Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 306: Innate Barrier and Light Cannon

The wind around Iskandar was getting stronger and stronger, and it even made it difficult to open one's eyes, but he turned to look at the two followers behind him:

"Saber, and Archer, this is the last question of this banquet: I ask you, as a king, do you have to be aloof?"

The howling wind filled the courtyard, but Iskandar's voice asking questions was still clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

After hearing this question, Gilgamesh just smiled disdainfully and shook the trophy in his hand, seemingly too lazy to answer the question.

Arturia's answer to this question was: "Since you are the king, you naturally have to be aloof and have no choice!"


After Artoria answered, not only Gilgamesh, but also Zheng Shu couldn't help laughing.

After all, apart from talking about aloofness, if it weren't for the setting, it would be easy to tell at a glance who of the two is more aloof and aloof, the tyrant Iskandar who speaks his mind and the idiot who holds a round table conference for equality.

However, even for Iskandar, his understanding of the king is definitely not the so-called aloofness.

"No, Saber, you really don't understand at all." Iskandar's face showed a look of disappointment as Zheng Shu expected.

"That's why I said you were out from the beginning. It's impossible to conquer a warrior by being aloof. No one will aspire to the bumpy and thorny road of 'martyrdom'. If I want to convince a warrior like Berserker, then I must Showing a side that he can’t help but envy and be fascinated by!”

As he spoke, Iskandar lifted his red cloak, and terrible magic began to burst out from his body, forming a rapidly expanding circle that swept everyone present.

"So for people like you who don't understand the king's ways, I must show my true kingly style here!"

The magic light bloomed to its maximum, and most of the people around were blinded by the dazzling light. After everyone's eyesight recovered, they found that they had left the courtyard of Einzbern Castle at some point and appeared in a strange place.

Whether it was the touch of fine sand under their feet or the painful feeling of hot wind mixed with gravel hitting their faces, it meant that the environment they saw was genuine.

The dramatic changes in the surrounding environment made everyone present widen their eyes in surprise, and orthodox magicians like Tokiomi Tohsaka even revealed their eyes in disbelief after thinking for a moment.

"How is it possible?! this an inherent barrier?!"

The strong surprise overwhelmed Tokiomi Tohsaka's consciousness, and even the magician who had always upheld elegance became no longer elegant.

Another person present, Irisviel, who knew something about this kind of thing, also looked surprised after hearing the words shouted by Tokiomi Tohsaka.

She did not expect that in this Holy Grail War, a servant with an inherent barrier would appear.

Zheng Shu can understand the surprise of these two magicians, because although there are no very specific statistics, in all the timelines of the Xingyue World, the total number of holders of the inherent barrier is only about one hundred. Multiple people.

And there are many abilities that are just similar to the effects of the inherent barrier, but they are not people who have the inherent barrier.

In the tens of thousands of years of human history since the Age of Gods, only a few hundred people with inherent barriers can be recorded.

With such a rare probability, it can be said that if it were not for the Holy Grail War, many people might not be able to see the unfolding of the inherent barrier in their lifetime.

Similarly, the fact that there are so few users but can still leave profound records only shows that the ability of inherent enchantment is really too terrifying.

Reality Marble is a magic that rewrites reality with the user's "mental landscape". It is the "magic" closest to "magic".

Once this thing is activated, the surrounding space will change into a completely different scenery. The embodiment of the mental landscape, that is to say, the inherent enchantment is to replace oneself and the world while the spatial environment remains unchanged. At this time, the size of yourself and the world will change, and the world will be completely shut into a small container.

However, except for the naturally extended elves, other worlds created by others will be "naturally" eliminated. Therefore, maintaining the "inherent enchantment" requires huge energy and cost, causing the inherent enchantment to only last for a few minutes.

"This is the land where my army once galloped, and it is the scenery that will forever remain in the hearts of my warriors who shared the joys and sorrows!" Along with Iskandar's impassioned words, others also heard the voice coming from behind him, The sound of footsteps shook the entire desert. the end of the horizon of the inherent barrier, an army appeared in everyone's sight! And it’s an army composed entirely of Servants!

Although due to the limitation of magic power, most of the embodied servants were unable to fully demonstrate their strength, but even so, Zheng Shu still felt that the strength of many of them even reached the level of the Knights of the Round Table.

It's not surprising that this army has such exaggerated combat effectiveness. After all, this is the ultimate army used by the conquering king to traverse the continent.

Although these servants do not have their own Noble Phantasms and can only use ordinary weapons condensed by spirit sons, ordinary servants still have no way to deal with this move.

As Zheng Shu said at the beginning, as a king, Iskandar's own strength and skills are really unsightly, but the reason why he was extremely confident in his ability to win from the beginning is because , as a king, he never goes on an expedition alone!

In the original book, after he released his own inherent barrier, even Gilgamesh had to pay attention to it. Even Gilgamesh, who was forced, could only use the Abnormal Sword's absolute restraint on space to forcefully split the inherent barrier. Let Iskandar's inherent barrier dissipate quickly.

After all, if Gilgamesh dares to use his king's treasure in front of this army, it will probably turn into a situation similar to that of a certain lake knight who robbed the treasure.

Zheng Shu has no doubt that there are talents in Iskandar's army who can do this.

“See, this world, this landscape, took shape precisely because it is an experience shared by all of us!”

Iskandar sat on his black horse, arms spread proudly.

"Look! Berserker, look at my unparalleled army. Even if their bodies are destroyed and their souls are called into this world as heroic spirits, they are still loyal to me, the legendary warriors. My bond with them is my The most precious treasure, my royal way, is the most powerful treasure of my conquering King Iskandar - the King's Military Power."

The majestic army has gathered behind Iskandar. He is riding his mount and standing at the front of the entire army, his face glowing with indescribable pride.

"The so-called king is the one who lives the most exciting life and is the one who everyone is fascinated by!"

"Oh!" Along with Iskandar's speech, the troops behind him also roared and cheered rhythmically.

"The one who is the envy of all warriors and guides everyone forward can be the king!"


"So, the king is not aloof, because his great ambition is the superposition of the ambitions of all his subjects!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Amid the uniform cheers behind him, Iskandar turned to look at Zheng Shu, "Berserker, can you be convinced by such a kingly way?"

"Well... not bad!" Zheng Shu thought for a moment and gave his own evaluation.

Zheng Shu felt that his evaluation was very sincere. Even based on his actual strength, Iskandar's inherent barrier was quite good. The inherent barrier developed by ten-year guard Gong Shirou was similar to Iskandar's. Bi is completely a castrated beggar’s version.

"Not bad...? Hahahaha!" After hearing this comment, Iskandar couldn't help laughing out loud, "Berserker, I thought you would be a generous person, but I didn't expect that you would also do it for You speak harshly for your own sake."

"No, you are overthinking." Zheng Shu looked at Iskandar very sincerely, "In my opinion, your inherent enchantment is indeed good, and I can still defeat you in this world within the inherent enchantment. There are not many people, but unfortunately, I am one of them."

"That's it!" Iskandar's originally laughing expression suddenly calmed down, and he stared at Zheng Shu seriously.

Behind him, feeling the will of his monarch, the legion began to roar, and then pointed its spearhead at Zheng Shu, who was alone on the opposite side.

"Then let's begin, Berserker, let me see if you are telling lies and if you can defeat my unparalleled army!"

"Ravage it!!!"

"Alas!" Zheng Shu looked at the screaming troops rushing toward him and sighed tiredly.

Glancing at Matou Sakura, who was transferred to the crowd by the inherent barrier and stood with other Master and Servants, looking at her worriedly, Zheng Shu helplessly grabbed her hair and pointed her finger. A certain direction: "I said... before you want to kill me, don't you first deal with these assassins who suddenly appear?"

What Zheng Shu was pointing to was a group of assassins covered in black on the other side. From the looks of it, they were the assassination "army" of hundreds of people separated by the noble phantom used by Hassan.

It seemed that Tokiomi Tosaka had made a lot of preparations for this banquet. Assassin should have spread all his Noble Phantasms around the courtyard. Once the followers started fighting, he would find an opportunity to kill the Master.

It's a pity that no matter how strong Assassin's breath blocking is, this completely unreasonable magic can only be exposed when faced with the inherent barrier. Especially in the desert, where there is no shelter at all, their black bodies are clearly exposed. .

Hundreds of assassins suddenly appeared out of thin air in the desert. Even though they were amazed at the inherent barrier, the bodies of several other masters still shook involuntarily due to fear.

Of course, if faced with other followers, Hassan's group of hundreds of people can definitely bear the word "army".

Unfortunately, in front of Iskandar's army of tens of thousands of followers, his hundreds of assassins looked as helpless as grains of sand that might be submerged by the sea at any time.

And from just now, neither Iskandar nor Zheng Shu paid attention to the group of Assassins who gathered together vigilantly.

At this time, facing Zheng Shu's inquiry, Iskandar, who was rushing at the front of the army, also showed a disdainful smile. While charging, he shouted: "I'm just a coward who dares to hide in the dark. Are you also afraid of Berserker?" This kind of thing? Or...are you so scared that you need to find something else to distract yourself?!"

"You misunderstood..." Zheng Shu closed his visor expressionlessly, and his voice became dull after being filtered by the armor, "I'm just worried about the safety of the Master, but since you don't plan to deal with them If so, then it would be a good idea to use them as targets to demonstrate my power, so as to prevent you from dying on the spot due to being too careless."

"?" Iskandar frowned, not understanding the meaning of Zheng Shu's words.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu was very considerate and immediately showed him with his actual actions.


The dull dragon text roared out from Zheng Shu's mouth, and a large amount of fire elements gathered on his arms. Because there were too many fire elements gathered, even the sunlight in the inherent barrier controlled by Iskdar was inexplicably dark. After a moment - the light emanating from Zheng Shu's arm was so dazzling that it even seemed like the surrounding area was getting darker.

The Assassins in the distance had already sensed the approaching danger the moment Zheng Shu pointed at them. Without caring about completing their master's mission, all the Assassins fled in all directions as much as possible.

Unfortunately, Zheng Shu's chanting speed was beyond everyone's imagination. It only took him less than half a second to finish chanting all the dragon inscriptions. Combined with the magic power in his body, the power gathered in his arm had already reached A level that makes everyone pay attention.

boom! ! !

A surging flame beam shot out from his arm, and the gravel touched by the flame beam instantly melted into liquid, and then was continuously repelled to both sides by the shock wave caused by the emission of the beam. It looked like it was originally composed of sand grains. The desert turned into a bright glass liquid.

The several-meter-wide light cannon spanned a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, shrouding an assassin who had fled to the furthest distance.

Without even screaming, the assassin's body was reduced to ashes the moment it was covered by the crimson flame beam, and was then blasted into the atmosphere by the power of the light cannon.

However, Zheng Shu's attack continued. He swayed his arm lightly, and the light beam in his hand swung along with the swing of his arm like a long sword.

The assassins who were fleeing in all directions had no ability to resist such an attack. Even the strongest assassins could not resist even for a moment. The assassin team of hundreds of people, under Zheng Shu's understatement attack, only used They were all slaughtered within a few seconds.


After turning the last assassin's body into ashes, the light cannon fired from Zheng Shu's arm began to slowly weaken, and finally dissipated in the air after turning into a weak beam of light.

At Zheng Shu's hands, due to the high temperature, the air became distorted, and the terrifying power remained, causing traces of current to appear in the air from time to time. This was a manifestation of the particles in the air being ionized by high-energy energy. .

The desert, which was originally covered with fine gravel, has now turned into a piece of red lava. The temperature in some places closer to the edge has begun to cool down, and the original red lava has turned into bright colored glaze, which looks extremely gorgeous. .

Zheng Shu's terrifying attack silenced the entire battlefield for a moment, and the warriors who had roared towards Zheng Shu all gathered around Iskandar.

It's not that they are afraid of the enemy's power, but they are worried that the opponent's attack will directly kill their monarch, so they surround Iskandar. If the enemy launches such an attack again, they are ready to use their bodies to block it. In front of his own monarch.

Regardless of the fact that light cannons can be seen everywhere in the Age of Gods, and their effects are not very good when facing some strong men, in fact, it was the Age of Gods where gods walked on the earth. The so-called strong men have always been in competition with the gods.

The mystery of the era that Iskandar's men live in has begun to recede. Although individuals still have special powers, they are completely incomparable to the Age of Gods. There are not many people who can release light cannons in the entire era.

Zheng Shu shook his arm that was still hot, turned to look at Iskandar, and shrugged his shoulders: "You see, as I said, it's better to be careful when facing me. "

"Hahahaha! What an incredible and terrifying power!" Iskadar laughed and flicked his cloak, "But if you think you can scare my warriors with this kind of power alone, It would be too naive to retreat! Everyone, let him see our power!"


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