Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 372 The Eve of the Decisive Battle

A little earlier.

Inside the castle on the outskirts of Fuyuki City.

"Ah! Why is this happening? How could the other party summon him so early before me?!"

Medea lay on the table, grabbing her hair with both hands and wailing irritably. Her originally handsome hair was so frizzy that it looked like a chicken coop.

"Master, you have been complaining here for several hours, do you want to continue?"

Cu Chulainn stood at the door of the laboratory, holding his spear in his hand, and sighed helplessly as he looked at his master's behavior.

"Shut up! Lancer! It must be because you are so unlucky that you passed on your bad luck to me, otherwise how could you have such a Noble Phantasm!" Medea slapped the table angrily, looking like that Like a little child.

"Hey, hey, don't blame me. I'm not bad at luck. And where did you get this messed up view?"

Cu Chulainn also felt extremely helpless in the face of his willful master, but when he turned around and saw the glorious composite temple suspended in mid-air outside the window, he still felt a sense of fright.

Such a creation is no longer something that can be defeated by a "servant".

Especially because they were relatively close, when the Radiant Composite Grand Temple used its Noble Phantasm to tear apart the Okutama Mountains, they also saw the sky-reaching beam.

Recalling the terrifying power contained in that beam of light, even Cu Chulainn was extremely powerless. That level of power was simply not something that humans could withstand.

If he was alive, he might still have a chance to try it, but now...

"So Master, what's the next strategy? You won't give up now, right?"

"Give up? What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Medea slammed the table like a cat with fur and stood up from the chair, walked quickly to Cu Chulainn, and pointed at the armor on his arm.

"Are you underestimating me? Don't underestimate a woman's determination! This is just a little trouble. The most important thing now is to attract the other party to release the Noble Phantasm sincerely."

At this point, Medea paused and looked at Cu Chulainn with a strange look.

Cu Chulainn was also numbed by her eyes. He couldn't believe it when he recalled what Medea had just said: "Wait, Master! You don't want me to attract the other party to release the treasure." Tou, right? This is really going to kill people, I will definitely die!"

"Ah? Are you still awake, what nonsense are you talking about? Why do you think that with your own strength, you can seduce that guy in the sky to release the Noble Phantasm to deal with you, a servant, an aerial battle fortress of that level? It doesn’t need to be that troublesome at all.”

Medea sat back on the chair, biting her fingers and thinking silently.

"You were quite good at telling lies when you were summoned, but once you encounter something, it's useless. Fortunately, it still has some effect. From now on, you will always pay attention to that thing in the sky, waiting for it to appear again. You told me when you launched the Noble Phantasm... I shouldn't be the only one who finds that guy troublesome, there will definitely be people testing him, so don't be too anxious now."

" this what you mean by launching the Noble Phantasm again?"

Cu Chulainn's voice interrupted Medea's thinking. She raised her head impatiently and was shocked. She saw that above the Great Temple of Glory, there was an additional one that looked as dazzling as the sun. Photosphere.

However, after a brief shock, Medea felt ecstasy in her heart: "I actually launched the Noble Phantasm like this. Which 'good samaritan' helped me? Forget it, ignore him, Lancer, be prepared!"

"Oh my, this power is really incredible." Cu Chulainn was sighing at the small sun outside the window when he suddenly heard his master's order.

"Preparation? What preparation?"

"Of course it's preparation for taking off. Let them see that they are not the only ones with flying battle fortresses in this war!"

Medea unfolded a series of magic arrays in front of her and quickly manipulated various parameters.

"Wait! Can this thing fly?! I have never heard of such a thing. How did you do it?!"

Cu Chulainn felt the castle beneath him begin to vibrate, and his jaw dropped.

Not to mention the fact that the other party silently transformed the entire castle into a flying prop, he remembered that there should be no corresponding "accomplishments" in the myths and legends related to his master.

In other words, the ability of this castle to fly is not at all the ability of the Noble Phantasm, but the magic skills of this unusually willful Master.

This... Cu Chulainn, who was also proficient in magic during his lifetime, certainly knew how difficult it was to do this.

"Master...when did you transform this castle into a flying one?"

"Ah? What are you talking about? What I have transformed is not just a mere castle, but an entire mountain range. This is not a flying prop, but a genuine floating city!"

Medea tilted her head to look like Cu Chulainn, with a proud smile on her face.

As the Noble Phantasm above the Glory Composite Temple was launched, Medea had also debugged the "Floating City" and placed her palm on the magic array in the center to give instructions:

"Ares Seven Type Battle Fortress, activate!"

"Hey, hey, that name sounds wrong!"

Amid Cú Chulainn's horrified complaints, the not-so-short mountain where the castle was located began to shake. With the billowing smoke and shattered rocks, the main body of the mountain, including a large rock below, slowly floated into suspension.

The entire battle fortress looks like a diamond, and on the surface of the original mountain, objects that move like scales appear, sticking tightly to the battle fortress.

Judging from the gleaming magical light emanating from these scale-like things, it seems that these things are supporting the entire mountain to float, and the direction change of the floating city relies on the work of the "scales" above.

"That's...a golem puppet? Are you using the golem as power?"

Cu Chulainn used his own eyesight to see clearly what those scale-like things were.

"Of course, otherwise you think why I have been working hard to make the golem for this period of time, just for this purpose."

Medea answered without looking back while checking the status of the floating city. When the two floating fortresses attacking each other in the distance stopped, Medea finally ended all inspections.

"Very good, the magic power path is very smooth, and the magic power supply of the Great Holy Grail is quite sufficient. There is no need to worry about the energy problem for the time being. Huh? In addition to that temple, are there any other floating battle fortresses? It seems genius People always think the same way."

"Master, I think you should stop being complacent. Those two seem to be targeting us."

Cu Chulainn looked at the two floating battle fortresses that had stopped fighting, and sweat broke out on his head. He had seen the exchange of fire between the two sides just now.

For him, just dealing with a floating battle fortress is quite difficult. If two of them attack him together, he will definitely not survive.

"Don't worry, I'll try it out at most and you won't be able to fight." Medea seemed very relaxed.

"How to say?"

"Not to mention the temple. It has been suspended in place without moving since it floated into the air. This shows that the entire temple has not been fully expanded and needs more time to accumulate strength.

What's more, the other party has just launched a Noble Phantasm. With that kind of power, even if it can be forcibly launched continuously, the Noble Phantasm will inevitably be damaged. If there was only one enemy, the person controlling the temple might be able to use it if he was more decisive, but now that there were two enemies, it was naturally impossible for the other party to choose to use it forcefully at the risk of being scrapped.

After all, after launching that kind of Noble Phantasm, the temple will definitely fall into a defenseless state in a short period of time. Even if it can turn around quickly, the flaws that appear will be enough for me to shoot it down. "

Medea saw this thing very clearly. Although it was a bit tricky, she actually created an entire floating battle fortress. It can be said that she is an absolute expert on floating battle fortresses in this era.

As they spoke, the Great Temple of Glory and the Sky Courtyard opened fire again. However, as Medea said, the attacks between the two sides were still just "painless" magic bombardments.

Although this level of magical bombardment is not inferior to the liberation of A-level Noble Phantasms, it can only be regarded as a trial for the three floating fortresses.

Medea controlled the magic array in her hand, and as she gave her order, part of the "scale" demon statue located in the upper part of the floating city fell off and flew around the floating city.

When they sensed the attack of the magic cannon, the golems quickly gathered together and formed a shape similar to flower petals. The magic patterns on their bodies combined together to spread protective magic barriers in mid-air.

The magic bombardment attacks from the enemies on both sides made the barrier tremble slightly, as if it would collapse in the next moment, but it was still able to withstand it in the end.

The other groups of scale golems are combined into another form, which looks like a hollow hexagonal frame.

As the magic patterns on the golem's body began to glow, huge clusters of blue magic balls appeared in the center of the hexagonal frame, slowly growing in size as they accumulated power.

When the magic ball expanded to fill the entire frame, accompanied by a "buzzing" sound generated by a large amount of magic resonance, the magic ball, which had turned somewhat red in color, was "ejected" towards the Glory Compound Grand Temple and the Sky Courtyard. flew over.

Boom boom boom!

As Medea expected, these magic balls looked powerful, but could not pose any threat to the enemies on both sides.

Just a few magic beams went down, and the magic ball that was still in the air was detonated. The only effect was to make Fuyuki City dawn again.

"That's pretty much it. It seems that everyone has forcibly activated the floating device, causing various minor problems in their battle fortress."

Medea curled her lips and seemed to have suddenly lost her energy, sitting on her chair like a salted fish.

"This is the end?"

Cu Chulainn looked at the enemies on the other two sides who had stopped shelling with some confusion. At this time, the three floating battle fortresses were slowly moving away from each other, seemingly retreating temporarily.

"To be precise, that's it for tonight, but get ready for the battle. The real battle should begin tomorrow morning."

After taking a deep breath, Medea pinched the bridge of her nose hard to force herself to cheer up, and began to sit in front of the control magic array to re-adjust it.

Cu Chulainn looked at Medea's serious back and was silent for a moment. In the end, he didn't speak anymore. Instead, he quietly closed the door and stood quietly outside the house.

Cu Chulainn knew very well that under the protection of the external barrier, it was almost impossible for anyone to sneak in here without his master knowing about it, but looking at his master's tired look, he still silently helped her protect her. .

On the other side, Osmandis looked at the two floating battle fortresses slowly moving away, with a happy smile on his face.

"Hahahaha! Yes, only such enemies are worthy of Yu's return! Enjoy quietly and enjoy your last moments. When the sun rises, you are destined to be burned to pieces by Yu's divine light. live."

Osmandis is just arrogant rather than stupid. He knows very well that even with the power of the Radiant Composite Grand Temple, it is too difficult to face two enemies at once.

The only way is to wait until dawn. His power comes from the light of the sun, and he can exert his greatest power during the day.

Moreover, Medea's guess was actually correct. Because of being disturbed by the battle between Zheng Shu and Arash, Osmandis, in a moment of willfulness, forcibly activated the Noble Phantasm that was not fully prepared, so that the Radiant Composite Temple still appeared. A little bit of a problem.

Otherwise, according to Osmandis's character, he would not stop there after raising his "grave". He would at least let his Noble Phantasm carry him around the city.

With the same thought, the three parties retreated quietly, waiting for the day to come.


Zheng Shu and his group were wandering on the street, and he had already brought Artoria and the others to join Matou Sakura and the others.

The original plan was to go to Matou's house to discuss matters, but perhaps to avoid the Holy Grail War, the door to Matou's house was locked, and there were no lights on in the room, so no one was there.

So several people had to change their minds and decided to go to Emiya's house first to discuss the next matter.

But just as a few people were passing through a dim street, a figure stopped in front of them.

"I have something I want to talk to you about."


Tohsaka Rin and the others looked at the dark alley warily, but the few servants didn't look too wary, because the other party had already released his aura a long time ago, showing his existence.

Without any attempt to hide it, a figure walked out of the shadows. It was a girl with a tired look on her face.

This girl was wearing a neat nun's uniform, and her fair skin exposed from the cuffs and collar was very dazzling.

She has white wavy hair, long hair shawl, and a pair of golden pupils that look very beautiful, but now her tired face makes these pupils look a little dull.

"That's why I said, you magicians are really troublesome." There was still unconcealable fatigue in the calm voice.

After seeing the appearance of the visitor, Tohsaka Rin jumped out and stood in front of Shirou Emiya as if he were there:

"Karen Ordesia?! What are you doing here?"


Kallen lowered her eyelids slightly, seemingly carelessly, but the resentment in her tone was so strong that it was scary.

"What else could it be for? Of course, it is to ensure that the Holy Grail War will not make the world aware of the magician's existence, so I will do things like blowing up the mall, making the school disappear from Fuyuki City, and turning the streets of the neighborhood into lava. Let’s take care of things like that!”

"Cough cough cough..."

As soon as these words came out, Tohsaka Rin, who was originally aggressive, suddenly became a little guilty, and then he puffed up his chest as if he thought of something: "It's none of my business! Those things were all made by the Lancer who set the fire!"

Hit the target! Zheng Shu could even see the veins of anger popping up on Kallen's originally expressionless face.

Not caring about the other people around Tosaka Rin, Kallen strode up to her, reached out and clasped her head. Judging from the bulging blood vessels on her arms, she must have used all her strength, and her voice was full of emotion. Gritting teeth.

"What do you think is the reason for such a thing to happen?!"

"It hurts so much! Let go, you pervert!"

Tosaka Rin screamed in pain and struggled wildly in Kallen's hands, trying to free his head.

Seeing that the two parties were having a lot of fun, it was not easy for everyone to get involved. It was not until Shirou Emiya couldn't stand it anymore and went to rescue him that Kallen obediently let go of his hand.

However, when she let go, she also hooked Emiya Shirou's arm and leaned against him, with a set of movements that looked very skillful.

"Also, you actually let Shirou participate in such a battle. Don't you know how cruel the Holy Grail War is?"

"What does this have to do with me? And you, a lecherous nun, please release your hands quickly!" Tohsaka Rin looked crazy.


Seeing that the play between the two was about to continue, Zheng Shu winked at Hong A, so he very skillfully grabbed Tohsaka Rin's clothes by the back of his neck and slipped her back like a cat.

"If you're joking, let's talk about it later. Miss Karen, why did you come to us?"

After hearing the formal inquiry, Kallen finally returned to normal. It was obvious that the teasing towards Tohsaka Rin just now was completely her bad taste.

"Mr. Zheng Shu... I didn't expect you to be one of the servants. No wonder you have such strength. As for the reason why I came to you, isn't it already obvious?"

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at the temple in the distance that was still conspicuous even in the night sky.

"Okay, what are your plans?"

"This is not the place to talk. Please come with me first."

Kallen looked around. Although this place can be considered remote, such a large group of people standing here is very conspicuous.

Zheng Shu looked back and saw that no one present had any intention of objecting, including Tohsaka Rin who was sulking at first, so he nodded: "Lead the way."

While following Kalen to the place she mentioned, Tohsaka Rin also introduced her situation clearly to several people present.

Kallen is the daughter of the former church pastor Kotomine Kirei, and now serves as a nun in the Holy Church. However, due to Kotomine Kirei's resignation and her practice of magic, Kallen has been marginalized a long time ago.

This can be seen from the fact that the church sent Amakusa Shiro Tokisada to Fuyuki City to take over the work a long time ago, but did not arrange a new job for Kallen.

So much so that Kallen has been working in a small church on the other side of Fuyuki City for so many years.

As for the sudden reactivation this time, it is most likely that the Holy Church has discovered the fact of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada's betrayal, so it has no choice but to let Kallen take full charge of matters in Fuyuki City.

When Zheng Shu heard this, he unconsciously glanced at the girl who was leading the way from the corner of his eyes.

For most people, having their career development stage interrupted because of their father is definitely not a good thing, but for Karen, it might not be a bad thing.

At least because the Holy Church marginalized her, Karen's main job now has always been to run a small church, and magic-related things have nothing to do with her.

Depending on Karen's constitution, this might be a good thing.


Not long after, Kallen's voice came from the front. After Zheng Shu raised his head and glanced at the place in front of him, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Because if he read it correctly, this should be a ramen shop, and it is the kind of ramen shop that has a very poor business.

There were obviously a lot of people in the surrounding shops, but this ramen shop looked quite empty.

Zheng Shu moved his nose and his eyes turned into dead fish eyes after smelling the spicy smell coming from inside. If he guessed correctly, he probably knew who opened this place.

"Oh, what a rare visitor."

Just when several others were still confused, the door of the ramen shop was opened from the inside, and a man with a serious expression walked out.

"Aaaaah?! Kotomine Kirei? Why are you here? Did you come here to open a ramen shop after resigning from the Holy Church?"

Tohsaka Rin looked a little unbelievable. She naturally knew about her father's disciple, but she had never heard anything about him since he resigned from the church.

Of course, apart from Tohsaka Rin, the one who was even more shocked should be the red A next to Zheng Shu.

Zheng Shu could even see that the expression on his face was already losing control. It was probably because Kirei Kotomine, dressed in a chef's uniform, was too shocking for him.

"It's Rin. The noise you made this time is a bit too big. The senior leaders of the Holy Church and the Magicians Association must be very distressed. Even church members like me who had resigned long ago have been reactivated."

Although he said this, Zheng Shu felt that the guy in front of him seemed to be enjoying himself.

It's right to think about it. According to Kotomine Kirei's character, when he thinks that the senior people are tossing and turning with a headache, not laughing out loud is already the greatest respect for the other party.

Tosaka Rin gritted his teeth but did not refute. In any case, Kotomine Kirei had indeed tried his best to guide her when she was a child, and he could be regarded as half of her teacher.

And because Kotomine Kirei has found a way to find pleasure that is more suitable for him, the relationship between the two parties is considered good.

"Then...come in first."

(PS: The decisive battle will be tomorrow. I will return to the Age of Gods after finishing the five battles.)

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