Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 228 Summary of Harvest (Transition Chapter)

Seeing Zheng Shu's rapid recovery from injuries, Atalanta couldn't help but look surprised. However, despite being surprised, she couldn't help but feel a little relieved, as if she had verified some of her inferences:

"This recovery speed... no wonder! It turns out you are a hero with the blood of a god."

For ancient Greece, where gods existed, it was no problem to rely on any talent that they could not understand to attribute their special abilities to the bloodline of the gods.

In fact, this method of inference often had a very high accuracy in ancient Greece.

Because the gods have existed for so long, and there are problems with the styles of some gods, the popularity of the divine bloodline among humans is not as high as that in the dragon world where everyone has dragon bloodline, but basically Most of the princes, nobles and even some farm owners also have the blood of gods flowing through them.

It's just that due to the changes of the times, the divine bloodline in most people has become so thin that it is difficult to show it, and they are almost not much different from pure-blood humans.

"Godly bloodline... That shouldn't be wrong." Zheng Shu thought for a moment. Although he was only a third-generation dragon bloodline, he was still inherited from the Black King. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was a godly bloodline.

Atalanta turned around and looked at the tragic battlefield around her, a little surprised: "Is this the fighting power of a divine-blooded hero? I have often heard people say this before, and I thought it was an exaggeration. I didn't expect that anyone could really do it. The power of individuals faces an army-level enemy.”

"Are you talking about people at the military level?" Zheng Shu recalled the information on the Noble Phantasms of various heroic spirits he had seen in his previous life. "Actually, it's not bad. I even know a lot of people with destructive power reaching the city level. .”

"How is this possible?! I thought that was something that only gods could do." Atalanta was excited and wanted to ask more, but after taking a look at Zheng Shu's expression, she suddenly calmed down, "It looks like You are a little tired, so take a good rest first. Don’t worry, I will keep an eye on your trophies for you.”

"I can't thank you enough..." Zheng Shu just muttered these words in a low voice, then slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

In fact, he is in peak condition both physically and mentally. The recovery on the panel is absolutely believable. It is a direct reversal of his state in time.

The problem is that the status reply on the panel will not clear his memory. After a whole day of fierce fighting, although Zheng Shu is extremely strong physically and mentally, the psychological pressure and fatigue have reached the limit. . Not to mention anything else, just enduring the pain made him feel extremely tired.

Although the beetle leader's death has no longer suppressed the insects, the information obtained by the insect swarm has not changed. Therefore, Zheng Shu fought extremely fiercely in this battle. Not to mention being disembowelled, his heart was broken several times. and the head were directly pierced.

Therefore, he is still alive now entirely because his panel is strong enough. Before the influence factor is exhausted, Zheng Shu can be said to be infinitely resurrected.

Atalanta was a little surprised to see Zheng Shu trusting her so much and falling asleep.

After hesitating for a while, she finally carried Zheng Shu on her shoulders and took him away from the battlefield that was already covered with corrosive mucus.

When Zheng Shu woke up again, it was probably two days later. The two days of deep sleep completely relieved all the psychological pressure he suffered from the previous tragic battle.

Zheng Shu had never imagined before that it would be so difficult to fight against a group of enemies who are not afraid of death. There is a clear gap between the opponent's individual combat power and his own, and he has unlimited physical strength (pseudo) Despite the situation, it still caused him a lot of damage.

Lifting the quilt and getting up from the bed, Zheng Shu looked at the decoration of the surrounding rooms without any feeling of confusion.

Although he has been in a state of deep sleep, thanks to his dragon blood, his own spiritual sense and biological clock are still functioning. In theory, as long as someone approaches him with malicious intent, he can detect it in time.

The moment he woke up from deep sleep, the dragon's perception had completely transmitted the surrounding situation to him, so Zheng Shu immediately understood that he had arrived in the city.

Shaking his head slightly to expel the remaining sleepiness in his mind, Zheng Shu immediately returned to his most victorious state. He first summarized his losses and gains in this battle.

[Body strengthening has been completed. 】×17.

Progress: 352.01%

Counting the two physical enhancements used before, Zheng Shu used the "Resurrection Coin" a total of nineteen times in this battle, which can be said to be a pretty brutal fight. The single-round recovery ability is even more outrageous than the Noble Phantasm: Twelve Trials held by the heroic Hercules.

Moreover, although Zheng Shu has been using the panel function as a resurrection coin, in fact it has truly strengthened his body.

Looking at his hands, Zheng Shu waved his arms slightly and jumped left and right, carefully feeling the changes in his body during various movements.

In the end, Zheng Shu came to the conclusion that his physical fitness had hardly changed much. To put it bluntly, it was probably an improvement of less than 3% of his total physical fitness.

The 19% impact factor collection progress only improves physical fitness by less than 3%, which is a huge loss in terms of cost performance.

However, Zheng Shu had already expected this. The body strengthening function of the panel was not affected by his current physical fitness and the strengthened template, but was changed according to the rules of the current world.

According to the current world rules, if you use influence factors to strengthen your body, the first 50% of the influence factor collection progress will probably strengthen your body to the peak state of ordinary humans in the current world.

Although humans in the Age of Gods have been affected by magic all the year round, their physical fitness limits are much stronger than those of later generations. However, the physical fitness of pure-blood humans at their peak is probably less than one-third better than the top athletes. one.

This level of physical fitness is enough for a dragon species like Zheng Shu, who has tons of arm strength, to be able to experience the enhancement of the panel.

And because Zheng Shu is not yet fully mature, the physical enhancements he can enjoy are further discounted. He can only reach his peak after his body is fully developed.

But overall, although the price/performance ratio is extremely low, the real-time use effect is very good. Even without the evolutionary ability of the Noble Phantasm: Twelve Trials that can immunize the last fatal damage, the pure nineteen resurrections are enough to make Zheng Shu invincible at the same level.

"Oh, it should be about three hundred and fifty-two resurrections." After taking a look at the impact factor collection progress on his panel, Zheng Shu silently changed his mind.

As for another gain, it is naturally the impact factor.

Although the battle was more difficult this time, the number of impact factors collected was also large. This was because he consumed 19% of the impact factor collection progress during the battle. Otherwise, the current impact factor collection progress should be even more. .

As for the next item, Zheng Shu didn't know if it was considered a gain.

[Enhancement Template: Female Insect]

[Enhanced Template: Beetle Commandery]

[Enhanced Template: Beetle Engineer]


This series of various strengthening templates is the last gain Zheng Shu gained in the battle. After waking up, he continuously renamed each template based on the information time on the panel and the memory in his mind.

To be honest, these bugs have many advantages. They have strong defense, strength, vitality, fast development speed, and a wide range of diets. When necessary, they can even live directly on soil. As the population increases, various special abilities will appear. And if the mother worm eats the flesh and blood of a creature with a high-level bloodline, it can continue to evolve the next generation based on the materials it eats.

In order to keep the female insect behind, Zheng Shu desperately moved towards the location of the insect nest. Most of his nineteen lives were lost here. In the end, Zheng Shu gathered all his physical strength. Another light cannon came, and the insect nest and the mother insect were completely wiped out.

Fortunately, the female insect's combat effectiveness was not strong, so he was able to achieve a winning rate in this battle.

However, if Zheng Shu chooses to strengthen the mother insect template, he can have the ability to directly produce all types of insects while retaining his own combat effectiveness. After all, after making up for the final shortcomings, the mother insect template should be considered a very good legion. template.

But it is a pity that none of these bugs have human forms. In this way, at least in this world, Zheng Shu is unlikely to strengthen this type of template.

Theoretically, if they were allowed to develop for a while, they might produce bugs with humanoid shapes as a result of eating the flesh and blood of a certain divine hero. But if that moment really comes, the harm caused by these bugs will be far beyond everyone's imagination.

As for the last gain, it was probably that Zheng Shu learned how to fire a light cannon.

Although it was just a slightly teasing idea at first, it turned out that Zheng Shu's method indeed allowed him to significantly extend the attack distance of Yan Ling, which was too short compared to attack methods of the same level.

Due to the limitations of the word spirit field, even the large-scale word spirit released by the Dragon King has a short "launch" distance.

For example, for the more famous Word Spirit: Jun Yan, if the range of influence after the explosion is not included, even a top hybrid like Chu Zihang who uses violent blood, the Word Spirit field is only a few meters wide. Even counting the impact area after the explosion, the real effective killing range is only a few dozen meters.

And if it is a defensive word spirit like Wuchen Land, its domain expansion range is even expressed in "centimeters".

Theoretically speaking, in the dragon world, if you do not count the Dragon King's exclusive word spirit, the word spirit with the largest range of word spirits that Zheng Shu has ever seen should be Angers Time Zero.

But even at time zero, if compared with Zheng Shu's current light cannon, it would still be too weak.

If power is not considered, Zheng Shu can even directly extend the liberation range of the light cannon to hundreds of meters.

Of course, if you want to consider the lethality, his light cannon has an effective range of only a few hundred meters. If you want to kill a powerful enemy with one hit, you may even need to bind all the energy into the weapon to maximize it. Strengthening the destructive power is the move Zheng Shu used when facing the beetle leader.

After a brief summary, Zheng Shu was quite satisfied with his gains from this battle. Although the battle was quite painful, at least it gave him the experience of fighting against many enemies.

"Hey! Are you finally awake?" Atalanta's voice came from the door. Zheng Shu turned around and saw that she was opening the door with a piece of food. "You have been comatose for two days. If it wasn't The wizard said that if there is no damage to your body, we will all worry about whether you are dead."

She put the food on the table next to her and looked up and down at Zheng Shu, who had already stood up. She maintained an expression of admiration on her face: "What is your body made of? After fighting for one day and sleeping for two days, He doesn't look weak at all, does it mean that the divine blood hero doesn't need to eat?"

"No, I feel that you have some very huge misunderstanding about the divine blood hero." Zheng Shu walked straight to the food and found that these were some very rough-looking noodles and barbecue. However, Zheng Shu had been hungry for two days. Now I don't have any resistance to this kind of rough food, and I still eat it with big mouthfuls.

"It's so noisy outside, what happened?" Zheng Shu asked curiously after swallowing the dough that was as hard as a stone in his mouth.

Ever since he woke up, he had been hearing noisy sounds outside, but it didn't sound like screaming, more like a party, so he ignored it.

"Although I have helped you keep most of the loot, those heroes still made a lot of money by picking up those bits and pieces, so they have been holding banquets now." Atalanta shrugged, for those heroes The hero expressed his disdain for such shameless behavior, "These guys obviously didn't make any contribution, but they still licked their faces and stole a lot of crumbs."

As she said this, Atalanta suddenly realized that the person in front of her had stopped eating at some point and was staring blankly at the sky outside the window.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah no, it's nothing." Zheng Shu seemed to be awakened and swept away the remaining food on the plate. "After sleeping for two days, I feel that my body is a little stiff. Do you know where there is a place around here that can be nothing?" Do you want me to take a stroll..."

More updates tomorrow

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