Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 271 The truth of the myth

"You're welcome, Lord Hades. My original purpose in coming to hell was for something else. Even if you didn't stop me, I would still find a chance to leave later." Zheng Shu smiled.

The air in front of him began to fluctuate like water waves, and a figure wearing a helmet slowly appeared.

His body looks quite tall, but his muscles are not too strong, and his appearance is very handsome. However, because the look on his face looks a bit gloomy, people always tend to ignore his appearance unconsciously.

As soon as his figure appeared, Zheng Shu could clearly feel that the "world" around him had changed, as if the whole hell was cheering, and the entire underworld would change with his thoughts.

Hades, the king of Hades, did not speak immediately after he appeared. He just looked at Zheng Shu quietly for a long time. It was not until Zheng Shu looked at his body with some worry, for fear that something was wrong with him that he sighed slowly. He took a breath and said, "Unlock the protection of God's Arms."

Zheng Shu was a little confused by Hades's request, but he also very obediently spread the breastplate in the middle of his chest, and at the same time, through the control of his own will, he opened a gap in the protective stance of the God's Arms.

After all, standing in front of him was the master of the entire underworld, and the most powerful of the twelve gods of Olympus: Hades.

To be honest, Zheng Shu felt that if Hades really wanted to kill him, there would be no need to go to such a big effort.

After all, Hades's helmet is a hidden weapon of the gods that is famous throughout ancient Greek mythology. In addition, as the controller of the dead, Zheng Shu's immortality has no effect at all in front of him.

As long as Hades wants, he can take Zheng Shu's life in the underworld at any time.

Seeing Zheng Shu trusting him so much and letting go of his own protection so simply, Hades's eyes moved slightly and seemed a little relieved, but then there was a flash of sadness on his expression.

Nodding slightly, Hades raised his finger and pointed at Zheng Shu's chest: "I bless you in the name of Hades, the God of the Underworld... I wish you will never meet me again."

"What..." Zheng Shu was shocked.

But before he could ask any questions, Hades's blessing had completely fallen. A faint light shot out from Hades's fingers and easily passed through Zheng Shu's deliberately open protective stance and penetrated into his body.

The next moment, Zheng Shu felt that he was in so much pain that he could not speak.

Unlike the Moon God who had no reaction at all when he gave his blessing, and even needed the Moon God to leave a separate "instruction manual", Zheng Shu could clearly feel that his body was undergoing tremendous changes.

The unperceivable immortality originally hidden in his body from Teacher Chiron was expanding crazily. Even without any damage, Zheng Shu could feel the obvious growth of the immortality in his body.

However, the growth of immortality was only strengthened by Hades' blessing. Zheng Shu's real changes were reflected in his body.

When the blessing was completed, Zheng Shu could feel that every cell in his body was blooming with terrifying power, as if every cell had turned into a nuclear power plant, continuously exuding terrifying vitality.

If immortality can ensure that Zheng Shu can still maintain his life in the face of critical injuries, then Hades's blessing allows Zheng Shu to recover again even if all the cells in his body are wiped out.

Lifespan is no longer a problem for Zheng Shu. He can even feel that his vitality continues to grow as time goes by. This means that from now on, as long as the world exists, he can Keep living.

For Zheng Shu now, the so-called blood rebirth is not a problem at all. As long as he still has one cell alive, he can completely regenerate.

Even if all the cells are wiped out, as long as he is still in the Xingyue world and as long as there are still people who remember his existence, Zheng Shu can be reborn from the source of the world.

"Is gave me your divinity?!" Zheng Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at Hades, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Pure blessings, even blessings from the main god level, cannot make Zheng Shu reach this level of improvement. The only explanation is that Hades even separated out the "life" side of his original divinity and gave it to Zheng Shu.

This is the most original divinity, which is completely different from divinity in the conventional sense. If placed in some Western fantasy world, it can probably be understood as something like "divine duty".

At this time, Hades's originally thin face became paler, and his whole person looked shaky, as if he might collapse at any time.

"There is no need to worry. As long as the underworld still exists, my status as the Lord of the Underworld will not be deprived of me. As time goes by, this divinity will eventually be restored." Hades waved his hand and showed a gentle smile. , "The help you gave me far exceeds this bit of divinity, so there is no need for any psychological burden."

Zheng Shu pursed his lips hard: "Then...thank you!"

He has already felt that Hades, the god of Hades in front of him, is completely different from other gods. If he had to say it, it is probably because the other party appears to be unusually gentle.

Probably because the origins of the twelve main gods of Olympus in the moon-shaped world are completely different from other gods, so that they are actually very gentle towards humans, but Hades's level of gentleness is second to none even among the twelve main gods. level.

You know, because Hades is in charge of all the dead, the important belief in other gods is not a problem for him at all.

Zheng Shu thought that he didn't do much. In total, it was probably just the sacrifices he had made for more than ten years and helping him find believers in a few villages.

"Actually, even if I don't give you a blessing, my divinity will decline soon, so don't worry too much. I have already made preparations for the restoration of divinity." It seemed that in order to relieve the pressure in Zheng Shu's heart, Hades spoke again and explained.

Zheng Shu was attracted by what Hades said just now, and looked up at the God of the Underworld with some confusion.

"Well... there's still some time before Heracles arrives in the royal city, so I can explain it to you slowly." Hades smiled.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, two stone pillars protruded from the ground. The size and height were just right for use as chairs. He stretched out his hand to signal Zheng Shu to sit down. Hades sat on the stone like an elder brother and slowly started chatting with Zheng Shu.

Initially, the birth of Hercules was an experiment.

At that time, the main gods of Olympus already knew the upcoming war through fate, because they suffered heavy losses in the last battle with Yusei, and only the god of war Ares was left among the twelve main gods of Olympus. There is still his own Mecha-god body left.

After analysis by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty who is good at intelligence and electronic warfare, she believes that the existing twelve main gods have absolutely no chance of winning in the upcoming Gigantes War.

In order to protect their beloved humans in the upcoming fierce battle, the twelve main gods launched the initial god-making plan.

Heracles, who was just born at that time, was selected as the initial experimenter of the god-making plan.

As a bloodline of Zeus, Hercules' talents far exceeded those of other descendants of Zeus, because he was born with a part of Zeus's divinity.

However, this little bit of inherited divinity was not enough to support Hercules to become a main god-level combatant, so Hera thought of a way to feed Hercules her own breast milk when he was still a baby. Hercules passed on a part of his divine past.

In this way, once Hercules can withstand the pressure of the two main gods, he can continue to strengthen the two main gods as he grows older, which is enough to support his strength to reach the fighting power of the main gods after he reaches adulthood.

Fortunately, Hercules' talent was strong enough that he could withstand the pressure of the two main gods.

Unfortunately, the intensity of the collision between the main god-level divinities was far beyond everyone's imagination. The young Heracles could not bear such pain, so he would go crazy every time the divinities conflicted.

And this is why in ancient Greek mythology it is said that Hera's curse caused Heracross to go crazy, because in a sense it was Hera's power that indeed caused this result.

After trying every means to resolve the conflict between gods, the gods gave up their original plan and could only seal both gods in Hercules so that he could spend his life as a normal human being. .

And when Hercules' child was born, the gods set their sights on his child. Because this child actually inherited the divinity of two gods from Hercules, and because it was an innate power, the two divinities showed signs of fusion in the child's body.

This phenomenon made the gods ecstatic. According to calculations, they only had to wait for the child to grow into an adult, and the two divinities in his body could be perfectly integrated under the power of time. In the end, it may even be possible to give birth to a power that surpasses Zeus. .

Unfortunately, it's not just the gods who can see the future, their enemies: the Gigantes can also see destiny.

The gods naturally thought that Guigantes would try every means to kill Hercules' children, and they were all prepared accordingly. But no one could imagine that the Guigantes used a loophole that the gods did not notice - Hercules.

In a carefully planned move, the gods' eyes were briefly diverted away from the child, and Hercules, who was originally the last line of defense for his child, now became a sharp blade for the enemy.

The divinity seal in Hercules' body was unlocked, and the pain caused by the conflict between divinities drove Hercules into madness again, and the child with the same divinity beside him naturally became his first child. One goal.

When the gods arrived, only Heracles and the corpse in his arms were left on the scene.

However, the gods were also surprised to find that Hercules did not go crazy at this time even though he had been in the pain of divine conflict.

Even though the muscles on his body were shaking constantly due to excessive pain, he was still able to restrain his reason and endure pain that was beyond the limits of human endurance.

Moreover, in the constant conflict between the two sides' divinities, the gods also discovered that the divinity in Heracles' body had shown signs of fusion.

"So the gods have picked up the previous plan to create gods again?" Zheng Shu asked his own question after hearing this.

"That's right!" Hades nodded, "So Zeus and Hera reset the divinity seal in Hercules' body. Most of the divinity was sealed, leaving only a very small amount, almost a trace. The unsearchable fused divinity remained within Hercules.

The rest of the time is waiting. After this weak divinity grows to a certain level, the seals on his body can be unlocked little by little, allowing the fused divinity to swallow the remaining divinities of Hera and Zeus in his body. sex. "

"What about the twelve trials?" Zheng Shu was a little curious. Since he had found a way to create a god, why did he need to perform the twelve trials again.

"Because there is not much time..." Hades looked up and looked up, as if observing the fate of the world.

That's right, time is running out. While the gods are obsessed with creating gods, the Gigantes are also trying their best to break through the seal faster.

After the incident of Hercules' madness, the gods have come to their senses. Most of the twelve gods have gone to the human world to search for traces of Guigantes, delaying them as much as possible to break through the seal, and come to save Heracles. Buying time for Les's growth.

But even so, the growth rate of the fused divinity in Hercules' body was too slow. For this reason, the gods could only find ways to increase the growth rate of this divinity.

"The essence of the so-called divinity is the belief of others in the holder of divinity. Of course, if you want to transform your own beliefs into divinity, you need some special methods, but after you hold divinity, as long as you If someone praises your fame and divinity, you will gain rapid growth." For some reason, Hades looked at Zheng Shu strangely when he said these words.

"Also because divinity is other people's praise of the holder of divinity, unless it is an active gift from the holder, theoretically speaking, divinity cannot be stolen or imitated by others." Hardy As he spoke, Si muttered silently in his heart, "Of guy is an exception."

The fact that Zheng Shu could copy Chiron's divinity made the gods scratch their heads. They couldn't understand how Zheng Shu could copy this power that theoretically should not be copied.

For this reason, Zeus even went to find Prometheus who was still imprisoned on the cliff. Unfortunately, even Prometheus, who specialized in wisdom, could not find the reason why Zheng Shu could copy divinity.

"In short, the gods finally came up with a way to enhance Hercules' reputation through trials that ordinary people could not complete. And this method also has another advantage, that is, after Hercules' power increases, he can Help him quickly adapt to the increased power. To ensure that Hercules is not a god with empty power after he fully grows up."

"That's it." Zheng Shu nodded clearly.

He finally understood why he didn't feel the aura of divinity from Heracles when he first saw him, because at that time the divinity in him was extremely weak, and most of it had been absorbed by Zeus and Hera. sealed.

And this also explains why Hercules was able to gain such a big improvement after completing the trial, and even his own template was refreshed.

Because after he completed the trial, the beliefs gathered in the trial target were attracted by the divinity of Hercules and became the nourishment for his growth.

For living beings, the growth of divinity is an act of crossing the biological limits. Every increase in human nature will cause living beings to cross their original limits and move one step closer to gods.

This kind of improvement efficiency is much better than technologies such as "Bloodshot".

At this time, Zheng Shu suddenly remembered what Hades had said before, "Preparations have been made to restore divinity." Then he suddenly understood why Heracles was able to survive even though his current strength was clearly insufficient. In mythology and legend, the god of the underworld is defeated in the underworld.

"It seems you understand." Hades smiled after seeing Zheng Shu's expression, "Yes, I originally wanted to 'gift' part of my faith to Hercules. After all, he has Although the growth rate of fused divinity is very fast, it is still far from enough.

After the ten trials predicted by Hera at the beginning, it was discovered that Heracles was not powerful enough, so as a last resort, we added two more trials. However, after calculation, even after completing this trial, his strength is still not enough to play a key role in the battle with Guigantes.

But even for Hercules, it would be too whimsical for him to complete the thirteenth trial. We have no choice but to think of this method. "

"But wouldn't this be too unfair to you?" Zheng Shu was a little confused.

"But I am indeed the most suitable candidate. As the Lord of the Underworld, even if everyone on the ground spurns me, I can rely on the faith of the souls in the underworld to quickly recover." Hades seemed very calm, " With my recovery speed, I can keep up with the war with Guigantes, and even now, most people on the ground are afraid of me, so using my reputation to pave the way for Hercules is the best option. suitable.

The moment he 'defeats' me, the fears gathered on me will be transferred to Hercules and become the nourishment for his divine growth..."

(PS: I’m so numb. In order to make up for the bugs in the world of Xingyue and ancient Greek mythology, my brain has been completely overloaded. There are too many loopholes!!!)

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