The city of Calydon is now in a mess, and King Oeneus keeps walking around like an ant on a hot pot.

Behind him, the magician of the royal court was urgently repairing the base of the magic circle.

Soon the magician gave him bad news. Due to two consecutive high-intensity impacts, the base of the magic circle had been completely damaged, and it was impossible to repair it in a short time.

This conclusion made everyone present turn pale. They knew very well that without the protection of the city-state level magic circle, everyone present would have to answer here if there was another shock wave.

"Is there no other way?"

Onius felt that his hands were shaking a little. They didn't know what the fighting situation was like over there, so the next shock wave could arrive at any time.

The magician shook his head regretfully, and Oeneus sat down on his throne slumped.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Atalanta seemed to have discovered something, and walked out of the palace to look at the sky in the distance.

"What's wrong?"

Meleager was a little nervous. If there was another shock wave now, there would be nothing they could do.

"Don't worry, the battle is over."


As soon as Atalanta finished speaking, Zheng Shu landed on the palace with a sonic boom.

Zheng Shu nodded towards Atalanta and said nothing more. Instead, he stood in mid-air and let his sight cover the entire city.

The clairvoyance magic unfolded in his eyes, allowing him to see all the creatures in the city.

With the drive of the resurrected divinity, a large amount of magic power was converted into healing power, and then was thrown out by Zheng Shu, permeating the entire city.

In the surprised eyes of the Calydonians, bits of starlight-like magic fell from the sky and accurately landed on everyone's head.

Anyone who comes into contact with the magic starlight will have their diseases immediately cured. Whether they are old illnesses or injuries caused in the panic just now, they will heal and recover quickly.


Looking at this miraculous scene, many people's legs softened and fell to their knees, praying towards the figure suspended in mid-air.

It wasn't until half of the magic energy in his body was squandered that Zheng Shu slowly ended his act of redemption and fell to the ground.

"I didn't expect that you would have reached this point before you knew it. Why, do you want me to call you Lord God?"

Atalanta stood aside, holding her Sky Bow in surprise. She still remembered the scene when she just met Zheng Shu. She didn't expect that only a few years later, the young-looking guy had reached such a level. .

"I'm pretty lucky after all."

Zheng Shu smiled, and the bloated-looking decoration in front of the God's Arms, which had been gathered into a belt, suddenly opened, revealing the objects stored inside.

"I took a look just now. Your leg strength is indeed strong enough. You are truly the first. So this is the reward we agreed on."

Zheng Shu directly picked up the golden apple kept inside the Arms of God and handed it over. Fortunately, the golden apple was not big, so it could barely be preserved by the gap in the Arms of God.

The golden apple had just been taken out by Zheng Shu. Even though they were shocked by Zheng Shu's power just now, the eyes of the people around him were involuntarily focused on it.

Zheng Shu blinked at the reactions of these people. It seemed that the attraction of golden apples to creatures without divinity was stronger than he imagined.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu's actions after appearing just now were too terrifying. Even if they knew that this was a rumored treasure that was even precious to gods, the people around them just took one look at it and forced themselves to use their willpower. Averted his eyes.

"Golden apples?!"

Atalanta's performance was even more intense than those around her. From the moment the golden apple was revealed, her eyes never left.

Zheng Shu could feel that her spirit and will were struggling hard, but her body and biological instincts involuntarily forced her to look at the golden apple.

Zheng Shu knew very well that the reason for Atalanta's behavior was not a curse or greed. It was actually very simple, because her body was "hungry".

Of course, the "hungry" mentioned here is not a simple feeling of hunger, but another kind of instinct similar to a person who has not eaten sugar for a long time, so the body can't help but want to eat something sweet.

It's just that what Atalanta's body lacks is more important. Strictly speaking, it's probably "vitality."

In fact, Zheng Shu had already discovered something was wrong with her when she was on the Argonaut.

Although the fruits he spawned with his resurrected divinity do taste good, and if you don't eat vegetables at sea for a long time, you will indeed lack vitamins, but Atalanta's desire for fruits is a bit too much.

At first, Zheng Shu didn't notice the problem when he ate the fruit and shared it with Atalanta. After giving her the doll that could automatically produce fruit, he learned that Atalanta only used it for more than ten days. Zheng Shu discovered something was wrong when time exhausted the divinity in the doll.

Even if Atalanta herself has a sweet tooth, this amount of food is a bit too much. Judging from the amount of divinity left in the character by Zheng Shu, Atalanta eats almost all the time except sleeping. Eating fruit.

That is to say, her body is strong enough that ordinary people might be able to survive.

But the problem was that although Zheng Shu knew that there might be something wrong with Atalanta's body, he didn't know what the cause was.

Finally, after Zheng Shu saw the golden apple and felt the impulse emerging from his body, he suddenly realized why Atalanta behaved like this.

What Atalanta lacked in her body was not vitamins and sugar, but vitality.

This can also explain why she is particularly obsessed with the fruit spawned by Zheng Shu. After all, it was spawned with resurrected divinity. Even if the content is extremely low, it still has a very subtle aura of divinity.

Resurrection of divinity is the type that can best replenish vitality for living beings. It is understandable that Atalanta's extraordinary intuition senses that the fruit contains the power she needs.

As for the reason why she lacked vitality, Zheng Shu's eyes fell on the Sky Bow that Atalanta had never left.

This bow is the weapon of God given to him by Artemis. The Moon God is indeed devoted to his adopted daughter. This Sky Bow should be the weapon used by the Moon God before, and the quality is quite good.

But just because the quality is quite good, problems arise.

In fact, Atalanta has never been able to fully utilize the power of this bow. During normal battles, she simply pulls the bow open, which consumes the power of the bow itself.

After all, if you want to drive this bow, the required magic power cannot be supplied even if Atalanta's body is drained dry.

But because the quality of this weapon of God is so high, even if it has not used its real power and is just "held", Atalanta's too thin divine bloodline cannot bear it at all, so she can only use her life force as " The price of holding "the weapons of God."

In this regard, the golden apple is definitely a panacea for Atalanta's "illness".

"Eat first."

Seeing Atalanta's troubled expression, Zheng Shu smiled and put the golden apple into her hand.

The terrifying vitality of the golden apple, which is enough to extend the life of the gods, can completely make up for the vitality deficiency in Atalanta's body, and the remaining power of the golden apple can also slightly strengthen her divine bloodline.

With a powerful enough divine bloodline to supply the Sky Bow, Atalanta would no longer have such symptoms in the future.

Zheng Shu's eyebrows suddenly twitched, and he suddenly thought of the last legend about Atalanta, the legend that she failed in the running race because of the golden apple.

I hope that unlucky child won't die too miserably by then!

Zheng Shu mourned for three seconds in his heart, then smiled and looked at Atalanta who devoured the golden apple, including the flesh and core.

"how do you feel?"

"It's... strange. It feels like my body has suddenly relaxed, as if a heavy burden has been suddenly lifted."

Atalanta finally regained her consciousness after eating the golden apple. She looked at her hands and felt a little amazed at the changes in her body.

"The effect of the golden apple should continue to take effect in the next period of time. You can take advantage of this period to exercise more and improve your strength as much as possible."

"This very precious?" Atalanta asked, clenching her fist.

"Huh? It's okay, just so-so."

Oeneus and Meleager, who had been eavesdropping since just now, almost knelt down after hearing Zheng Shu's answer.

Those are golden apples!

It is said that this golden apple even caused a quarrel between the gods. Can the preciousness of this thing be described as "average"?

"Okay, don't think so much. This is actually Lord Moon's golden apple. The Sky Bow is too heavy for you, so you need the golden apple to replenish your vitality. By the way, take out the doll core. I will replenish your divinity again."

In order to make Atalanta feel at ease, Zheng Shu blamed the source of this thing on the moon god.

"Lord Luna...I'm sorry, I've been using dolls a little too much lately."

There was a rare trace of shame on Atalanta's face, and she hesitantly reached out and took out the crystal that had become like a stone from her bag.

"Haha! Remember to use it less frequently this time."

Zheng Shu laughed indifferently and reached out to touch the crystal.

In the blink of an eye, the crystal that was originally as dull as a stone instantly became crystal clear, and the faint bright spots inside became bright again.

"Thanks... Huh? Why is your face a little blurry?"

"Oh? Can you feel the blur? It seems that the golden apple takes effect faster than I thought. Remember to exercise more in the recent period."

Before Atalanta could say anything else, Zheng Shu waved his hand and turned to help with disaster relief in areas where buildings had collapsed.

For the next month, Zheng Shu spent time in the Calydon region helping with disaster relief.

Although the number of casualties was greatly reduced because he exerted his resurrection power immediately after the battle, the damage to the building could not be compensated.

And although the demon pig has various flaws, it has indeed been forcibly strengthened to the main god level by an unknown force, and the corrupt aura on it has an impact beyond imagination.

Fortunately, the crops in the Calydon area had already been harvested when the magic pig appeared, so the loss in food was not too great.

But if no one takes care of these lands, the next crop will never grow.

I'm afraid it will take hundreds of years of dilution before the corrupt power in the land is reduced enough for plants to grow.

This is what Zheng Shu mainly did for more than a month. He constantly patrolled the areas where the two sides were fighting, and purified all the polluted land and waters with his own divine power.

Fortunately, although this life is boring, Zheng Shu's gains are not bad.

As time went by, Calydon's magic pig gradually became known to everyone, and Zheng Shu's rescue of people during this period also made his reputation grow.

Furthermore, the "instant noodles" he invented became known to more people.

So one day a month later, Zheng Shu, who was using his divine power to purify the last area, suddenly felt something different.


Zheng Shu was stunned by the sudden feeling, but he didn't know what had changed in him.

After quickly reviewing all his situations, Zheng Shu finally discovered the changes on the light blue panel.

The number one skill that had been in gray because of the lack of "instant noodles" lighted up again.


Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly lit up, and the aura on his body was unconsciously released due to excessive excitement. Fortunately, he quickly controlled his emotions and took back the aura as heavy as a mountain.

Raising his hand and releasing a skill again according to the feeling of releasing the skill before, Zheng Shu found a small rub of light yellow flour on his palm.

From the smell, it is indeed the most common kind of "instant noodles" made from various grains ground into powder and then stir-fried.

This handful of flour that ordinary heroes would not even bother to eat was carefully poured into the mouth. He closed his eyes and carefully felt the slightly bitter aroma of grains coming from his mouth. Zheng Shu's face showed an indescribable twist. expression.

Within the closed eyes, lines related to perspective magic gathered on the eyes, and Zheng Shu could see the outside scene without opening his eyelids.

Turning his gaze to a rock in the distance, his god-level insight and perspective magic easily controlled the tiny gaps inside the rock.


As Zheng Shu's thoughts moved, the giant rock that required a village of people to work for more than a month to walk silently cracked a thin mark.

Seeing this effect, Zheng Shu smiled with satisfaction.

From now on...he is invincible!

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