Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 220 Changes brought about by outsiders

At night, Zheng Shu lay in a daze in the hunter's cabin.

He spent a lot of effort to vaguely explain the matter of tonight's dinner, but it also aroused Atalanta's vigilance, so when the moon rose in the evening, the other party quietly left here, and it seemed that he had gone further. The place has gone.

But in a sense, this also meets Zheng Shu's needs.

"Panel, give me the strengthening template to strengthen Atalanta! Strengthen it to full capacity directly!"

[Instruction received]

[Consume 50% of the influence factors to strengthen the body]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

Progress: 401.13%→351.13%

The encounter with Ta Miao still provided Zheng Shu with a certain influence factor. Although one percent does not seem to be a lot, considering Zheng Shu's role in this operation, the influence factor is not very small either.

Green light once again enveloped Zheng Shu's body, but it seemed that because the changes to the body were not significant this time, the light quickly faded. Zheng Shu didn't even feel much pain, but his body felt a little numb during the strengthening process.

After the strengthening was completed, Zheng Shu immediately felt a wonderful sense of coordination.


His own physical fitness has not improved much during this strengthening, and it has only increased by 30% on the original basis.

This is a matter of course. Atalanta's only achievements in ancient Greek mythology were to run fast and to fight off Calydon's demon pig with other heroes. In terms of combat ability alone, Atalanta, who had no formal training and could only rely on her own talent, was not out of the ordinary among many ancient Greek heroes.

Zheng Shu's body before this was an enhanced template that had been strengthened by the third generation species. Although the combat power of the third generation species was weakened in the Xingyue World, most of which only retained 30%, most of the weakened ones were words. The special power of the spirit and the physical power are completely retained.

Although the dragon species in the dragon world generally do not dominate with physical strength, and Zheng Shu chose a human body when strengthening, and the physical strength was further weakened, but even so, his physical fitness is still compared to that of a pure human. Excellent enough.

In other words, Zheng Shu was surprised that Atalanta's body was actually 30% of his own.

The biggest gain after this enhancement is that wonderful sense of coordination. This seems to be a natural talent of Atalanta's body. It can coordinate its own movements to the maximum extent and make perfect use of every muscle power when running. , improve the body's balance and flexibility as much as possible.

To be specific, it is probably an extremely weakened version of the "force" control ability that Zheng Shu obtained after strengthening Xia Mi's enhanced template.

Atalanta should have suffered from her own blood. After all, she is just a pure human being. She has not taken any special things to increase her strength. The upper limit of what her body can reach is limited, so she will try her best to use this This coordination ability is developed into running efficiency.

In game terms, it means lack of strength and constitution, so you can only focus on agility to improve combat effectiveness.

Coupled with the assistance of bows and arrows, Atalanta's physical weaknesses were perfectly covered up.

As for Zheng Shu, he has never worried about his physical fitness. Even if his current physical fitness is not enough, as long as he obtains a few more suitable strengthening templates, his physical fitness will continue to improve.

Coupled with the previous experience of using the King of Earth and Mountain to strengthen the template ability, Zheng Shu quickly adapted to the newly acquired ability. With this sense of coordination, although his physical fitness only increased by about 30%, he was actually able to exert The strength can be roughly doubled compared to before.

Zheng Shu waved his arms slightly, bounced twice in place to feel the changes in his body, and then closed his eyes.


Taking a long breath, when Zheng Shu opened his eyes again, his figure suddenly disappeared into the wooden house.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.

A series of stepping sounds came from everywhere in the wooden house, including the ceiling, and a black shadow that was difficult for ordinary people to see clearly moved around in the wooden house, causing all kinds of dry food and firewood inside the hunter's cabin to "clatter".


The sound of a long exhalation came, and Zheng Shu's figure appeared again in the center of the hut.

After carefully observing the hunter's cabin, I found that except for the decorations that were a little messy due to the wind caused by the rapid movement, the house itself was not greatly affected.

If it were Zheng Shu from before, although all-out exercise could produce the same result, the hunter's cabin would basically not be saved.

Zheng Shu was quite satisfied with the increase in combat power this time. He didn't feel sleepy after just exercising, so he simply opened the door of the hut and walked out.

Looking at the bright full moon in the sky, Zheng Shu took a deep breath, and the cold night wind filled his nose with the fragrance of trees.

"Really nice moonshine."

"Thanks for the compliment."


The sudden response from behind made the hairs on Zheng Shu's back stand up, and his five senses were activated to the maximum for a moment, but Zheng Shu still didn't feel any breath behind him, as if there was no one behind him.

At this time, Zheng Shu could clearly feel a hand on his stiff shoulder. Even through the leather armor, Zheng Shu could feel the weakness and bonelessness of this hand, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't use it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw this palm that should theoretically be there.

"Although I'm embarrassed to make demands as soon as we meet, I hope you can help her..." The gentle female voice behind her came again. The voice sounded like her lover was whispering in her ear, "Because of some strange things." The reason is that there are some unknown dangers that this child does not have the ability to handle, so please help her."

As time went by, the sounds behind him gradually faded away and seemed to be moving away quickly.

But Zheng Shu still didn't dare to move. It wasn't until the touch of the arm on his shoulder left that he swallowed and slowly looked behind him with a cold sweat on his face.

Of course, he didn't see anything, just the closed rough door of the wooden house behind him.


Zheng Shu was breathing heavily. Although the time just now was short, it was enough to make him feel terrified. Zheng Shu did not even dare to breathe out, for fear that he would disturb the unknown existence behind him.

"Panel, have you collected the enhanced templates?" On the surface, he still maintained his frightened look, but Zheng Shu immediately pulled out a light blue light curtain in his mind and asked.

Zheng Shu really didn't know what the other party was, but since he had touched him, of course he could use the panel to examine the other party's origins.

[The user has come into contact with the carrier containing the unknown factor and started testing the sample]


[The test is completed and a reinforced template has been established based on the carrier sample]

【Notice! ! ! This enhanced template has two important characteristics: "goddess" and "rule incarnation". If the user wants to use this enhanced template, after it is fully enhanced, the soul will be distorted into a female, and the body will be completely lost and transformed into one that adapts to the rules of the world. 's spirit body. At that time, the user's soul will be deeply linked to the world, and when leaving the world, all the enhanced templates used will be completely stripped away. 】

[After the enhanced template is stripped off, the impact factor consumed will be fully returned. 】

Goldfinger was indeed as powerful as ever, recording the other party's information very easily.

After taking a look at the concept of "goddess" mentioned in the message, Zheng Shu touched his chin and thought for a moment.

It seemed that another goddess had been talking to him just now, but there were so many goddesses in ancient Greek mythology that he could not confirm who the other party's identity was for the time being, and who he wanted to help.

While thinking, Zheng Shu accidentally saw the full moon in the sky. He was suddenly stunned and had a specific idea.

——It can’t be Artemis, right?

Artemis, the goddess of hunting, took on the role of the moon goddess in the later stages of ancient Greek mythology.

She is Atalanta's true adoptive mother in theory. It was this goddess who discovered the abandoned Atalanta, and then fed her with the milk of a she-bear under the overwhelming maternal instinct.

Think about it carefully, the goddess who appeared on the night of the full moon, and the only one Zheng Shu has been in contact with for a long time since leaving the Island of Gods is Ta Miao.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Shu felt that the possibility of his inference was very high.

"Okay, but do these gods like to talk in roundabout ways? Since we know what crisis is about to happen, we can speak more clearly..." Zheng Shu rubbed his forehead, not intending to refuse the other party's request. .

Among other things, the terrible consequences of rejecting Artemis's request and thereby angering the goddess have been fully demonstrated to him by his predecessors in ancient Greek myths and legends.

Even though this is the moon world, the basic settings of many gods have not changed. If you accidentally anger a certain goddess, the final result will definitely not be too beautiful.


"An unknown crisis arises due to strange reasons..." Zheng Shu sighed.

It is known that this is a moon-shaped world where the world line is basically fixed, so who is responsible for the sudden unknown crisis?

There are only a few options that can appear: aliens, people from the future, visitors from other parallel universes of the moon world, or someone who travels through the world.

Zheng Shu took another look at his light blue light screen. After coming to this world, he had obtained more than 100% impact factor on the collection progress.

If you think carefully about what he did when he obtained the same number of influence factors in the dragon world, you can roughly understand what level of influence he will have in this world.

Zheng Shu thinks that he is not a good person, but at least he is a human being with normal outlook. If he meets someone who is in trouble and he can help him, he doesn't mind helping, not to mention that it is very likely that it is him. Your own mess.

"Is that why the goddess Artemis came to look for me?" Zheng Shu bit his back teeth, feeling a little embarrassed.

There is a feeling like when I was a child, I was playing at someone else's house, and accidentally blew up the cesspool in their house with firecrackers, and was discovered by the adults of the other family.

While thinking about these questions, Zheng Shu's ears suddenly twitched. He immediately turned his head and looked into the distance. Under the moonlight, a green figure was quickly approaching the hunter's cabin.

"I have to leave for a moment. There is a problem in the village I went to this morning. Tomorrow you can leave from the forest on the right. There are marks made by hunters in the forest. As long as you follow the marks, you can reach the main road. You can't walk any further. You can reach the nearest town in one day." Atalanta explained a lot in one breath after landing.

Then he ignored Zheng Shu's reaction, took out some spare bows and arrows from the hunter's cabin and left quickly.

"Uh... I want to say that I can go with you..." Zheng Shu looked helplessly as Atalanta left in a hurry.

He pulled out his mace from the house and put it on his shoulder. He immediately followed Atalanta's back. But this time, due to the drag of the mace, the sound of his movement was obviously much duller.

Atalanta became very fast without restraining her speed. Even when moving in the jungle, she quickly arrived at the village they had visited during the day.

However, at this time, the thick fences outside the village had long been destroyed, leaving only some stubble still buried in the soil. Most of the houses built with heavy stones in the village have collapsed and turned into very tragic-looking ruins.

Perhaps because the villagers had resisted fiercely before, a raging fire broke out inside the village. If most of the wood products had not disappeared out of thin air, the fire might have become even bigger.

Looking at the scene in front of her that was like a hell on earth, Atalanta unconsciously clenched the bow arm in her hand.

In her life, apart from the goddess Artemis who saved her life and the hunter adoptive father who adopted her, the most important thing in her life were these villagers.

Although many young people kept harassing Atalanta because of her appearance, which made Atalanta feel a little unhappy, most of the other people in the village seemed very amiable.

The owner of the butcher shop would give her the best price every time, and the people in the leather shop would allow him to exchange a piece of leather for a leather armor every time.

Of course Atalanta knew that most of their goodwill was for the sake of her hunter adoptive father, but no matter what she thought in her heart, the goodwill they paid was genuine.

Seeing the village being destroyed like this, Atalanta felt a burning rage in her heart that she hadn't seen for a long time.

Thank you to the readers of Sankuangxiaoren for the reward. Thank you for your support.

In a few days, I will start preparing to pay off my debt.

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