Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 368 Iluthianli Marco Poloya

Chapter 368 I. Lucian Leigh Marco Polo Ya

On the hillside near Emiya's house.


Clang, clang, clang!

Continuous sounds of explosions and metal collisions came from the forest in the mountains, mixed with excited shouts or roars of monsters.

"The fight was really lively."

Lion Jie Jieli hid his body in the shadows, watching the battle between the two Sabers in the distance with some emotion.

He had to admit that he was indeed tricked by the priest, mainly because he did not expect that King Arthur would participate in the Holy Grail War.

Although the Knights of the Round Table are quite famous, there are countless heroes in history. Two Knights of the Round Table can appear in a Holy Grail War, and it is King Arthur who has the worst compatibility with the servants he summoned. Lion Jie Jieli feels that his luck is a bit too much. Worse.

He naturally knew the final outcome of King Arthur's legend. Although Mordred finally ended King Arthur's rule, she herself was shot through the heart by King Arthur on the battlefield.

With the influence of historical mythology, the lion robs the world. I don't think the Mordred he summoned can beat that King Arthur.

"But... is that really King Arthur? Although he looks a bit too young, he is indeed a woman. This... my understanding of ancient mythology has begun to become confusing. If King Arthur is a woman, then Morgan is What gender?”

After confirming in the extremely fast battle below that King Arthur was indeed a woman, Lion Jie Jieli became inexplicably distracted on the battlefield.

Although Lion Jie Jieli was surprised at first when he saw that Mordred was a woman, he could understand it. After all, the reason why Mordred rebelled against King Arthur in history was because King Arthur refused to let her inherit the throne.

It would be easier to understand if Mordred was a woman. After all, according to the situation in ancient Western times, it was not easy for a woman to hold the throne. The reason why King Arthur refused to let Mordred inherit the throne was too simple.

But King Arthur is actually a woman, which has a big impact on Shi Jie Jie Li. Since you are also a woman, it seems that it is not impossible for your daughter to inherit the throne!

No, the point is, if King Arthur is a female, how did she and Morgan give birth to Mordred?

Is Morgan a male? But if Morgan is a male, what is the relationship between Gawain and Morgan?

For a moment, Lion Jie Jieli felt that the CPU inside his brain was about to burn out.

By the time he reacted, the battle between the two servants below was beyond the reach of ordinary people. The movement speed between the two sides completely exceeded the limit of human perception.

Even if Lion Jie Jieli cast strengthening magic on his eyes, he could only see two phantoms of different colors fighting each other.

During the battle between the two sides, red thunder and invisible storms erupted from time to time, forming an inaccessible forbidden zone in a large area around them.

However, Lion Jie Jieli's target was not the two servants below. He knew very well that a magician of his level was not qualified to enter such a battle, so the support method he chose was in the direction he was better at. ——Assassination of the Master.

Compared with those servants whose combat power exceeds the limit of human beings, the Masters in the Holy Grail War are just ordinary magicians. They are the best targets for people like Shiozakai Kaili who specialize in assassinating magicians for commissions.

And as long as the master is lost, without the source of magic power, the combat effectiveness of no matter how powerful the servant is will be greatly reduced.

"Master Saber saw her when she came here just now. She seemed to be a little girl, right? How pitiful that she participated in the Holy Grail War at such a young age."

Lion Jie Jieli murmured silently in his heart as he took out his cherished double-barreled shotgun. There was no other emotion in his eyes, only cold calmness.

For a person like him, as long as he is in a hostile position, he will not let down his guard even if the enemy is just a child.

In other words, with the blessing of modern thermal weapons, many people have died in the hands of children.

Especially in those war-torn areas, Shishi Jiejieli has witnessed many scenes of seemingly young children taking out submachine guns from their bags and shooting at the crowd.

Filling the shotgun with finger bullets, Shishi Jiejieli put on his camouflage uniform and quietly sneaked through the jungle, looking for traces of the enemy master.

With his experience, Lion Jie Jieli quickly found Illya hiding himself in the bushes.

Although it could be seen that the other party was trying very hard to hide herself, her white clothes and dazzling white hair were too conspicuous in the jungle.

Looking at the enemy Master who tried hard to hide his figure in the darkness of the trees, but his white dress was revealed, Shishi Jiejieli shook his head silently and sighed in his heart, but he raised his hand mercilessly The shotgun quietly moved in the direction of the opponent.

The flight speed of finger bullets is not too fast, and the shooting distance of a shotgun with a sawn barrel is not very long, so the distance between the two sides should be shortened as much as possible to reduce the possibility of resistance by the other side.

After successfully reaching a distance of thirty meters from the opponent, Shizi Jiejieli made some predictions and felt that he could shoot as long as he moved closer to a distance of about five meters.

The opponent looked like an orthodox magician. Even if he heard the gunshot from this distance, he would not be able to react.

The environment in the jungle is very complex. Although various obstacles will affect the bullets fired, after all, even finger bullets that can automatically track the target may be destroyed in advance due to trees or rocks on the shooting line.

But it can also hide his figure better and get close enough to the opponent.

Thinking like this, when Shishi Jiejieli was about to get closer, he suddenly found that the master of the enemy servant below suddenly moved.

The other party left the bush that had been used as a cover, showed his face, turned around quickly and quickly locked his gaze on the lion Jie Jieli.

At the same time, both hands were holding something and lifting it up.

"Suffer it!"

After seeing clearly what Ilia was wearing on her face, Lion Jie Jieli's face turned dark and he dodged to the side without hesitation.

I saw a black band tied on Illya's forehead, and a thin rod extending from the band. There was also something that looked like a camera on the thin rod, which was buckled on one of Illiya's eyes. superior.

The size of the device made it obvious that it was for adults, so Illya's petite body felt strangely funny when wearing it.

However, after seeing this scene, Lion Jie Jieli not only didn’t feel funny, but even felt chills all over. If it were an ordinary magician, he might not really recognize what Ilia was wearing, but for Lion Jie Jie For someone like Jie Li who has been involved in modern battlefields all year round, he is very familiar with this kind of thing.

Infrared thermal sensor.

It is generally called a thermal imager. People who often watch certain military blockbusters should be very familiar with it. It is the kind of thing that can see the human body temperature through the wall.

It is an instrument that has very good effects both on the battlefield and in medical treatment. In a sense, this thing is also a natural enemy for traditional magicians who want to hide their body.

What the near-infrared ray scans is the heat spontaneously emitted by the human body. Among traditional magic tricks, there are few magic tricks that pay attention to one's own body temperature, and most magic tricks will change the surrounding energy fluctuations no matter how they are hidden, and this change will also change. will be scanned by infrared rays.

And because it uses electrical energy, the instrument itself does not carry any magical power, so even a first-class magician cannot sense that he has been discovered.

And now that a thermal imager, which represents modern warfare, has been worn on her head, the weapons held in Illya's hands are already very obvious.

MP5 submachine gun.

It can be regarded as a classic among submachine guns, as famous as the AK47 among rifles.

With a 9 mm caliber, a 30-round magazine and a weight of only 2.5 kg, this submachine gun has an absolute advantage in close combat such as narrow spaces and sneak operations.

The biggest advantage of the MP5 is its high hit accuracy and rapid reloading. 3 to 4 short shots within a distance of 20 meters can even be fired into a hole, and the recoil is extremely low. It can be used with one hand like a pistol. If You won't feel anything if you put the butt of the gun against your shoulder.

Therefore, when such close-range killing weapons were lifted up by Illya one by one, Lion Jiejie Li didn't even have the strength to curse.

Without bothering to hide his figure, a strong wave of magic power erupted from his body, he quickly cast a strengthening magic and quickly escaped from his original position.

Da da da da da…

As Illya pulled the trigger in her hand, the fine gunshots immediately covered the original location of Lion Jiejie Li. For a moment, stones shattered, tree bark fell apart, and his original location instantly became a mess.


With such a fast rate of fire of a submachine gun, the 30-round magazine could not last long, and the sound of empty magazines quickly came from the two firearms.

Lion Jie Jieli, who originally used strengthening magic to strengthen his body and fled quickly in the jungle, heard these two unusual noises. He immediately seized the opportunity to turn around, raised the shotgun in his hand and prepared to fight back.

I made some mistakes in my prediction. I didn't expect that the other party was also a heretic magician, and he was also the kind of magician who used modern technology without scruples. He was considered a scum among heretic magicians.

But Shishi Jiejieli no longer has time to feel sorry for himself. He knows very well that for a skilled veteran, a submachine gun like the MP5 can reload extremely quickly, and he may only have a few seconds of chance.

And Illya's decisive action when shooting earlier made Lion Jie Jieli dare not bet on whether the other party was a novice.

So this is his only chance to fight back. Once the opponent reloads his weapon, it will be difficult for Lion Jie Li, whose enhanced magic effect has begun to disappear, to find a second chance to fight back.

After all, his followers were still engaged in a fierce battle, and being able to use a strengthening magic instantly had already caused symptoms of weakness in Lion Jie Jieli's body.

However, the moment Shishi Jiejieli turned around, he saw the smile of success on the face of the little girl opposite.


Unable to bear the curse, Lion Jie Jieli could only bite the bullet and pull the trigger in his hand.


The deafening sound of firearms made the sound of Lion Jie Jieli's homemade shotgun sound much rougher than the sound of the pair of firearms in Ilia's hands.

At the same moment, the magic circuit slowly lit up on Illya's body.

Faces, neck, collarbones, chest, lumbar spine, arms, palms, fingers, legs, soles of feet, toes... The light blue magic circuits crawl all over Illya's body like dense tattoos, making people wonder. It’s hard to count the amount of time.

Hundreds or thousands? No! It's not such a "poor" quantity at all. As an artificial human being born specifically to serve as the Holy Grail, every nerve in Illya's body has been transformed into a magic circuit.

Even after being reborn using Zheng Shu's potion, Illya's body still retains this characteristic, so for her, the number of magic circuits in her body is hundreds of thousands! (Note: Emiya Shirou found the reason why he felt his talent was not good.)

With such a terrifying number of magic circuits, the conversion efficiency of magic power is naturally quite outrageous. Every cell in Illya's body is filled with a large amount of magic power. The magic power of a first-class magician may not be as much as one of her fingers.

The only thing that can compare with Illya is probably the magic furnace.

With such a huge amount of magic power, it is naturally more than enough to supply a servant to fight. Even if it is supplied to a servant like Karna who consumes extremely huge amounts of magic power, he can still have a large share left over while allowing him to squander it in a short period of time. Used to perform certain magic that consumes a lot of mana and is very special.

For example: Displacement Magic (from Magical Girl Illya, a family magic used by the Ensworth family).

Ordinary replacement magic is a lower-level magic that can only degrade and exchange. For example, if you replace a spoon, you will only get a twisted and irregular metal block due to degradation.

But if the magic power consumption is greatly increased and the manipulation accuracy is inhuman, then this displacement magic can even displace space to achieve an effect similar to space transfer.

Coincidentally, as the "Original Little Holy Grail", Illya's manipulation of magic is as precise as her mother's. She can easily create a familiar with hair, and she also has sufficient magic power, so You can easily reach the top level of displacement magic.

Illya only did two things after using displacement magic: defense and reloading.

In front of the two-finger bullets fired by Lion Jie Jieli, something like a transparent grid suddenly appeared.

Because the location they appeared was so precise, the finger bullets passed by without enough time to turn. After they crossed the grid-like traces that seemed to have no blocking ability at all, what appeared in front of them were two huge rocks.

Bang bang!

Two deep muffled sounds were heard. The finger bullet hit the rock and only made two shallow shallow pits. The rune magic contained inside was also completely destroyed.


At this time, there was also a slight sound of loading from the two firearms in Ilia's hands. The magic runes engraved in advance on the magazines inside the firearms were glowing slightly. Through Ilia's control, these two guns had already been fired. The magazine was immediately exchanged with two groups of magazines prepared in advance at Emiya's house.

And with the help of the metal manipulation magic Illya learned from her mother, she can reload the gun without having to free her hands.

So, in this short moment, the offensives of both sides reversed again.

Da da da da da…

Click, click, click...

Ilia didn't even aim carefully, but relied on intuition to pull the trigger. With the deafening sound of the gunshot, Zi Duan penetrated the branches and fallen leaves, and shot through the magic knot prepared in advance on Shi Jie Jie Li's body with unabated force. The cracked magic barrier made a harsh sound like broken glass.

When the gunfire stopped again, Lion Jie Jieli finally rolled and hid behind a big tree.

"It's over!"

Although he was temporarily safe, Lion Jie Jieli's heart felt cold. He touched his thigh, and there was a smooth touch on it.

He didn't need to look down to see that this meant that his thigh had been shot through. Although due to good luck and timely dodge, only the thigh was shot through, but this also meant that he had completely lost the ability to move.

After taking a few hard breaths, Lion Jie Jieli fumbled and took out a magician's heart from his shirt.

Looking at the undead magic artifact that seemed to be still beating, Lion Jie Jieli waited quietly, hoping to make a final counterattack the next time the opponent had a chance to change ammunition.

Unfortunately, Illya's next behavior broke his "delusion."


Da da da……


Da da da……

The iconic sound of loading and gunfire sounded again, and this time Illya also changed her shooting method. Instead of firing two guns at the same time, she performed alternate suppression.

When one firearm empties its magazine, the other will immediately fire to suppress fire. Taking advantage of this short opportunity, Illya will activate replacement magic to replace the empty magazine with a full one. box.

Under such alternating shooting, she alone caused a fire suppression that could only be achieved by an entire squad, and it was the kind of squad that brought an entire arsenal.

In this way, her shooting would not stop at all, and Lion Jie Jieli also lost his last chance to resist.

After all, with such a density of shooting, if he dared to reveal any position, he would be directly beaten to pieces.

"It's so... so sophisticated..." Lion Jie Jieli smiled bitterly, thinking that he might have to explain here today.

He felt that he was not facing a child, but a veteran who had been on the battlefield for a long time. He perfectly used his own advantages and suppressed the opponent's counterattack as much as possible, without giving the opponent any chance at all.

Bullets kept whizzing past him. Fortunately, Lion Jie Jieli chose this big tree that was strong enough, but it was still being "planed" rapidly by the continuous shooting.

The power of submachine gun bullets is slightly weaker than that of rifle bullets, but such a shooting frequency is enough to make up for the lack of power.

And after realizing that the enemy had been hiding behind the tree and not wanting to come out, Illya also changed the type of bullets she shot when she changed her ammunition again.

The specially-made armor-piercing bullets and dragon's breath bullets were shot out with a roar. The terrifying power made Lion Jie Jieli realize that the various technologies that he was proud of merging necromancy magic with modern weapons would not be able to survive in the face of a strong man who was really good at it. It's all just a joke.

"Now I really have to explain it here..." Lion Jie Jieli closed his eyes helplessly, waiting for death to come.

On the other side, Illya still maintained the normal shooting frequency without any sense of complacency, because during the simulation training with Emiya Kiritsugu, she was still killed many times by Emiya Kiritsugu in this situation.

After all, in this timeline, Emiya Kiritsugu has not been seriously injured, his body still maintains considerable fighting strength, and his desire to be a partner of justice has not disappeared. Naturally, he will not give up on himself like in the anime timeline. , but will try every means to educate their children.

Because Emiya Shirou would ideally succeed him, Emiya Kiritsugu had very low requirements for his daughter, as long as she could "protect herself".

Therefore, after Illya's body was repaired, he deliberately spent a few extra years on combat training for Illya, pouring out all the skills he had learned over decades of fighting on the battlefield. Teach each other.

Moreover, replacement magic was specially developed based on Illya's own characteristics, so that magic and modern weapons can be perfectly integrated.

Therefore, if Shishi Kaikai uses the normal magician's fighting method, Illya may have a slight headache, but if we talk about the heretical magician's fighting method, there should be no magician in this world who can compete with Emiya. Compared with this guy who has been deliberately running towards the most dangerous directions on the battlefield all year round.

However, just when the result was about to be settled, something unexpected happened to the two father and son (mother and daughter) who had been constantly fighting behind the scenes.

"Master, be careful!"


Two roars sounded from behind Illya at the same time, accompanied by a whistling sound from behind.

Fortunately, Illya had always followed Emiya Kiritsugu's teachings, always maintained the highest vigilance, and activated the replacement magic on her body the moment the accident occurred.


A large transparent grid instantly covered Illya's entire body, and then a steel sword wrapped with red thunder slashed past Illya's position.

However, under the effect of displacement magic, when the steel sword slashed through Illya's body, it looked like she was seeing a phantom, without causing any harm to her.


The storm condensed by the Wind King's hammer also flew out from behind at this time, accurately passing by Illya and hitting Mordred at the same time.


Mordred was caught off guard, and his whole body was knocked out. Illya could clearly see that the silver-white armor on her body was obviously distorted, and the sound of broken bones was heard from her body. .

But Mordred still endured the injury and pain in mid-air, turned his body, and even used the impact of the Wind King's hammer to make himself leave faster.


The moment he passed by Lion Jie Jieli, Mordred grabbed his arm unceremoniously. Ignoring the clicking sound coming from Lion Jie Jieli's arm, Mordred clamped his whole body under his arm and quickly fled the battlefield.

"Master, are you okay?!"

Along with the sound of heavy armor moving, Arturia also came to Illya's side, and immediately squatted down to carefully inspect Illya's body.

"Okay, okay, don't worry Saber, I'm fine." Illya felt like a doll in Artoria's hands, and pouted with dissatisfaction, "The only pity is that I didn't stay The opponent’s master, really, almost succeeded.”

"I'm sorry, Master, it's my fault. It was my negligence that gave Mordred the opportunity to attack you." Arturia looked very remorseful.

She did not expect that Mordred, who had been fighting her like a mad dog, would suddenly change his target and even forcefully leave the battlefield to save his master at the cost of injury.

But... looking at Mordred's look, it seems that the Master is more important than hatred in her heart right now.

Thinking of this, Arturia's eyes looked slightly complicated as she looked at a trail that had been opened in the jungle because of Mordred's quick departure.

Such a change...maybe a good thing for this rebellious knight.

"Okay Saber, don't blame yourself, we have a new problem now."

Illya's voice awakened Artoria from her own heart. Looking in the direction Illya pointed, Artoriya's expression became extremely solemn.

"That's... a magical beast? No! It's higher than that, a fantasy species at the level of a holy beast! Look at that, is it a sphinx? Why are you here? Is it another servant?"

Because the appearance of the giant beast was so classic, Artoria recognized it immediately, and the information transmitted from the giant beast was enough to prove its strength.

"Don't worry about what that thing is, hurry up! Saber, take me there quickly, the place where it landed is where Shirou is!"

Seeing the place where the Sphinx landed, Illya immediately became anxious. She didn't know why the other party came here now, but the situation was too dangerous for Shirou now.


Artoria carried Illya decisively, raised her hand and swung her sword, and the Wind King's hammer shattered a jungle in front of her, and Artoria took Illya along the blasted path toward He quickly ran over to where the Sphinx landed.

"Idiot brother, don't let anything happen to you!"

The magic lines on Illya's body began to shine, and more equipment was summoned through replacement magic to prepare for the next battle.

(PS: 2,000 more words added.)

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