"Hiss... it seems... feasible."

In the underground treasure house, Zheng Shu touched his chin and looked at the sheepskin scroll in his hand, thinking.

Seeing the content written in this sheepskin scroll, Zheng Shu thought that he might try to get in touch with the Greek gods through these rituals at certain necessary moments.

If it were a normal world of ancient Greek mythology, Zheng Shu would not choose to get in touch with the gods even if he died. After all, these gods in ancient Greek legends deserve the name of being the first creatures in the world - that is quite right. Newborn (animal).

Let alone a somewhat benevolent god, in the entire ancient Greek mythology system, it is difficult to find a god with relatively normal views.

Among other things, Zeus, the most famous god in ancient Greek mythology, is a real universal plug that can be used by everyone, regardless of gender, age or species.

If this were in an ordinary mythical world, Zheng Shu would have wanted to scratch his face on the spot to prevent himself from being poked.

And not just gods, even many so-called heroes in orthodox mythology are not good things in Zheng Shu's opinion, and only a handful can truly be called heroes.

But the premise of all this is that this is the orthodox world of ancient Greek mythology. Fortunately, the world Zheng Shu is in now is Xingyue. Although there are many bastards among the gods in it, they are generally relatively normal.

There are many gods here, and they can even be called doting on their believers. Compared with the group of gods in the orthodox mythological world who will kill whole families or massacre cities and countries just because of trivial matters, it is not too much. Perfect.

Of course, although most of the gods in the Xingyue World are very good, Zheng Shu still has to be careful. After all, some gods will still follow the original settings to some extent.

"So...just ignore the sacrifice information related to Zeus." Zheng Shu silently made a decision in his heart.

Although he also covets the template of Zeus as the King of Gods, if the cost is that he will be teased, then he would rather not have this template.

After collecting the sheepskin scroll and sealing it back into the metal tube, Zheng Shu continued to pack up the remaining remains with such an unexpected gain.

Maybe he was lucky today. After a while, Zheng Shu found a new harvest.

"What is this?" Zheng Shu opened a piece of wood that was as tall as a person and looked at the exposed metal handle.

The handle looks to be made of metal, with a thin hemp rope wrapped around it to prevent slipping. The handle is quite thick, about five centimeters in diameter.

The upper part of the handle was held down by heavy wood, and it seemed to be wrapped up by a large piece of shipwreck, so this pure metal thing could be allowed to drift across the ocean and wash up on the shore along the ocean current.

Zheng Shu looked at the wreckage of the ship, did some calculations in his mind, and reached out to grab one of the gaps.


As Zheng Shu exhaled and exerted force, he lifted up the wreckage of the ship weighing several tons, revealing the upper part of the metal handle. This turned out to be a rather heavy-looking mace.

The entire mace is similar to the shape of a baseball bat. It seems to be elongated as a whole, about one meter and two meters in length, and the head hammer in the upper part is even an astonishing twenty centimeters wide. The entire first third of the mace was studded with thick nails. Even Zheng Shu felt that they were not nails, but just a bunch of cones.

It seems that it has experienced a long period of seawater erosion, and the mace is now covered with mottled rust. However, for this thick weapon, these rust stains have not caused any damage except making it look more ferocious.

Zheng Shu reached out and grasped the handle to try to pick up the mace, but felt his hand sink. The seemingly slender mace had a mass of nearly a ton.

"This is... interesting."

Lifting the mace precariously with both hands, Zheng Shu squinted his eyes and observed carefully. Through the rust on the surface, he finally saw some dots of light that looked similar to starlight on the metal surface of the mace. , and you can also feel a little energy fluctuation from the inside of the mace. It seems that this should be a magic weapon.


Putting the hammer head of the mace on the ground, Zheng Shu held the handle with both hands and felt the smooth feel. Suddenly he had an urge to destroy something. It felt like he picked up a stick on the road when he was a child. Behind the perfect branches, it feels like rapeseed flowers in the surrounding fields.

After searching around, Zheng Shu focused on the wreckage of the ship that he had just lifted up.


Zheng Shu let out a long breath, relaxed his hands a little, and narrowed his eyes to aim at the thick shipwreck in front of him. Then he swung the mace with strong force with both hands.


There was a cracking sound, and the originally huge wooden debris in front of Zheng Shu turned into fine pieces of wood and scattered in all directions. There was also a strong wind in the closed underground treasure house. The strong wind mixed with sawdust hit the wall like a meat grinder, and was blocked by the radiant magic circle.

At this time, the magic system in the treasure house had begun to operate. Various rays of light collected the broken wood chips, gathered them into a groove, and transported them out. Zheng Shu did not pay attention to the messy treasure house, but continued to look at the heavy weapon in his hand.

Just now, when the mace touched the wreckage of the ship, Zheng Shu could clearly see a dim light flashing on the stick, and then the wreckage of the ship that was touched by the mace exploded completely from the center, even if it was far away. The contact points were also broken into pieces extremely evenly.

"Very good! It looks like today's harvest is very good." Putting the mace in the corner of the treasure house, Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction. This harvest was indeed much better than he imagined.

"Then, let me choose this parchment as my reward this time." After Zheng Shu disposed of the last bit of debris, he threw away the metal tube in his hand and left the treasure house leisurely.

Time flies, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Zheng Shu sat on the beach and looked at the sea, his long hair flying in the wind.

Fifteen-year-old Zheng Shu's body has grown and become very tall and straight. The dragon gene has made his body reach the most perfect standard. As he grows older, Zheng Shu's strength has also been greatly improved. .

Coupled with the fact that his appearance has gradually become more handsome with age and strength, Zheng Shu will not look inferior even when standing next to the three Gorgon sisters.

"It's almost...time to get out of here."

Zheng Shu looked at the sea with a melancholy expression. For him, being born on this island was worthy of an advantageous start. Not only did he obtain three god-level enhanced templates at once, but he also gained a lot of influence in his life for so many years. factor. Although he suffered a lot because of the goddesses' lack of common sense, these sufferings were acceptable compared to the gains.

If possible, Zheng Shu naturally hopes to wait until his body is fully mature before sailing on the sea. After all, this is ancient Greece, and monsters and monsters will appear at every turn, and demigod heroes are everywhere. If you are not careful, you may be killed. .

Unfortunately, a conversation he heard a few days ago made him give up this idea and instead planned to execute the escape plan in advance.

A few days ago, Zheng Shu heard the conversation between Stheno and Euryale while cleaning the palace:

"Kaya is getting less and less cute." This was Stheno's voice.

"Yes, he was still a cute child at first, but now his appearance has gradually changed into a handsome male." Euryale's voice was full of disgust, "He is no longer as cute as he was when he was a child. "

"And the disgusting muscles on Kaya's body have grown rapidly recently, and they are no longer as fleshy and cute as before." Stheno's tone was full of sadness, as if he saw that his doll had been destroyed, "Yes Is there any way to make those muscles disappear?"

"Well... as far as I know, if an animal is castrated, its muscle growth will slow down and it will become plump." Euryale closed her eyes and thought for a while, as a god The power gave her immediate access to the knowledge she needed.

Stheno's eyes lit up: "Then how about we castrate Kaya too?"

"Sounds like a good idea!"

The memory ends here. Every time Zheng Shu thinks about this conversation, he will unconsciously feel a pain in his lower body. Although in theory, with the dragon's self-healing ability, he can grow back even if he is cut off, but Zheng Shu definitely doesn't want to experience it. Such torture.

Moreover, Zheng Shu could not confirm whether the two goddesses would choose to fight again if he was reborn. Of course, based on his knowledge of Stheno and Euryale, he can be almost 100% sure that they will definitely take action again when the time comes. So in order to keep his basket and survive as a man, he could only decide to leave here early.

After observing the direction of the wind, Zheng Shu twitched his nose and smelled the sea breeze. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he immediately stood up from the beach: "Here we come!"

As his words fell, the sky in the distance quickly darkened, and it looked like a dark cloud was covering the island.

With Zheng Shu's eyesight, he could still see the lightning flashing under the dark clouds and the majestic rainstorm.

This was the opportunity that Zheng Shu had been waiting for. He reached out and pulled hard from the grass and bushes nearby, and pulled out a small wooden boat from it. This is an escape tool carefully prepared by Zheng Shu. It is reinforced with magic to ensure that the wooden boat will not be damaged even if it encounters a violent storm.

Inside the wooden boat, there is also the mace that Zheng Shu found in the treasure house as a ballast.

Of course, going out to sea without food and fresh water, and when it is still stormy outside, is definitely a dead end for ordinary people, and it is the kind of death that leaves nothing behind.

But for Zheng Shu, this is an excellent opportunity to escape. For him, although this will be very troublesome, it is not enough to kill Zheng Shu, who is a dragon. Conversely, storms can also cover his tracks.

The reason why we did not prepare fresh water and food is because as the three gods who have been living on the island, the three Gorgon sisters have terrifying control over the island. Anything born on the island cannot escape their tracking. Even the wooden boats were made by Zheng Shu from the wreckage of ships washed up by the sea.

Seeing the storm coming to his head, facing the huge raindrops, Zheng Shu pushed the wooden boat into the sea, and then jumped in.

One last look at the island behind him. Although he felt a little sorry for Medusa, Zheng Shu still looked back to the sea resolutely for the sake of his basket.

Gathering his hair together, Zheng Shu stretched out his hand and cut off the originally smooth long hair, leaving only a refreshing short hair.

With a casual throw, the long hair was blown away by the sea breeze and flowed everywhere. These hairs full of Zheng Shu's breath can be used to mislead the tracking of the three goddesses.

Taking out the oars that had been prepared in advance and placed in the wooden boat, Zheng Shu rowed vigorously against the storm. With the help of the terrifying power of the dragon, the small boat that was originally blown away by the strong wind seemed to have jets added to both sides of the boat. There was a huge wave, and it was obviously a wooden boat but it ran faster than a speedboat.

Under Zheng Shu's crazy shaking, the boat left the island where he had lived for fifteen years like an arrow and headed towards the depths of the sea.

Zheng Shu paddled like this for a whole day, forcefully passing through the storm zone, and finally stopped his arms tiredly after the boat reached a calm ocean.

Lying on the boat and taking a deep breath for a while, Zheng Shu could feel a steady stream of energy pouring into his body. This was the talent of the third-generation dragon race's strengthened template to absorb ether and elements to supply body energy. In this world, it seemed that he could Absorb the power of magic in the air.

It just so happened that the power of the Great Source of the Gods in the Xingyue World was extremely powerful, with enough magic power to even support creatures like dragons to survive, so Zheng Shu just lay on the boat and rested for a while before returning to his normal state.

After the rest was completed, Zheng Shu had time to check the damage of the wooden boat. Although it was reinforced by magic, after traveling through an entire thunderstorm, the wooden boat still suffered a certain degree of damage. Although it can still support it now, but as time goes by It will inevitably disintegrate in a few days.

No matter how strong Zheng Shu is, he will definitely be dead after losing his vehicle and drifting on the sea. However, for Zheng Shu, this is not the most troublesome crisis for him now. The problem he needs to solve most now is that he has completely lost his way. .

He didn't expect to find any marks on the vast sea. Zheng Shu didn't even know how he should row so as not to return to the island.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu also made preparations in advance before setting off. Although the risk was relatively high, it was still acceptable to Zheng Shu.

Taking out a few pieces of bread prepared in advance from the cabin, Zheng Shu placed the bread on the bow of the ship, dipped his fingers in sea water and drew several symbols representing the god of the sea around them.

Recalling the knowledge he had learned in the parchment scroll, Zheng Shu confirmed that there were no mistakes in his ritual arrangements, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and began the next prayer:

"Great Poseidon, God of the Sea, I offer you a precious gift and pray that I can reach my destination safely."

After reading this sentence in a very pious voice, Zheng Shu waited with some uneasiness.

The Greek gods have absolute control over their own rules. In theory, as long as someone chants their name, they will be heard. However, for gods, especially those whose beliefs are widely spread, there will be a large number of believers praying every moment, and it is naturally impossible for them to waste time to respond one by one, so if you want to attract the attention of the gods to yourself, Generally speaking, believers need to pay more outstanding sacrifices.

To be honest, Zheng Shu's sacrifice was not very good, and could even be called crude. However, he also had an advantage - he had lived with the three goddesses for a long time.

If we follow some of Zheng Shu's previous lives (yes), it means that he has entered the circle of gods, and he has been regarded as one of his own by the gods a long time ago.

In a sense, this may be the biggest benefit of being born on that island.


Just as he was thinking, a wave suddenly rose from the calm sea and hit the bow of the ship. When the water receded, Zheng Shu's hair that was originally worshiped on the bow of the ship had disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Shu also relaxed, because it meant that his sacrifice had been accepted.

Thank you to the readers of Yueluo Shenhua for the reward. Thank you again for your support.

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