Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 184 Traps and Support

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at the inconspicuous elevator in front of them and looked at each other. After Caesar used his speech spirit to inspect the inside of the elevator, the two of them boarded the elevator cautiously.

To their surprise, there was only a downward button inside the elevator.

There was no hesitation. Now that they had chosen to move on, neither of them was the type to give up halfway.

With Caesar as the investigator, he was always paying attention to the movements outside the elevator. After hiding their bodies in the elevator, the two pressed the button.

With a "ding" sound, the elevator quickly reached its destination. Caesar shook his head towards Chu Zihang who was hiding on the upper floor of the elevator, indicating that he had not heard any human activity outside.

As the elevator door opened, a rusty iron door appeared in front of the two of them. Looking at the mucus on the ground and the blood around it, Chu Zihang already knew what was behind the iron door.

He had seen such a scene before, when he was completing an executive mission. It was a private Deadpool research laboratory. The Deadpool who escaped from the incubation equipment ran out of the institute after killing the researchers and went to the streets to kill people.

At that time, he had seen such mucus on the ground, and now the ground here is full of mucus. There is no doubt that this is the trace of a large number of newly hatched Deadpools walking on their bellies, so behind this iron door is Deadpool 's lair.

Chu Zihang made a tactical gesture, and he and Caesar pushed open the iron door in a posture of covering each other.

Although they had been prepared for it, the two of them still felt numb when they saw this scene with their own eyes. This is a house full of tools, a rusty iron operating table, various sharp cutting tools, gears used to cut off bones, iron hooks hanging from the air, plus the blood in the air The smell makes this place look like a slaughterhouse.

What is shocking is that the opposite wall is entirely made of glass bricks. That glass brick wall has now collapsed, and the water storage tank behind has leaked so much water that there is half a foot of water on the ground.

The creatures that look like baby snakes in the water are still twitching. They have just grown white scales, but they already have sharp bone claws and ferocious muscles. It seems that the mature bodies of these Deadpools are stronger than the common Deadpools outside, but now these young Deadpools have not had time to grow up.

In the breeding pond on the other side that had not yet collapsed, some human-faced fish were swimming in the transparent water tank. When Chu Zihang and the others approached the glass wall, they could clearly see the iron bed and restraints used for dissection. As well as other bloody dissection tools, operating procedures are posted on the wall.

The most horrifying thing is that the dissected specimens of Deadpool are also placed aside. Some are complete Deadpool with his internal organs eviscerated and suspended in formalin, some are individual glands or brains, and there is even one pregnant with... Young female individuals are sectioned longitudinally.

"This place is simply hell." Caesar seemed a little unbearable to look at it. Their original job was to deal with these bloodthirsty beasts, but they would not do such a thing.

Except for the alien Deadpools on the ground who look like they were artificially hatched, the other Deadpools were originally humans, but they turned into Deadpools under various stimuli. But now they were cut into pieces and hollowed out for research, and their living bodies were cut open by electric saws. Even Caesar felt a little unbearable.

Chu Zihang silently walked into the water, casually waving the long knife in his hand, and accurately chopped to death the fetuses that rushed towards him. Caesar was a little behind, but he did not hesitate to draw his short sword and plunge into the water.

Although they were saddened by the fate of these Deadpools, they still could not allow the escaped Deadpool larvae to grow unchecked.

Among the specimens on the wall is the adult body of this snake-like deadpool. According to Chu Zihang and Caesar's estimation, if all the larvae in the stagnant water reach that level when they become adults, once they rush out as adults, they will It is an irreparable disaster.

"These things were all kept in captivity. There were a large number of fish and cattle and sheep carcasses in the water tank. It looked like whole large animals were thrown in as their food, and there was even the corpse of Deadpool in it, which was chewed. Very clean, these things will eat anything when they are hungry." Chu Zihang walked to the broken water tank and observed it.

"Just like the group of ghost-toothed dragon vipers we saw before." Caesar covered his nose and waved his hand, indicating that Chu Zihang didn't need to say more.

From just now, the smell of bones and rotten organic matter at the bottom of the water tank kept wafting out, and he almost vomited out the bento he had eaten last night.

After checking the surrounding laboratories, Chu Zihang looked a little solemn. The serious atmosphere even made Caesar, who was observing the water storage tank, notice something unusual.

"What's wrong?"

"These Deadpools below should be three to five meters long and weigh three to four hundred kilograms when they grow up, including the snake's tail." Chu Zihang pointed to the specimen of the snake-shaped Deadpool next to him, "Although dragon blood can make People mutate at a high speed, but their height and weight do not change easily. The 'raw materials' for these Deadpools are only humans over one meter tall. To grow to such a large size, it is obvious that they need to consume a lot of food to replenish their weight."

"That's right." Caesar was a little confused. "Don't these skeletons in the water tank prove that they need a lot of food?"

"The most important question is: Since there have been so many food remains in the box, where have the adult individuals gone? Since we arrived here, all we have found are underage larvae, and the only adult individual is still that one Specimens placed on the wall." Chu Zihang looked serious.

When Caesar said this, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

"What's more, these Deadpools on the ground look very much like egg-laying creatures. I highly doubt that these guys are actually the second generation." Chu Zihang used a knife to pick up a larvae that had been cut into two sections but was still struggling.

"Hiss..." Caesar had already guessed this terrifying thing at this time, "The first generation of Deadpools transformed from humans, as well as the adult individuals who grew up after eating so much food, have not found them here. trace."

"No, actually we have found their traces." Chu Zihang turned his attention to the collapsed water tank.

Caesar followed their gazes and immediately understood what he meant.

The glass wall that constructs this water tank is one meter thick, and is made of special tempered glass. It would be very difficult for ordinary creatures to leave traces on it without the aid of tools, let alone destroy it.

But now such a thick glass wall has collapsed, and large pieces of glass that have not been washed away by the water can even be seen on the outer layer of the water tank. Judging from the fact that there are no traces of glass fragments inside the water tank, it seems that the water tank was shattered by something from the inside.

"So, where did the escaped Deadpools go?" Caesar couldn't help but shudder.

If such a large group of Deadpools ran into Tokyo and hunted them wantonly because they were hungry, Caesar simply couldn't imagine what kind of horrific scene it would be.

At this time, Chu Zihang next to him waved to him. After Caesar passed by, he found a round metal barrel in front of him, which looked like the kind used to hold oil.

After looking at each other, Chu Zihang closed his eyes and recited the dragon text silently. After a while, the temperature around his body rose sharply.

The high-temperature airflow and shock wave launched by Jun Yan hit the metal barrel. Caesar braved the rebounding air wave and pushed himself in front of the barrel to check. An opening had been burned right above the full metal barrel, and the contents inside were clearly visible.

It was a pale human body that was half distorted and still had its legs. It seemed that he had been injected with some kind of anesthetic drug and was sleeping deeply in a large amount of liquid.

Because of the burning of Junyan just now, the liquid inside the metal barrel has begun to boil, and this deadpool has begun to show signs of waking up. Caesar shot him several times in the back of the head, black blood flowed into the surrounding liquid, and the deadpool died in his sleep.

"Remember the submarine we saw in the Iron Dome Temple before?" Chu Zihang suddenly asked.

Caesar recalled for a moment and immediately discovered that a large part of the goods guarded by the black guards were metal barrels of this style.

"The Sheqi Ba family is still conducting such experiments secretly... So where are those dead waiters now?"

"It may not be the work of the Sheqi Ba family." Chu Zihang shook his head and rejected Caesar's idea, "There were also such metal barrels when we came in to visit. If it is really the Sheqi Ba family who are raising animals in captivity, Deadpool, at least they should have hidden these metal barrels when we visited.”

Caesar's brows also relaxed: "Yes, if I were the person in charge, I would not let go of even the slightest possibility of leaking information. At least I can still do this by hiding all the metal cans."

Having said this, Caesar suddenly fell into confusion again: "But we also saw the group of black guards helping to carry these metal barrels, which shows that at least someone within the Sheqi Ba family is giving orders to collect these things. In other words, , there are 'official' forces involved."

"There have been too many deadpool killings in the city these days. Even with the influence of the evolutionary medicine, most of the deadpools have been completely alienated when they appeared..." Chu Zihang said thoughtfully, "So someone deliberately released this group of deadpools and placed them in various locations in the city to drag down the energy of the Sheqi family."

The two looked at each other and continued to explore deeper into the laboratory.

When they found a safety door, they all frowned. The smell of blood here was so strong that it even choked their noses.

Caesar opened his speech spirit and listened, then shook his head at Chu Zihang to indicate that there were no moving creatures inside. So they immediately followed the pre-rehearsed formation. Caesar nimbly pressed against the wall and was ready to go. Chu Zihang took a big step forward and opened the safety door, revealing what was hidden behind.

What is revealed behind the door is a relatively normal-looking laboratory. The structure inside is very consistent with ordinary people's expectations of a high-end laboratory, but now it has turned into a hell on earth.

Human corpses were scattered everywhere. Their bodies were full of various bite marks. Their thin little bodies didn't have much muscle. They looked like they might be researchers from the institute.

A "person" stood among the groups of corpses. He was wearing a gorgeous kimono. When he heard the noise behind him, he turned around, revealing a face wearing a Noh mask.

"It's really surprising to me. I didn't expect that the two commissioners from this department were the first to discover me. I thought it would be those guys from the Sheqi Eighth Family." Wang Jiang said with a smile, revealing his face that was dyed black with charcoal powder. teeth.

Chu Zihang silently took a step back and frowned at the corpses around him.

Judging from the traces above, a long time had passed since they were killed. Not only had the blood flowing on the ground completely solidified, but even the corpses had passed the rigor mortis stage and were beginning to show signs of decay. Even though this laboratory has a very complete ventilation system, the smell of rotting corpses is still pungent.

Coupled with the inference of the time when the outside gangs and Deadpool were causing trouble, Chu Zihang could conclude that the attack that occurred here has been a long time ago.

But looking at the guy opposite, he looks like he has been waiting here. Not to mention whether ordinary mixed-race species can retain their combat effectiveness without eating anything for so many days. Normal people should not wait here deliberately after completing the attack.

Chu Zihang secretly increased his vigilance, and Caesar next to him also understood and took the initiative to negotiate: "Who are you?"

"I'm the leader of the fierce ghosts: Wang Jiang." Wang Jiang made an exaggerated salute, looking like he was performing a drama on the stage. "This time, it is to send blessings to the two of you!"

"What the hell, what is your purpose?!" Caesar raised his gun and aimed at the opponent. The range of Yanling had been opened to the maximum, for fear that the opponent might have some secret ambush.

General Wang did not look like he was being targeted by the gun, but looked extremely excited: "I have always had only one purpose, and that is to evolve! It's a pity that only you two came here. But just in time, I have found If you kill him, I will have another 'sacrifice' soon."

"Damn it! Lu Mingfei!" Chu Zihang suddenly understood what the other party meant.

Caesar's eyes widened and he fired continuously without hesitation. To his surprise, the king on the opposite side did not dodge, and each shot hit the opponent very accurately.

Seeing the king fall slowly, Caesar was not surprised at all. Instead, he rushed towards Chu Zihang angrily: "Get down!"

Before he finished speaking, flames soaring into the sky began to explode from the underground research institute. The building of Genji Heavy Industries was shaking. The shock wave shattered the load-bearing columns in the basement, and bombs also detonated on different floors at the same time. The building shook and melted. For ruins.

The entire building was reduced to dust in the violent explosion, and the sound of flames and explosions swept through half of Tokyo.

As the last round of explosions ended, the ruins of Genji Heavy Industries among the billowing smoke finally calmed down, leaving only the remaining flames that continued to burn.

There were constant cries coming from the ruins. They were the employees of the Sheqi Ba family who survived the explosion and collapse. Near the building, some people who were relatively close were also affected by the aftermath of the explosion, and were now lying on the ground wailing.

Some members of the Executive Directorate who had just completed their tasks looked at the scene in front of them. In addition to secretly congratulating themselves on their luck, they could not help but be smart and immediately ran to dig out and rescue the remaining people among the ruins that were still smoking.

The sound of ambulances and police cars could be heard in the distance. From time to time, people stopped and talked about the thick smoke.

In the basement.

Since the explosion started here, the damage here was also the most serious. The Iron Dome Temple, which was originally known as the most advanced waterway cleaning system, has been completely destroyed, and sparks appear from time to time from the broken pipelines.

The laboratory where Chu Zihang and Caesar were located had completely collapsed because the load-bearing walls and columns were destroyed by the explosion, leaving only a few narrow corners separated by large pieces of reinforced concrete.

In a corner that looked more regular than the surroundings, Caesar and Chu Zihang were lying on the ground breathing heavily.

The scales on Chu Zihang's body are slowly fading away. At that moment, he entered the third degree of violent explosion. However, faced with such a violent explosion in a confined space, even Chu Zihang, who was in the third degree of violent blood, could not Possibly saving both of them.

The reason why they are still alive now is because of another petite figure inside.

"Long time no see, senior brother." The petite figure squatted next to Chu Zihang and poked his face with his hand.

Chu Zihang didn't pay attention to the other party's movements. The sudden explosion just now overused his physical strength. Even the golden pupils that could not be extinguished due to his out-of-control bloodline slowly faded away, revealing his slightly brown eyes. *Note 1

However, Caesar next to him didn't expend too much energy. After taking a few breaths in shock, he looked at the figure squatting next to Chu Zihang, his eyes full of curiosity: "I remember... 伱 is Xia Mi?"

"What an honor." Xia Mi smiled and waved to Caesar as a greeting, "I didn't expect the president of the student union to know my name."

"The student union will pay attention to every elite who joins the school. Your blood level is A, and your spiritual level is also very high, so the student union will pay attention to you the moment you enroll." Caesar explained a little, "You Why are you here?"

Just now, when the shock wave of the explosion broke through Chu Zihang's Junyan and was about to blow them to death, Xia Mi suddenly appeared behind them, using his word spirit: Eye of the Wind King combined with Chu Zihang's Junyan , creating a huge fire tornado to open up a way for them to escape.

It can be said that if it weren't for Xia Mi's sudden appearance, Chu Zihang and Caesar would have died today.

"I was sent here by the principal." Xia Mi continued to poke Chu Zihang's face, who was lying on the ground. "As soon as the contact with you was cut off in Japan, the principal immediately left for Japan. At the same time, he also Let me sneak into Japan secretly with another person, not only to assist the principal in investigating the matter, but also to find your traces."

At this time, Chu Zihang finally recovered a little bit of strength. He slapped away Xia Mi's fingers that kept poking his face. He struggled to get up and leaned on the ruins while half-sitting.

"How did you discover our whereabouts?"

This was Chu Zihang's biggest concern. If their whereabouts could be discovered so easily, then he would have to think about whether the explosion was a trap set for them by the Eight Sheqi Family in advance.

"Ah, of course I found your location through the monitor on your body, senior brother. Although Kaguya cut off the network connection between Japan and Kassel Academy, it cannot forcibly isolate the signals transmitted from Japan. But I didn't expect you It actually kept huddled underground, so it took me a lot of time to find the specific location." Xia Mi showed his backpack to Chu Zihang and Caesar.

It looked like a very ordinary women's backpack, but after Xia Mi opened the zipper, the antenna inside that continuously sent signals was exposed, which was the same body as the black box of the signal transmitter.

As she said, the network war between Kaguya and EVA is still ongoing. Although Kaguya can cut off network communication, it is difficult to cut off the signals emitted by devices like Xia Mi. EVA used satellites to receive signals from the signal transmitter in Xia Mi's backpack to communicate with several people who had sneaked into Japan.

At the same time, this signal transmitter also has the function of receiving signals. Xia Mi used it to search for the signal of the tracker buried in Chu Zihang's teeth to track their location.

"You actually have a locator on your body?" Caesar looked up and down at Chu Zihang in surprise, as if wondering where the tracker was buried on his body.

Chu Zihang frowned and was a little curious. Every time he had a deep burst of blood, the structure of his body would change significantly. Theoretically, it was impossible for a tracker to be able to go so long without being discovered by him.

"I also asked Professor Schneider, but the professor didn't tell me the specific location of the machine, but after checking your physical examination report, I got a rough idea." Xia Mi carefully glanced at Chu Zihang's jaw. "Senior brother, you should have had dental implant surgery in school, right?"

When Chu Zihang heard this, he touched his face and roughly understood how the tracker was implanted.

"Hiss... those guys in school actually do this?" Caesar touched his face with some fear, "Fortunately, my teeth are not bad, and I will never do this kind of surgery in school in the future. "

After chatting for a while, Chu Zihang finally recovered most of his strength. He stood up holding the ruins next to him and checked the corner where they were: "How do we get out now?"

Caesar turned to look at Xia Mi beside him. In his opinion, since the other party could come to rescue the two of them, he should also have a way to escape.

It's a pity that Xia Mi spread his hands and said that he was helpless: "There is nothing I can do. I have tried my best to save you from the explosion. The only hope now is that I also have a signal transmitter with me. I can only wait. Another student from our headquarters who came with me saved us.”

One more chapter

Note 1: After Chu Zihang was baptized with dragon blood by Xia Mi, he was actually able to freely control whether his golden eyes would be extinguished or not. In the original work, in Long Sanli, when Chu Zihang and Caesar were discussing things about Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi, he showed his ability to control the golden pupil switch.

As for why Chu Zihang kept the Golden Eyes open in the original work, the old thief did not explain, but I speculate that he may be constantly using slight violent blood to refine his bloodline.

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