Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 175 Extermination (6.2k)

Zheng Shu's attack this time eliminated hundreds of corpse guards who had landed, but it also attracted more attention. He looked up and saw hundreds of pairs of red-gold pupils staring at him in the fishing port.

"Come, let me see what you can do." Looking at these eager eyes, Zheng Shu smiled.

As if they had received some order, the corpse guards screamed sharply, exposing their dense razor-sharp teeth, and then jumped head to tail from the Xumizuo into the water one after another, leaping over the defense lines and approaching the fishing port.

Hearing the movement here, more and more corpse guards gathered towards the fishing port.

Zheng Shu stood there unusually calm. The turbulent waves around him could not shake him at all. He just tried his best to push the life breath in his body. In order to completely annihilate these corpse guards, Zheng Shu did not hesitate to use himself as bait.

After the corpse guards got close to a certain distance, Zheng Shu finally took action again. There was still no special effect, and he still punched out like before.


There is no manipulation or any technical moves. It just uses pure power to violently split the air, explosive twisting power, and finally forms a chaotic air flow spiral. The stronger the force, the greater the power.

The corpse guards who were directly bombarded by the rapidly expanding airflow spiral turned directly into a cloud of blood mist, and the terrifying airflow carried the minced flesh and continued to fly forward.

The corpse guard next to him, who was not directly hit but just brushed by the aftermath, immediately had the same tearing wounds as after being bitten by a wild beast. This kind of injury where almost half of the body was shattered, even after alchemy. The modified Corpse Guard cannot survive either.

Zheng Shu's direct punch almost cleared away all the creatures in a large area directly in front of him. Even the thick seawall and metal fishing boats were torn apart by the chaotic airflow and shattered into pieces less than the size of a finger.

Thousands of mutilated corpses floated in the fishing port, and the waves brought them back to the sea. A few corpses were pushed back to the bottom of the high cliff by the tide, and got stuck in the gaps in the black reef. The moon shone through the gaps in the dark clouds. Under the glow, the dead mermaids hunched their backs, their rugged spines glowing with a cyan light.

And more corpse guards have completely disappeared in this attack, and not even a complete corpse can be found.

But in the face of such a terrifying attack, the corpse guards remained unafraid. The smell of blood emanating from the remaining corpse guards even stimulated their desire to kill, and their actions became even crazier.

A corpse guard swam along the mast of the scientific research ship to the highest point and jumped to the deck where Zheng Shu was. Faced with this attack from behind, Zheng Shu did not look back, but casually flicked his fingers backwards. The corpse guard's head exploded as if he had been hit by a sniper rifle, and his body lost power in mid-air and fell straight down. On the side rear of the deck.

"Sure enough, these monsters have already lost their minds. The so-called fear is essentially just a 'program' set in advance by alchemy." Zheng Shu ignored the fallen corpse behind him and nodded thoughtfully. .

Although the attack he just made seemed random, it was roughly similar in power to the iceberg created by Eriki with all her strength in the end.

However, the corpse guards showed fear when facing Eri's attack. Even the king of the corpse guards, who was transformed by the pure-blood dragon clan, showed flinching. But facing the same level of damage like him, these corpse guards not only showed no fear, but even became more brutal because of their blood.

The biggest difference between the two attacks is obvious. Although Zheng Shu used his power to assist himself in this punch, he did not use any power of the spirit. Obviously, this set behavior pattern is to reduce unnecessary losses when the corpse guards face high-level dragons.

Perhaps even the creators of the Corpse Guards did not expect that there could actually be such a huge loss to the Corpse Guards using only pure power without using the spirit of speech.

Just as Zheng Shu was thinking, a corpse guard that was far stronger than others of its kind jumped into the air from the sea. Its upper body was as muscular as a tiger.

The strong corpse guard climbed to the highest point of the Xumizuo and roared loudly. Even from such a long distance, Zheng Shu could clearly see its true appearance.

Its face is as dry as a mummy, and its pale skin is as hard as rock, tightly wrapped around the raised bones. The facial features are more than twice as large as those of humans, the red-gold eyeballs protrude, and the huge mouth cleft extends to the edge of the lower jaw, which is tightly sewn together with threads similar to fish tendons.

At this moment, it swayed its long withered white hair and slowly opened its mouth. The fish tendons were broken one by one, and the slender teeth protruded from the lips one by one. Finally, its entire mouth was completely opened like a snake devouring its prey. Big enough to swallow a calf.

Roars of different tones came out from that mouth, and the frequency of some of the roars even exceeded the range that humans can hear.

After hearing these roars, the surrounding corpse guards seemed to have received some order. They immediately gave up what they were doing and gathered towards Zheng Shu in various ways.

But this time they seemed to have a clear command. In order to avoid Zheng Shu's range attack with unknown effects, all the corpse guards no longer charged as closely as before, but spread out and rushed up in a staircase shape. Each corpse guard is separated by more than ten meters. Even if Zheng Shu unleashes that kind of group attack again, it won't be very effective.

In ancient times, if an ordinary army carried out such a scattered charge, it would be suicidal. However, these corpse guards are all huge monsters up to five meters in length and weigh several times that of adult men. Their long tails can break their arms with a sweep. Thick steel pipes and shiny metallic claws can easily cut through thick heavy armor. Even if a rhinoceros falls into their hands, it can only be brutally killed.

Such terrifying corpse guards are pouring in from all directions, with gleaming claws and red-gold eyes appearing layer upon layer in the darkness. Anyone who sees this will lose the courage to resist.

Zheng Shu moved his fingers, jumped up from the deck, and automatically jumped into the group of corpse guards. At some point, an alchemy sword appeared in his hand - it was too close to the city, and it would be very dangerous if he attacked wantonly. Residents may be affected.

His attack speed is very fast, and the long sword is flying in the air, constantly cutting into the corpse guard's position. Zheng Shu hardly knows any swordsmanship or knife skills, but every attack he makes makes the enemy unable to parry.

The sharp alchemical weapons combined with Zheng Shu's strange power can easily cut off the torso of the corpse guard, but the seemingly sharp claws of the corpse guard cannot leave any injuries on Zheng Shu. After several rounds of attacks, except for the clothes on his body, Apart from being covered with scratches, Zheng Shu's body had no trace at all.

The battle scene was extremely brutal. Zheng Shu did not hesitate to shuttle among the many enemies, like lightning bouncing back and forth on the ground. In just a few seconds, dozens of corpse guards were cut into pieces. Zheng Shuqing He lightly shook off the blood drops on the sword and looked around disdainfully.

"It's still a little too close to the city, so I'll play for a while longer."


After the words fell, Zheng Shu turned into a stream of light despite the heavy rain.

A bowl-shaped sonic boom cloud suddenly exploded in front of him. Without using any word spirit or power, Zheng Shu used his most primitive physical strength to break through the speed of sound. He ran and charged in the battlefield, like a low-flying fighter jet passing over the battlefield, setting off a harsh air-breaking shock wave.

Thanks to his precise control of power, even if the water under his feet is in contact with the water, Zheng Shu can turn it into solid land in an instant. If prepared in advance, even the air can be used as a moving pedal.

Therefore, his movement trajectory is unpredictable and unpredictable. Every time, he can burst into the corpse guard's formation from the most unexpected place and inflict maximum damage to them.

Woo woo woo...

The ear-piercing sonic boom covered the cries of the corpse guards like babies, leaving only the hum in the air when Zheng Shu moved on the entire battlefield.

Looking from the sky, wherever the stream of light passed, there were only dots of cruel blood left behind. In just a few minutes, thousands of corpses died under his slaughter.

This is the result of each corpse guard trying to spread out its positions as much as possible. Each of them is separated by a distance of more than ten meters, making it impossible for Zheng Shu to achieve the most efficient harvest.

Under his perception, any hiding corpse guards would be caught and killed by Zheng Shu even if they were hidden deep under the sea.

Zheng Shu, who was immersed in killing, suddenly felt his eyes light up. When he raised his head, he realized that the more than ten kilometers long front line of the Corpse Guards had been penetrated by him alone. The air-breaking waves in the distance still echoed with harsh sounds, and the scattered limbs and broken arms in the sky polluted the entire sea area.

After taking a look around, he saw that he had gone deep into the sea from the harbor. Standing on the sea and looking at the surging waves around him, Zheng Shu recovered the alchemy weapon in his hand.

Now that there are no human buildings around and the corpse guards have surrounded him, he can relax a little.

The terrifying explosive fist wind appeared again, and the surrounding corpse guards instantly turned into blood mist. Zheng Shu punched continuously, and the twisted spiral air flow was blasted out by him like cannonballs, clearing the surrounding sea area in an instant. , even the huge wave that was about to rush up from behind was blasted by him with a huge gap.

After the surroundings calmed down, the originally huge group of corpse guards had been slaughtered, with only a few remaining.

Glancing at the fishing port, Zheng Shu suddenly held his breath. Because he was having too much fun, a few fish that slipped through the net left the battlefield and were now trying hard to climb towards the cliff next to the dock. It seemed that they wanted to attack. There is a black stone mansion above it.

However, Zheng Shu had no intention of going to the rescue because he had already seen two figures standing in the heavy rain in the mansion. One character, apparently an elderly housekeeper, is holding an umbrella to protect another slender-looking woman.

As if feeling Zheng Shu's gaze, Su Enxi, who was standing in the mansion on the cliff, turned her gaze in the direction of Zheng Shu. However, with her eyesight, it was impossible to see Zheng Shu clearly in such a stormy night.

"Miss?" The housekeeper who had been silently holding an umbrella next to her noticed her movements.

To be honest, the old butler had never thought that there were such terrible things in the world before today, whether it was those "mermaids" who were very wonderful at first glance, or the one who single-handedly controlled these "mermaids" The mysterious figures who were slaughtered were far beyond the scope of his understanding.

And judging from the way the "master" standing next to him is strategizing, the other party should already be aware of this.

Out of the professional ethics of a top butler, in order not to embarrass his master, even though his heart was filled with turmoil and his legs in his pants were shaking like a sieve, the old butler still looked calm and calm on the surface. , even the hand holding the umbrella for Su Enxi was still stable without any shaking.

"Seeing all this, you are now a member of our team. I have read your resume. As one of the best housekeepers in the world, you should not tell our secrets, right?" Su Enxi's voice Suddenly came from the side.

The old housekeeper looked up and saw that the mysterious hostess had no expression on her face. She was facing the rainy weather and the wind, staring intently at the junction of the sky and the sea. She seemed not to notice the group of people climbing up the cliff who had slipped through the net. fish.

"I've come to my senses. I've locked the cleaning servants in the room. They don't know anything about it." The old housekeeper bowed.

"Then buy me some barbecue-flavored potato chips tomorrow." Su Enxi turned around and smiled, as calmly as if the grand hunting scene just now was just a movie.

"Understood, it smells like barbecue." The old butler responded respectfully.

Turning her head and continuing to look at the dark sea in the distance, Su Enxi looked calm on the surface, but she was already cursing in her heart: "What kind of monster was that just now?! The boss actually sent me to perform such a task, he is not afraid of that Will the monster just kill me on impulse?!"

Glancing at the tsunami that had created a gap in the distance, Su Enxi's expression would have been shattered if the butler next to him hadn't been there: "This actually shattered the tsunami. This is really something humans can do." Isn’t he a monster in human skin like the boss?”

Cursing angrily in her heart, Su Enxi would have collapsed on the ground if she didn't need to maintain her image in front of her subordinates. Even now, under that calm expression, she felt her thighs were shaking a little.

Turning around, Su Enxi was ready to vent her anger on the zombies who were about to climb up.

"Do you still have the cell phone I gave you just now?"

Upon hearing his master's instructions, the old butler immediately respectfully took out the old-fashioned mobile phone that Su Enxi had given him from his clothes: "Here, please take a look."

"Well, then press the '2' button." Su Enxi said lightly.

"Yes, miss." The old housekeeper pressed the "2" key on the phone keyboard.

To be honest, after seeing the previous things, the curiosity in the old housekeeper's heart was already overflowing. He had long wanted to see what special abilities this mysterious Miss Su Enxi had.

In the deepest part of the fishing port, the big ship sounded its whistle, and the lights on the bridge turned on. There was no one in the cockpit, but all the facilities were operating automatically.

This is a battleship, a Perry-class frigate of the U.S. Navy. The hull number of the U.S. Seventh Fleet and its name "St. Louis" are written on the side of the ship.

As the button was pressed, the St. Louis sprayed white mist and broke away from the anchor chain and left the dock. It set sail and opened fire. It has a dense array of machine guns that can pour 4,500 rounds of ammunition per minute and a rapid-fire anti-aircraft gun with a caliber of 76 mm. Breathing deadly flames at the corpse guards on the high cliff, the entire cliff was shaken by the roar of this Perry-class frigate.

At the Yokosuka Naval Base not far away, the duty room was already in chaos.

The U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet is stationed at the Yokosuka Naval Base. They are only 80 kilometers away from Atami. The navy's combat distance can almost be said to be within reach.

"Call St. Louis, this is Yokosuka! Please answer! Answer!" the lieutenant colonel on duty shouted into the microphone, nervous sweat dripping from his face.

"What's going on? What is the St. Louis doing?" A major general rushed to the command podium.

Because a tsunami warning was suddenly received, a Perry-class frigate of the Seventh Fleet took shelter in the Atami fishing port, but at this moment the computer showed that the frigate had weighed anchor and set sail.

A warship is different from a fishing boat. Even if it encounters a tsunami, all personnel cannot leave the ship. There must be a captain or first mate on duty on the ship. However, no matter how the base calls, the other end of the radio remains silent. It seems that it is just a ship. Empty ship.

The lieutenant colonel had no choice but to turn on the CCTV in the cockpit. From the base, he could directly see the scene in the cockpit of the St. Louis. As expected, there was no one in the cockpit, but there were explosions outside the cabin. Air waves crashed across the room, and glass fragments were scattered in all directions. .

"Judging from the ammunition readings in the inventory, it is fighting something, but no one is driving it. St. Louis is acting on his own!" The lieutenant colonel's tone was full of panic.

People like them who wander on the sea, no matter how high-end education they have received, will have a little superstitious thoughts after wandering on the sea for several years. Now, those stories about ghost ships and the like have appeared in his mind. legend.

"Oh God..." The major general crossed himself on his chest and looked at the lieutenant colonel next to him, confirming that both sides had the same idea.

Distracted by the intensive firepower, the corpse guards tried to attack in another way. One corpse guard climbed to the highest point along the mast of the fishing boat, trying to jump from above to the cliff.

The dense array system immediately raised its muzzle, and a metal waterfall composed of tungsten armor-piercing bullets enveloped it. The corpse guard exploded into a bloody flower in mid-air, and the fishing boat behind it was also blasted into pieces by the 79mm rapid-fire cannon. fragments.

Looking at the scene below, the old housekeeper was sweating from behind. Because the previous situation was too magical, he could not accurately know the strength of this group of monsters. Only after they fought with war weapons made by humans did the old housekeeper understand the strength of this group of "mermaids".

He was almost certain that if the mysterious being hadn't dealt with most of the "mermaids", the city would not have been able to withstand their landing.

Each of these creatures that are strong enough to fight sharks can fight at least dozens of humans. Atami is a tourist city with no defense at all. Not to mention machine guns and heavy artillery, the total number of police pistols in the city is probably less than 100. Well, once these monsters land in the city, they have no ability to resist.

And with the combat effectiveness displayed by this group of "mermaids", even the addition of a Perry-class frigate cannot stop their attack.

At this time, the dense array of machine guns has ceased fire, and the anti-aircraft guns have also ceased fire. Seawater is splashed on the red-hot barrels, making a sizzling quenching sound. These weapons have exceeded the limit of use, and will explode if they are used again.

And at such a price, its record was only to wipe out the remaining "mermaids".

No! Not even cleaned very well.

Looking at a "mermaid" in the distance, the old housekeeper silently revised his evaluation.

The tail of the "mermaid" had been broken by a machine gun, only one of its hands was left, and there were several large holes in its chest. Even with such serious injuries, the "mermaid" still climbed up the cliff with its remaining arm and slowly crawled towards Su Enxi's location.

After seeing the true appearance of these "mermaids" clearly, the old housekeeper's body shook slightly. It was not only their terrifying appearance, but also their terrifying vitality.

Once such a monster gets close, even if it is disabled, I and others will not be able to defeat it.

He was very convinced of the conclusion he had drawn, but the old housekeeper did not take a step back and still held the umbrella steadily. Because in front of him, the hostess, who was wearing only a silk bathrobe, remained motionless, not even putting down the teacup in her hand.

"Mr. Kimura, press '0'." Su Enxi looked at the monster in front of her and ordered calmly.

"Yes." As the professional quality of an ace butler, the old butler loyally followed the master's order, but when pressing the "0" key, his fingers unconsciously exerted force.

Strong light illuminated the cliff from top to bottom, and the beam of light covered both Su Enxi and the human corpse guard. There was a dull gunshot from below the cliff. The corpse guard's head suddenly exploded, and black and red blood splashed all over the cliff. land.

The bones of the corpse guard are indeed very hard, and can even withstand pistol shots, but they will still crack like ceramics in front of large-caliber sniper rifles.

The body of the corpse guard twitched and swayed feebly, and finally fell from a hundred-meter-high cliff.

The corpse fell on the black rock reef and was still rolling and twitching. People in black waterproof suits came from all directions to clean up the scene. The tide took away most of the corpses, leaving only a few corpses stuck in the cracks of the rocks. inside.

The men in black used sharp harpoons to dig out the bodies and threw them into plastic buckets. Then they poured some kind of chemical agent into the plastic buckets. Thick white smoke immediately appeared in the plastic buckets. After a while, they poured the contents into the plastic buckets. In the sea, the corpse of the corpse guard had turned into a viscous liquid.

Su Enxi slowly walked down the steps and put the tea cup on the tray. Then she dialed the phone and said only one sentence: "Clean up the scene before the Coast Guard arrives. Don't leave eyeball tails or anything like that for them to find." .”

The tsunami has ended now. The huge waves are returning to the sea one after another, and the gaps in the black reef are filled with fine white foam.

The temple on the top of the mountain rang the big bell again, thankful that the city of Atami had survived this disaster. In fact, the scale and destructive power of this tsunami was not very large, and it was blocked by breakwaters, so there would be no casualties.

But the tourists who were drinking in the city to avoid danger did not know that a gate to hell almost opened in this city.

Group number: 221679130

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