Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 231 Transition Chapter (Covered)

"So you are leaving so soon?" Atalanta looked at Zheng Shu with a complicated expression.

Behind her were a group of heroes and city residents dressed in various costumes. They all heard the news that the heroes who saved these cities were about to leave, so they rushed here.

But according to what Zheng Shu saw, this group of people came not so much to say goodbye to him as to find a reason to watch the fun. For those heroes, there may be an idea to take advantage of the opportunity to hold a banquet again.

...Of course, besides these, there are some people who have other ideas.

Zheng Shu glanced vaguely at the figures behind the crowd, and then turned his attention to Ta Miao: "I've troubled you these past few days. If it weren't for your help, I might not have been able to complete various tasks so quickly. preparation."

With that said, Zheng Shu patted the new leather armor on his body. Since he had the funds, he would not be stingy on his body.

Although the defensive power of this leather armor is still a little inferior to that of his dragon scales, it is still considered a pretty good piece of equipment.

The only regret is that Zheng Shu visited several cities and found no place where he could learn magic. Even for the few wizards, Zheng Shu found out after visiting them that they only knew a few tricks and looked like more magic. Like a sleight of hand magic. But if you think about it carefully, most of the effects of Xingyue World's magic are related to its mystery. It would be a bit strange if he could find it so easily.

"You don't need to thank me. Anyway, you paid a very generous reward. In other words, I even want to thank you. This level of reward is not something you can earn casually." Atalanta waved her hand and suddenly There was another trace of hesitation on her face, but in the end she gritted her teeth and spoke out what was in her heart, "I will not lose to you! I will prove to the goddess that I am her best believer. "

"Ah..." Zheng Shu looked at Atalanta's determined eyes and couldn't laugh or cry, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't clarify immediately. Instead, he nodded towards Atalanta, "Okay, I'm looking forward to it." See what you have accomplished!”

Just as Zheng Shu expected, after hearing his words, Ta Miao was not angry, but showed a very happy smile.

Atalanta took the initiative and stretched out her hand towards Zheng Shu: "No problem!"

Seeing Ta Miao's hand reaching out to him, Zheng Shu was a little surprised, but more relieved, so he stretched out his hand and shook her hand: "I'll look forward to it!"

After letting go of his hand, Zheng Shu glanced at the dark crowd behind Atalanta. Without saying anything more, he waved to the crowd and immediately turned around and left along the road.

Atalanta looked at Zheng Shu's leaving figure in a daze, seeming to be thinking about something, but soon, she came back to her senses because she discovered something.

Turning her head to look at a nearby forest, Atalanta had a mocking smile on her face. Without saying anything else, she just left the city in the opposite direction of Zheng Shu - she was a believer of the goddess Artemis, and the city was not her place to live, the forest was.

If it weren't for helping Zheng Shu these days, Atalanta would have returned to the forest long ago. Now that Zheng Shu has also left here, it is time for her to leave.

"If we get here, the distance should be almost far enough." Zheng Shu looked back. Even with his eyesight, he could no longer see the city.

They have already left such a long distance. If there is really no ill will towards me, they should have left by now, so...

"Come out! You've followed him so far, you won't give up now, right?" Zheng Shu suddenly turned his head and looked at the woods next to him.

After waiting quietly for a while, I found that there was still no movement in the book, as if what he just said was just a joke. However, Zheng Shu didn't feel anxious at all. He placed his mace, which had been melted by the high-temperature flames like a hammer, on the road.

After taking off the weight and stretching his muscles a little, Zheng Shu took out the bag of gold coins from his arms. After these few days of consumption, the gold coins in the bag have decreased, but the number is still quite large, enough for many people to ignore the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves and have evil thoughts that they should not have.

Don't think that the gold coins are worthless just because the gold coins are piled up in the treasure house on the mysterious island. You must know that it is the treasure house of the three goddesses. Even if the three Gorgon sisters were exiled, their wealth was not as high as that of the gods. It is considered outstanding, but it is also the accumulation of the three gods over thousands of years.

Theoretically speaking, the total tax revenue of a large city for more than ten years is probably less than a small box of gold coins. Calculated, the bag of gold coins in Zheng Shu's hand is almost beyond the reach of many people in their lifetime. Wealth.

Sure enough, after seeing Zheng Shu take out the gold coins, even the enemies who had been hiding in the forest were a little excited. Zheng Shu could clearly feel that their auras were fluctuating violently.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several arrows suddenly shot out from the forest, and Zheng Shu could even see that several of the arrows were glowing blue-green, and it seemed that they were smeared with poison.

Now that they were sure that they and others had been discovered by Zheng Shu, heard about Zheng Shu's achievements, and knew that there was a huge gap in combat power between the two sides, the people in the hidden forest still took action decisively without hesitation.


Zheng Shu casually flicked the mace in his hand, and most of the arrows were stopped from the air.

As for the remaining arrows, Zheng Shu didn't even bother to move them and flew past him. This is not that the group of shooters in the jungle missed their shots. In fact, people who can be called heroes, even if they are not good in character, are at least passable in terms of strength. The reason why they miss their shots is These arrows were originally intended to block Zheng Shu's dodge position.

It's just because they didn't expect that Zheng Shu had no intention of evading such overwhelming shooting.

Faced with Zheng Shu's behavior of blocking the arrows, several other people who had just protruded from the jungle and tried to pick up the arrows immediately froze in place.

Everyone is just here to mess around, even though they know how terrifying Zheng Shu's move just now required. When they first wanted to rob, many people still had doubts about Zheng Shu killing an entire insect swarm alone, and even thought that the insect swarm might not be as strong as those wizards inferred.

This group of heroes are very familiar with this kind of bragging about their own achievements. After all, for them, only by constantly boasting about the strength of their opponents can they make themselves stronger.

After all, compared to saying that he killed a wild boar that damaged crops, it is naturally better to spread his reputation by claiming that he defeated a terrifying monster.

Killing two or three ragged bandits, rather than getting rid of a powerful bandit den, would make the villagers willingly pay their wealth.

These can be regarded as "hidden rules" between heroes, so at first, many heroes who had not personally observed Zheng Shu's achievements on the battlefield just thought that the newcomer who emerged this time was quite bragging.

However, although they were startled by Zheng Shu's hand, most of the heroes who had rushed out of the woods felt that their side had the numerical advantage, so they still did not feel any fear and continued to charge towards Zheng Shu.

Of course, in addition to these people, there are a small number of people who hold different opinions on this.

"Fuck!" Seeing the guy on the opposite side easily blocking the bow and arrow that was shot at him, a strong man behind the crowd quietly stopped his charge. He was the one who led the charge when he went to support Zheng Shu. A strong man with an axe.

In fact, among all the people present, perhaps only this strong man knew Zheng Shu's strength best, because Zheng Shu's mace was carried back step by step by the strong man.

The strong man who had always been proud of his strength had never thought that someone could use such a heavy weapon.

Just carrying the mace back made him so tired that he almost fainted. He could not imagine how terrifying this terrifying weapon would be if someone wielded it.

So he always believed that Zheng Shu's mace was probably not a real weapon.

Based on the melted traces on the mace, he speculated that this mace is more likely to be like the staff of the wizard in his team. At critical moments, it can release terror by consuming part of the energy stored in advance. The power comes.

In addition, although the scene on that battlefield was indeed very terrifying, and the strong man had no confidence that he could defeat Zheng Shu alone, the benefits Zheng Shu gained this time were so great that the surrounding cities combined had a total of three Ten heroes decided to act as makeshift robbers.

So the strong man finally ignored his partner's persuasion and decided to join the "crusade" against Zheng Shu.

Then he saw Zheng Shu swinging the mace and knocking down the bow and arrow with ease. The weapon that was enough to hold him down seemed as light as a branch in the opponent's hand.

So the strong man immediately realized that it was a very wrong decision for him to follow him this time.

While the strong man was stunned for a moment, the fastest runner in front had already begun to engage Zheng Shu head-on.


There was a dull explosion, like a smashed tomato, and the two heroes closest to Zheng Shu were beaten into blood mist.

Faced with this extremely ferocious destructive power, other heroes involved in the robbery have also noticed that something is wrong. Unfortunately, at this distance, it is no longer possible for them to escape if they want to.

puff! puff! puff!

Zheng Shu's pace seemed unusually brisk, even giving people the illusion that he was walking. Correspondingly, it was the tragic death of his opponent.

The heads of every hero he passed by would immediately explode into a bloody mist. There were only a few strong men who could react quickly, and the only result would be that their weapons and bodies would collapse together.

The strong man looked at Zheng Shu, who was constantly approaching him, and his heart was shrouded in great fear. He tried to move away from here, but he sadly found that his limbs had fallen into paralysis, and just standing here could not help him. It had exhausted all his willpower.

Seeing Zheng Shu approaching him step by step, the pressure in the strong man's heart became heavier and heavier. Finally, under the strong will to survive, he finally opened his mouth: "Spare..."


Before he could finish his words, the mace had already passed over his head, knocking the strong man's upper body into a bloody mist.

"Huh? Did this person just want to say something?" Zheng Shu looked at the body on the ground that had lost its upper body and scratched his head, "Forget it, it's not important anyway."

He had no intention of holding back against these guys who wanted to rob him, and he didn't even want to leave anyone alive to ask them about the nature of their problem.

For Zheng Shu, no matter what difficulties these people have, since they have decided to use this method to obtain money from themselves, there is no need to hold back.


Zheng Shu lit a bonfire and set up a tent. There was also a rabbit on the bonfire, which was the dinner Zheng Shu had prepared for himself.

After having enough money, he basically bought a set of all the equipment he needed in the wild. Fortunately, with the help of Atalanta, Zheng Shu's behavior of taking advantage of others was not fooled.

Sitting on a flattened wooden pile, Zheng Shu looked at the map in front of him by the light of the fire, thinking carefully in his heart.

But after looking at it for a while, Zheng Shu sighed and simply gave up on using the map.

The accuracy of the maps of this era was horrifyingly poor, and many of them were even drawn by the mappers through legends or imagination.

If it were someone else, facing such a situation, the only way might be to approach their destination bit by bit through the relative positions of major city-states by asking pedestrians they meet on the road.

But for Zheng Shu, he had a simpler way.

Following the movement of Zheng Shu's thoughts, a bright moonlight suddenly appeared in the sky that was originally extremely dark due to the cloudy sky.

As Zheng Shu became clear about the goal in his heart, the moonlight began to move continuously, and finally shone slantly beyond the horizon in the distance.

"It turns out that it's at that location. It's a little different from the map!" Zheng Shu carefully identified the location marked on the map and threw the map directly into his backpack helplessly.

Compared to the map where he didn't know the accuracy, Zheng Shu naturally believed more in the blessings given to him by the gods. Looking up at the slightly tilted moonlight in the night sky, Zheng Shu made a little gesture with his hand: "Looking at it like this, the distance doesn't seem very close."

(Everyone, please pay attention to your health. After having Yang, you feel that your thinking is much worse than before.)

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