Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 211 A Beginning Full of Frustration

Zheng Shu was awakened by a special force.

To be precise, his current state cannot be considered as being awake, but rather in a state of being half-awake, more akin to sleepwalking or dreaming, with just a little more consciousness that can be used to make logical judgments.

After "waking up", Zheng Shu looked around, only to find that it was not the scene of a new world as he had imagined, but a ball of green light.

He is very familiar with this kind of light. Every time he strengthens his template, he is wrapped in it, which shows that he is still under the protection of the influence factor.

But what is different from usual is that in the past, when he was conscious, he could see the outside world through green light. Although the green light would cause some visual deviations, the mirror image he saw was relatively detailed.

But now the scene outside seems extremely blurry, and it feels like looking at a picture full of mosaics through two layers of frosted glass.

However, even with such a blurry picture, after Zheng Shu saw the scene outside the green light, he still felt a sting that penetrated into his soul, as if he had witnessed some eternal and mysterious majestic power, or those supporting The basic legal principles that govern the operation of the world, or some things that are completely incomprehensible with his current consciousness.

Zheng Shu immediately moved his "eyes" away, preventing himself from paying attention to the scene outside the light group. His years of experience in reading novels made him immediately understand that the blurred scenery was a barrier set up by the panel to protect him.

When his eyes returned to his body, Zheng Shu was surprised to find that his body had no body at all, but only a mass of transparent-looking material. If he understood correctly, this was most likely his soul.

At this time, he also discovered that his field of vision was actually 360 degrees without blind spots, but when he focused on a certain direction, the scenes in other directions would be ignored.

"No! Peeling off the template... was it so thorough?!" Zheng Shu felt that he should have a wry smile, but in his soul state, he seemed unable to make this expression.

There was no time to complain, Zheng Shu opened the panel and looked at the information inside. Because he knew that since he woke up in this state, it meant that something had arisen that needed him to deal with.

[The command has been confirmed, the influence factor reserve is sufficient, and preparations for world travel have begun. 】

[The required impact factors have been deducted, and the world channel has been opened. 】

Progress: 350.17%→250.17%

【Notice! ! ! The user's body and mind are deeply connected to the world and need to be completely stripped off before leaving. After stripping off, all influence factors consumed on template enhancement will be returned. 】

Progress: 250.17%→441.37%

After looking at the information on the panel, Zheng Shu quickly scrolled down. These were all things he had seen before setting off.

The panel reminded him before strengthening the enhanced template of destiny that his body and spirit would have a deep connection with the world after strengthening the template, so it would inevitably be stripped away before leaving. This was something that was foreseen in advance.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be stripped down to the point where only his soul was left, but it was understandable if he thought about it. After his body was stripped away, what was left was naturally this thing.

At the bottom, Zheng Shu saw nearly a thousand identical messages:

【Capture a new world. 】


[The world's laws are too different from the user's to enter. 】


These thousands of messages are made up of the constant repetition of these four messages. Zheng Shu knew just at a glance how huge the workload was. He also understood that traveling through the world might be more troublesome than he imagined.

At the bottom, some different information appeared:

【Capture a new world. 】


[The difference between the laws of the world and the user is smaller than the warning area, so you can enter. 】

[Get ready to sneak into the world barrier. 】


【warn! ! ! The world is a highly active world consciousness. The user has been discovered and the first infiltration plan failed. Analyze the type of will in the world and prepare the sixth infiltration plan: negotiation. 】

[The negotiation is successful and the user is ready to wake up to decide the final result. 】

Behind them were a lot of measures on how to ensure the stability of his soul. Zheng Shu stopped looking at them and focused on the negotiation results that he needed to choose.

[Option 1: Consume 100% of the influence factor collection progress again and travel again. 】

[Option 2: Enter the world directly without consuming any influence factors. The user’s birth location will be randomly selected. Note: Based on the conclusion drawn from the analysis of the type of world consciousness, choosing this option has a high probability of making the user's start unfavorable. 】

[Option 3: Permanently consume 50% of the influence factor collection progress and enter the world. The user will obtain a relatively stable birth environment, and the luck will be slightly improved during the action in the world. 】

[Option 4: Permanently consume 100% of the influence factor collection progress and enter the world. The user will obtain an extremely excellent birth environment, and the luck will be greatly improved during the actions in the world. 】

The explanation on the panel was quite simple and clear, and Zheng Shu understood it immediately.

Of course, there is no need to say more about option one. Zheng Shu gave up after thinking about it for a while. He could not ensure that the world he encountered next would not have a highly active world consciousness. If he was unlucky, he would just waste a chance to travel.

As for the remaining three options, you can tell at a glance. To put it bluntly, they mean paying protection fees.

From this point of view, the impact factor can not only be used as an energy source to travel through the world and strengthen the body, but also has unknown benefits to these worlds, so it can be used as a currency for transactions with world consciousness.

Option two was given up by Zheng Shu after just one glance. He was not a soul player and had no masochistic tendencies. Of course, he hoped for a better start.

The only thing that troubled him was options three and four. The main trouble was that he was not sure what the adjectives such as "relatively stable, slightly improved, and greatly" described in the panel information were.

If the increase in these adjectives is really as high as he imagined, then it will naturally be worth the money, but if the increase is too low, it may be a loss.

After thinking about it carefully, Zheng Shu decided to choose option four.

After all, no matter what, it is of course good to improve your starting advantage as much as possible, and although it consumes 100% more impact factor collection progress, you can at least ensure the safety of your starting in this world.

Of course, the most important thing is that he actually does not lack this influence factor now.

"Choose option four!"

[The order has been received and the corresponding impact factor has been deducted. 】

Progress: 441.31%→341.31%

Just after reading this information, Zheng Shu felt dizzy and lost consciousness.

Outside the world, a small green light group penetrated into the world barrier.

"I...have I entered a new world?"

Zheng Shu felt that the sunlight above his head was too dazzling. He had not felt this feeling for a long time, and it was even a little strange. He habitually wanted to raise his hands to block the sunlight.

Then he saw it - a small hand that looked extremely childish.

"Holy shit, this is my hand?!" Zheng Shu was startled and cursed.

But what came out of his mouth was not normal language, but instead some "yah" sounds with different tones.


Zheng Shu was so surprised that he wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't even raise his head. However, Zheng Shu quickly calmed down after experiencing the initial panic, because he had experienced such a feeling before in the dragon world.

"I... turned back into a baby?!" Zheng Shu looked around him.

Unfortunately, the baby's vision is not fully developed. He is now severely myopic, and the world around him is completely hazy.

Zheng Shu could only see that he was next to a beach, with the roaring sea water next to him. He was wrapped in a piece of cloth that looked good, preventing his tender skin from directly touching the rough sand.

" the so-called extremely excellent birth environment?! But I am actually an orphan, and the will of this world is too profiteer! If I choose option two, what opening will it give me, and will it be thrown directly into the tiger's mouth? "

Zheng Shu twitched... well, the baby's facial muscles are not very well developed. Even if Zheng Shu had the control of an adult, he still couldn't make such a complicated movement.

Sighing in his heart, Zheng Shu silently wrote this down in the little notebook in his heart. Simply close your eyes and look at the light blue light curtain deep in your consciousness.

After all, he has spent a lot of influence factors, at least the most basic security should be arranged for him.

Sure enough, new information has appeared on the panel:

【Successfully traveled through the world】

[Start extracting skills]

[Drawing in progress...]

[Congratulations on acquiring the skill: Unknown Beauty]

[Skill extraction is complete, please work hard to explore the new world]

【Wish you happy exploring】

Name: Zheng Shu

Experience the world: 2


① Convenient instant noodles

②Beauty that no one knows about

Progress: 341.31%

The first thing Zheng Shu paid attention to was naturally the newly extracted skill, but as soon as he saw the name of this skill, he felt a sudden surge in his heart and had a bad feeling.

Beauty that no one knows: Your real appearance will become extremely beautiful, and will become more beautiful as your strength and age increase, but others will only see a picture when they see your appearance. A very ordinary face.


After a long silence, Zheng Shu found that he was not too disappointed.

To be honest, judging from the description, this skill is even more useless than summoning instant noodles. Summoning instant noodles can be regarded as a creation out of thin air. Apart from being used for self-admiration, Zheng Shu couldn't think of any other use for this thing.

"Forget it, I have developed a lot of functions for summoning instant noodles, so it should be enough." Zheng Shu thought about this and decided to try summoning once to see what his current summoning limit is.

After all, the summoning of instant noodles is closely related to spiritual power. With the power he is currently deprived of, it is still unknown how much he can summon.


There was another long silence, and Zheng Shu's face turned green, because he kept failing when using summoning skills from just now.

"Wait a minute! Panel, what's going on?!"

[Convenient instant noodles: Users can create instant noodles out of thin air at any time according to the "conventional concept" of the current world. 】

The panel directly marked the description of this skill. Looking at the four words "conventional concept" highlighted in it, Zheng Shu's face turned dark again: "No way...Is there no such thing as instant noodles in this world?" concept?"

[No related concepts detected. 】


After a moment of silence, Zheng Shu sighed again. He found that since he came to this new world, he had been careless and had sighed countless times.

"Forget it...panel, list the enhanced templates I can use in this world."

As soon as he gave this order, a variety of enhanced templates were listed on the light blue screen. These were all collected by him in the dragon world, mainly various pure-blood dragons and advanced hybrids.

Sure enough, the top-level black king, the four monarchs, and the white king's enhanced templates were all in a gray state, indicating that they could not be used.

Zheng Shu had expected this, so he was not too disappointed.

However, below, the enhanced templates for the second-generation species and most of the enhanced templates for the third-generation species collected by Zheng Shu are completely unusable.

"The third-generation species can use the enhanced templates of the Bronze and Fire King lineage, and even if they are fully enhanced, they can only obtain 30% of the power of the dragon world. The main things that have been removed are most of the rights to use the word spirits and bone bottles. The ability to resuscitate and the ability to change your body between a human body and a dragon body at will..."

Zheng Shu looked at the information prompts listed on the panel and fell into thinking. This information provided him with a lot of intelligence.

For example, there is a high probability that dragons exist in this world, and these dragons should use fire breathing and melee combat as their main fighting methods. Compared with the group of dragons in the dragon world that are actually called dragons and are more like biological weapons, these abilities are more in line with the conventional fantasy world that Zheng Shu had in mind.

And there should be magic similar to word spirits, because although most word spirits cannot be used, a small number are allowed after all.

In addition to the enhanced templates of pure-blood dragons, most of the enhanced templates of hybrids can also be used. However, the enhanced templates of those super hybrids are all disabled, and they still seem to exceed the rules of the world.

Zheng Shu looked around and found that among the hybrid enhanced templates that he could use, the strongest ones were those of Chu Zihang and Ange.

Among them, the spiritual ability of the Angers template is completely prohibited, leaving only pure physical power. Although Chu Zihang's template retained the ability to release the spirit spirit, the power of the spirit spirit was also greatly weakened.

And the most troublesome thing is that Zheng Shu knew through the prompts on the panel that even if he strengthened the hybrid template, he could not use the violent blood technique in this world.

"Uh...Panel, give me the enhanced template to strengthen this third-generation species, and directly strengthen it to full strength! Well...choose the human body in form." In this case, Zheng Shu simply chose an enhanced template that can maximize his combat effectiveness. .

However, when choosing a form, he thought about it for a while and decided to maintain his human image. Although using a human body would lose a lot of combat effectiveness, Zheng Shu felt that if this was a conventional fantasy world that he understood, then a hairless monkey would definitely be more attractive than a giant dragon that could fly into the sky and escape from the earth. Attention.

[Instruction received]

[Consume 50% of the influence factors to strengthen the body]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

Progress: 341.31%→291.31%

The familiar green light unfolded and formed an egg shape to wrap around Zheng Shu. Zheng Shu could clearly feel that his physical fitness was rapidly improving, and the bones and internal organs in his body were constantly changing. Even the bones and internal organs in his body were constantly changing. Underdevelopment, resulting in eyes that are similar to high myopia and gradually become brighter.

However, Zheng Shu also felt the difference from when he was strengthened in the dragon world, because he could clearly feel that a huge consciousness was "quietly" "peeping" on him.

"World consciousness... This is the so-called extremely active world consciousness. Even if I have an unusual action, it will attract its attention." Zheng Shu silently felt the consciousness that was "looking" at him.

A life born in this world might not be able to detect it so easily, but for an outsider like Zheng Shu, the feeling that the entire world has changed is too obvious.

As the surrounding green light was recycled into his chest, Zheng Shu knew that his strengthening this time was over.

"Okay, let me see how much power I have now."

Thinking like this, Zheng Shu finally...raised his head with all his strength.


Turning his head blankly and looking at it, Zheng Shu found that his body was still in the state of that baby. Although his muscles and bones were well developed due to his pure dragon blood, he was limited to being able to turn over and raise his head. action.

For a newborn baby, being able to do such an action is already astonishing...

"That's weird!! Why did the golden finger, which was so reliable, become so unreliable once he traveled across the world? Panel, come out and explain!" Zheng Shu roared in his heart, feeling that this world might not be compatible with him.

[When the enhanced template is used, the user's status will be close to that of the sample. Theoretically, after a single strengthening template is strengthened to the full value, the user will show the same development status of the sample at the same proportion of age. 】

"So my current state is that of a newly born third-generation dragon?"

[Don't worry, as you grow older, you will also gain the same level of strength enhancement as the Enhanced Template. 】


Just when Zheng Shu sighed, a voice came into his ears:

"Hey, why is there a baby here?"

Thank you Nanshan readers for the reward, thank you for your support.

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