Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 364 Anna meets father and son (mother and daughter)

Over the Tohsaka House.

A golden fireball as dazzling as the sun hung in the air, and a terrifying heat wave was constantly eroding the surroundings. The surrounding wooden buildings had already spontaneously ignited, and even the reinforced concrete buildings showed signs of melting.

In the center of this golden sun, Karna assumed a throwing posture, and the surrounding flames continued to converge towards the spear in his hand. This spear, which was transformed from the Immortal Blade, was now fully energized. It only takes a few seconds to launch.

At this time, a vague figure suddenly pulled out from the ground. The surrounding magma, which was enough to melt iron into gold, had no impact on her body at all.

The high-temperature flames flowing in the magma could not cause any harm to her. Although her body had been exposed to the golden sun's flames, it could not burn the white skin.

The moment he left the magma, the figure quickly stepped forward and disappeared in an instant.


Following the clear sound of physical blows, a foot imprinted on Karna's face.

At this moment, even Karna, the great hero from India, was in a daze involuntarily.

The opponent's movement speed was really too fast. It was a dimensional leap that forced him to use his own skills to achieve unparalleled mobility, completely ignoring the distance in between, and jumping directly to his face.

One of the enemies who fought with Karna before also showed such a skill. However, due to the difference in his physical attributes, even using a dimensional jump had no effect. Karna was still able to react. .

But the person who attacked him was different. His physical quality was completely different from that of the previous female servant, and there was no warning at all when he moved.

Under normal circumstances, Karna might still be able to react, but at the moment he was liberating his Noble Phantasm, so it was inevitable that he would be a little slow.

Anyway, although the power of this kick is strong enough, the reduction of the golden armor does not affect the overall situation very much. However, the roar that followed from behind let Karna know that the figure in front of him was just a prelude to attract attention. , but by the time he noticed it, it was already a little too late.

The liberation of the Noble Phantasm has come to an end. It only takes less than a second to throw it, but for a battle at this speed, one second is too long.

Blah blah blah...

With the crisp sound of chains, a rotating sickle arrived behind Karna.

The sickle was sharp enough to cut off the god's protection. Even though he was wearing golden armor, Karna felt a cut-like touch on his back.

At the critical moment, he once again used his magic power to spray flames behind his back, and used this rocket-like mobility to move forward a little.

But it was only a little bit. This speed was still too slow in front of the scythe that even cut through the sound barrier. By manipulating the chain connected to the back of the scythe, the black and purple scythe was exquisitely exposed along the sides of Karna's golden armor. The lines were cut, and the golden armor, which was strong enough to withstand all attacks in the world, was finally broken through by the sharpness beyond its limits.

The flesh was torn, the flames were chopped into pieces, and even the Noble Phantasm that was about to be released was cut off from the magic transport channel due to the strange power of the sickle, causing it to fail to use.

Even though the damage was reduced by 90% by the golden armor, this unexpected sneak attack still made Karna's eyes widen.

Fortunately, although the scythe carries many negative states, the actual wounds caused are not too big. When Karna completely gave up the liberation of the Noble Phantasm and relied on the mobility provided by the release of magic power to get out of the enemy's attack range. , the wounds on his body also healed quickly under the replication of the golden armor.

Only then could Karna carefully observe the new figure opposite.

Unexpectedly, the enemy's figure does not look tall, and can even be called petite. Paired with the slightly childish face and even a little baby fat, it makes the opponent look very young.

A black robe covers the whole body, and a pair of purple eyes are exposed under the black hood. Under the black robe is silver and black armor, paired with white stockings wrapped around his legs and a huge scythe as tall as his height in his hand, creating a strange contrast.

However, Karna, who had just endured the kick, knew very well that the opponent's seemingly small body contained unimaginable power.

It is no exaggeration to say that if one does not calculate the increase in magic power and only considers physical strength, he may even be at a disadvantage.

"That's...Medusa?" Tohsaka Rin's eyes widened, a little unbelievable that the tall lady could turn into such a petite and cute figure, "Does she actually have such a treasure?"

Matou Sakura also seemed a little surprised. She blinked at the appearance of Medusa in the distance: "No... I just knew that she had such a Noble Phantasm, but I didn't expect that the effect of this Noble Phantasm could be so exaggerated. That's totally... You’ve become a different person!”

Medusa, who transformed into the image of Anna, spun the scythe in her hand in a circle and stared at Karna suspended in mid-air in the distance with vigilance.

The reason why Medusa can undergo such a big change depends entirely on her own Noble Phantasm: Self-Sealing and Dark Temple.

This Noble Phantasm is not shown too much in Fate's animation. It seems like it is just a piece of cloth used to seal one's magic eyes and a strange barrier that can release illusions.

Just like Medusa's other Noble Phantasm: Seal of Others, Blood Temple, due to the master's magic power limitations, the effect of this terrible Noble Phantasm is only on the same level as an ordinary barrier.

In fact, the Seal of Others and the Blood Temple can even break a corner of Tiamat's body if the magic power is sufficient.

In fact, both of these Noble Phantasms are divine manifestations of the Earth Mother Goddess.

The three Gorgon sisters are copies or replicas of the same natural phenomenon that was deified. However, due to some reasons, an error occurred during their birth, and the reproduction of the three female Medusas went awry.

Although the two sisters are the complete embodiment of "immortality", Medusa does not have the attribute of immortality.

However, as compensation, Medusa has diverse abilities that her sisters do not have - the petrified magic eye, the ability to highly interfere with nature, and excellent body functions. These are all meant to protect her sisters who cannot survive in nature. An indispensable ability.

However, this does not mean that Medusa itself does not possess the divinity of Gorgon. In fact, it can be known from mythology that when the two sisters voluntarily sacrifice themselves to merge with Medusa, the complete Gorgon will appear. Being in the world.

Of course, as the Earth Mother Goddess, although she is of high status, she is not too strong in terms of power (compared to the main god), and will even be killed by Perseus, who is secretly supported by Athena.

In fact, the reason why Perseus was able to kill the complete Gorgon was because when Gorgon wanted to use the Dark Temple to devour the opponent, he used the Noble Phantasm to flip the concept of the inner and outer of the Dark God Realm.

This caused Gorgon, who was originally outside the Dark Temple's range of influence, to become within range, so much so that Gorgon was sealed away by her own power, allowing Perseus to seize the opportunity to kill her.

The two Noble Phantasms have different effects when used alone. When the Seal of Others and the Blood Temple are fully deployed, it will cause Medusa's body to change towards the concept of the "monster" Gorgon.

The effect of Self-Sealing and Dark Temple will cause Medusa's body to change towards a "perfect" state, that is, the form of her two sisters who have perfectly inherited Gorgon's divinity.

Of course, if the two Noble Phantasms are fully deployed together, the "Earth Mother Goddess" Gorgon will descend.

However, the limitations for these two Noble Phantasms to be fully deployed are too great. Pure magic can only use their superficial power. To truly activate them, you need to use the power representing the Earth Mother Goddess.

To put it simply, the deployment of each Noble Phantasm requires a large amount of divinity.

But unfortunately, Medusa herself contains very little divinity due to an accident during her birth. Even after being summoned as a servant, the divinity column in her inherent skills is still E-level. That’s all.

This level of divinity is even a little worse than some mortals who have been given power by the gods. Naturally, it is impossible to meet the conditions for the full deployment of these two Noble Phantasms.

Fortunately, she met Zheng Shu. From the moment she was summoned, Medusa would stick to Zheng Shu whenever she had free time.

This is not only to express his longing for Zheng Shu, but also to absorb the divinity in Zheng Shu as a reserve. In this way, he can call upon these divinities in times of crisis and use his own treasure to gain sufficient combat power.

And now, it is the so-called "crisis moment".

Of course, Zheng Shu also knew that Medusa had been absorbing his own divinity. It could even be said that without his permission, it would be impossible for something like divinity to be absorbed by others.

However, he did not feel that the goddess who raised him would be detrimental to him, so he has been silently providing divinity.

Because of this, Zheng Shu didn't act so anxious after knowing the other party's conspiracy.

After all, although I don’t know the specific situation, Medusa has absorbed enough divinity from herself. If it weren’t for the special nature of Zheng Shu’s existence in this timeline, the divinity in her body would continue to recover, even if it is inherent The divinity of the skill is for an A-level servant, and it has probably been sucked dry by now.

With so much divinity accumulated, the combat power cannot be weak no matter what. Even if he encounters Karna who is the ceiling of a servant, there is no need to worry.

After all, as Zheng Shu said, there is a limit to the body of a servant, and there is an upper limit to the power that a spiritual base can carry.

After the spiritual base reaches the upper limit, the difference in strength during life will not greatly affect the difference in combat effectiveness.

Of course, personal combat experience and Noble Phantasms will still create a certain degree of combat effectiveness gap, but at most it will be a situation where you are at the upper hand or suppressed, and will not form the same devastating scene as before.

Karna and Medusa looked at each other for a moment, and then started the second round of confrontation again.

The same step forward, the same disappearance in place, relying on the dimensional jump, Medusa appeared next to Karna again in an instant.

However, facing Karna who was completely alert, he could still react at such a speed. He used his magic power to flip his body in the air to meet the sharp blade that suddenly appeared behind him.


Although her sudden attack was blocked, Medusa continued to attack without any hesitation.

Relying on her body shape, she slammed into Karna's arms, attacking like a wild beast. The huge scythe was extremely flexible in her hands, spinning and turning like a meat grinder. Crush the enemy in front of you.

Karna did not flinch at all. Even though his weapon suffered a bit at close range, he still waved the spear in his hand to block the enemy's attacks one by one.

For a time, both sides reached a certain stalemate.

The Emiya family.

The gem given to them by Tohsaka Rin was discovered the moment the signal was lost, and Emiya Shirou and Illya, who had been staying at home, immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

"What's going on?! It's still daytime, are the enemies crazy?" Illya looked at the tarnished gems in disbelief.

After all, she can be regarded as someone who has a relatively clear understanding of the world of magicians. Of course, she knows the "hidden rules" among magicians, and she also understands the seriousness of this situation.

Maintaining the mystery of magic is the common obligation of all magicians. After all, once magic is exposed, the mystery will no longer exist and magic will disappear.

Dare to do such a thing, indicating that the enemy has even prepared to go against the entire magic world.

"Then Tohsaka and the others aren't in danger?!" Emiya Shirou also became nervous.

After hearing this, Illya turned to look at him. There was a sense of relief on her face that her cub had grown up, so she nodded and stood up: "Let's go and see who dares to Do this.”

Without much hesitation, the two summoned their followers and immediately rushed towards the Tohsaka family's location.

But just as the two ran across a deserted hillside, Illya suddenly realized the danger: "Be careful!"

"You have very keen senses, little girl!"

Ridiculing words also sounded at the same time, followed by a large sword with an exaggerated shape.


At the critical moment, Arturia relied on her intuition to accurately block the sudden blow, waving an invisible weapon in front of Illya.

At this moment, the barrier that had been arranged in advance suddenly opened, covering the entire hillside, driving away all ordinary people who might disturb the battle.

"Who are you? You actually dare to fight in the daytime. Isn't the Master behind you afraid of the church's sanctions?!"

Illya, who had saved her life, asked in shock, and began to construct various protective spells on her hands. The attack just now made her feel the threat of death.

"Sanctions? Hahahaha! I don't want to worry about those messy things. My only idea is to fight against the strong..."

The suddenly appeared heroic spirit laughed wildly, and seemed to want to say something more, but suddenly stopped, as if someone was talking to him.

"Is it you?!" Shirou Emiya finally saw clearly the servant standing in front of several people. He was very familiar with this image, because it was this servant who stopped in front of Hyde when he went to the church.

"Oh, do you know me? I don't remember seeing you, no, this feeling..."

Beowulf looked curiously at Shirou Emiya, who clearly recognized him, and suddenly he turned his attention to the ordinary-looking Jekyll next to him.

Both the image and the aura of the other party were unfamiliar to him, but Beowulf's instinct as a warrior told him that the guy in front of him had fought with him before, and it was a hearty enough battle.

"It turns out to be you! Hahahaha, great! Last time I didn't dare to fight with all my strength because of the Master, but this time we met again. It seems that fate is favoring me!" Beowulf laughed wildly again Get up and feel happy that you have finally found your long-cherished opponent.

"Come on! Let us fight each other, let us fight to the death!"

Beowulf made an action that surprised everyone. He actively threw down his weapons, showing his bare hands.

However, Emiya Shirou knew the reason very well. He had seen the opponent's violent fighting posture after discarding the weapon before. But was it a bit too arrogant to actively discard the weapon when facing so many enemies?

"Are you voluntarily throwing away your weapons? What an arrogant act. Do you think you can stop us both by yourself?" Artoria asked unceremoniously, but she clenched the long sword in her hands, because she Suddenly I felt a bad premonition.

"Oh!! What an amazing fighting spirit. I didn't expect that this little girl like you is actually a very qualified warrior. I'm so lucky to be able to participate in this Holy Grail War. There are so many strong men waiting for me to fight. "

Beowulf's eyes lit up when he felt the aura bursting out from Artoria, but then his expression turned a little regretful.

"It's a pity that the master has arranged enough manpower this time, so your opponent is not me. Little girl, hold on and survive as much as possible. I will try to fight you next time I see you. .”

"What do you mean?" Artoria felt a very bad premonition from Beowulf's words.

But Beowulf ignored her. For a fighting maniac like him, an enemy who could not fight was of no value. Fortunately, there is a good "main dish" in front of me, which is enough to keep me entertained.

"Hey, boy, call that guy out. You don't want to fight me in this posture, do you?" Beowulf pointed to the ordinary-looking Jekyll next to him.

Beowulf believed in his intuition about the enemy. Since the image of the guy in front of him was completely different from what he had seen before, it meant that he had another form.

In fact, Beowulf had already noticed when he fought Hyde before that the alienated body of the opponent actually represented the distortion of the soul. After all, for a fighting maniac like him, the communication between fists is the communication between souls. , and the other party's mind and appearance are too matched.

This is not something difficult to understand for Beowulf, who has experienced hundreds of battles during his lifetime. After all, there are many people who have completely different personalities in battle and daily life, but the person in front of him has changed even more completely.

"You guy...are you actually planning to ignore me like this?"

Arturia frowned. The other party's arrogant attitude made her feel very strange. The person in front of her seemed to be mentally abnormal, or too crazy.

Although he can still communicate with other people normally, underneath his normal appearance is a spiritual world that is difficult to understand.

"Or is it Berserker?"

Artoria suddenly understood the other party's rank.

Because the Berserker she came into contact with during the last Holy Grail War was Zheng Shu, Arturia was relatively able to understand Berserker's mental state.

In her opinion, the so-called Berserker is actually someone who is too stubborn in some aspects. After all, this is the case for all Berserker class servants that Arturia has come into contact with, including Jekyll.

"You're such a troublesome guy. Didn't I tell you that you have someone else to deal with it?" Beowulf reached out and took out his ears with a look of disdain.


Before Artoria could finish her words, she heard a subtle "click-click" crisp metallic sound. Although it was very slight, the sound was so cold that it made people feel chilling.

Arturia suddenly turned her head to the side and became alert. On the top of the hillside, a man wearing full armor stood there at some point, his body trembling.

The strange metallic sound that Artoria heard before was the sound made by the armor that completely covered the limbs trembling slightly like water waves and hitting each other.

"Who are you……"

Due to the terrain, the person on the hillside hid his figure in the sunlight, so Artoria could not clearly see the style of the opponent's armor for a while, but only heard a strange sound from the opponent.

The source of that weird sound, like a groan crawling across the ground, that sound like being crushed and sobbing, came from the depths of the helmet on the opponent's head.

The other party's body trembled slightly, and then a burst of laughter suddenly came from the hillside.

When Artoria heard that laughter, an indescribable chill ran through her body. Her instincts were warning her, but Artoria stared at her as if she was possessed. looking at the man on the hillside.

As the opponent moves, the person on the hillside has also left the range covered by the dazzling sunlight, revealing the image of his own armor.

It was a perfect armor that was neither gorgeous nor vulgar, but could combine functional beauty with gorgeousness. The craftsmen did their best to cast it in every detail, making it look both mighty and refined. Even the countless scars on it formed the appearance of Zhang Xianqihehe. The carvings of war exploits add a heroic demeanor to it, making it an ideal battle attire that all knights can't help but envy.

Arturia naturally recognized the brave man who once wore that armor and galloped on the battlefield. He was a more outstanding warrior than anyone else on the battlefield, and it was his presence that gave her country the final fatal blow.

" could you?!"

Artoria hoped that she was wrong, but the Silver Knight laughed ferociously as if he was laughing at her thoughts, and stretched out his hands to reveal his thick sword.

"Ae... thur..."

Resentment reverberated in the silver-white helmet, and with the sound of metal colliding, the silver-white helmet was retracted onto the armor, revealing that delicate-looking face.


A roar like the howl of a dying beast roared from Mordred's mouth, and countless red thunders erupted from his body at the same time. The whole person seemed like an evil ghost reborn from hell.

No, to be precise, she did crawl out of hell.


An angry roar broke out from her mouth, and Mordred rushed towards her beloved father. Her wild fighting posture made her look more suitable for the name Berserker.

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