Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 431 Entering the Mountain

The sudden death of so many people did cause a commotion in the train.

As soon as the train arrived at the next station, a group of police officers rushed up to conduct inspections, and in the middle of them was a person dressed like a courier boy.

"There are six people in total... They are really ruthless."

The captain of the police team felt a headache looking at the corpses in front of him. If this case was really committed by a normal person, it would be a shocking case.

"Don't worry, both arms of that strong man over there were completely crushed. This is definitely not something a normal person can do."

Just when he was worried, the man wearing the Tongtong uniform walked up to him.

"How's it going? Is there any result?"

"Yes, you don't have to worry too much. Judging from the results of my examination, these people are all aliens. I recognized two of them. They are omnisexuals, and they are the kind of guys who are famous on the list. Even if you are caught, you will be sentenced to life.

Although the remaining few are not familiar with each other, they are probably not good people to be with these two people, and they are most likely to be full-blooded people. "

The captain breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and felt a lot more relaxed.

"It turns out that these guys are people with the surname Quan. Fortunately, it will be much easier to handle. It seems that there is no need to work overtime today. According to what you said, today's scene is either 'eliminating demons and defending the Tao', or it is 'Revenge', right?"

"It could also be that 'drawing a sword to help when the road is rough', but in any case, there is really no big problem with this matter. I will report it to the superiors and you can close the case."

"Hey, I'm in trouble this time. If it weren't for you, I might have to work overtime again. How about it? Let's go out to dinner tonight and I'll treat you!"

Knowing that the problem was not serious, the captain seemed very happy and even wanted to take out a cigarette and take a few puffs, but after thinking that he was on a train, he could only stuff the cigarette case back into his coat.

"Forget it, you're fine. I have to go back and write a report. I don't have much time tonight. Also, remember to do a good job of guiding people. No matter what, several people died, so try to suppress public opinion. "

The Nadoutong employee waved his hand, took a few photos of the corpse on the ground carefully, and then left.

"Don't worry, my people are professionals."

The captain directed the men to move all the corpses on the ground out, and he followed the other party out.

Just like what Liu Xingyang said, after discovering that this case was a fight between different people, the authorities' law enforcement agencies did not get too involved, especially after knowing that the dead people were all omnisexuals. , and no one wants to care about them.

The police officers only briefly searched the train and withdrew after confirming that there were no prohibited items.

As for the results of the investigation, the official notification was that these people all died of various diseases induced by hallucinations after taking too much mysterious foreign technology.

Anyway, except for the strong man, the remaining few people did not have any external injuries when they died. It is normal to say that they died due to illness.

As for the strong man with disabled arms, most people actually didn't see what his arms looked like at all. They only knew that his hands were bloody, so he could suffer from hallucinations and self-mutilation if he took too much mysterious technology. Explain the past.

The train station also quickly arranged a new train to transfer all passengers to this train.

At the same time, the police also specially sent people to arrange a law-enhancing lecture on obeying laws and regulations in the car, so that the passengers in the car knew why these people died.

Fortunately, there were no further twists and turns, but with such a piecemeal set of procedures, by the time Zheng Shu and the others' train arrived at the station, it was already the morning of the next day.

Because several people arrived a few days early, the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain had not yet started, and the three of them had no place to stay for the time being.

After all, the front mountain tourist area of ​​Longhu Mountain that faces the world can be entered at any time, but the real cultivation place in the back mountain is generally not open, and only during the days when the Luotian Dajiao is held will guests from afar be allowed in. They enter.

Under normal circumstances, if one dares to enter the back mountain of Longhu Mountain casually, the intruder will be greeted by the golden light curse of Zhengyi Sect.

So Liu Xingyang took the two of them to the hotel they booked in advance and stayed there, quietly waiting for the Luotian Dajiao in a few days.

Zheng Shu has not been idle these two days. While practicing, he is also constantly guiding Liu Xingyang and Huang Ming to learn to use their own energy to release the spirit of speech: judgment.

The headquarters building is accessible from anywhere in East China.

Even though it was late at night, a man with a long face and Mediterranean hair was still processing all kinds of information. This was Dou Le, the person in charge of the East China Region.

"'s been such a troubled time."

Dou Le took a deep breath of cigarette and exhaled it, then casually pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray next to him.

Since the incident involving the Luo Tian Dajiao began to ferment, the number of incidents caused by strangers in the area he was responsible for has increased significantly, so much so that he had to work overtime continuously.

Reaching out and stroking the few hairs on his head, Dou Le looked quite distressed. Overtime work in the past few days had made the already sparse hair on his head even more precarious. If this continues, it won't take long. The top of my head is really bald.

Just when he was distressed, the door behind him was opened.

Even if Dou Le didn't look back, he knew that there was only one person who could enter his office directly without saying hello.


Although it was a question, Dou Le had already concluded in his heart that no prey could escape from the hands of his pervert.

"Solved, this time the target is a bit slippery, but the 'quality' is pretty good."

The visitor had neatly styled hair and wore glasses on his tough face, which made him look somewhat elegant.

However, Dou Le knew very well that this guy only looked gentle. He was an out-and-out "lunatic". No, calling him a lunatic was a bit too much to praise him. This guy was simply different from ordinary people. abnormal".

Not many people in the company know of his existence, because he is a "temporary worker" affiliated with the East China Region Medutong Branch - Xiao Zizai.

The so-called "temporary workers" are a special system of Nandotong Company.

The company has one temporary worker position for each region. Most of them are experts who are in need of the company. They are directly under the jurisdiction of the person in charge of the region.

As the company's hidden high-end combat power, the company provides identity protection for them. At the same time, temporary workers perform some tasks for the company that are not convenient for showing up. This is also a way for the company to further participate in the affairs of the alien world.

Xiao Zizai himself is very strong, and although he has weird interests, his work happens to be perfectly consistent with his interests, so Dou Le also trusts Xiao Zizai quite a bit.

"It's so late and you haven't rested yet. Are you working on a case again? It's not good for your health to stay up like this all the time."

Xiao Zizi sat at the other end of the conference table and pushed up his glasses.

Although he is a pervert, he is not very bad. In order to restrain his perverted thoughts, his moral values ​​may be much higher than most people.

"I can't help it. Because of the Luotian Dajiao, this place is getting more and more lively."

Dou Le lit up another cigarette in annoyance and pushed a document in his hand over: "This Luotian Festival hasn't even started yet, and someone has already become so irritable. Well, there are already people on the train. The superior took action blatantly.”

"Luo Tian Dajiao? Didn't you say this was the action of Xu Laosi from the north? Why is it your job again?"

Xiao Zizai skillfully picked up the document and opened it, looking at several photos and written information inside.

"Tsk, that's what I said. Jiangxi is my territory anyway. Even if the territory of Longhu Mountain is taken over by this kid, I still have to deal with the troubles in other places."


Xiao Zizai looked at the information in his hand and said nothing. After a while, he finally put down the information in his hand with envy.

"I'm so envious... I can experience the loss of six lives at once. It's a pity that this person killed Quan Xing, so I can't find him."

"You're guy's focus is always so strange. Didn't I just find you a prey?"

"I have a disease that cannot be cured. Even if you find a few prey for me, you can only suppress it temporarily. As long as you see new prey, it will relapse again."

Pushing up his glasses, Xiao Zizai's expression was still very calm, making it impossible to confirm whether what he said was true or false.

"Your state is really troublesome, but don't worry, I can find some prey for you on Longhu Mountain in two days."

Xiao Zizai's eyes finally lit up when he heard this, and a hint of vitality appeared on his originally expressionless face. However, he was a little troubled in his heart, and he was still a little worried about his old buddy.

"Is this possible? Can Mr. Xu agree?"

"We are all colleagues. Wouldn't he be happy if I asked my people to help him? Besides, Jiangxi is my territory after all. Even if he is responsible for the plan about Longhu Mountain, I will go shopping on my territory. It’s not a problem to swim around.”

Dou Le smoothed the remaining hair on his head and glanced at Xiao Zizai, his expression a little solemn.

"But after this incident, you have to be more restrained recently. I let you kill a few people on Longhu Mountain this time, but you won't be able to be so casual in the future. After all, the higher ups have begun to pay attention to you temporary workers. "

"Is that so? That would be really troublesome..."

Using the same movement as Dou Le, he smoothed his hair. No one could understand the emotion in Xiao Zizai's eyes.

On the day of the Luotian Dajiao, in front of Longhu Mountain.

It can be said that the crowds here are huge and noisy. It is obviously not the peak tourist season, but it is still crowded.

Looking around, everything that caught the eye was filled with human heads, one next to the other. Not to mention the scenery, Zheng Shu almost couldn't even see the gate of Longhu Mountain.

There were also rows of vendors sitting on the roadsides on both sides, selling basically everything. Zheng Shu even saw a monk squatting aside selling various Buddhist instruments.

Dressed as a monk in the realm of Taoists, I don't know whether this hawker is not very smart or really has a big heart. Fortunately, the Taoists in Tianshi Mansion don't care about this kind of thing, otherwise he will definitely be beaten out.

Looking at it like this, this is the blessed land of Cave Heaven that has been inherited by the Tianshi Mansion for thousands of years, but now it has become a tourist attraction, and it looks like it is much better than Zheng Shu's Baiyun Temple.

Because they were in Longhu Mountain, Zheng Shu and the others were dressed in Taoist robes and became less conspicuous.

"There are a lot more people than we thought."

Zheng Shu felt a little emotional. Of course he was not talking about tourists, but strangers. Just standing here for a few minutes, he had already sensed the aura of dozens of strangers.

Moreover, many of the vendors on the street were strangers who had practiced Qi, including the vendor who was dressed like a monk.

"Yes, ordinary Luotian Dajiao usually only invites Taoist practitioners and necessary guests. Although ordinary people can visit it on their own, no one will come specifically to participate. However, the rules for this competition in Luotian Dajiao are temporary. There has been a change, and all aliens under the age of thirty can participate in the selection, so the number of people has increased a lot."

Liu Xingyang felt a little emotional when he saw the scene in front of him, and led the two of them past the crowd towards the entrance.

The front mountain of Longhu Mountain belongs to the Tourism Bureau. Even the Taoist priest of Tianshi Mansion can only control a little bit of the area. The back mountain is the main headquarters of Tianshi Mansion.

However, if you want to reach the back mountain, the formal channel is to enter from the front mountain, so a few people can only buy tickets obediently.

"A ticket costs two hundred and is indeed the Zhengtian Master's Mansion. Even the tickets are more expensive than our Taoist temple."

Huang Ming murmured in a low voice after buying the ticket. Zheng Shu didn't know what the boy was feeling.

"By the way, don't strike up casual conversations when you enter the mountain later. Many of the Taoist priests in the mountain are hired by the tourism bureau to do things. They are not real people from the Tianshi Mansion." Liu Xingyang suddenly remembered something and warned them carefully.

Zheng Shu and Huang Ming looked at each other, this was the first time they heard of such a thing.

Suddenly, Zheng Shu heard the conductor's roar behind him.

"Hey! Guys, don't rush in. Have you bought a ticket?!"

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm here to participate in the Luotian Festival."

Zheng Shu turned around and saw a young man with pigtails standing at the door of the ticket office and laughing.

“No matter what you participate in, you have to buy a ticket!”

"But I was invited by the Heavenly Master..."

"It doesn't matter who invites you, just buy a ticket!"

Seeing the impatient expression on the conductor's face, a person behind the young man laughed so hard that his mouth split open.

Zheng Shu couldn't help but smile when he heard this familiar conversation. It was obvious that the young man who was arguing with the conductor about the fare was the protagonist of Under One Person: Zhang Chulan.

The three people behind him, two men and one woman, should be the person in charge and temporary workers of the North China Region Nadutong Company.

The woman with a dull expression is also the heroine of this work: Feng Baobao.

Looking past these people, Zheng Shu saw a young Taoist priest wearing a Wudang Taoist robe and carrying a cloth bag who was staring at Zhang Chulan and the others in the crowd.

The Taoist priest's hair was messy and his figure was slouched, as if he had not woken up at all.

With such obvious characteristics, Zheng Shu immediately recognized the other party.

The inheritor of Fenghou Qimen and a Taoist priest of Wudang sect, Wang Ye.

After feeling Zheng Shu's unabashed gaze, Wang Ye also raised his head and met his eyes.

After seeing Zheng Shu's dress, Wang Ye seemed to understand his identity and showed a gentle smile, while Zheng Shu nodded equally gently in response.

However, there was no further interaction between the two parties. After Zheng Shu briefly greeted Wang Ye, he followed his senior brother towards the main hall on the mountain.

"Hey, does he look like a real person? It's really rare to see these monks. Speaking of which, the little Taoist priest is a bit too handsome. He must be even prettier than that Zhang Lingyu."

Wang Ye smiled nonchalantly and looked at Zhang Chulan and the four people in front who had already bought tickets to go into the mountain.

At this time, Zhang Chulan was complaining about the tourism bureau with his companions. Wang Ye thought for a while and decided to follow up and join the conversation. By the way, he took a look at what kind of person the protagonist who made himself seriously injured just by doing calculations was like. .

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