In fact, after working at Aozaki Orange for a while, Kuroyuki Miki also vaguely noticed something strange about his boss, but he didn't expect to see this scene so clearly today.

The terrifying heat transmitted from the fireball made him understand that the scene in front of him was definitely not a trick or magic trick, but a genuine attempt to burn this guest to death here.

"Go back!" Seeing Kurogiri Mikiya's figure, Aozaki Orange's eyes suddenly opened and his voice was stern.

But this was not because she was angry because of her bad personality. On the contrary, it was to protect herself, a new employee.

Aozaki Orange looked at the flame in front of him with vigilance. Relying on the magic workshop's technique, the power of this flame was quite terrifying. It was obviously just an instantaneous gathering of energy, but it reached the level of a crematorium.

Not to mention ordinary humans, even corpses possessed by undead will be burned to ashes in a short time when exposed to flames of this magnitude.

Without specific rituals, almost no creature can survive such a flame.


"What a warm way to entertain, but isn't it a bit too much to do this to a guest?"

Zheng Shu's calm voice came from the flames. Under Hei Tongqian's ghostly eyes, the originally blazing flame suddenly began to shrink and quickly turned into a red ball that gathered in the palm of his hand.

But Zheng Shu, who had just been enveloped by the high-temperature flames for a long time, seemed relaxed and comfortable. There were no traces of burns on his body, and even the softest hair did not feel scorched.

The only thing that could reveal the power of the flame just now was probably the chair under him that had completely turned into ashes.

But even if there was nothing to support him, Zheng Shu still maintained the posture of sitting on the chair, as if there was something invisible in the air supporting his body.

Under the vigilant gaze of Aozaki Orange, Zheng Shu played with the red ball in his hand, looking at him as if it was not the energy gathered by the massive flames, but an ordinary glass ball.

"It has no effect at all? It is indeed a monster that can kill half of the clock tower by itself and then escape unscathed. If an ordinary magician took this blow, if he had not prepared in advance, he might not even be able to find the ashes now."

"That's really scary, but I just made a proposal. There's no need to use such a terrifying attack, right?" Zheng Shu said "I'm so scared" on his face, but paired with his unscathed body, it seemed Extremely sarcastic.

Aozaki Chengzi seemed to be irritated by Zheng Shu's words. She stood up from her chair suddenly and pointed her palm at Zheng Shu:

"Your strength is indeed amazing, but in my workshop, do you think you can beat me?!"

Along with her words, a series of various forms of spells appeared around Zheng Shu. Each unfolded spell exuded terrifying energy fluctuations that could be activated at any time.

"Don't be so excited. Like I said, I just made a suggestion. The specific remuneration has not been discussed yet." Zheng Shu seemed unusually calm in the face of this dangerous situation.

He weighed the crimson energy ball in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth, with a comfortable smile on his face, as if it was some kind of delicious food.

"Proposal?" Aozaki Chengzi showed a dangerous smile, "As a magician, you can't possibly not know what your proposal represents, right?"

"Of course I know that."

Zheng Shu patted the non-existent dust on his clothes and straightened up from his sitting position.

"There is an old saying in China, those who smoke smoke are not right. Skills should not be passed on to others, and the bottom of the sea will not leak. A thousand taels of gold will not be sold, and old friends will be sent on the streets. The world of magicians is more serious than this. Under normal circumstances, anyone who dares to propose Anyone who wants detailed information about other people's magic can definitely take it as a signal to start a war."

Aozaki Orange's eyes narrowed: "Since you know this and still dare to make such a proposal to me, it seems you did it on purpose."

The runes in mid-air began to tremble, as if they were about to attack at the next moment.

"Don't be so anxious. Didn't I tell you that this is a normal situation? Since there are normal situations, there are also abnormal situations." Zheng Shu did not appear nervous at all.

"Oh? Do you mean that I am the abnormal person?" Aang Qi Chengzi's emotions were visibly violent. It seemed that Zheng Shu's words reminded her of some bad past events.

"No, I mean I'm the abnormal one."

Zheng Shu reached out and touched in his clothes, took out a crystal with white mist inside and threw it to Aozaki Orange. It was the floating spirit collected yesterday.

"Here, this is a welcome gift."

Aozaki Orange's eyes immediately changed after he took the crystal vigilantly. He looked at the seal crystal in his hand with some surprise, and his attitude immediately changed: "I didn't expect you to have such a good thing. It's a good idea to use this thing as a meeting gift." Isn’t it a bit too expensive?”

Having said that, the spells surrounding Zheng Shu were slowly dissipating.

Aozaki Orange suddenly turned to look at Mikiya Kurogiri who had been standing next to him blankly, his eyes widened: "What are you doing standing there dumbfounded? Why don't you bring the tea quickly! Also, find another chair for me. This guest sits down."

Even with Mikiya Kurogiri's character, he couldn't help but want to complain when faced with this sudden change in Aozaki Orange. The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and he silently put the brewed tea on the table, and then came from the room next to him. He dragged out a chair and placed it behind Zheng Shu: "Please sit down."

Zheng Shu smiled at him and expressed his gratitude, then sat down on the chair and looked at Aozaki Chengzi unceremoniously.

"Your meeting gift is indeed good, I won't hold you accountable for what you said before." Aozaki Orange played with the crystal in his hand.

This kind of soul material is more useful to the puppeteer than other magicians. Many props, including the magic eye killer that can suppress the magic eye, need to be made with soul materials.

"No, I still have that request. I hope I can learn how to guide the puppets with you." Zheng Shu gently picked up the tea cup and took a sip, ignoring the still steaming tea.

Faced with Zheng Shu's attitude, Aang Qi Cheng Zi's face clearly showed a few veins. If it weren't for the fact that he felt that he might not be able to beat this guy after the test just now, Aang Qi Cheng Zi would probably have gone all out now. .

"Do you think you can let me teach you my housekeeping skills with such a small thing?" Aozaki Chengzi waved the sealing crystal in his hand disdainfully and threw it back, "Go back, look. Come on, you guys haven’t fully understood what true value is.”

"No, I understand."

Zheng Shu didn't even look at the sealing crystal thrown by Aang Qi Chengzi on the table, but continued to dig it out in his clothes.

"To put it bluntly, the reason why there is such a situation in the magic world is entirely because the unique magic value of each family is too high, and the value of the top puppet master in the world like you is naturally higher than that of ordinary people. His magic skills are much higher."

"Hmph!" Aozaki Orange smiled proudly.

"However, no matter how conservative the magician family is, there are cases where they recruit people from outside the family as students. This means that as long as the benefits obtained are enough, magicians do not mind teaching their skills to others."

As he spoke, Zheng Shu took out a crystal the size of an ordinary person's fist from his clothes. The crystal looked colorful, with small edges and corners, and its overall shape was a star-shaped octahedron similar to a star.

"Hiss..." After Zheng Shu took out this strange-shaped crystal, Aang Qi Chengzi suddenly took a breath of cold air, and a greedy light that could be called substantial appeared in his eyes. Even Kurogiri Miki next to him They were all frightened and took a step back.

"What is this?!"

Zheng Shu showed a mischievous smile and tossed the crystal in his hand: "I call it the Saint Crystal."

"Saint crystal? What a rare thing." Aang Qi Chengzi seemed not to hear what Zheng Shu was saying. His eyes just stared at the colorful saint crystal, moving along with its movements.

"Yeah, I don't know if using this thing as tuition is enough." Zheng Shu casually threw the Saint Crystal in his hand, as if what he threw was just an ordinary piece of glass.

And Aozaki Orange was so frightened that he rushed forward to catch the Saint Crystal in mid-air with both hands. Then he kept stroking the shell of the Saint Crystal with his hands with a crazy look on his face, and squinted his eyes carefully to observe, as if he was watching this. The most beautiful thing in the world.

Watching Aang Qi Chengzi's movements, Zheng Shu took a sip of tea to hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, for a magician, no wealth is as attractive as this pure magic crystal.

This so-called saint crystal is not a rare thing. It is actually a magic crystal that was gathered by Zheng Shu using massive amounts of magic power.

Magic crystals are actually not that precious to magicians. Basically, magicians with a little bit of wealth will gather their magic power in their free time and store it in various ways for emergencies. .

The most famous one in the original work is probably the Tohsaka family's gem magic.

However, in the magic world, the technology of gem magic is actually not that precious. Basically, any magician with a little wealth can do it. However, because it consumes too much money, there are basically very few experts. A magician who is good at this.

In addition to gem magic, there are many similar magics in the magic world that are used to store one's own magic power.

However, the magic crystals created in this way all have a common problem, that is, their users are quite limited.

Basically, except for the person who created the magic crystal, the number of people who can use this magic crystal is quite limited.

Of course, for some veteran magician families, they have ways to overcome this limitation through various technologies, bring everyone's magic together to form, and create magic crystals that everyone can use.

Even when necessary, the magic power of the earth's veins can be gathered together to form a magic furnace that can be carried around.

To sum up, it seems that the magic crystal produced by Zheng Shu does not have any advantages.

However, apart from the fact that its appearance and name were specially modified because of Zheng Shu's bad taste, the Saint Quartz itself has only one characteristic: many.

For modern magicians, magic is essential but extremely scarce.

In addition to collecting through the earth's veins, the only way to obtain magic power is by transforming the life force of living things.

It is no exaggeration to say that every trace of magic power of modern magicians is the vitality of living things.

Things like earth veins or magic furnaces are something that ordinary magicians can only encounter but cannot seek.

Even for a family of magicians of Kenneth's level, the debts incurred after the leased magic furnace was lost could even wipe out their family's assets.

In another timeline, in order to obtain more energy, Chaldea, established by the monarch of the Celestial Science Division, even used nuclear power.

The energy contained in the holy crystal stone that Zheng Shu took out was not comparable to that of ordinary magic furnaces.

Because in recent years, except for the few sound moons against the clock tower, there was nothing that consumed too much magic power, so out of boredom, Zheng Shu gathered all the extra magic power he produced every day.

If we really want to make a comparison, the magic power gathered by this Saint Crystal is probably one-third of that of the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City.

And this is only a part of Zheng Shu's accumulated magic power. After all, infinite matter is indeed beyond common sense.

Containing such a large amount of magic power, it is no exaggeration to say that if this holy crystal is in the hands of any magician, there is no big difference between them directly winning the final victory of the Holy Grail War and making a wish.

"So what? This should be enough for 'tuition', right?" Zheng Shu put down the tea cup in his hand and leaned back on the chair to relax.

Aozaki Chengzi was awakened from her obsession by Zheng Shu's words. She glanced at the Saint Crystal in her hand and then at the dolls in the room next to her. She swallowed hard, but she couldn't. Say something to say no.

In any case, such a huge magic crystal is too attractive to magicians.

After taking a look at the troubled Aang Qi Chengzi, Zheng Shu continued to "throw coins" without hesitation: "This Saint Crystal is just a deposit. After the teaching is over, there will be a Saint Crystal of the same level as the final payment."

"Okay! No problem, I can start teaching you at any time!" Aozaki Orange said firmly.

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