonated.

In comparison, the old police officer in police uniform stood here more like an outsider.

He still remembered the instructions given to him before the mission was given, which was to protect the scene and not allow anyone to destroy criminal evidence. Just now, while the director was yelling at him, he also strictly ordered him not to talk to relevant personnel for more than ten sentences, and to leave immediately after completing all tasks without staying.

But it was obvious that the director's worries were unnecessary. The old police officer had not been there for more than half a minute when a man in a black trench coat came over "kindly" and asked him if he needed to go downstairs and if he wanted to be sent to the elevator, completely ignoring him. This police uniform.

Seeing the bulging bulge in the other person's arms and the hands reaching into his arms, the old police officer followed their advice very wisely.

It wasn't until he got in the elevator and closed the elevator door that the old police officer breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The most important reason why he was so cooperative just now was because he saw the look in the other person's eyes. From that look, he knew that if he didn't leave, the madman opposite would really shoot.

After expelling the old police officer, the man in black trench coat pressed the headset and reported: "Captain, all irrelevant personnel have left the scene."

At the door of a room deep in the corridor, the team leader pressed the headset and gave an order coldly.

"The on-site investigation team immediately conducted evidence sampling. The blockade team controlled the corridor entrance and did not allow anyone to enter this floor. The environmental control team was on guard around the area. Anyone who found a suspicious person did not need to apply for immediate arrest. Frigga bullets were allowed to be used. Live ammunition can be used under special circumstances, everyone pay attention, the action begins!"

After all the orders were given, the Kassel College Executive Department began to operate like a huge machine. Not only this floor, but the entire building was shrouded in black wolves with fangs and claws.

From this moment on, Kassel Academy officially takes over this five-star hotel in Southeast Asia.

After completing the order, the team leader put down the hand holding the headset and looked at the door ahead, with cold eyes: "Okay, now let's see what happened to you."

It is a recognized fact that the execution department has always been engaged in high-risk work. Under the appearance of a powerful force in the violent sector, they hunt down dangerous hybrids, investigate signs of dragon resurgence, and recover ancient alchemy products. Every job they handle has hidden dangers that can lead to death. Shen will end up dead.

The team leader was ready to open the door in front of him. The first thing that caught his eye was a large amount of blood. The whole white room was smeared with blood like a slaughterhouse. After opening the door, he just stood at the door. The pungent smell of blood is enough to make one nauseous.

As the leader's gaze moved, a headless corpse in the cordoned-off room knelt quietly in a pool of blood. On the chest of his coat, there was a blood-stained half-decayed World Tree school emblem.

The whole corpse was placed in a kneeling posture, with both hands stretched forward, holding his head in one direction. Theoretically, the corpse should not have entered the catalepsy stage, but the body was as stiff as if it had been welded to death with steel bars.

The strange thing is that although the body is wearing clothes, the skin of the corpse is missing, exposing the complete muscles, blood vessels and nerves underneath.

Around this corpse, there were 6 corpses that had been treated in the same way. They were customers in this room. These corpses knelt next to them to form a circle, surrounding the corpse of the executive department cadre in the middle. It looked like It was like performing some kind of sacrificial ritual.

"The deceased is Conor Paine, No. C312. He is 28 years old and male. He graduated from the Mechanical Department of Kassel College in 2004. He has served as an expatriate specialist in the Executive Department for 5 years. His pedigree level is C..."

While listening to the information reported by his subordinates, the team leader squatted down carefully not to touch the blood, and carefully examined the strange corpse in front of him for an autopsy.

"The time of death cannot be determined. The state of the corpse seems to be solidified by some special speaking spirit and has been maintained in this stiff state. However, according to the testimony of the waiter, he saw this group of people in the room around 12 o'clock last night. guest, so the time of death should be within four hours. The cause of death was that the neck was cut off, and no more injuries were found on the body except for the removal of skin."

A female commissioner next to her looked at the information in her hand and frowned.

"It's very wrong. He showed no signs of resistance at all, and judging from the autopsy report, his head was not cut off by others at all, but by himself."

Another male operator who was examining the corpse also expressed his opinion.

"The fracture was very neat, and there were no small tears on the skin. He should have been killed by a sharp blow, but no murder weapon was found in the room. To be honest, from the perspective of suicide, this is a bit too difficult."

After the team leader inspected the corpse in front of him, he stood up silently. Following his movements, everyone else focused their attention on him.

"Tien, can you check what's in the direction his eyes are facing?"

The female commissioner who was named immediately replied: "No problem, but how much scope do we need to explore?"

"I don't know. Mark all the abnormal locations in this direction as much as possible."

"Huh? But if this is the case, useful information will not be extracted because there are too many external interferences."

The leader stood behind the corpse, looked in the direction of his eyes, and looked through the window at the sky in the distance.

"It doesn't matter, we will have new information soon. This is not a random massacre, but a carefully planned sacrifice. The enemy will definitely take action again. Pass the order! Let others expand the search scope and look for similar cases."


Thank you to the shy readers for your reward. Thank you for your support.

Will be available tomorrow.

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