Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 562: Paranoid King Alikira

Playing is playing, but when it comes to doing experiments, Feimto is very clear.

With his help, Zheng Shu quickly completed several relatively complex experiments with the help of some complex equipment in the laboratory, and gained a deeper understanding of the rules of this world.

And this experiment also played a very important role for Zheng Shu, because through this experiment, he finally perfectly adjusted the Kingdom of Heaven and could release it again in this world.

Before this time, due to the difference in the rules of the world, Zheng Shu could only use the Kingdom of Heaven in reverse as a sealing technique, and could not use the positive ability of the Kingdom of Heaven to accelerate himself.

Through the conversation with Feimto and the Tyrannical King, he has understood that in this world, he can also climb to a higher level, and he needs "more" time.

In the world of Blood Blockade Front, there is no difference in status between the upper beings, but there is an absolute difference in power.

Every strong person who can become a higher being is an absolute top genius in the world in terms of talent, intelligence and other aspects.

Similarly, this also means that the power gap between the upper beings is difficult to narrow, because it represents an absolute difference in time.

Everyone is a genius. When one person is constantly improving, the other is also constantly improving. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the later superior existence to surpass the previous superior existence in strength.

Although Zheng Shu's current strength barely surpasses the Thirteen Kings, that is because the Thirteen Kings are absolutely "newcomers" in the field of superior existence.

Some of the older superior existences, many of them have even their own existence and names worn away by time.

Such a long time also brings absolutely powerful power.

Just look at the eyes of the protagonist in the original work to know that for those ancient superior existences, these eyes are just a relatively high-performance camera, but their actual performance has even surpassed some of the characteristics of the Thirteen Kings.

Fortunately, all superior existences have endless time. No matter how strong the original desire is, in the end, they can only retain their most original desires under the endless time.

Since only the desire for the origin is left, in most cases, as long as the original desires of both parties do not conflict, the superior existences are quite harmonious.

Similar to the exclusive titles of the thirteen kings, in fact, the original power characteristics left by each person after their desires dissipated were too prominent, and other people who did not know the truth gave them names based on this.

But there is still a fact that cannot be avoided, that is, no matter how the latecomers catch up, it is almost impossible to catch up with the forerunners.

This is the absolute difference between the two sides in "time" and "experience".

However, this situation also made Zheng Shu feel a little uneasy.

Fortunately, the "heaven" he had obtained in the world under one person was a weapon to break this rule.

Feeling the power in his palm, Zheng Shu smiled with satisfaction.

With the time compensation provided by the heaven, he was confident that he could catch up with those older superior beings even without relying on the enhanced template.

"More importantly... Only after the power is increased to a certain limit, it is possible to join the circle of those superior beings, contact them and obtain their enhanced templates." Zheng Shu thought silently in his heart.

In addition to experiments during this period, Zheng Shu would also discuss matters about superior beings with Feimto.

Although those ancient superior beings were active for too long, even Fimto didn't know much about them.

But even so, Zheng Shu still obtained some very useful information.

In terms of power, the power of "newcomer" superior beings like the Thirteen Kings is probably in the range of "capable of destroying civilization on Earth" to "capable of completely destroying the ecosystem on the surface of the planet".

So if Zheng Shu's "Star-Destroyer" strength is only calculated in terms of absolute power, it can completely suppress all the Thirteen Kings.

Of course, the Thirteen Kings themselves also have their own special powers, so even if Zheng Shu is not careful, he may suffer losses.

However, with the assistance of the mysterious counter-magic array, Zheng Shu will only suffer a little loss at most, and there will not be too much loss.

And those ancient superior beings have accumulated powerful power because of the long time, and Zheng Shu speculates that they are at least at the "planetary level".

There are also some more ancient superior beings, Zheng Shu speculates that they have surpassed the planetary level and reached the "stellar level".

As for the earliest several superior beings that may have been born, Zheng Shu felt that these guys might have surpassed the limit of the star level and reached a higher level just by pure computing power.

Considering that each superior being has walked out his own path, and is a "free" strong man who is similar to Ort, whose power belongs to himself and is not bound by the world at all, Zheng Shu has ignited the desire to obtain their enhanced templates.

Even if the power that the enhanced templates of these superior beings can provide is not taken into account, the path they have walked out is enough to make Zheng Shu obsessed.

"Your smile is a bit too disgusting, what are you thinking about."

Femto's voice interrupted Zheng Shu's fantasy. Zheng Shu, who came back to his senses, looked at the "mud" next to him, and his eyes that were originally longing turned back to dead fish eyes.

This guy... always makes people feel ashamed to be on the same level with him.

"I always feel that you are thinking about something very impolite."

Feituomu, who was bored on the ground and was a maggot crawling, suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed to Zheng Shu's eyes.

"I just think that you were definitely born in the wrong era. If you were born in modern society, you would definitely be a perfect otaku material." Zheng Shu quickly changed the subject.

"Otaku? Let me check what it means..."

As an antique with a history of thousands of years, Feimto immediately showed his information search ability as a top scientific researcher after hearing a new word from Zheng Shu.

Even though the other world is not yet fully connected with the human world, so there are no things like computers in his laboratory, he can still use the machines made by magic technology with the same principle to check relevant information.

After learning the ins and outs of the word "otaku" and the things that this group of people are most exposed to, the man who was called "Fallen King" by the people of the other world immediately fell.

"Oh oh oh!! You're right! From today on, I'm the otaku of the new world!"

Listening to Feimuto's high-spirited declaration, Zheng Shu pinched his nose helplessly.

"Although otaku is no longer a derogatory term in modern times, it seems that no one would be so proud to be an otaku... Forget it, just be happy."

Halfway through, looking at Feimuto who had shrunk into the quilt, Zheng Shu sighed helplessly.

Just when Zheng Shu was about to go to the laboratory to conduct a few more difficult experiments to forget the maggot in front of him, an unexpected person suddenly broke in.

"Femuto, you bastard, get out of here!"

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by the roar from outside the room, there was a violent explosion that came into view.

The huge fireball was like a small sun, and the strangely shaped building was almost instantly turned into ashes under this terrifying attack.

Zheng Shu looked at the flames rushing towards him without any resistance or defensive measures, but simply hugged his arms and let his body be blown away by the shock wave of the explosion.

Letting his body drift with the shock wave like a leaf blown by the wind, Zheng Shu stroked his chin with one hand, looked at the rising sun in the distance, and couldn't help but admire in his heart:

"This is really... a bad greeting."

Yes, such a terrifying attack is just a bad greeting in Zheng Shu's eyes.

In addition to the roar before the attack, Zheng Shu also made this judgment because of the destructive power of this attack.

Although the destructive power of the fireball has far exceeded the level of tactical nuclear bombs, even divine beings need to be extremely cautious in the face of such an attack, and they will fall completely if they are not careful.

But for the upper existence, such an attack is just a greeting, a bit like the state of friends patting each other's shoulders when greeting each other.

Just as Zheng Shu was thinking, another larger fireball erupted from the "ruins" of Feimto's residence.

The blazing heat, accompanied by a deafening sound, and the huge air wave, pushed Zheng Shu's body further away again.

Zheng Shu's reaction was still very calm, but when he looked at the center of the fireball, a smile appeared in his eyes:

"Ugh, this is the level of a kick from behind."

The flames soon dissipated, revealing the meat ball in the middle, which was wrapped by many strange biochemical beasts.

Feeling that the danger outside had disappeared, the biochemical beast, which had been burned by the fireball and was scarred, quickly died, as if the person who created it had already set the time.

With the disappearance of the biochemical beast, Feimuto and the two maids who were wrapped in the center of the biochemical beast also revealed their figures. Behind them, the door of the laboratory was also protected by the biochemical beast.

"Femuto, you are still as troublesome as ever."

A female voice sounded in this strange space, and Feimuto's face seemed to droop after hearing this voice.

Zheng Shu had already seen the owner of the voice. This was a girl with a pink ponytail and a black lace gothic skirt.

Her upper face was also covered by an iron-gray mask, revealing her smooth chin and delicate lips.

At this moment, the girl was standing on a huge strange machine. Judging from the muzzle in front of the machine that was still emitting black smoke, the attack should have been launched by her.

Seeing the other party's distinctive dress, Zheng Shu immediately remembered the identity of this person.

"Yalijila! What are you doing?!"

Feimto's roar confirmed Zheng Shu's thoughts. The seemingly delicate woman in front of him was another one of the thirteen kings: the paranoid king Yalijila!

"Femto, you bastard, you actually have the nerve to ask me!"

Facing Feimto's questioning, Yalijila was not afraid at all. She jumped off her strange machine, then adjusted her body posture in mid-air and kicked Feitom in the face without hesitation.

In front of the two maids, Fimto was kicked away without any chance to fight back.

Alekira was merciless, even kicking Femto away without stopping at all. She continued to walk in front of Femto, who was collapsed in an unknown space, and kicked his upper body.

"Wait a minute! If you have something to say, don't hit me anymore! Hey, you two, did I create you just to let you two bastards watch me get beaten?! Why don't you hurry up and get this madman? open!"

Femto rolled around on the ground and scurried around, avoiding Alykira's stampede, while taking advantage of the opportunity to shout at his two servants.

However, the two maids have long been accustomed to such things. When faced with Femto's questioning, they ignored him and just stood by the door of the laboratory, silently protecting Femto's most important property.

Zheng Shushi also silently floated over from a distance and landed next to the two maids.

"If you don't help him, aren't you afraid that this guy will cause trouble for you two later?"

"It doesn't matter, this is just a way for Lord Feimto to greet his friends." One of the maids said softly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Zheng Shu shook his head with disgust, "To think that the majestic Fallen King actually has such a hobby."


Faced with Zheng Shu's cynicism and Alikira's unprovoked attack, Femto finally couldn't bear it anymore. With a loud shout, he turned over and jumped up, getting out of Alikira's attack range.

"Hey! You love-minded fool, if you keep hitting me like this, I'm going to fall out!"

Alekira didn't care at all about Femto's threat, but became even more angry:

"Huh? You bastard actually dare to fall out?! Do you know what you did?"

"Uh...what did I do? I shouldn't have done anything during this time, right?"

Being questioned like this by Alikira, the originally aggressive Femto suddenly lost his temper and asked with some uncertainty.

"It's because you bastard didn't do anything!! Have you forgotten that you promised to be the manager of that city? But what did you do, bastard? You actually hid it quietly by yourself , I took over the position in that city for you! "

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