Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 326 Something unexpected

It seems that Asagami Fujino's power far exceeded the expectations of the enemies behind the scenes, so that after the first batch of corpses were completely destroyed, subsequent attacks actually stalled.

However, this hired magician seemed to be an expert in fighting enemies. In the next second, dense black spots quickly flew over from the distant jungle, like a rapidly spreading stream towards Zheng Shu. They came rushing.

Wherever these black spots passed, whether they were flowers, trees, or broken limbs, they were all eaten away in the blink of an eye.

Zheng Shu's eyesight was good enough, and he could clearly see the appearance of those black figures before they got close.

Those densely packed black spots are actually all ant-like remains, with strange mycelium growing on the head, and the dark carapace reflecting a metallic luster.

By sensing the fluctuations of magic power, Zheng Shu knew that these black spots were specially strengthened on the body. It can even be as hard as steel, and after being released, their only mission is to devour all living creatures.

"Giant Hunter Ant Corps?" Zheng Shu tilted his head, a little surprised to find such a thing in this place.

This thing is not very familiar to him, but in a sense it can be regarded as an "old acquaintance".

"The lion Jie Jieli was also dragged over by Araya Zongren? No, at this point in time, this guy shouldn't be a mercenary, right?"

Zheng Shu didn't quite understand, but at this time, the modified insects were already close to him. Although these ants alone were not very strong, once the number exceeded a certain limit, it would become very difficult.

According to Zheng Shu's visual inspection, the number of the swarm in front of him alone exceeds 50,000. Next to this swarm, there are swarms of the same magnitude rising into the air, heading towards Zheng Shu and the others. Come flying.

And underneath these insect swarms, another group of corpses ran out of the shadows.

This time the corpse was not wearing a hospital gown. The clothes looked tattered and must have been dug out of some grave.

However, correspondingly, the signs of modification on the bodies of these corpses were more serious, and many of the corpses themselves had been rotted to the point where the bones could be seen.

However, through the filling of metal or other substances, not only did the severe decay not affect the combat effectiveness of the corpse, it even made the body stronger, running faster, and of course the posture became more inhuman.

Zheng Shu even saw several corpses lying on all fours, imitating the behavior of wild beasts and running towards him and others.

It seems that they have learned the previous lesson. This time, the swarm of insects and corpses did not charge in one direction in a swarm, but surrounded them in an orderly manner from all directions, and there were large gaps between each corpse. The space also seems relatively sparse.

"This a huge investment. Does the monk Araya Soren have so many assets? Even if the reward is not included, this round of attacks alone has probably consumed all his assets that have been held for hundreds of years, right?" Zheng Shu was a little surprised when he saw the overwhelming offensive.

Every bit of modified bugs of this magnitude and corpses modified on such a large scale was accumulated by money.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if all the Tosaka family's wealth is exhausted, they may not be able to assemble such a large formation.

"Damn it! Who is attacking us?" Aang Qi Chengzi had already run to Zheng Shu's side with Liang Li in his arms.

When the first wave of corpses charged before, most of the corpses were targeted at Zheng Shu and Asakami Fujino, and only a few two corpses rushed in the direction of Aozaki Orange.

After being comatose during the two rituals, Aozaki Orange no longer needed to disguise his power and easily used runes to cut the corpse into pieces.

In fact, according to the nature of the undead, whether it is a corpse cut into pieces or completely twisted into minced meat like Fujino Asakami's, the undead have not actually been solved.

It's just that the possessed carrier was too severely damaged, so it can't continue to move.

And if it is a corpse controlled by a normal undead, because the undead itself is not harmed by ordinary physical attacks, it can escape from the body after the body it possesses is completely destroyed.

Fortunately, the person behind the attack probably couldn't find enough undead to drive them. After all, every undead was considered a very precious material.

Therefore, except for the corpse that attacked the two rituals at the beginning, the remaining corpses were completely forcibly controlled using necromancy magic.

After the magic engraved inside the body is completely destroyed, these corpses will also lose the ability to move forever.

"If you have any trump card, use it quickly, otherwise we will all die here!" Aozaki Orange looked at the surrounding enemies with an ugly expression.

She wasn't that afraid of death, after all, she didn't even know how many bodies she had in reserve.

But because the bodies are exactly the same, the touch before death will be completely felt by Aozaki Orange.

The things around them, not only the corpses but also the bugs on the tops, didn't look like they were vegetarians. If they really got close to these things, they would probably be eaten alive.

Thinking of that kind of death, even someone like Aozaki Orange couldn't help but feel a shiver. She touched the fragment of the Saint Crystal in her coat pocket. She was thinking about whether to waste it and consume part of it to release a large amount of it. The flames clear the area.

"Ah? Do you still need me to take action in such a small scene? No, just let Fujino come on." Zheng Shu glanced at her, and then set his sights on Asagami Fujino.

"Huh?! Me?" Asakami Fujino was so frightened when he heard this that he quickly shook his head, "I can't do it!"

"Who says you can't do it? You have to believe in your own strength! Didn't I say it before? With your destructive power, you can be considered a first-class existence even in ancient times when the mystery has not disappeared." Zheng Shu ignored Qian Shang. Fujino objected, pressed her shoulders with both hands, and pushed her out.

"I don't care what you are thinking, but if you have any tricks, use them quickly, otherwise I won't be polite when these guys get close!" Aozaki Orange also kept urging from the side. .

Zheng Shu ignored Aozaki Orange's nagging, but continued to encourage Asakami Fujino: "Don't worry, just go ahead and do it. Even if you fail, I will support you."

Looking at the swarm of insects and corpses that were already in front of him, Asakami Fujino took a deep breath, and the red and blue spirals in his eyes began to emit bright light.


Puff puff!

As the Distortion Demonic Eye began to exert its power, the atmosphere seemed to be distorted and made an ominous buzzing sound.

Those insects that were less than ten meters away from the few people were all spared in this environment that seemed to distort the heaven and earth, and they exploded one after another as if they were pinched by invisible hands.

For a moment, it was like a rain of blood fell in the atrium of the hospital.

And the corpses running on the ground were not spared. Whether they were frontal combat types that were transformed with metal fillings to look like little giants, or harassment types that had their bones and body shape deliberately reduced to greatly improve their mobility. There was no difference in front of Asakami Fujino's bright eyes, and they were all twisted into fragments of stumps on the ground.

Even if the person behind the scenes deliberately changed the attack method and spread all the units under his command as far as possible, it would be useless.

For Asakami Fujino, all she had to do was input magic power into the magic eyes, and then turn around and look around.

Just by looking at it, its terrifying curse power completely covered and easily distorted the space she was looking at, and things based on the space could not stop it no matter how strong their physical properties were.

"This is really amazing. You didn't tell me that your student has this level of magic eyes..." Even Aozaki Orange looked a little stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

She is also the holder of the Demon Eye. Although the level of the Demon Eye is not high, Aozaki Orange can better understand how powerful the Demon Eye is.

But even so, there was no magic eye in her mind that could easily reach this level.

Judging from the power of the enemy's attack just now, the opponent had prepared for at least two months to achieve this effect, and also spent a considerable amount of resources.

In order to be able to counterattack, even if there is a specific lifting method, if a magician - even a crowned magician like her wants to achieve the same effect, if he does not resort to some relatively foul external force, then he must at least It would take more than a month to set up the ceremony to achieve the same effect.

And during this period, a lot of resources will be spent.

In a sense, magic is not much different from technology. To achieve the same goal, the effort and resources required are almost the same. However, with the support of the modern industrial system, the efficiency of a magician alone cannot match the power of technology.

The so-called magic is nothing more than spending a huge amount of time and energy on one's own ability to achieve what is currently possible. In fact, it is also appropriate to regard magic as a science.

Therefore, the older the magician family is, the more powerful it is, because their family is likely to have rituals or rituals that magicians of all generations have spent their entire lives completing.

Moreover, magicians from the same family will pass on the mysteries they have learned and the power they have gained to their descendants, who will continue to accumulate research results and pass them on to their children.

This accumulation continues endlessly in an attempt to reach the ultimate goal of magicians: the root.

So after seeing Asakami Fujino's power, Aozaki Orange's eyes lit up unconsciously. No matter how unconventional she was, she was a very orthodox magician herself. Naturally, she could not restrain her heart in the face of such extraordinary power. of curiosity.

"Stop your curiosity, I can tell you why Fujino's magic eye can reach this level of strength, but if you dare to have any thoughts that you shouldn't have, I don't mind giving it a try with you." Zheng Shu He gave her a serious look.

"Deal! And you're worried a little too much. I'm not as shameless as those old guys in the clock tower." Aozaki Orange immediately nodded in agreement.

Not to mention her character, she would not do such a thing. The most important thing is that she can clearly feel from Zheng Shu's eyes that if she really dares to make any crooked ideas, she will die!

Although Aozaki Orange is not afraid of death, it would be a pity to waste a body because of such a thing.

"But... I thought you were a ruthless person, but unexpectedly you turned out to be very considerate!" Aangaki Chengzi suddenly came to Zheng Shu's side in a very gossipy manner, crooked his waist with her elbow, and looked at him. Everyone's expressions turned into funny ones.

"You'd better maintain your image. Your current expression is completely out of character!" Zheng Shu looked straight ahead with an expressionless face, as if there was something worthy of his attention in the space in front of him.

Asakami Fujino looked at Aozaki Orange with some confusion. Although the other party didn't say it directly, her intuition told her that the topic the other party was talking about seemed to be related to her.

Aozaki Chengzi looked at Zheng Shu and finally became more serious. He took out a cigarette from his clothes and lit it: "But do you think this method can get her out of the seal designation? Those with this level of magic eyes The old man won’t give up easily.”

"No problem. I have beaten people from the Magician Association, so I know what kind of character they are. For existences that are too strong, even if they are sealed and designated, they will not have any problems except for a period of time at the beginning. Too much influence." Zheng Shu glanced at Asakami Fujino, "She has this level of potential, and she can easily transform this potential."

"Have you ever fought against the Magicians Association? That's an understatement. I almost forgot that you, a pervert, once fought alone in the clock tower." Aozaki Orange laughed a few times, as if he was worried about the clock tower eating turtles. Feeling very happy, "If I remember correctly, the Clock Tower has been hiding information after it was attacked. There are even rumors that you have been seriously injured."

Stroking the fragment of Saint Crystal in his coat, Aosaki Orange showed a sarcastic smile: "But now it seems that the losses they suffered are much greater than what outsiders expected, and after leaving During that time in the Clock Tower, you must have received a lot of harassment, right?"

"I was seriously injured? These guys really dare to say that." Zheng Shu tilted his head, as if thinking about something, "As for harassment, there are indeed a lot of harassment, but in recent months, it has completely disappeared. "

Aozaki Orange's hand shook violently when he heard this, and he almost stopped holding the cigarette in his hand.

"To be on the safe side, let me ask first, after you attacked the clock tower, what happened to those who harassed you? And were there any traces of the church among those who harassed you?"

"Result? I am generally not soft on enemies. The results of those guys are not much different from the minced meat in front of me." Zheng Shu looked around at the surrounding environment and replied casually, "In addition, if you If the church I’m talking about is those guys with black keys, they did attack me once, but I killed them all.”

"!" Aang Qi Chengzi stared at Zheng Shu as if he was looking at some rare species. "No wonder, I feel that business in this city has deteriorated a lot. It turns out it's because of you!"

"What does this have to do with me? Don't try to blackmail me." Zheng Shu looked at Aang Qi Chengzi in surprise.

"I'm just kidding, with a murderer like you here, any family of magicians who don't have the guts to dare to come here to do business with me, wouldn't it be over if I accidentally bump into you?"

"Tch! It's obviously because the place you chose to work is too remote, so no one can find it."

Zheng Shu and Aang Qi Chengzi were bickering while carefully observing their surroundings. After a long time, when the cigarette in Aang Qi Cheng Zi's hand was almost burned out, they did not wait for the next wave of enemies to arrive.

"It's strange that the other party ended like this? Although the power of the wave just now was good, but there was no follow-up method at all?" Aozaki Chengzi frowned, "Damn it! If I had known this, I should have chased him out just now. "

"No problem, there is still a chance. Please help take care of Fujino."

Zheng Shu said something and walked straight towards the corpses that were torn into pieces.

"I'm not a child." Fujino Asakami muttered to himself, watching Zheng Shu's movements curiously.

Zheng Shu walked to the stumps and frowned, then suppressed the discomfort in his heart and lowered his head to examine them carefully.

"Well...the traces of this transformation are quite special. It seems to be the opponent's unique technology, and so are the insects next to it..."

After collecting as many clues as possible, Zheng Shu looked up at the night without any light at all: "We have almost collected the clues, we should give it a try."

Along with the movement of his mind, the blessing of the Moon God began to take effect. The moon, which was originally covered by dark clouds, suddenly showed its head, casting a ray of white moonlight on a certain location.

In Zheng Shu's field of vision, the range of this silver-white moonlight beam was not very large, probably less than 500 meters in diameter. Although it was not very accurate, it was enough for Zheng Shu to find the person behind the scenes who was manipulating the necromancy magic. People.

"Huh?" Aozaki Chengzi looked up in surprise at the moon that suddenly appeared above. She could not see the silver-white light beam in Zheng Shu's field of vision, but as a crown magician, she still felt the intuition Something is not normal.

Zheng Shu waved his hands to the two people behind him, then took the lead and ran towards the direction of the light pillar.

The closest distance between the moonlight beam and Zheng Shu is not too far, only about one kilometer. Counting the diameter of the light beam itself, it is only 1.5 kilometers.

According to Zheng Shu's understanding of necromancy magic, this is indeed a quite far control range, but for Zheng Shu, such a distance can basically be reached in less than ten seconds.


When he reached the boundary illuminated by the moonlight, Zheng Shu's legs suddenly exerted force and he jumped hundreds of meters into the air.

His eyes quickly swept across the area below that was shrouded in moonlight, and his magic perception was also maximized.

Under the bright moonlight, even at night, the area below was clearly visible in Zheng Shu's eyes, and any abnormal movement could be seen.

Soon, Zheng Shu searched the target area with a diameter of 500 meters, and he also discovered the suspicious target.

"I found you!" Zheng Shu looked deep into an alley, holding a briefcase in his hand. He looked like an office worker who had just finished the night shift, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

The surging magic power was released from behind, changing Zheng Shu's direction of movement like a flame propeller, and fell straight towards the target location.

Faced with Zheng Shu's actions, the man dressed like an office worker also revealed his true qualities. Seeing that he could not escape the other party's tracking, he simply dropped his briefcase.

After silently uttering a few incantations, the briefcase that originally didn't look too big quickly expanded and opened a huge hole in the direction of Zheng Shu.

Just when the distance between Zheng Shu and the other party was only a few dozen meters, the briefcase finally fully unfolded, and dense black dots crawled out from the opening, then spread their wings and flew towards Zheng Shu.


This is exactly the "Giant Hunter Ant Corps" that Zheng Shu encountered in the hospital before.

Although the number is not comparable to before, but faced with these bugs that can easily bite through steel, ordinary magicians may really overturn if they are caught off guard.

When Zheng Shu saw this, he just stretched out his palm and pointed it at the flying insects.

"Twist it!"

A strange pronunciation came out of Zheng Shu's mouth. Under the influence of magic, the sound he made was completely unlike what a human could make.

The spell prepared in advance began to work, and the surging magic power was transformed into the power of the curse, which was applied to the insect swarm in front of him.



The insect's steel-hard body made a harsh twisting sound. When the twist of the body reached the limit, it could no longer bear it and exploded.

At the same time, Zheng Shu had accelerated again and quickly passed through the area covered with insect stumps and blood.

The enemy seemed a little shocked that Zheng Shu could deal with the swarm of insects so easily. He quickly reached into his clothes and tried to take out other items inside to resist.

Unfortunately, Zheng Shu had already arrived at his side. The moment his feet touched the ground, Zheng Shu's extraordinary athletic ability came into play.

Before the enemy's hand could be fully stretched out, Zheng Shu's figure disappeared in a flash of light before his eyes.

The next moment, Zheng Shu's hand was already on the other person's head.

"Huh?!" Some surprised doubts came from Zheng Shu's mouth, because he felt that the touch he was touching was a little wrong.

Looking at the enemy who wanted to resist, Zheng Shu changed his strategy without hesitation, and the power in his hand suddenly exploded.


A crisp cracking sound sounded in the dark night, and the attacker's head was directly separated from the body under Zheng Shu's heavy blow.

But unexpectedly, no blood seemed to spurt out from the other party's body.

Thanks to book friend 20220419220434126 readers for the reward, thank you for your support.

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