Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 110 Hard Fight (Additional Update)

After the smoke gradually dissipated, the Sala Tree King, covered in scars, appeared in everyone's sight.

Although in the original novel, the dragon scales can withstand the 7.65mm Walter PPK pistol modified by the equipment department, Zheng Shu said that no serious person would use that thing to hit heavy armor targets. In order to cause greater cavity damage, most modern weapons, especially pistols, actually intentionally reduce the amount of ammunition and armor-piercing capabilities. Therefore, the target with heavy armor defense such as dragons must be above 12.6 Armor-piercing heavy machine guns and even anti-materiel rifles greet you.

If it weren't for the weight limit and the fact that it was too easy to attract attention, Zheng Shu could not wait to remove those 20 mm or more aerial cannons to let these dragons experience what the times have changed.

Because the King of Sala Tree had been delaying time with Cassel College in the early stage, so there was plenty of preparation time, so every gun barrel and even bullets were alchemically modified by the Equipment Department. Of course, the price was that the hair on the vice-principal's head would be lost again. A lot of them fell.

Now it seems that the effect is perfect. If the Sala Tree King hadn't used the spirit of speech to resist most of the damage in time, this dragon-slaying battle would probably have ended here.

It's a pity that those low-level hybrids can't face the dragons on the battlefield. Otherwise, if the hundreds of B-class hybrids on the periphery who maintain order also come in with sufficient ammunition, even if there are word spirits to slow down the damage, At the very least, the Sala Tree King would have to be seriously injured.

Zheng Shu's heart was still flashing with all sorts of inappropriate thoughts. The mixed-race people around him had already changed their weapons with solemn expressions. Although their round of bombing had caused a lot of damage to the Salo Tree King, anyone with a discerning eye would know that now The war situation has entered its most dangerous moment.

If the original Salo Tree King was still playful, then he has become serious after suffering such a huge trauma. Although these injuries will also affect his combat effectiveness, the furious beast is the most terrifying.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet, and the air seemed to have solidified. Finally, maybe because of being too nervous, a hybrid accidentally kicked over a stone at his feet and made a little noise, breaking the tranquility of the battlefield.

So, this little movement became the clarion call for charge.

There was no shouting, only a silent and chilling aura and dazzling golden pupils. The hybrids rushed forward in a specific formation according to the tactical plan made in advance.

The first person who came into contact with the Sala Tree King was an old man from the executive department. His speech spirit was Momentum, and the plan was to test the strength of the Sala Tree King. The mortality rate of this task was very high, but the middle-aged executive commissioner had no intention of refusing and accepted the task silently.

The middle-aged commissioner immediately drew out the long knife in his hand and swung it down. At the same time, his foot also received a critical blow.

This method of attacking with force, which completely goes against the body structure of ordinary people, is the special skill of this middle-aged commissioner. He uses his spirit spirit to instantly accelerate the attack inertia of the long knife in his hand, and then he can concentrate on controlling the output under his feet.

This method of up and down attack allowed him to play an unexpected role when facing many out-of-control Deadpools. Many Deadpools were kicked out of their lower bodies by him at the moment of contact and lost their ability to resist.

It's a pity that the being opposite is not Deadpool, and... he has four hands.

Years of experience have harmed the commissioner. This is a very serious mistake, and making a mistake on the dragon-slaying battlefield means death.

The two arms behind the King of the Sala Tree directly caught the slashed long knife, his body leaned forward slightly, and the two arms in front pressed down to block the heavy kick.

The moment the middle-aged commissioner's attack came to a halt after being blocked, the Sala Tree King's leg exerted force, and his other foot even made a footprint on the ground. With a flying kick in the air, his thick thighs brought a sharp sound of wind, and the middle-aged commissioner's forehead bones cracked. He took off a few meters and hit a car in the distance.

The huge impact even flattened the front hood of the car. The middle-aged commissioner lay lifeless on the front hood of the car.

The Sala Tree King, who killed an ant with one move, showed a ferocious smile on his face. He casually took the long knife he had just won and charged towards the hybrids who were charging towards him. .

Although the Sala Tree King is very huge, he is also very fast. With his body of more than two meters high, he steps forward, and with the wave of his hand, it is like a mountain falling apart.

The second batch of hybrids who rushed up faced this terrifying attack with calm eyes. In the end, the broad palms and sharp blades did not fall on them.

Yan Ling: A dust-free place.

In the second batch of teams, there were several mixed-race Word Spirits. They jointly released this Word Spirit, which is the most widely used defensive power and the strongest. They also deliberately compressed the range of the Word Spirit, only in the radius around the team. Effective within a range of twenty centimeters.

The extremely compressed word spirit field brings stronger defense. All matter within the effective range is repelled except for the air that was deliberately left behind. Even the power of the next generation species can stop it.

At the same time, behind the people protected by the spirit, the muscles of several mixed-race people bulged. Some people's surfaces shone like bronze, and some people had armor made of clay emerging from their bodies. Their golden pupils were filled with light. Dazzling light.

Taking advantage of the opportunity provided by their teammates in the front row, this group of hybrids who released their physical power clenched the alchemy weapons in their hands, sprang out from behind their teammates and launched an attack on the Sala Tree King.

boom! !

Yan Ling: The power of the Dustless Land and the combined attacks of several melee-type A-level hybrids finally defeated the Sala Tree King briefly. As everyone roared and exerted their strength, the Sala Tree King shot out like a cannonball. Fallen leaves and soil on the ground flew away, leaving a large crater in place. A shocking sound was heard in the air, and the surrounding buildings shook.

The hybrids who jointly released the Pure Land groaned, their bodies swayed back, and blood flowed from their ears - under the contact just now, their speech and spirit realm was broken.

Not just because of pure power, in the moment just now, the opponent also used several kinds of word spirits to strengthen themselves. This was the main factor that defeated the word spirit: the dust-free land.


The Sala Tree King pushed aside the gravel slabs in front of him and walked out of the ruins. Except for the initial wounds from heavy weapons, he did not suffer any major injuries. There were only two new, shallow scars on the chest, where the commissioners had cut them with alchemy knives.

Touching the wound on his heart and feeling the slightest pain coming from it, the Sala Tree King showed a bloodthirsty smile.

This is an additional update on debt repayment. Although the statistics are not over yet, it has been determined that I will have to repay at least three chapters.

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